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mpeg stream aac muxing issue

a guest
Dec 17th, 2014
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  1. $ ffmpeg -i news.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:42:55 cut.mp4
  3. [mp4 @ 0x1978e80] Malformed AAC bitstream detected: use the audio bitstream filter 'aac_adtstoasc' to fix it ('-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc' option with ffmpeg)
  4. av_interleaved_write_frame(): Operation not permitted
  5. [mp4 @ 0x1978e80] Malformed AAC bitstream detected: use the audio bitstream filter 'aac_adtstoasc' to fix it ('-bsf:a aac_adtstoasc' option with ffmpeg)
  6. frame= 1 fps=0.5 q=-1.0 Lsize= 0kB time=00:00:01.00 bitrate= 2.1kbits/s
  7. video:40kB audio:8kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:1kB muxing overhead: unknown
  8. Conversion failed!
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