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Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. Fabled sky block config:
  2. Command:
  3. Help:
  4. # Lists all commands rather than pages.
  5. List: false
  6. # Shows all aliases of the commands.
  7. Aliases:
  8. Enable: true
  9. Sound:
  10. # When disabled all sounds will be disabled.
  11. Enable: true
  12. Island:
  13. Size:
  14. # [!] Do not go over 1000 for both of these options.
  15. # The size of an Island when created.
  16. # [!] Do not go over the maximum.
  17. # [!] Even numbers WILL create world border issues.
  18. Minimum: 101
  19. # The maximum size of an Island based on the permission
  20. Maximum: 901
  21. Creation:
  22. # Rather than opening the 'Island Creator' menu. Create
  23. # as soon as a player performs the '/island' or '/island
  24. # command.
  25. # [!] The first created structure will be selected.
  26. Menu:
  27. Enable: true
  28. # [!] You are adviced to keep these options both
  29. Cooldown:
  30. # When enabled cooldown will start when a player creates
  31. Creation:
  32. Enable: true
  33. # When enabled cooldown will start when a player deletes
  34. Deletion:
  35. Enable: true
  36. # Time until player can create another island.
  37. Time: 60
  38. World:
  39. # [!] The Island height is 72 blocks.
  40. # Delete the Island world when changing the liquid option.
  41. # If lava disabled, the world will be a water world.
  42. # -1 to disable Nether and End unlock prices.
  43. Normal:
  44. Name: island_normal_world
  45. Liquid:
  46. Enable: false
  47. Lava: false
  48. Height: 60
  49. Nether:
  50. Name: island_nether_world
  51. UnlockPrice: 10000
  52. Enable: true
  53. Liquid:
  54. Enable: true
  55. Lava: true
  56. Height: 60
  57. End:
  58. Name: island_end_world
  59. UnlockPrice: 50000
  60. Enable: true
  61. Liquid:
  62. Enable: false
  63. Lava: false
  64. Height: 60
  65. Member:
  66. # Max amount of players allowed to be in a team.
  67. Capacity: 12
  68. WorldBorder:
  69. # Generates a worldborder around Islands.
  70. # [!] WorldBorders will not show in Nether world
  71. # with some Spigot builds.
  72. Enable: true
  73. # Prevent blocks being placed that would go outside of
  74. # Pistons | Dispensers | Liquid Flow
  75. Block: true
  76. Spawn:
  77. # Prevents blocks being placed inside the location where
  78. # an Island. When setting the spawn points, this option
  79. # require the player to position themselves at the center
  80. # [!] Recommended to use especially to prevent
  81. # and to prevent liquid flow at spawn point.
  82. Protection: true
  83. Leaderboard:
  84. Reset:
  85. # Time until Leaderboard resets
  86. Time: 300
  87. Exemptions:
  88. Enable: false
  89. # If users with the permission should be exempt from
  90. Invite:
  91. Time: 300
  92. # Time until Island invite expires
  93. Coop:
  94. # if the island is closed.
  95. Enable: true
  96. # If enabled, cooped players will not be saved when they
  97. Unload: false
  98. # If enabled, cooped players will not be saved when they
  99. Visit:
  100. Menu:
  101. # open the Island Visit menu.
  102. Bans: false
  103. # open the Island Visit menu.
  104. Visitor:
  105. # even if it's open.
  106. # [!] Enabling will prevent possible memory leak
  107. Unload: false
  108. # Upon Island creation is the Island open to visit?
  109. Open: false
  110. # Allow players to vote for Islands. This will filter
  111. # in the Visit Island menu.
  112. Vote: true
  113. Welcome:
  114. Enable: true
  115. Lines: 6
  116. Length: 30
  117. # Length allowed for each line
  118. # Length allowed for each line
  119. # Length allowed for each line
  120. # Length allowed for each line
  121. Signature:
  122. Enable: true
  123. Lines: 6
  124. Length: 30
  125. # Length allowed for each line
  126. # Length allowed for each line
  127. # Length allowed for each line
  128. # Length allowed for each line
  129. Capacity: 25
  130. Banning: true
  131. # in the Visit Island menu.
  132. # in the Visit Island menu.
  133. # in the Visit Island menu.
  134. # in the Visit Island menu.
  135. Biome:
  136. # Biomes Available-
  140. # Notice- Only use biomes available in your server version!
  141. Default:
  142. Type: Plains
  143. Cooldown:
  144. Time: 900
  145. # If the Nether/End biomes should be allowed in the overworld
  146. AllowOtherWorldlyBiomes:
  147. Nether: true
  148. End: true
  149. # If the Nether/End biomes should be allowed in the overworld
  150. Weather:
  151. Default:
  152. # If disabled, the weather and time will be fixed to
  153. # options.
  154. Synchronised: true
  155. # [!] Make sure the time is one of the choices
  156. # Choices- 0 | 1000 | 6000 | 12000 | 13000 | 18000
  157. Time: 6000
  158. Weather: Clear
  159. # Choices- 0 | 1000 | 6000 | 12000 | 13000 | 18000
  160. # [!] Recommended to keep this disabled to prevent
  161. # and time is not synchronised.
  162. IceAndSnow: false
  163. Time:
  164. Cycle: false
  165. # time cycle or be fixed.
  166. # time cycle or be fixed.
  167. # and time is not synchronised.
  168. Levelling:
  169. IncludeEmptyPointsInList: true
  170. # Island Level Points divided by value
  171. Division: 100
  172. Cooldown:
  173. Time: 60
  174. # Time until Island level rescan expires
  175. # Island Level Points divided by value
  176. Confirmation:
  177. # confirmations.
  178. Timeout: 10
  179. # confirmations.
  180. Ownership:
  181. Transfer:
  182. Role:
  183. # Island owner will become an operator.
  184. Operator: true
  185. # Island owner will become an operator.
  186. Password:
  187. # be reset.
  188. Reset: true
  189. # be reset.
  190. Cooldown:
  191. Time: 60
  192. # Time until Island Ownership reassign expires
  193. Void:
  194. Teleport:
  195. Enable: true
  196. # When disabled, players will teleport the the main
  197. Island: true
  198. # The Y position that the player is teleported when
  199. Offset: 30
  200. # The Y position that the player is teleported when
  201. Block:
  202. Obsidian:
  203. # [!] This requires the player to have the 'Bucket'
  204. Enable: false
  205. # [!] This requires the player to have the 'Bucket'
  206. EndFrame:
  207. # [!] This requires the player to have the 'Destroy'
  208. Enable: false
  209. # [!] This requires the player to have the 'Destroy'
  210. Level:
  211. # calculated for an island.
  212. Enable: true
  213. # calculated for an island.
  214. Piston:
  215. # [!] Prevents Pistons extending out of Island
  216. Connected:
  217. Retract: true
  218. Extend: true
  219. # [!] Prevents Pistons extending out of Island
  220. Liquid:
  221. Teleport:
  222. # liquid world.
  223. Enable: true
  224. # liquid world.
  225. Death:
  226. AutoRespawn: true
  227. Respawn:
  228. # [!] If enabled, players will respawn at the
  229. # players will respawn at the main spawn location.
  230. Island: true
  231. # players will respawn at the main spawn location.
  232. Join:
  233. Spawn: false
  234. # When enabled, players will be teleported to their island
  235. Island: false
  236. # When enabled, players will be teleported to their
  237. Damage:
  238. # damage at an island. This discludes entity and void
  239. Enable: false
  240. # damage at an island. This discludes entity and void
  241. PvP:
  242. # able to damage other players at an island.
  243. Enable: false
  244. # able to damage other players at an island.
  245. KeepItemsOnDeath:
  246. # items in their inventory if they die at an island.
  247. Enable: true
  248. # items in their inventory if they die at an island.
  249. Settings:
  250. # menu.
  251. KeepItemsOnDeath:
  252. Enable: true
  253. PvP:
  254. Enable: true
  255. Damage:
  256. Enable: true
  257. Hunger:
  258. Enable: false
  259. # menu.
  260. Portal:
  261. # end world rather than the island world.
  262. # [!] Recommend to keep this enabled to prevent
  263. Island: true
  264. # [!] Recommend to keep this enabled to prevent
  265. Bank:
  266. Enable: true
  267. AllowDecimals: true
  268. Admin:
  269. Structure:
  270. Selector: DIAMOND_AXE
  271. # Item Material used to select positions for a structure.
  272. Scoreboard:
  273. Enable: true
  274. Generator:
  275. Enable: true
  276. Stackable:
  277. Enable: true
  278. Skyblock Envoys
  279. #
  280. # ███████╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗
  281. # ██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝████╗ ██║██║ ██║██╔═══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝
  282. # ███████╗█████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║██║ █████╔╝ █████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝
  283. # ╚════██║██╔═██╗ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██║ ██║ ╚██╔╝
  284. # ███████║██║ ██╗ ██║ ██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╔╝╚██████╗██║ ██╗███████╗██║ ╚████║ ╚████╔╝ ╚██████╔╝ ██║
  285. # ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝
  286. #
  288. settings:
  289. placeholder_format: 'm:ss'
  290. # For the format:
  291. #
  292. # MVdWPlaceHolderAPI placeholder is: {skyblockenvoy_time}
  293. # PlaceholderAPI placeholder is: %skyblockenvoy_time%
  294. placeholder_countdown: true
  295. minimum_player_for_envoy: -1
  296. time_for_envoy: -1
  297. # Minute(s)
  298. delete_envoy_after: 10
  299. # Minute(s)
  300. need_break_envoy_for_next_envoy: false
  301. envoy_spawn_in_center: true
  302. # Center or random location in your island.
  303. envoy_falling_height: 20.0
  304. envoy_minimum_y: 5
  305. envoy_title_subtitle_time: 3
  306. envoy_actionbar_time: 3
  307. use_hologram: true
  308. hologram_height: 1.0
  309. particle: FLAME
  310. # Particle type of envoy
  311. # For 1.8.8 visit:
  312. # For 1.9 and higher visit (Make sure your version support specified particle):
  313. particle_amount: 10
  314. use_lightning: true
  315. loots_minimum_item: 1
  316. loots_maximum_item: 3
  317. envoy_rise: false
  318. # Envoy rises when broken.
  319. envoy_rise_height: 5.0
  320. use_conditions: false
  321. conditions:
  322. '0':
  323. condition: 'islandLevel'
  324. operator: '>='
  325. level: 100
  326. '1':
  327. condition: 'onlineTime'
  328. operator: '>'
  329. level: 30
  330. # All conditions must be met for envoy.
  331. use_events: true
  332. events:
  333. '0':
  334. event: 'islandLevel'
  335. operator: '=='
  336. level: 10
  337. loot: '*'
  338. '1':
  339. event: 'islandLevel'
  340. operator: '=='
  341. level: 20
  342. loot: '*'
  343. '2':
  344. event: 'islandLevel'
  345. operator: '=='
  346. level: 30
  347. loot: '*'
  348. '3':
  349. event: 'islandLevel'
  350. operator: '=='
  351. level: 40
  352. loot: '*'
  353. '4':
  354. event: 'islandLevel'
  355. operator: '=='
  356. level: 50
  357. loot: '*'
  358. '5':
  359. event: 'islandLevel'
  360. operator: '=='
  361. level: 60
  362. loot: '*'
  363. '6':
  364. event: 'islandLevel'
  365. operator: '=='
  366. level: 70
  367. loot: '*'
  368. '7':
  369. event: 'islandLevel'
  370. operator: '=='
  371. level: 80
  372. loot: '*'
  373. '8':
  374. event: 'islandLevel'
  375. operator: '=='
  376. level: 90
  377. loot: '*'
  378. # Events doesn't use conditions. Events are works once.
  379. version: 2.1
  380. # Do not change this.
  381. MySQL:
  382. enabled: false
  383. # False means flatfile will be used.
  384. host: "hostname"
  385. database: "database"
  386. port: 3306
  387. user: "root"
  388. password: "123456"
  389. loots:
  390. blocks:
  391. # Every loot has permission skyblockenvoy.loot.<loot>
  392. # For example permission of this loot is: skyblockenvoy.loot.blocks
  393. # If you want to give all the loots permission give this permission: skyblockenvoy.loot.*
  394. can_spawn_in_envoy: true
  395. # If you set can_spawn_in_envoy to false normal envoys wont include this loot
  396. # But you can still use this loot in events
  397. '0':
  398. material: EMERALD_BLOCK
  399. amount: 1
  400. # Random amount
  401. chance: 20
  402. '1':
  403. material: DIAMOND_BLOCK
  404. amount: 1
  405. chance: 20
  406. '2':
  407. material: GOLD_BLOCK
  408. amount: 1
  409. chance: 20
  410. '3':
  411. material: IRON_BLOCK
  412. amount: 1
  413. chance: 20
  414. '4':
  415. material: COAL_BLOCK
  416. amount: 1
  417. chance: 20
  418. misc:
  419. can_spawn_in_envoy: true
  420. '0':
  421. material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  422. name: '&8[&9SkyBlock&6Envoy&8] &e&lSWORD'
  423. lore:
  424. - '&7Blessed'
  425. - '&7Sword!'
  426. enchants:
  427. - 'DAMAGE_ALL:5'
  428. - 'DURABILITY:3'
  429. chance: 50
  430. '1':
  431. material: BOW
  432. amount: 1
  433. data: 0
  434. enchants:
  435. - 'ARROW_DAMAGE:5'
  436. - 'ARROW_KNOCKBACK:2'
  437. - 'DURABILITY:3'
  438. chance: 50
  439. foods:
  440. can_spawn_in_envoy: true
  441. '0':
  442. material: COOKED_BEEF
  443. amount: 1
  444. chance: 40
  445. '1':
  446. material: COOKED_CHICKEN
  447. amount: 1
  448. chance: 20
  449. '2':
  450. material: COOKED_RABBIT
  451. amount: 1
  452. chance: 20
  453. '3':
  454. material: COOKED_MUTTON
  455. amount: 1
  456. chance: 20
  457. commands:
  458. can_spawn_in_envoy: true
  459. '0':
  460. command: 'say sam is gay'
  461. chance: 50
  462. executor: server
  463. #Executors: server, player
  464. '1':
  465. command: 'give <player> emerald 16||give <player> gold_ingot 16'
  466. chance: 50
  467. executor: server
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