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Jan 23rd, 2021
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Java 26.30 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Executing [
  2. /opt/java/bin/java \
  3. -XX:+UseParallelGC \
  4. -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions \
  5. -XX:+EnableJVMCI \
  6. -Dtruffle.TrustAllTruffleRuntimeProviders=true \
  7. \
  8. -Dgraalvm.ForcePolyglotInvalid=true \
  9. -Dgraalvm.locatorDisabled=true \
  10. -Dsubstratevm.IgnoreGraalVersionCheck=true \
  11. \
  12. \
  13. \
  14. \
  15. \
  16. \
  17. \
  18. \
  19. \
  20. \
  21. \
  22. \
  23. \
  24. \
  25. --add-exports=org.graalvm.truffle/ \
  26. --add-opens=jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.debug=ALL-UNNAMED \
  27. --add-opens=jdk.internal.vm.compiler/org.graalvm.compiler.nodes=ALL-UNNAMED \
  28. --add-opens=jdk.unsupported/sun.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED \
  29. --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED \
  30. --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED \
  31. --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED \
  32. --add-opens=java.base/ \
  33. --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \
  34. --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED \
  35. --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED \
  36. --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.ref=ALL-UNNAMED \
  37. --add-opens=java.base/ \
  38. --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED \
  39. --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.file=ALL-UNNAMED \
  40. --add-opens=java.base/ \
  41. --add-opens=java.base/javax.crypto=ALL-UNNAMED \
  42. --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED \
  43. --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED \
  44. --add-opens=java.base/ \
  45. --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.logger=ALL-UNNAMED \
  46. --add-opens=org.graalvm.sdk/org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl=ALL-UNNAMED \
  47. --add-opens=org.graalvm.sdk/org.graalvm.polyglot=ALL-UNNAMED \
  48. --add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/ \
  49. --add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/ \
  50. -XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary \
  51. -Xss10m \
  52. -Xms1g \
  53. -Xmx13315289904 \
  54. \
  55. -Duser.language=en \
  56. -Djava.awt.headless=true \
  57. -Dorg.graalvm.version=20.2.1-dev \
  58. -Dorg.graalvm.config= \
  59. \
  60. \
  61. -Xshare:off \
  62. --module-path \
  63. /opt/java/lib/truffle/truffle-api.jar \
  64. -javaagent:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/svm.jar=traceInitialization \
  65. -Djdk.internal.lambda.disableEagerInitialization=true \
  66. -Djdk.internal.lambda.eagerlyInitialize=false \
  67. -Djava.lang.invoke.InnerClassLambdaMetafactory.initializeLambdas=false \
  68. -Dclojure.spec.skip-macros=true \
  69. \
  70. -Xmx3g \
  71. -cp \
  72. /opt/java/lib/svm/builder/svm-llvm.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/javacpp-shadowed.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/pointsto.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/objectfile.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/llvm-platform-specific-shadowed.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/svm.jar:/opt/java/lib/svm/builder/llvm-wrapper-shadowed.jar \
  73. '$JDK9Plus' \
  74. -watchpid \
  75. 1 \
  76. -imagecp \
  77. /opt/java/lib/svm/library-support.jar:/clojure-lsp/target/clojure-lsp-2021.01.22-13.04.28-standalone.jar \
  78. -H:Path=/ \
  79. -H:Class=clojure_lsp.main \
  80. -H:ClassInitialization=org.graalvm.polyglot:build_time \
  81. -H:Features=org.graalvm.home.HomeFinderFeature \
  82. -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
  83. -H:ClassInitialization=:build_time \
  84. -H:+TraceClassInitialization \
  85. '-H:IncludeResources='"'"'db/.*|static/.*|templates/.*|.*.yml|.*.xml|.*/org/sqlite/.*|org/sqlite/.*|.*.xml|.*.conf'"'"'' \
  86. -H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime \
  87. -H:Log=registerResource: \
  88. -H:FallbackThreshold=0 \
  89. -H:+StaticExecutable \
  90. -H:CLibraryPath=/opt/java/lib/svm/clibraries/linux-amd64 \
  91. -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=/clojure-lsp/graalvm/reflection.json \
  92. -H:Name=clojure-lsp \
  94. ]
  95. [clojure-lsp:24]    classlist:   6,937.88 ms,  1.18 GB
  96. [clojure-lsp:24]        (cap):     863.23 ms,  1.18 GB
  97. [clojure-lsp:24]        setup:   2,852.67 ms,  1.19 GB
  98. > Loading classes for future reflection support
  99. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.core.NativeDB
  100.     > method: restore([class [B, class [B, interface org.sqlite.core.DB$ProgressObserver])
  101.     > method: restore([class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, interface org.sqlite.core.DB$ProgressObserver])
  102.     > method: changes([])
  103.     > method: column_table_name_utf8([long, int])
  104.     > method: column_name_utf8([long, int])
  105.     > method: column_text_utf8([long, int])
  106.     > method: bind_text_utf8([long, int, class [B])
  107.     > method: result_text_utf8([long, class [B])
  108.     > method: result_error_utf8([long, class [B])
  109.     > method: value_text_utf8([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  110.     > method: create_function_utf8([class [B, class org.sqlite.Function, int, int])
  111.     > method: destroy_function_utf8([class [B, int])
  112.     > method: stringToUtf8ByteArray([class java.lang.String])
  113.     > method: utf8ByteBufferToString([class java.nio.ByteBuffer])
  114.     > method: _exec_utf8([class [B])
  115.     > method: prepare_utf8([class [B])
  116.     > method: errmsg_utf8([])
  117.     > method: libversion_utf8([])
  118.     > method: column_decltype_utf8([long, int])
  119.     > method: register_progress_handler([int, class org.sqlite.ProgressHandler])
  120.     > method: clear_progress_handler([])
  121.     > method: _open_utf8([class [B, int])
  122.     > method: backup([class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, interface org.sqlite.core.DB$ProgressObserver])
  123.     > method: backup([class [B, class [B, interface org.sqlite.core.DB$ProgressObserver])
  124.     > method: finalize([long])
  125.     > method: limit([int, int])
  126.     > method: load([])
  127.     > method: interrupt([])
  128.     > method: prepare([class java.lang.String])
  129.     > method: reset([long])
  130.     > method: step([long])
  131.     > method: _close([])
  132.     > method: errmsg([])
  133.     > method: create_function([class java.lang.String, class org.sqlite.Function, int, int])
  134.     > method: destroy_function([class java.lang.String, int])
  135.     > method: result_blob([long, class [B])
  136.     > method: result_double([long, double])
  137.     > method: result_int([long, int])
  138.     > method: result_long([long, long])
  139.     > method: result_null([long])
  140.     > method: result_text([long, class java.lang.String])
  141.     > method: result_error([long, class java.lang.String])
  142.     > method: libversion([])
  143.     > method: busy_timeout([int])
  144.     > method: busy_handler([class org.sqlite.BusyHandler])
  145.     > method: total_changes([])
  146.     > method: value_text([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  147.     > method: value_int([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  148.     > method: value_double([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  149.     > method: value_blob([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  150.     > method: value_long([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  151.     > method: value_type([class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  152.     > method: shared_cache([boolean])
  153.     > method: enable_load_extension([boolean])
  154.     > method: _open([class java.lang.String, int])
  155.     > method: _exec([class java.lang.String])
  156.     > method: clear_bindings([long])
  157.     > method: bind_parameter_count([long])
  158.     > method: column_count([long])
  159.     > method: column_type([long, int])
  160.     > method: column_decltype([long, int])
  161.     > method: column_table_name([long, int])
  162.     > method: column_name([long, int])
  163.     > method: column_text([long, int])
  164.     > method: column_blob([long, int])
  165.     > method: column_double([long, int])
  166.     > method: column_long([long, int])
  167.     > method: column_int([long, int])
  168.     > method: bind_null([long, int])
  169.     > method: bind_int([long, int, int])
  170.     > method: bind_long([long, int, long])
  171.     > method: bind_double([long, int, double])
  172.     > method: bind_text([long, int, class java.lang.String])
  173.     > method: bind_blob([long, int, class [B])
  174.     > method: free_functions([])
  175.     > method: column_metadata([long])
  176.     > method: set_commit_listener([boolean])
  177.     > method: set_update_listener([boolean])
  178.     > method: throwex([class java.lang.String])
  179.     > field: pointer
  180.     > field: isLoaded
  181.     > field: loadSucceeded
  182.     > field: udfdatalist
  183.     > constructor: org.sqlite.core.NativeDB(3)
  184. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.Function
  185.     > method: result([int])
  186.     > method: result([double])
  187.     > method: result([class [B])
  188.     > method: result([long])
  189.     > method: result([])
  190.     > method: result([class java.lang.String])
  191.     > method: args([])
  192.     > method: destroy([interface java.sql.Connection, class java.lang.String, int])
  193.     > method: destroy([interface java.sql.Connection, class java.lang.String])
  194.     > method: create([interface java.sql.Connection, class java.lang.String, class org.sqlite.Function])
  195.     > method: create([interface java.sql.Connection, class java.lang.String, class org.sqlite.Function, int])
  196.     > method: create([interface java.sql.Connection, class java.lang.String, class org.sqlite.Function, int, int])
  197.     > method: error([class java.lang.String])
  198.     > method: checkValue([int])
  199.     > method: xFunc([])
  200.     > method: value_text([int])
  201.     > method: value_int([int])
  202.     > method: value_double([int])
  203.     > method: value_blob([int])
  204.     > method: value_long([int])
  205.     > method: value_type([int])
  206.     > method: checkContext([])
  207.     > field: FLAG_DETERMINISTIC
  208.     > field: conn
  209.     > field: db
  210.     > field: context
  211.     > field: value
  212.     > field: args
  213.     > constructor: org.sqlite.Function(0)
  214. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.Function.Aggregate
  215.     > method: xStep([])
  216.     > method: xFinal([])
  217.     > method: clone([])
  218.     > method: xFunc([])
  219.     > constructor: org.sqlite.Function$Aggregate(0)
  220. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.ProgressHandler
  221.     > method: clearHandler([interface java.sql.Connection])
  222.     > method: progress([])
  223.     > method: setHandler([interface java.sql.Connection, int, class org.sqlite.ProgressHandler])
  224.     > constructor: org.sqlite.ProgressHandler(0)
  225. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.Function.Window
  226.     > method: xValue([])
  227.     > method: xInverse([])
  228.     > constructor: org.sqlite.Function$Window(0)
  229. > Declaring class: org.sqlite.core.DB.ProgressObserver
  230.     > method: progress([int, int])
  231. [Use -Dgraal.LogFile=<path> to redirect Graal log output to a file.]
  232. [thread:31] scope: ForkJoinPool-4-worker-3
  233.   [thread:31] scope: ForkJoinPool-4-worker-3.registerResource
  234.   ServiceLoaderFeature: registerResource: META-INF/services/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
  235.   [thread:31] scope: ForkJoinPool-4-worker-3.registerResource
  236.   ServiceLoaderFeature: registerResource: META-INF/services/com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory
  237.   [thread:31] scope: ForkJoinPool-4-worker-3.registerResource
  238.   ServiceLoaderFeature: registerResource: META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver
  239.   [thread:31] scope: ForkJoinPool-4-worker-3.registerResource
  240.   Resources have been added by ServiceLoaderFeature. Automatic registration can be disabled with -H:-UseServiceLoaderFeature
  241. [clojure-lsp:24]     (clinit):     528.56 ms,  2.03 GB
  242. [clojure-lsp:24]   (typeflow):  31,975.19 ms,  2.03 GB
  243. [clojure-lsp:24]    (objects): 114,462.88 ms,  2.03 GB
  244. [clojure-lsp:24]   (features):   2,160.04 ms,  2.03 GB
  245. [clojure-lsp:24]     analysis: 155,121.89 ms,  2.03 GB
  246. Error: Unsupported features in 3 methods
  247. Detailed message:
  248. Error: Detected a FileDescriptor in the image heap. File descriptors opened during image generation are no longer open at image run time, and the files might not even be present anymore at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  249. Trace: Object was reached by
  250.     reading field of
  251.         constant reached by
  252.     reading field of
  253.         constant reached by
  254.     reading field of
  255.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.QuietWriter@7470db50 reached by
  256.     reading field org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.qw of
  257.         constant org.apache.log4j.FileAppender@16e3d543 reached by
  258.     indexing into array
  259.         constant java.lang.Object[]@66dca132 reached by
  260.     reading field java.util.Vector.elementData of
  261.         constant java.util.Vector@163f6e24 reached by
  262.     reading field org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl.appenderList of
  263.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl@a42b1f9 reached by
  264.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Category.aai of
  265.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4a2eb9c1 reached by
  266.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy.root of
  267.         constant org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy@6ab776f3 reached by
  268.     reading field org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector.repository of
  269.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector@6704be7a reached by
  270.     reading field org.apache.log4j.LogManager.repositorySelector
  271. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  272. Trace: Object was reached by
  273.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode.waiter of
  274.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode@26608d2b reached by
  275.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.head of
  276.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack@10638b59 reached by
  277.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.transferer of
  278.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue@44d13b42 reached by
  279.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workQueue of
  280.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  281.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  282. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  283. Trace: Object was reached by
  284.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.thread of
  285.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker@12c45742 reached by
  286.     reading field java.util.HashMap$Node.key of
  287.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node@245ca0e9 reached by
  288.     indexing into array
  289.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node[]@5159a80e reached by
  290.     reading field java.util.HashMap.table of
  291.         constant java.util.HashMap@1d31715 reached by
  292.     reading field of
  293.         constant java.util.HashSet@6e997b38 reached by
  294.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workers of
  295.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  296.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  298.$UserException: Unsupported features in 3 methods
  299. Detailed message:
  300. Error: Detected a FileDescriptor in the image heap. File descriptors opened during image generation are no longer open at image run time, and the files might not even be present anymore at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  301. Trace: Object was reached by
  302.     reading field of
  303.         constant reached by
  304.     reading field of
  305.         constant reached by
  306.     reading field of
  307.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.QuietWriter@7470db50 reached by
  308.     reading field org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.qw of
  309.         constant org.apache.log4j.FileAppender@16e3d543 reached by
  310.     indexing into array
  311.         constant java.lang.Object[]@66dca132 reached by
  312.     reading field java.util.Vector.elementData of
  313.         constant java.util.Vector@163f6e24 reached by
  314.     reading field org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl.appenderList of
  315.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl@a42b1f9 reached by
  316.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Category.aai of
  317.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4a2eb9c1 reached by
  318.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy.root of
  319.         constant org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy@6ab776f3 reached by
  320.     reading field org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector.repository of
  321.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector@6704be7a reached by
  322.     reading field org.apache.log4j.LogManager.repositorySelector
  323. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  324. Trace: Object was reached by
  325.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode.waiter of
  326.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode@26608d2b reached by
  327.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.head of
  328.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack@10638b59 reached by
  329.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.transferer of
  330.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue@44d13b42 reached by
  331.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workQueue of
  332.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  333.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  334. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  335. Trace: Object was reached by
  336.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.thread of
  337.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker@12c45742 reached by
  338.     reading field java.util.HashMap$Node.key of
  339.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node@245ca0e9 reached by
  340.     indexing into array
  341.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node[]@5159a80e reached by
  342.     reading field java.util.HashMap.table of
  343.         constant java.util.HashMap@1d31715 reached by
  344.     reading field of
  345.         constant java.util.HashSet@6e997b38 reached by
  346.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workers of
  347.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  348.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  350.     at
  351.     at
  352.     at
  353.     at
  354.     at$run$0(
  355.     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$AdaptedRunnableAction.exec(
  356.     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
  357.     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
  358.     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
  359.     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
  360.     at java.base/
  361. Caused by: Unsupported features in 3 methods
  362. Detailed message:
  363. Error: Detected a FileDescriptor in the image heap. File descriptors opened during image generation are no longer open at image run time, and the files might not even be present anymore at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  364. Trace: Object was reached by
  365.     reading field of
  366.         constant reached by
  367.     reading field of
  368.         constant reached by
  369.     reading field of
  370.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.QuietWriter@7470db50 reached by
  371.     reading field org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.qw of
  372.         constant org.apache.log4j.FileAppender@16e3d543 reached by
  373.     indexing into array
  374.         constant java.lang.Object[]@66dca132 reached by
  375.     reading field java.util.Vector.elementData of
  376.         constant java.util.Vector@163f6e24 reached by
  377.     reading field org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl.appenderList of
  378.         constant org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl@a42b1f9 reached by
  379.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Category.aai of
  380.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.RootLogger@4a2eb9c1 reached by
  381.     reading field org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy.root of
  382.         constant org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy@6ab776f3 reached by
  383.     reading field org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector.repository of
  384.         constant org.apache.log4j.spi.DefaultRepositorySelector@6704be7a reached by
  385.     reading field org.apache.log4j.LogManager.repositorySelector
  386. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  387. Trace: Object was reached by
  388.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode.waiter of
  389.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack$SNode@26608d2b reached by
  390.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.head of
  391.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack@10638b59 reached by
  392.     reading field java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.transferer of
  393.         constant java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue@44d13b42 reached by
  394.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workQueue of
  395.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  396.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  397. Error: Detected a started Thread in the image heap. Threads running in the image generator are no longer running at image run time.  Object has been initialized without the native-image initialization instrumentation and the stack trace can't be tracked. The object was probably created by a class initializer and is reachable from a static field. You can request class initialization at image run time by using the option --initialize-at-run-time=<class-name>. Or you can write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.
  398. Trace: Object was reached by
  399.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.thread of
  400.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker@12c45742 reached by
  401.     reading field java.util.HashMap$Node.key of
  402.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node@245ca0e9 reached by
  403.     indexing into array
  404.         constant java.util.HashMap$Node[]@5159a80e reached by
  405.     reading field java.util.HashMap.table of
  406.         constant java.util.HashMap@1d31715 reached by
  407.     reading field of
  408.         constant java.util.HashSet@6e997b38 reached by
  409.     reading field java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.workers of
  410.         constant java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@7ebd87b9 reached by
  411.     reading field clojure.lang.Agent.soloExecutor
  413.     at
  414.     at
  415.     ... 8 more
  416. Error: Image build request failed with exit status 1
  417.$NativeImageError: Image build request failed with exit status 1
  418.     at
  419.     at
  420.     at
  421.     at
  422.     at$JDK9Plus.main(
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