
And Everything Nice Pt. 10 (Finale)

Sep 30th, 2013
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  1. >Your mind only swims slightly from the alcohol in your system.
  2. >The talk with Rarity is still fresh in your head.
  3. >You take a deep breath.
  4. >The cool night air blows softly against you.
  5. >...Okay. What to do?
  6. >You look down further into town from the bar you stand in front of.
  7. >You can see the very top of Sugarcube Corner from behind a few buildings.
  8. >...Hopefully Pinkie doesn't feel too bad.
  9. >Essentially, you blew her off.
  10. >When she was about to do the very thing you've wanted her to do for so long.
  11. >...'You've wanted.'
  12. >You inhale deeply, then glance in the other direction, toward the Everfree Forest.
  13. >...But at the same time, Fluttershy has been harboring some feelings for a while too, apparently.
  14. >And has even acted on them.
  15. >In your sleep...
  16. >...If anything were to happen with Pinkie... she could get in the way.
  17. >Or, if she were to find out about how Pinkie feels on her own... or how you do...
  18. >Or... *did, perhaps...
  19. >What would happen?
  20. >Fluttershy is so meek. Could she take that kind of blow?
  21. >How would she react...?
  22. >...But why do you care? After what she did to you...
  23. >You shouldn't care.
  24. >...But...
  25. >You do care.
  26. >You clench your fists.
  27. >You do care. Why do you care?
  28. >She violated you. She tricked you into thinking you loved some pink p0ny.
  29. >Of the same sex.
  30. >You can feel the tears coming back.
  31. >...You know what to do.
  32. >You harness the liquid courage still in your veins and take your first few steps toward the forest.
  33. >Toward Fluttershy's cottage.
  34. >The first stop tonight...
  35. >Your footsteps echo through the solemn, seemingly empty village of P0nyville.
  36. >You keep a consistent pace, the buildings passing by you rather quickly.
  37. >Sooner than you think, you're already approaching the edge of town.
  38. >It's a little hard to locate the path towards her place in the night, but you eventually find it, and trek down the dark dirt path.
  39. >Owls hoot eerily in the trees, and a few bushes rustle with unknown animals.
  40. >You grip the bottom of your blouse and twist it nervously.
  41. >You hadn't realized how creepy the area Fluttershy lives in is...
  42. >How does such a shy, timid p0ny do it...?
  43. >You pick up the pace, determined to get out of the area quicker, and before you know it, you can hear the stream flowing near her house.
  44. >Thank God.
  45. >You cross the bridge and approach the cottage.
  46. >The lights are still on.
  47. >Good.
  48. >The wooden door stands before you, and you lift you hand to knock.
  49. >A bolt of fear strikes you right before you do.
  50. >A nervous, unsettling, dreadful feeling...
  51. >...
  52. >You bring your knuckles down on the door, knocking a few times.
  53. >You can hear the sound carry though the house behind the door.
  54. >It's silent for a few moments...
  55. >Then, you think you hear a sniffle.
  56. >"Who... who is it...?"
  57. >The unsettling feeling comes back.
  58. >You try to speak, but nervousness grips you vocal chords tightly.
  59. >Gritting your teeth, you feel your lungs inflate.
  60. "...Fluttershy, it's me."
  61. >Your chest fills with terrible anticipation. You take a breath.
  62. "...Femanon."
  63. >It's silent behind the door again.
  64. >All you hear are the crickets outside and the hooting owls.
  65. >You shift awkwardly in place.
  66. >...Maybe you should just--
  67. >You hear the click of a lock, and the door ever so slowly creaks open.
  68. >You can see a timid, teal eye peer at you through the crack.
  69. >She simply looks at you. Unsure of what to say.
  70. >You do much the same... several thousand words flow through your head, but none want to make the trek to your mouth.
  71. >Finally, you grasp at a few.
  72. "...Can I come in? I think we... need to talk..."
  73. >The teal eye looks to the ground, shifting around a little.
  74. >But soon after, the door widens much more, revealing the inside of the house and the full yellow p0ny herself.
  75. >She averts her eyes, but backs up into the house, allowing you to step in.
  76. >You take another breath and do just that, entering the very first place you came to after arriving here.
  77. >...It's like full circle.
  78. >You close the door softly behind you, then look to the shy p0ny before you, still refusing to look you in the eye.
  79. >Her mouth trembles.
  80. >You take another breath, then walk further into the house, past your host.
  81. >Her head trails slightly with you as you pass.
  82. >You gaze out the window, trying to think of something to say.
  83. >But nothing comes to mind, so you both end up standing there in silence, looking in different directions as the leaves outside softly rustle in the wind.
  84. >Finally...
  85. >"...Wh-What is it y-you want, Femanon...?"
  86. >You slowly and heartily inhale through your nose, then let out a satisfying sigh.
  87. "...I don't know, Fluttershy."
  88. >At last, you turn to her slowly. You meet her eyes for just a second before she averts them again, as if she didn't want you knowing she was looking.
  89. "I guess I just feel like talking about things."
  90. >She scrapes the ground with her hoof.
  91. >"...A-Are you mad at me f-for what I did...?" she asks, bracing herself.
  92. >Seriously?
  93. >You get ready to answer, but just before you do, your mind scrambles.
  94. >The yellow pegasus bashfully looks away with a worried look on her face.
  95. >It's as if the answer you thought you were going to say suddenly didn't feel right anymore.
  96. >So you stand there for a moment, mouth agape, eyes averted in thought, but nothing coming to you.
  97. "...I don't know."
  98. >Fluttershy winces just a bit, but then catches herself.
  99. >She tilts her head in confusion.
  100. >"Y-You don't...?"
  101. >You sigh again, then shake your head.
  102. >Biting your lips, you pace over to her couch and take a seat, folding your hands together.
  103. "...It was wrong, Fluttershy."
  104. >She droops her head to the ground.
  105. "You violated me... practically raped me. Made me feel all kinds of feelings I never knew I could..."
  106. >She finally raises her eyes to meet yours. But you're looking off to the side, still searching your mind.
  107. "I've been... so confused as of late, but..."
  108. >For some reason... you feel like crying.
  109. "...But what you've done... just maybe... might have helped me find happiness..."
  110. >Fluttershy simply stares at you.
  111. >Finally, you turn your eyes to hers, meeting her gaze.
  112. >She... looks so baffled herself.
  113. >"...Wh-What are you saying...?"
  114. >You inhale... then shrug.
  115. "I'm... not sure."
  116. >"...Happiness?" she questions.
  117. >You scrunch your face, then nod.
  118. "Yeah..."
  119. >She stands in place for a few moments more, slightly bewildered.
  120. >" you... do you love me...?"
  121. >An icicle of shock pierces your heart.
  122. >Oh no...
  123. >Maybe your word choice wasn't the best...
  124. >You can't let her think this for much longer.
  125. "...No, Fluttershy. I'm sorry, but..."
  126. >Her face falls completely flat, and her eyes tremble.
  127. >You can see the little pools of water gathering under them.
  128. "...I don't."
  129. >She simply stares at you for a bit longer.
  130. >The silence between you two is painful.
  131. >Until you begin to hear her stutter.
  132. >Trying to get a word out.
  133. >You can feel your own tears pooling. You aren't sure why, but you try your best to keep them back.
  134. >"W-W-Was it h-how I ap-p-proached you...?" she stammers. "I-I-I tried to t-tell you, b-b-but I was just too sh-shy... I th-thought that if I d-did things when you w-weren't aware, I-I-I'd..."
  135. >She becomes a bumbling mess.
  136. >She tries not to sob, but the tears stream steadily down her face.
  137. >She clenches her eyes firmly to try to stop them, but to no avail.
  138. >Every fiber of your being wants to comfort her, but you know better. From experience.
  139. >She needs to feel this and experience this. You can't be there for her. Not the way she wants.
  140. >So don't make it seem like you can.
  141. "Fluttershy... I'm sorry."
  142. >You let her struggle with her tears for a bit more.
  143. >It tears you up inside a bit.
  144. >But she needs to learn.
  145. >What she did to you was... horrible.
  146. >...Directly horrible, maybe.
  147. >You still need to go over...
  148. >...
  149. >You gaze out the window once more, watching the trees bob in the wind.
  150. >Fluttershy sniffles loudly, signifying her success in stopping the flow.
  151. >For now, you think.
  152. >"S-So if it's n-not me that makes you happy..." she starts. You can feel a tension rise in your chest. "Wh-What does...?"
  153. >You rub your hands up and down your legs.
  154. >...You don't even know yourself.
  155. "...I'm not sure... but..."
  156. >Fluttershy sniffles again, her ears open and listening.
  157. "What you did... you had done it at such a time, where... it made me think... it convinced me that... that maybe I was in love with Pinkie Pie."
  158. >She inhales sharply.
  159. "When you told me the truth, I... I didn't know what to think... everything felt like one huge lie, but..."
  160. >You pause for a moment to sigh. You can hear Fluttershy's steady breathing as you gaze onto the floor.
  161. "...I'm still not convinced I was simply fooled. I... I think I might actually love her, I'm... I'm just not sure..."
  162. >She doesn't say anything.
  163. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I don't think I can ever love you the way you want me to, but... what I have now... if I haven't messed it up, it might..."
  164. >...The questions come back to your head.
  165. >You yourself slip up a bit, and tears begin to trail down your face.
  166. "I'm... just so confused."
  167. >You clench your fists tightly.
  168. >A sniffle escapes your nose, and you try to keep it together.
  169. >...It's hard.
  170. >You don't even know why you're telling Fluttershy this.
  171. >It wasn't what you came here for.
  172. >And it sure as hell isn't what she wants to hear.
  173. >You close your eyes and try to focus.
  174. >Keep it together...
  175. >You take a deep breath, then release a soothing exhale.
  176. >It helps a little.
  177. "...Sorry, Fluttershy. I know this probably isn't what you expected to hear from me."
  178. >You glance off to the side.
  179. >Fluttershy doesn't move, but you can hear her steady breathing.
  180. >"...Femanon..." she begins.
  181. >You turn to her, and look her in the eyes.
  182. >Hers are bloodshot and wet.
  183. >But her face looks determined.
  184. "...Yes?"
  185. >She takes a breath.
  186. >"...Does she love you?"
  187. >Your eyes open a little wider in surprise.
  188. >"Does she...? Does Pinkie Pie love you?"
  189. >You look at her for a little longer.
  190. >Still unsure of what she's getting at.
  191. >You gauge her wet face... and feel the tears on your own.
  192. "...I don't know, Fluttershy. Rarity says she does, and... she was going to tell me something, but..."
  193. >"And... does she know you love her?"
  194. >You stare at her for a little longer.
  195. >Scanning your mind.
  196. "...No. I've... never told her."
  197. >Fluttershy nods slowly, still not taking her eyes off of you.
  198. >Then, suddenly... she leaks one more small tear.
  199. >"Femanon... you may be confused, but..."
  200. >Finally, she breaks away eye contact, staring off to the left.
  201. >"...You need to tell her."
  202. >Your heart pangs shock.
  203. >You think you might have actually gasped.
  204. "B-But... but Fluttershy..."
  205. >This yellow p0ny... the one who practically raped you and indirectly put you on this emotional roller coaster ride...
  206. >"I know I'm probably not the best p0ny to hear this from, but..." she looks back at you. "I know what it's like... to love somep0ny... to feel something for them, and not know whether or not they feel the same way..."
  207. >You're speechless.
  208. >Your mouth simply hangs open.
  209. >"For somep0ny... or someONE... completely different. Someone your same gender... when you thought you had yourself figured out years ago..."
  210. >She looks to the ground solemnly.
  211. >"I may have messed up my chances with you, but... if Pinkie Pie makes you happy... please... don't condemn yourself to the same emotional burden I have... "
  212. "Fluttershy, I..."
  213. >"You may not ever forgive me for what I've done... but if there's one thing you could ever do for me... it'd be this."
  214. >You can barely comprehend what she's saying.
  215. >"...Please, Femanon. Go to her."
  216. >You don't move.
  217. >You just sit on the couch, staring at this mare.
  218. >...Is this the same p0ny you had that disastrous picnic with?
  219. >You look into her teal eyes, subtly shifting from one of your eyes to the other.
  220. >A fresh set of tears begin to flow and she lets loose a sob.
  221. >"Femanon, please, go!" she yells.
  222. >You exhale shakily, then stand to your feet.
  223. >Your mind still feels like a scramble, but...
  224. >You know what you need to do.
  225. >The door sits in the corner of your eye, and you just about make a break to it.
  226. >But...
  227. >You end up smiling first.
  228. >For the first time in a while. A genuine smile.
  229. >You walk over to Fluttershy and kneel down.
  230. >The p0ny tries her best to keep her composure.
  231. >You smile at her and nod, then...
  232. >You wrap her in a hug.
  233. >It takes her by surprise, and you can feel the dampness from her tear-soaked cheeks on your shoulder.
  234. >Her hoof slowly wraps around your neck.
  235. "...Thank you, Fluttershy."
  236. >She doesn't say anything in response. She only sniffles again.
  237. >You stand back up to your feet, then, eyeing the door, you make your way over.
  239. >You watch as the girl who so captivated you leaves your home.
  240. >The mysterious alien who swept you into some foreign heat.
  241. >The door closes with a soft click.
  242. >And again, you're alone.
  243. >All by yourself.
  244. >Just like always.
  245. >You close your eyes and try to steady your breath once more.
  246. >...You messed up bad, Fluttershy.
  247. >You latched onto urges and drove her away with them.
  248. >If you had just approached it differently... maybe she'd still be here...
  249. >With you...
  250. >Try as you might, but you can't stop the tears from falling.
  251. >...But...
  252. >You open your eyes again, and...
  253. >...And smile.
  254. >You spot Femanon from your window, jogging down the path away from your house.
  255. >...But if she's happy...
  256. >Well.
  257. >...Then that's all that really matters.
  259. >You began walking, but you ended up breaking into a jog.
  260. >You're smiling as you do, the trees on the pathway whizzing past you.
  261. >You almost break out into a sprint.
  262. >You can't help laugh.
  263. >Fluttershy is right.
  264. >You can't let this go.
  265. >How it happened is irrelevant.
  266. >You've wanted it for too long, and now you're going to take it.
  267. >The thought gets you giddy, and your smile grows wider.
  268. >You cross into town, your running footsteps slapping and knocking loudly against the cobblestone street.
  269. >You eye the top of Sugarcube Corner from behind a few buildings.
  270. >It makes you happy to see the candy-coated building.
  271. >Your lungs can't even register how out of breath you are.
  272. >You sprint as fast as you can, eager to tell her. Every second longer feels like an eternity. An eternity of making her wait.
  273. >But a few creeping thoughts enter your mind.
  274. >...What if you're too late?
  275. >What if she's already moved on to someone else?
  276. >She's a desirable p0ny... right?
  277. >The sight of the door twists your insides even more.
  278. >You're still excited, and the thoughts are still there, and now, you've got nervousness on your palette too.
  279. >This is such an odd, foreign feeling.
  280. >You stare at the door for a few seconds...
  281. >...Fuck it.
  282. >You lift up your fist and knock a few times loudly.
  283. >You smile, and rock back in forth in anticipation.
  284. >A few minutes later, Mr. Cake answers the door. In his pajamas, and looking tired as hell.
  285. "Oh..."
  286. >It completely slipped your mind that it's the middle of the night.
  287. "I'm sorry, Mr. Cake..."
  288. >He just shakes his head.
  289. >"It's alright... I was up with the babies anyway..." he says wearily.
  290. >You peer into the building behind the baker.
  291. "...So... is Pinkie Pie here?"
  292. >Mr. Cake exhales, then nods slowly.
  293. >"Yep... in the kitchen. Been baking up a storm for hours... not sure why..."
  294. >For some reason, your heart sinks.
  295. >"Would you like to see her?"
  296. >You nod slowly.
  297. "Yes please."
  298. >He nods in return, then backs up into the room, allowing you in.
  299. >He motions to the kitchen, then drags himself off to the other room, where you can hear the faint sound of crying.
  300. >Poor Mr. Cake...
  301. >...
  302. >You look to the kitchen, and indeed, you can hear the tinging and clanking of various kitchen utensils.
  303. >You tilt your head in confusion, and slowly walk toward the door.
  304. >It grows larger and larger in your vision.
  305. >What is she doing...?
  306. >You approach the room, light seeping through the crack of the door, and slowly push it.
  307. >It creaks open to reveal Pinkie Pie, hard at work managing the oven.
  308. >You allow yourself inside and take in the environment in a somewhat perplexed state.
  309. "...Pinkie Pie?"
  310. >She stops in place, the sounds coming to a dead stop, then turns to you.
  311. >She looks... sad.
  312. >"Emmy..." she says solemnly, shaking her head. "It's not ready yet... look away."
  313. >Your heart sinks.
  314. "Pinkie, what are you--"
  315. >"Emmy, please..."
  316. >You try to think of something to say, but... nothing comes to mind.
  317. >So instead, you oblige, turning around and looking at the wall.
  318. >Very soon after, the sounds pick up once more.
  319. >You stand in place impatiently, rocking back and forth as the kitchen noise continues to rattle on.
  320. >You need to get this off your chest...
  321. "Pinkie..."
  322. >You continue, beginning to turn around.
  323. >"No! Almost done!" she cries.
  324. >You freeze in place, then sigh, staring at the wall once more.
  325. >For about a minute more, you wait as she works on whatever it is she's doing behind you.
  326. >Finally...
  327. >"Okay... you can look..." she says in a meek voice, directly behind you.
  328. >You take a breath, then turn around for the last time.
  329. >Pinkie Pie sits on the floor, glancing off to the side.
  330. >On the ground is a large, extravagant cupcake, decorated with pink frosting, specks of chocolate, and candy.
  331. >On the top, written in white frosting, is "I'm Sorry."
  332. >You're speechless.
  333. >She glances to you quickly, then looks back away, pushing it toward you slowly.
  334. >"I'm... not sure why you're mad, Emmy, but... I'm sorry. So I made you this apology cupcake."
  335. >...Oh my goodness...
  336. >You grip the collar of your blouse and smile.
  337. >"Do you... do you like it?" she asks timidly.
  338. >And you laugh.
  339. >You let loose a breathy, hearty laugh.
  340. >She looks to you with worry.
  341. "Pinkie... it's wonderful..."
  342. >You crouch down to her level, pushing the cupcake to the side.
  343. "But definitely not necessary."
  344. >You place your hand under her chin, moving her face so her gaze meets yours.
  345. >She looks deeply into your eyes.
  346. >"...It's not?"
  347. >You smile.
  348. "Definitely not."
  349. >"Then... what were you mad about?" she asks, less melancholic but still quite curious.
  350. >You take a breath and glance to the side, but retain your smile.
  351. "I was... confused about some things. Wasn't sure what to think. But..."
  352. >You laugh a little.
  353. "I think I'm finally over that now."
  354. >It takes her a moment, but... she smiles at you.
  355. >"...That makes me so happy, Emmy."
  356. >You smile back at her.
  357. >"Does this mean... can I tell you what I wanted to?"
  358. >With another soft laugh... you shake your head.
  359. >She sees this, and her smile falls off her face.
  360. "No..."
  361. >You start. You give her a boop on the nose.
  362. "Me first."
  363. >Her eyes widen in wonder.
  364. >You place your hands on her shoulders and take a breath.
  365. >She trembles under your touch, and her fur feels so velvety and soft.
  366. "Pinkie, I... I haven't been here for very long at all. I've known you for such a short time, and... we're so different... but..."
  367. >Her ears are listening intently.
  368. "But I think I love you, Pinkie."
  369. >She gasps.
  370. "And I know we're different species, and we're both girls, but..."
  371. >You smile with an exhale.
  372. "I've had trouble with my feelings for a bit... but I know now. I know none of that matters."
  373. >You rub her hooves up and down.
  374. "I want to be with you, Pinkie."
  375. >She gazes into your eyes, speechless for a while.
  376. >Then, her mouth begins to tremble, and her eyes swell.
  377. >"...Does... does this mean..."
  378. >You hold her hooves in your hands.
  379. >"Does this mean... I can be your pink p0ny pillow plushie...?"
  380. >Butterflies erupt in your stomach.
  381. >"Are we... snuggle buddies...?"
  382. >You let out a breathy laugh, then place your finger under her chin again.
  383. >With it, you bring her mouth toward you, and dip down your head.
  384. >You plant your lips on hers and close your eyes.
  385. >It's... magical.
  386. >She accepts this, and begins kissing back. You rub your hands through her poofy, cotton candy like mane.
  387. >It's exactly like what you imagined it'd be like.
  388. >After another ten seconds or so, you pull away, looking deep into Pinkie's eyes.
  389. >She's smiling so bashfully.
  390. >"I love you too, Emmy."
  391. >And she snuggles herself into you.
  392. >You pull her close and cuddle her on the ground, rubbing her back as she blissfully, yet quaintly, rests on you.
  393. >Time in the kitchen feels like it stands still.
  394. >Yes...
  395. >This is definitely what you wanted.
  396. >You have no doubt made the right choice.
  398. End of Part 10
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