

Sep 24th, 2019
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  1. APBW Combat Tests
  3. Beetle Clan Assassin v. Diaghilev, Mercenary 2
  5. Beetle Clan Assassin - Hits 3, Defense 3 (hidden mail shirt), Move 1 (Climb), Danger 2d/Attack Skill 2, Special: Wearying Poison (targets lose 2 momentum per strike)
  7. Diaghilev - Might 0, Grace 2, Grit 0, Charm 2, Lore 0, Fate 2 (1d8); P 1d10/M 1d6
  8. Weapons/Shield: Yatagan (Steel, Close, Slashing), Hurlbats (Ud6, Steel, Near, Piercing); Iron Buckler (Base UD4)
  9. Armor Ud6+0 (Mail Shirt); Max Hits: 3
  10. Momentum Gain/Current: 1d10+2 / 0 (-2 EoR)
  11. Combat Rounds Since Last Rest: 0
  12. Parry (3M): Physical Discipline 1d10 + Might 0 + extra - Foe Attack Skill vs. 7
  13. Dodge (3M): Physical Discipline 1d10 + Grace 2 + extra - Foe Attack Skill vs. 7
  14. Block (3M): Iron Buckler Ud4 + Grit 0 + extra - Foe Attack Skill vs. 2
  15. Armor:
  17. Procedure:
  18. 1: Players roll discipline + grace as momentum for initiative. NPC init = ATKSKL + 3. Turns go highest to lowest.
  20. Log:
  21. Round 1 - Diaghilev and BCA face off at in a crate-strewn alley at Near distance from each other.
  22. There are balconies overhead within distance of a difficult leap.
  23. Alley exits are Far from their location.
  24. Initiative: Diaghilev (1d10+2) = 12M; BCA = (3+2) = 5.
  26. Diaghilev: 12M
  27. Diaghilev draws and throws a hurlbat at BCA! Diaghilev spends (4+3) 7M and has 5M left.
  28. BCA takes 1 hit and has 2 remaining.
  29. Diaghilev rolls Hurlbat Ud6 and keeps the die.
  30. Diaghilev draws his yatagan and buckler and moves to Close range with BCA. Diaghilev spends 2M and has 3M left.
  31. Diaghilev ends his turn.
  33. BCA:
  34. BCA strikes at Diaghilev with his poisoned scimitar!
  35. Diaghilev spends 3M and attempts to actively defend with a Dodge. Diaghilev's new total: 0M.
  36. Diaghilev rolls 1d10 + 2 (Grace) + 0 (Momentum) against 7 + 3 (Foe Attack Skill) = 10; FAILURE.
  37. Diaghilev is struck and rolls his armor die (Ud6 + 0 (Grit) - 2 (Foe Attack Skill)); FAILURE.
  38. Diaghilev takes 1 hit! 2 of 3 remaining.
  39. Diaghilev's armor die is reduced by one step from Ud6 to Ud4.
  40. BCA's Wearying Poison causes Diaghilev to lose 2 momentum! Diaghilev's new total: -2M.
  41. Diaghilev is struck and rolls his armor die (Ud6 + 0 (Grit) - 2 (Foe Attack Skill)); SUCCESS. Diaghilev's armor protects him!
  43. End of Round: Diaghilev's armor slows him; Diaghilev loses 2M. Diaghilev's new total: -2M.
  45. Round 2
  46. Initiative: Diaghilev -2 + 6 = 4M; BCA = (3+2) = 5.
  48. BCA:
  49. BCA strikes at Diaghilev with his poisoned scimitar!
  50. Diaghilev trusts in his armor to protect him and does not actively defend.
  51. Diaghilev is struck and rolls his armor die (UD4 + 0 (Grit) - 2 (Foe Attack Skill)); FAILURE.
  52. Diaghilev takes 1 hit! 1 of 3 remaining.
  53. Diaghilev's armor die is reduced by one step from Ud4 to Destroyed.
  54. BCA's Wearying Poison causes Diaghilev to lose 2 momentum! Diaghilev's new total: 2M.
  55. Diaghilev is struck, but his armor is Destroyed and can't protect him!
  56. Diaghilev takes 1 hit! 0 of 3 remaining. Any further hits will be DIRE WOUNDS!
  57. BCA's Wearying Poison causes Diaghilev to lose 2 momentum! Diaghilev's new total: 0M.
  59. Diaghilev: 0M
  60. Diaghilev has no momentum to spend and cannot act. This foe far outmatches Diaghilev.
  62. End of Round: Diaghilev's armor slows him; Diaghilev loses 2M. Diaghilev's new total: -2M.
  64. Round 3
  65. Initiative: Diaghilev -2 + 6 = 4M; BCA = 5.
  67. BCA: BCA strikes at Diaghilev with his poisoned scimitar!
  68. Diaghilev is struck, but his armor is Destroyed and can't protect him!
  69. Diaghilev takes 1 hit! -1 of 3 remaining. Diaghilev suffers a DIRE WOUND!
  70. 1d6: 6, Fate - Luck carries the day and Diaghilev avoids major injury. Reduce Fate die by 1 step (1d8 -> 1d6) until character rests.
  71. BCA's Wearying Poison causes Diaghilev to lose 2 momentum! Diaghilev's new total: 0M.
  73. Diaghilev: 0M
  74. Diaghilev uses his Fate die to immediately gain 1d6 = 4M! Diaghilev's new total: 4M.
  75. DIAGHILEV RUNS THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GUY (Move: 3M) to Near range and hopes he can get away in time...
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