
AiE: Fluttershy's new friend. (Oneshot)

Oct 21st, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >You're also lost.
  3. >Great.
  4. >You are just about to have dinner when a loud boom sends you stumbling to the ground in shock.
  5. >A trail of dust can be seen descending from the sky into the ground where a large wall of fire and earth is currently rising and approaching.
  6. >An ear-shattering rumble deafens you while you can feel the heat sear the flesh from your bones. The last thing you see before your eyes vaporize is a large boulder flying towards you.
  7. >Then, sunlight.
  8. >You manage to get to your feet, quite quickly, actually.
  9. >You take a few steps and you swear you feel lighter.
  10. >Lost in confusion, you don't notice that you are walking straight at a tree, which cracks and falls over as you bump into it.
  11. >You observe your work.
  12. >Alright.. you're pretty sure you're not THAT strong.
  13. >You decide to try it again, with another, bigger tree.
  14. >It crashes to the ground at a slight bump.
  15. >wat
  17. >You suddenly feel a rush of confidence.
  18. >You feel like a god.
  19. >Walking through the woods, you casually smack trees in your path aside with almost no effort.
  20. >This feels GOOD.
  21. >Then, you realize that the there are no more trees to bully as you find yourself standing outside the forest in a field.
  22. >You spot some buildings on the other side of the field and your curiosity takes over.
  23. >You take up a casual stride towards it.
  25. >You are Fluttershy.
  26. >You're stuck in frozen shock as you walk out from the Spa to stand face to face with.. you don't even know.
  27. >It's face has a green hue to it and it's looking straight at you.
  28. >A few seconds go by of it observing you as you dare not move.
  29. >Then.. it does nothing.
  30. >You blink and move your quivering lips to speak.
  31. >"uhm... Hello?"
  32. >It tilts it's head a bit.
  33. >It doesn't respond. It just stands there.
  34. >You look behind it.
  35. >It seems as if it has come from the White Tail Woods.
  36. >Oh... OH!
  37. >You calm down a bit. After all, the dangerous animals came form Everfree, not White Tail.
  38. >It must be some kind of unknown species that got curious and wandered into town.
  39. >With this thought in your mind you relax a bit.
  40. >You decide to take a closer look at it.
  41. >It's bipedal, it's eyes are smaller than ponies and it's hard to make out it's emotions.
  42. >The front legs also sport some kind of elongated paws instead of hooves.
  43. >It's much taller than you as well.
  44. >You hear a few whispers from two other p0nies on the other side of the street and you decide that perhaps you should get it away from Ponyville before they freak out.
  45. >P0nies were skittish around strange things.
  46. >You take off from the ground and fly up closer to it, speaking as softly and kindly as you can.
  47. >"Uhm.. would you mind coming with me? We can go to my house and get to know each other."
  48. >You give it a beckoning wave and the biggest smile you can muster.
  50. >You are Anonymous and this is odd.
  51. >You've wandered into some kind of small settlement inhabited by brightly colored creatures.
  52. >They all absconded in between the buildings, away from you as you entered town.
  53. >Then this yellow thing comes out from one of the buildings.
  54. >It seems shocked at first, but after a bit it says something with a shivering voice.
  55. >You can't understand what It is saying and you decide the best thing to do is to just observe for now.
  56. >It then examines your appearance before two other of the creatures let out some weird noises.
  57. >The yellow thing looks a bit concerned about this.
  58. >Woah.. it has wings!
  59. >It suddenly takes to the air and flies in close to you.
  60. >Once again, It speaks to you. Ugh.. why did they have to speak a language you don't understand?!
  61. >It's very close to your face now and is doing some inviting waving motion with It's leg before smiling at you.
  62. >Well, you won't say no to such generosity.
  63. >You turn your head sideways and quickly snap your jaws around it's head.
  64. >You can hear the crunching noise as the head is mangled between your dagger-like teeth.
  65. >You let go and it falls lifeless to the ground, one of the wings twitching in death spasms.
  66. >You let out a booming roar to scare of any would-be scavengers before you bend down and rip a large chunk of flesh from it's body.
  67. >Damn it, Fluttershy.
  68. >You can't make friends with a T-Rex.
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