
Mirae x Yohan Date

Jan 5th, 2020
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  1. Mirae walks into a sleeping Yohan's room. She smirked knowing what she was about to do.
  3. "Aww he looks so peaceful, maybe I shouldn't..." she said quietly to herself "Eh, who cares?"
  5. She then proceeded to jump on to his bed and hit him over the head with a pillow.
  7. "WAKE UP, UGLY!" she shouted knowing that he would get annoyed
  9. "It is literally... 6:30am! Why do you do this to me?" He said after checking his phone.
  11. "The early bird catches the worm" she said with a huge grin.
  13. "Well i'm not going to be able to go back to sleep so I might as well get up." he says playfully glaring at Mirae which she returned with an even bigger grin.
  15. "By the way, I have a surprise for you so make sure you are dressed by about 12ish because we are leaving at about 12:45" he said to her which got her excited.
  17. "Ooh I can't wait, I love surprises!" she kisses him on the cheek.
  19. * TIME SKIP *
  21. Yohan pulled up in his car and waited for Mirae.
  23. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" he said with a huge grin, "Just kidding but you'll find out when we get there."
  25. Mirae ran to the door and got in. He brought out his portable speaker since his aux cord wasn't working and chucked her his phone.
  27. "Put on something good" he said while pulling out of the car park.
  29. Mirae scrolled through the list of songs and found the one she wanted. She put on Her by Block B since she had had the song stuck in her head for the last 3 days. She immediately got hyper to the song and started using his phone as a microphone. He shook his head while laughing as she tried to get him to sing. She kept going and it looked like he wasn't going to join until the chorus came in. They both shouted the lyrics in the car while clicking along to the song.
  31. "HER OH OH HER OH OH HER OH OH" they both sang along while doing the dance move, Yohan doing it with one hand.
  33. About an hour and a lot of bad singing later, they finally made it to their destination. He parked his car in the car park and took her to the front to finally show her what they were doing. She looked at the building and looked through the window to see a sign saying Laser Tag.
  35. "Oh my God! You absolute legend! Oh my gosh" she said in complete shock as she jumped on his back, almost making him fall over, and repeatedly kissed his cheek.
  37. "Thanks babe, I know that you have been wanting to do this for a while so I figured why not surprise you." He grinned.
  39. They both walked in with his arm draped over her shoulder and her arm around his waist. They walked up to the receptionist's desk and told them about their reservation. She looked at her computer and read their names out plus a couple of others that she recognised as her friends. She looked at him in shock because she hadn't been able to hang out with her friends in such a long time. He just smirked back, suddenly, her friends all walked in. Making quite a bit of noise. Mirae then added to that noise by running over to them, squealing, and hugging them. This lasted for a good few minutes. They then calmed down.
  41. "So could you please just wait through there, as the group now finish up their session. They shouldn't be long." said the receptionist, smiling, as she pointed through a door to what looked like a waiting room.
  43. They nodded and entered the room that they were showed.
  45. "Thank you Hannie" she said looking up at him.
  47. "No problem Miel" he said as he kissed the top of her head.
  49. Then a large group of people exited a bright room which the others assumed was the room that they were going to be in.
  51. "Alright guys, you can head in now and my colleague will help you set up and give you the rules" said one of the employees.
  55. "Alright guys you can go to your zones, I am now turning off the lights" said the employee.
  57. Suddenly a lights went out and the only thing helping them see was the neon lights shining from the walls. There was then a loud beep which indicated that they could start.
  59. { Highlights of the laser tag session }
  60. # Mirae ended up winning
  61. # Yohan tricked Mirae by hiding behind a barrel and tapping her then shooting her when she finally saw him.
  62. # There was a six-person pileup after one of Mirae's friends tripped over and another tripped over them and another tripped over them and so on.
  63. # Yohan throws Mirae on his shoulder and continuously shoots her but she gets him to let go by kicking wildly and when she got down, she shot him.
  65. There was a loud beep that indicated that their session was over. The lights slowly came on and the music decreased. The man came back out of the little room and collected everyone's gear. They all said thank you and he just smiled at them and waved. As they exited the room, everyone was talking non-stop about the fun experience they just had.
  67. "Thank you again Yohan. I really appreciate it" said Mirae with a huge smile giving him a big hug.
  69. They all left the building a said their goodbyes.
  71. "I'm hungry, do you want to get McDonald's on the way back?" asked Yohan as they walked back to his car
  73. "Yeah, I am starving" she replied
  75. "Okay, I'm sure I saw a drive-thru on the way here" he said as they entered the car
  77. Mirae and Yohan spent the ride talking about the session of laser tag and how good it was to see her friends. They stopped at a drive-thru for food and continued on.
  79. They finally got back and they were quite worn out from the activities. They had a little nap but knowing Mirae, that didn't last long.
  81. * TIME SKIP *
  83. It was about 10pm and Yohan and Mirae were planning on going to the park to do a bit of skating because it was nice outside. They went to the nearby skate park and just skated around for a good hour or so. After a while they got a bit tired and sat down on their skateboards.
  85. "Today was really nice Hannie." she said as she started sliding side to side on her skateboard.
  87. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." he said while looking at her.
  89. "I love you Mirae"
  91. "I love you too Hannie"
  93. They both leaned in for a quick kiss and then pulled back. Yohan the moved his skateboard and laid down on the grass, tapping the space next to him and holding out his arm for Mirae to lie down on. Mirae then laid down on it and Yohan kissed the top of her head. They then looked up at the stars.
  95. "Let's stay like this for a bit then we can go back." he said whilst looking at her
  97. She just nodded and blushed.
  99. After about 5 or 10 minutes of relaxation, they realised it was time to go home. They both got up and started walking back but then she decided to jump on his back.
  101. "ONWARD, NOBLE STEED" she shouted as she pointed forward with her free arm.
  103. He then made a funny neighing sound galloped like a horse, causing Mirae to giggle. They did this all the way back.
  105. When they finally got home they both realised they were really tired from such a hectic day and so after a few hugs and kisses, they made their way to their rooms and went to bed, no doubt dreaming about the amazing they had together.
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