
OoT Max% Child Route

Dec 14th, 2014
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  1. Max% Child maybe good or bad route start something.
  3. Sword + Shield
  4. Fairy Ocarina
  5. BotW chus + bottle + gs #3 .9 $99
  6. take 1/2 heart of damage somewhere
  7. Zl, Wake talon + bonk tree GS Damage from it (2 hearts) .8 #4
  8. show guard letter
  9. Keaton Mask + Buy Green Potion $69 Kappa
  10. lon lon ranch bottle + Eponas Song $59
  11. Drink milk, get bugs from grass infront of scarecrow
  12. hylia
  13. steal rod $29
  14. oi B with green potions
  15. drink green potion + rba empty bottle
  16. hyrule field
  17. Gerudo Valley Mega Flip .7
  18. Odd Mushroom .6 (isg from chest)
  19. 37th hp .5 (3.1)
  20. get caught by guards,
  21. take owl to hyrule
  23. KAKARIKO wierd segment:
  24. If night:
  25. Get bazaar gs, sell keaton & get tower gs + roof hp $44
  26. If day:
  27. fly with cucco over fence to potion shop
  28. ____________________________
  29. clip into potion shop .3
  30. odd potion
  31. graveyard
  32. get suns song
  33. make sure its night now
  34. suns hp (3.3)
  35. Kak
  36. Unfinish building skulltula #5(7)
  37. Back of house of skullula gs #6(8)
  38. bonk tree gs #7(9)
  39. ______________________________
  40. If not night when entered kak:
  41. Bazaar gs #8
  42. Sell Keaton $44
  43. Tower Gs #9
  44. roof hp
  45. ________________________________
  46. Savewarp
  47. Kokiri house gs # 10
  48. pokey escape (keep navi!!!)
  49. Lake hylia
  50. Fishing pond
  51. Steal Rod Again $24
  52. RBA Odd Potion
  53. Navidive Zoras Domain
  54. Get stick
  55. Fire HP (4.0)
  56. Silver Scale $29
  57. ruto bottle
  58. Owl to Hyrule Castle
  59. OoT CS
  60. Get OoT + SoT(Again Kappa)
  61. 40 Rupees from chain $69
  62. Skullmask $59
  63. Savewarp
  64. Lost woods (get 1 rupee in grass) $60
  65. Walk into owl text
  66. Secret Meadow GS + Skull mask Stick upgrade #11
  67. Sacred Meadow
  68. Sarias Song (take 3.5 hearts of dmg?)
  69. Deathwarp using scrub?
  70. Lost woods (get lost)
  71. Lost woods Sarias HP (4.1)
  72. Sell Skullmask $70
  73. Bridge soil gs #12
  74. Buy dekustick upgrade $30
  75. Play suns song
  76. Exit Lost Woods
  77. Exit Kokiri
  78. Market Castle Town
  79. Get Spooky Mask $10
  80. Kakariko
  81. Graveyard
  82. Sell Spookymask + Get Poe (Have to play suns song once) $40
  83. Up DMT to top .1 (get red rupee) $60
  84. Get Magic .0
  85. Owl to Kak
  86. Get Cow Cage HP (4.2)
  87. Get Adult Wallet
  88. Hyrule Market Town
  89. Bunny Hood $30
  90. hyrule field
  91. Suns Song???
  92. Sell Bunnyhood to runningman $200
  93. back to Hyrule Castle
  94. Get Zora Mask
  95. Go to Lake Hylia
  96. Get Gold Scale & Fishing HP $ 130
  97. Steal Rod (Have poe on c right and bugs on c-left/down before exiting the pond)
  98. Shieldswipe bugs over rod
  99. Rba zora mask
  100. Owl to Hyrule Castle
  101. Get Goronsmask
  102. RBA goron mask (outside of happy mask shop)
  103. Get Mask of Truth
  104. Buy Hylian Shield $ 50 (atleast)
  105. Equip Sword + Savewarp
  106. Lost Woods
  107. Aqua Escape
  108. Mega Sidehop to Zora Domain .28
  109. KZ Skip .27
  110. Jabu w/o fish
  111. Switch in first room .26
  112. Ruto
  113. Get water room gs #13
  114. Get Boomerang
  115. Main Room
  116. Get Skulltulas in basement #14-#15
  117. Boxmega to boss ledge . 25
  118. Roll off switch
  119. Hit Switch from bottom
  120. Vine GS #16
  121. Barinades
  122. Barinade HC (5.3) (Blue Warp?)
  123. Farores Wind .24
  124. Play suns song
  125. Get bonk Tree GS #17
  126. Get log GS #18
  127. Sideflip to IC .18
  128. Enter IC
  129. Kill Freezards with Stick dmg
  130. Spinning blade room gs #19
  131. Clip red ice with chu .17
  132. Block Puzzle Room $155
  133. 2 Bottles of blue fire (Dupe over rutos letter)
  134. Melt red ice
  135. Iron Boots + Savewarp
  136. Go to HP room (melt ice)
  137. Get skulltula #20 and HP (6.0)
  138. Double Savewarp
  139. Lost Woods
  140. Goron City
  141. Get Gorons Bracelet
  142. Light torches in main room
  143. Savewarp
  144. Kokiri Shop soil GS #21
  145. Deku Tree
  146. Slingshot (also get nuts, atleast 10 before entering ghoma)
  147. Top floor
  148. Compassroom Skulltula #22
  149. Jump down
  150. Get vine gs + bar gs #23-#24
  151. B1 Skip + Crawlspace
  152. Burn web + bomb door .16
  153. Get gs #25
  154. Crawlspace + burn web
  155. 231 + enter bossroom
  156. Ghomaclip, HC (7.0)
  157. Ganondoor
  158. Die at castlecollapse
  159. Savewarp (after getting ms on B)
  160. Get Ganons BK
  161. Back down and exit (sw?)
  162. Ganonchus .36 $180
  163. Shadowtrial
  164. Golden Gauntlets .20 (Can have more, up to 24??)
  165. Savewarp
  166. Exit ganons castle
  167. Dins Fire .19
  168. Buy Hylian Shield at Bazaar
  169. Savewarp
  170. Lost Woods
  171. Bulletbag 40
  172. Forest Stage HP (7.1)
  173. Bomb rock outside GC for Fish .18
  174. Goron City .17
  175. Exit through top
  176. Blow DC entrance with bombflower
  177. GS in bombable wall close to Kak .16 #26
  178. DC Soil GS #27
  179. open door .15
  180. ground jump to switch
  181. door
  182. bombflower on stair
  183. red rupee in pot $200
  184. mega to bombs .12
  185. press switch + light eyes
  186. hover to scarecrow skulltula #28
  187. skulltula in room across #29
  188. savewarp
  189. ride plattform to top
  190. backtrack
  191. vine gs #30
  192. stair alcove gs #31
  193. main room
  194. backroom gs #32
  195. bomb pot
  196. KD + hc (8.1)
  197. savewarp!!!
  198. Goron city
  199. Bomb big goron for bombbag 30
  200. Spinning pot HC (8.2)
  201. Top room GS #33
  202. Exit GC Top
  203. Re-enter + Exit
  204. Top of DC Hp (8.3)
  205. Enter DC
  206. 7 Hearts of dmg from beamos
  207. Enter Bossroom
  208. Take 1/2 dmg from bombflower/bomb/unloaded hardened lava
  209. Wrongwarp
  210. Ice arrows + chus .15
  211. Savewarp
  212. Exit GtG
  213. Carpenter 1 next to gtg
  214. Exit and carpenter 2 on top of gtg
  215. Exit through other door
  216. enter door to left & get past guards
  217. jump down to door
  218. Avoid gurad and get carpenter 3
  219. Savewarp??
  220. Carpenter 4 + gerudocard
  221. exit + gateskip
  222. Wasteland skulltula #34
  223. Colossus
  224. Nayurus love
  225. Enter spirit temple
  226. Childside GS #35 + Key
  227. Go through locked door
  228. GS #36 + Chus .25
  229. Mainroom
  230. Hover to adult side .23
  231. Enter Lower room, Solve puzzle and exit room same way
  232. Set FW
  233. Go up & jump to hand + play zl
  234. Climb childside & jump to key
  235. Boomerang gs #37
  236. Use FW + Set FW Again
  237. Go down to lower adult side
  238. Silver rupee room (rupees + gs #38) (Bomb mega to ruppe in air?)
  239. get key + use fw
  240. Go to child side (push armos statue on button)
  241. Go tru upper door
  242. Get Key + open door (use dins once and light 3rd with stick)
  243. go tru door and get gs #39
  244. Iron knuckle
  245. Get Silvergaunts
  246. Spirit Hover .16
  247. Exit and enter spirit (If magic, set FW)
  248. Get mirrorshield (isg from chest?)
  249. Megaflip to HP (9)
  250. Deathwarp (if you set FW, Enter spirit and use instead)
  251. Iron Knuckle
  252. Go through open door (bombs from armos?)
  253. Open locked door
  254. Clim wall
  255. Get Bk (Equip Hylian shield first)
  256. Savewarp
  257. Get Requiem + Savewarp
  258. Lost Woods
  259. Secret Meadow for Nut Upgrade
  260. Bomb Rock outside Sacred meadow for second nut upgrade
  261. Sacred Meadow
  262. Hover up to Forest temple (make sure to have alot of bombs)
  263. First room Key + GS #40
  264. Early Basement GS #41
  265. Stalfos Room Key + GS outside it #42
  266. Out to Courtyard (take dmg until 1 heart)
  267. Set FW
  268. BK Skip .15
  269. Phantom + CS Skip (no heart)
  270. Main room Eyeswitch
  271. Boomerang GS #43
  272. Block puzzle room (don't solve it yet)
  273. Megaflip to ledge door
  274. Get Pillar GS #43
  275. Get wallmaster Key
  276. Block Room (solve it) (hovers + 1 ground jump to get up)
  277. Get Bow
  278. Use FW
  279. Bk skip .14
  280. Get heart + Step in warp
  281. ???
  282. Profit
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