
Wifi Weather Wars II Mafia Theme

Feb 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. {
  2. "name": "WWW2",
  3. "altname": "Wifi Weathers Wars II",
  4. "summary": "Once upon a time the four weathers lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Finch nation attacked.",
  5. "nolynch": true,
  6. "sides": [
  7. {
  8. "side": "sand",
  9. "translation": "Sand Team"
  10. },
  11. {
  12. "side": "rain",
  13. "translation": "Rain Team"
  14. },
  15. {
  16. "side": "weatherless",
  17. "translation": "Weatherless Warriors"
  18. }
  19. ],
  20. "memory": {
  21. "HP": "integer",
  22. "burn": "integer",
  23. "atkdebuff": "integer",
  24. "atkbuff": "integer",
  25. "defdebuff": "integer",
  26. "speed": "integer",
  27. "acroUsed": "integer",
  28. "satkbuff": "integer",
  29. "satkdebuff": "integer"
  30. },
  31. "variables": {
  32. "burnCheck": {
  33. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  34. "memoryFor": "self",
  35. "checkMemory": {
  36. "stat": "burn",
  37. "value": 1,
  38. "equalsOnly": true,
  39. "failmsg": "",
  40. "msg": ""
  41. },
  42. "setMemory": {
  43. "HP": {
  44. "add": [
  45. [5, -1]
  46. ],
  47. "silent": false,
  48. "min": [0, 0]
  49. }
  50. },
  51. "dummyusermsg": "You took damage from your burn!",
  52. "target": "OnlySelf",
  53. "common": "Self",
  54. "compulsory": true,
  55. "macro": false,
  56. "hide": true,
  57. "priority": 101,
  58. "ignoreDistract": true,
  59. "inputmsg": ""
  60. },
  61. "hpCheck": {
  62. "command": "kill",
  63. "checkMemory": {
  64. "stat": "HP",
  65. "value": 1,
  66. "lessThan": true,
  67. "failmsg": "You have ~Amount~ HP left.",
  68. "msg": ""
  69. },
  70. "msg": "Your HP fell to 0! You fainted!",
  71. "target": "OnlySelf",
  72. "common": "Self",
  73. "compulsory": true,
  74. "macro": false,
  75. "hide": true,
  76. "priority": 102,
  77. "ignoreDistract": true,
  78. "inputmsg": ""
  79. },
  80. "eqImmune": {
  81. "command": "guard",
  82. "guardActions": ["earthquake"],
  83. "guardmsg": "The target (~Target~) was immune to your Earthquake!",
  84. "target": "OnlySelf",
  85. "common": "Self",
  86. "compulsory": true,
  87. "macro": false,
  88. "hide": true,
  89. "priority": 0,
  90. "ignoreDistract": true,
  91. "inputmsg": ""
  92. },
  93. "waterImmune": {
  94. "command": "guard",
  95. "guardActions": ["waterfall","scald","hydro"],
  96. "guardmsg": "The target was immune to your water attack!",
  97. "target": "OnlySelf",
  98. "common": "Self",
  99. "compulsory": true,
  100. "macro": false,
  101. "hide": true,
  102. "priority": 0,
  103. "ignoreDistract": true,
  104. "inputmsg": ""
  105. },
  106. "rainTeam": ["pelipper","rotom-wash","tornadus","ferrothorn","kingdra"],
  107. "sandTeam": ["tyranitar","gliscor","excadrill"],
  108. "ironBarbs": {
  109. "mode": "memory",
  110. "memoryFor": "target",
  111. "setMemory": {
  112. "HP": {
  113. "add": [
  114. [10, -1]
  115. ],
  116. "silent": true,
  117. "min": {
  118. "set": [0, 0]
  119. }
  120. }
  121. }
  122. }
  123. },
  124. "roles": [
  125. {
  126. "role": "pelipper",
  127. "translation": "Pelipper",
  128. "side": "rain",
  129. "help": "You are the leader of the Rain Team, so if you faint, all of your teammates have no chance! You can use /Scald twice per night to attack two players with a chance to burn them. Twice per game, you can opt to use /Roost to heal back some HP, but be careful, because Excadrill can Earthquake you when you do that! During the day, use /Expose to find out someone's role, and if you get an incorrect result you will find out!",
  130. "info": "Can /scald (8 damage, 30% chance to burn) twice per night. Can /roost twice per game to heal 50% of HP. Can /Hurricane to expose during the day, but this has a 70% chance of being incorrect. Immune to Earthquake unless using Roost. Team loses if it faints. ~Sided~",
  131. "actions": {
  132. "memory": {
  133. "HP": 80,
  134. "burn": 0
  135. },
  136. "noVote": true,
  137. "onDeath": {
  138. "killRoles": "variable:rainTeam",
  139. "killmsg": "Pelipper fainted! The Rain Team is no longer viable!"
  140. },
  141. "standby": {
  142. "expose": {
  143. "target": "Any",
  144. "incorrectChance": 0.7,
  145. "msg": "You can type /Expose [name] to reveal someone's role! You will not be revealed, and there's a 70% chance your result will be incorrect!",
  146. "exposemsg": "Pelipper goes burrrBRRRT and fires a Hurricane at ~Target~! In a daze of confusion, they announce themselves to be the ~Role~!"
  147. }
  148. },
  149. "night": {
  150. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  151. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  152. "eqImmune": "variable:eqImmune",
  153. "scald": {
  154. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  155. "memoryFor": "target",
  156. "setMemory": {
  157. "HP": {
  158. "add": [
  159. [8, -1]
  160. ],
  161. "silent": false,
  162. "min": [0, 0]
  163. },
  164. "burn": {
  165. "failChance": 0.7,
  166. "set": [1, 1],
  167. "silent": false,
  168. "msg": "~Target~ was burned!",
  169. "targetmsg": "You got burned!"
  170. }
  171. },
  172. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Pelipper used Scald!",
  173. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  174. "common": "Self",
  175. "restrict": ["roost"],
  176. "priority": 30,
  177. "limit": 2
  178. },
  179. "roost": {
  180. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  181. "memoryFor": "self",
  182. "setMemory": {
  183. "HP": {
  184. "add": [
  185. ["self:HP", 1],
  186. [40, 1]
  187. ],
  188. "silent": false,
  189. "msg": "You used Roost and now have ~Value~ HP!",
  190. "max": [80, 1]
  191. }
  192. },
  193. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Pelipper used Roost!",
  194. "cancel": ["eqImmune"],
  195. "restrict": ["scald"],
  196. "target": "OnlySelf",
  197. "common": "Self",
  198. "priority": 3,
  199. "charges": 2
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }
  203. },
  204. {
  205. "role": "rotom-wash",
  206. "translation": "Rotom-Wash",
  207. "side": "rain",
  208. "help": "You are the support Pokémon of the Rain Team! You pack a punch with /Hydro, but you can also /Wisp to burn, and /Inspect. You can only do one per night, and never two on consecutive nights, and each has a chance of failing, so be careful!",
  209. "info": "Can Hydro (20 damage, 20% fail chance) or Wisp (burn, 25% fail chance) or Inspect (15% incorrect chance) once per night. Immune to Earthquake. ~Sided~",
  210. "actions": {
  211. "memory": {
  212. "HP": 80,
  213. "burn": 0
  214. },
  215. "noVote": true,
  216. "night": {
  217. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  218. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  219. "eqImmune": "variable:eqImmune",
  220. "hydro": {
  221. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  222. "memoryFor": "target",
  223. "setMemory": {
  224. "HP": {
  225. "add": [
  226. [20, -1]
  227. ],
  228. "failMsg": "~Target~ avoided the Hydro Pump!",
  229. "silent": false,
  230. "failChance": 0.2,
  231. "min": [0, 0]
  232. }
  233. },
  234. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Rotom-Wash used Hydro Pump!",
  235. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  236. "common": "Self",
  237. "priority": 25,
  238. "recharge": 2,
  239. "hide": true,
  240. "cancel": ["inspect", "wisp"]
  241. },
  242. "wisp": {
  243. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  244. "memoryFor": "target",
  245. "setMemory": {
  246. "burn": {
  247. "failChance": 0.25,
  248. "set": [1, 1],
  249. "silent": false,
  250. "failMsg": "~Target~ avoided the Will-o-Wisp!",
  251. "msg": "~Target~ was burned!",
  252. "targetmsg": "You got burned!"
  253. }
  254. },
  255. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Rotom-Wash used Will-o-Wisp!",
  256. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  257. "common": "Self",
  258. "priority": 25,
  259. "recharge": 2,
  260. "hide": true,
  261. "cancel": ["inspect", "hydro"]
  262. },
  263. "inspect": {
  264. "command": "inspect",
  265. "incorrectChance": 0.15,
  266. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  267. "common": "Self",
  268. "priority": 45,
  269. "recharge": 2,
  270. "hide": true,
  271. "cancel": ["wisp", "hydro"]
  272. },
  273. "wisp/hydro": {
  274. "command": "dummy",
  275. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  276. "common": "Self",
  277. "priority": 45,
  278. "macro": false
  279. }
  280. }
  281. }
  282. },
  283. {
  284. "role": "tornadus",
  285. "translation": "Tornadus",
  286. "side": "rain",
  287. "help": "You are the Rain Team's Grass counter! Use /Slash during the day to attack someone with high priority and a chance to prevent them from taking any action! Alternatively, if you want to deal more damage, you can use /Superpower, although it gets progressively weaker, and makes you more vulnerable to physical attacks!",
  288. "info": "Can Slash (15 damage, 30% flinch chance) or Superpower (30 damage, decreases in power by 5 and decreases defense by 5 each time used). Immune to Earthquake. ~Sided~",
  289. "actions": {
  290. "memory": {
  291. "HP": 80,
  292. "burn": 0,
  293. "atkdebuff": 0,
  294. "defdebuff": 0
  295. },
  296. "noVote": true,
  297. "night": {
  298. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  299. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  300. "eqImmune": "variable:eqImmune",
  301. "airslash": {
  302. "command": ["memory", "distract", "dummy"],
  303. "memoryFor": "target",
  304. "setMemory": {
  305. "HP": {
  306. "add": [
  307. [15, -1]
  308. ],
  309. "silent": false,
  310. "min": [0, 0]
  311. }
  312. },
  313. "distractFailChance": 0.7,
  314. "distractFailMsg": "",
  315. "distractmsg": "You flinched from Air Slash!",
  316. "distractUserMsg": "Your target (~Target~) flinched!",
  317. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  318. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Tornadus used Air Slash!",
  319. "common": "Self",
  320. "priority": 6,
  321. "hide": true,
  322. "restrict": ["superpower"]
  323. },
  324. "superpower": {
  325. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  326. "memoryFor": "target",
  327. "setMemory": {
  328. "HP": {
  329. "add": [
  330. [30, -1],
  331. ["user:burn", 5],
  332. ["user:atkdebuff", 5],
  333. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  334. ],
  335. "silent": false,
  336. "min": [0, 0]
  337. }
  338. },
  339. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Tornadus used Superpower!",
  340. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  341. "common": "Self",
  342. "priority": 6,
  343. "hide": true,
  344. "restrict": ["airslash"],
  345. "cancel": ["noSP"]
  346. },
  347. "noSP": {
  348. "command": "guard",
  349. "target": "OnlySelf",
  350. "guardActions": ["spRecoil"],
  351. "guardmsg": "",
  352. "inputmsg": "",
  353. "hide": true,
  354. "common": "Self",
  355. "compulsory": true,
  356. "priority": -1,
  357. "macro": false
  358. },
  359. "spRecoil": {
  360. "command": ["memory"],
  361. "memoryFor": "self",
  362. "setMemory": {
  363. "atkdebuff": {
  364. "add": [
  365. [1, 1]
  366. ],
  367. "silent": false,
  368. "msg": "Your Attack and Defense dropped from using Superpower!",
  369. "max": [5, 1]
  370. },
  371. "defdebuff": {
  372. "add": [
  373. [1, 1]
  374. ],
  375. "silent": true,
  376. "min": [5, 5]
  377. }
  378. },
  379. "inputmsg": "",
  380. "target": "OnlySelf",
  381. "hide": true,
  382. "common": "Self",
  383. "compulsory": true,
  384. "priority": 0,
  385. "macro": false
  386. },
  387. "Airslash/Superpower": {
  388. "command": "dummy",
  389. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  390. "common": "Self",
  391. "priority": 10,
  392. "macro": false
  393. }
  394. }
  395. }
  396. },
  397. {
  398. "role": "kingdra",
  399. "translation": "Kingdra",
  400. "side": "rain",
  401. "help": "You are a powerful rain sweeper! You can use Draco Meteor, although it gets considerably weaker every time you use it.",
  402. "info": "Can use Waterfall (16 damage, 20% flinch) or Draco Meteor (38 damage, decreasing by 10 every use). ~Sided~",
  403. "actions": {
  404. "memory": {
  405. "HP": 80,
  406. "burn": 0,
  407. "atkdebuff": 0,
  408. "satkdebuff": 0,
  409. "defdebuff": 0,
  410. "acroUsed": 0,
  411. "speed": 1
  412. },
  413. "noVote": true,
  414. "night": {
  415. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  416. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  417. "dracometeor": {
  418. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  419. "memoryFor": "target",
  420. "setMemory": {
  421. "HP": {
  422. "add": [
  423. [38, -1],
  424. ["user:satkdebuff", 5]
  425. ],
  426. "silent": false,
  427. "min": [0, 0]
  428. }
  429. },
  430. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Kingdra used Draco Meteor!",
  431. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  432. "common": "Self",
  433. "priority": 9,
  434. "hide": true,
  435. "restrict": ["waterfall"],
  436. "cancel": ["noSP"]
  437. },
  438. "waterfall": {
  439. "command": ["memory","distract","dummy"],
  440. "memoryFor": "target",
  441. "setMemory": {
  442. "HP": {
  443. "add": [
  444. [16, -1],
  445. ["user:burn", 5],
  446. ["user:atkdebuff", 5],
  447. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  448. ],
  449. "silent": false,
  450. "min": [0, 0]
  451. }
  452. },
  453. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Kingdra used Waterfall!",
  454. "distractFailChance": 0.8,
  455. "distractFailMsg": "",
  456. "distractmsg": "You flinched from Waterfall!",
  457. "distractUserMsg": "Your target (~Target~) flinched!",
  458. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  459. "common": "Self",
  460. "priority": 9,
  461. "hide": true,
  462. "restrict": ["dracometeor"]
  463. },
  464. "noSP": {
  465. "command": "guard",
  466. "target": "OnlySelf",
  467. "guardActions": ["spRecoil"],
  468. "guardmsg": "",
  469. "inputmsg": "",
  470. "hide": true,
  471. "common": "Self",
  472. "compulsory": true,
  473. "priority": -1,
  474. "macro": false
  475. },
  476. "spRecoil": {
  477. "command": ["memory"],
  478. "memoryFor": "self",
  479. "setMemory": {
  480. "satkdebuff": {
  481. "add": [
  482. [2, 1]
  483. ],
  484. "silent": false,
  485. "msg": "Your Special Attack dropped from using Draco Meteor!",
  486. "max": [5, 1]
  487. }
  488. },
  489. "inputmsg": "",
  490. "target": "OnlySelf",
  491. "hide": true,
  492. "common": "Self",
  493. "compulsory": true,
  494. "priority": 0,
  495. "macro": false
  496. },
  497. "Dracometeor/Waterfall": {
  498. "command": ["dummy"],
  499. "macro": false,
  500. "target": "OnlySelf",
  501. "common": "Self",
  502. "priority": 9
  503. }
  504. }
  505. }
  506. },
  507. {
  508. "role": "ferrothorn",
  509. "translation": "Ferrothorn",
  510. "side": "rain",
  511. "help": "You are a wall kind of Pokémon, and you fit right into any rain team! Your Gyro Ball is special and it deals extra damage to Kingdra, Excadrill, Stoutland, and Latios. You can also use Leech Seed to deal 10 damage and heal 10.",
  512. "info": "Can Gyro Ball (13 damage, double damage on Kingra, Latios, Excadrill, Stoutland) or Leech Seed (10 damage, heal 10). Deals 10 damage to anyone who attacks it with a contact move. ~Sided~",
  513. "actions": {
  514. "memory": {
  515. "HP": 80,
  516. "burn": 0,
  517. "atkdebuff": 0,
  518. "defdebuff": 0,
  519. "acroUsed": 0
  520. },
  521. "noVote": true,
  522. "ironhead": "variable:ironBarbs",
  523. "superpower": "variable:ironBarbs",
  524. "acrobatics": "variable:ironBarbs",
  525. "waterfall": "variable:ironBarbs",
  526. "crunch": "variable:ironBarbs",
  527. "dragonclaw": "variable:ironBarbs",
  528. "facade": "variable:ironBarbs",
  529. "night": {
  530. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  531. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  532. "gyroball": {
  533. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  534. "memoryFor": "target",
  535. "setMemory": {
  536. "HP": {
  537. "add": [
  538. [13, -1],
  539. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  540. ["self:atkbuff", -5],
  541. ["user:burn", 5],
  542. ["target:defdebuff", -5],
  543. ["target:speed", -13]
  544. ],
  545. "silent": false,
  546. "min": [0, 0]
  547. }
  548. },
  549. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Ferrothron used Gyro Ball!",
  550. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  551. "common": "Self",
  552. "priority": 42,
  553. "cancel": ["leechseed"],
  554. "hide": true
  555. },
  556. "leechseed": {
  557. "command": ["memory", "copy"],
  558. "memoryFor": "target",
  559. "setMemory": {
  560. "HP": {
  561. "add": [
  562. [10, -1],
  563. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  564. ["self:atkbuff", -5],
  565. ["user:burn", 5],
  566. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  567. ],
  568. "silent": false,
  569. "min": [0, 0]
  570. }
  571. },
  572. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Ferrothron used Leech Seed!",
  573. "copyAs": "ferrothorn2",
  574. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  575. "common": "Self",
  576. "priority": 42,
  577. "silent": true,
  578. "copyMsg": "",
  579. "silentCopy": true,
  580. "cancel": ["gyroball"],
  581. "hide": true
  582. },
  583. "Leech Seed/Gyro Ball": {
  584. "command": ["dummy"],
  585. "macro": false,
  586. "target": "OnlySelf",
  587. "common": "Self",
  588. "priority": 42
  589. }
  590. }
  591. }
  592. },
  593. {
  594. "role": "ferrothorn2",
  595. "translation": "Ferrothorn",
  596. "side": "rain",
  597. "help": "",
  598. "info": "",
  599. "hide": true,
  600. "actions": {
  601. "memory": {
  602. },
  603. "noVote": true,
  604. "night": {
  605. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  606. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  607. "leechseed": {
  608. "command": ["memory", "copy"],
  609. "memoryFor": "target",
  610. "setMemory": {
  611. "HP": {
  612. "add": [
  613. [10, 1]
  614. ],
  615. "silent": true,
  616. "max": [80, 1]
  617. }
  618. },
  619. "silent": true,
  620. "copyMsg": "",
  621. "silentCopy": true,
  622. "copyAs": "ferrothorn",
  623. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  624. "common": "Self",
  625. "priority": 46,
  626. "hide": true
  627. }
  628. }
  629. }
  630. },
  631. {
  632. "role": "tyranitar",
  633. "translation": "Tyranitar",
  634. "side": "sand",
  635. "help": "You are the leader of the Sand Team, so if you faint, all of your teammates have no chance! You can use /Crunch twice per night to attack two players with a chance to lower their defenses. Once per game, you can use /Rest to heal back all your HP and status! During the day, use /Expose to find out someone's role, and if you get an incorrect result you will find out!",
  636. "info": "Can /crunch (10 damage, 20% chance to drop targets defense) twice per night. Can Rest once per game to restore status and all HP. Can /Expose during the day, but this has a 70% chance of being incorrect. Team loses if it faints. ~Sided~",
  637. "actions": {
  638. "memory": {
  639. "HP": 80,
  640. "burn": 0,
  641. "atkdefbuff": 0,
  642. "defdefbuff": 0
  643. },
  644. "noVote": true,
  645. "onDeath": {
  646. "killRoles": "variable:sandTeam",
  647. "killmsg": "Tyranitar fainted! The Sand Team is no longer viable!"
  648. },
  649. "standby": {
  650. "expose": {
  651. "target": "Any",
  652. "incorrectChance": 0.7,
  653. "msg": "You can type /Expose [name] to reveal someone's role! You will not be revealed, and there's a 70% chance your result will be incorrect!",
  654. "exposemsg": "Tyranitar goes RAAAAAWR at ~Target~ until they announce themselves to be the ~Role~!"
  655. }
  656. },
  657. "night": {
  658. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  659. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  660. "crunch": {
  661. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  662. "memoryFor": "target",
  663. "setMemory": {
  664. "HP": {
  665. "add": [
  666. [10, -1],
  667. ["user:burn", 5],
  668. ["user:atkdebuff", 5],
  669. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  670. ],
  671. "silent": false,
  672. "min": [0, 0]
  673. },
  674. "defdebuff": {
  675. "failChance": 0.8,
  676. "add": [
  677. ["target:defdebuff", 1],
  678. [1, 1]
  679. ],
  680. "silent": false,
  681. "msg": "~Target~ had their defense dropped!"
  682. }
  683. },
  684. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Tyranitar used Crunch!",
  685. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  686. "common": "Self",
  687. "cancel": ["rest"],
  688. "limit": 2,
  689. "priority": 35
  690. },
  691. "rest": {
  692. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  693. "memoryFor": "self",
  694. "setMemory": {
  695. "HP": {
  696. "add": [
  697. [80, 1]
  698. ],
  699. "silent": false,
  700. "msg": "You used Rest and now have ~Value~ HP! (You also removed any status ailments!)",
  701. "max": [80, 1]
  702. },
  703. "burn": {
  704. "failChance": 0.7,
  705. "set": [0, 0],
  706. "silent": true
  707. }
  708. },
  709. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Tyranitar used Rest!",
  710. "cancel": ["crunch"],
  711. "target": "OnlySelf",
  712. "common": "Self",
  713. "priority": 3,
  714. "charges": 1
  715. }
  716. }
  717. }
  718. },
  719. {
  720. "role": "gliscor",
  721. "translation": "Gliscor",
  722. "side": "sand",
  723. "help": "You are the support Pokémon of the Sand Team! You can fight using your /Acrobatics, or /Inspect (20% chance to have incorrect result). You can additionally /Taunt to prevent your target from using support moves once every 2 nights. Once per game, you can use /Veil to enter Sand Veil and avoid all attacks aimed at you.",
  724. "info": "Can Acrobatics (5 damage the first time, 15 after) or Inspect (15% incorrect chance). Can Taunt (prevents supporting moves) once every 2 nights. Immune to Earthquake. Once per game, can use /Veil to avoid all attacks. ~Sided~",
  725. "actions": {
  726. "memory": {
  727. "HP": 80,
  728. "burn": 0,
  729. "atkdebuff": 0,
  730. "defdebuff": 0,
  731. "acroUsed": 0
  732. },
  733. "noVote": true,
  734. "night": {
  735. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  736. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  737. "eqImmune": "variable:eqImmune",
  738. "acrobatics": {
  739. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  740. "memoryFor": "target",
  741. "setMemory": {
  742. "HP": {
  743. "add": [
  744. [5, -1],
  745. ["self:acroUsed", -15],
  746. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  747. ["user:burn", 5],
  748. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  749. ],
  750. "silent": false,
  751. "min": [0, 0],
  752. "max": ["target:HP", 1]
  753. }
  754. },
  755. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  756. "common": "Self",
  757. "priority": 22,
  758. "recharge": 2,
  759. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Gliscor used Acrobatics!",
  760. "cancel": ["inspect"],
  761. "hide": true
  762. },
  763. "inspect": {
  764. "command": ["inspect", "dummy"],
  765. "incorrectChance": 0.2,
  766. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  767. "common": "Self",
  768. "priority": 45,
  769. "recharge": 2,
  770. "hide": true,
  771. "cancel": ["acrobatics"]
  772. },
  773. "taunt": {
  774. "command": ["distract", "dummy"],
  775. "distractActions": ["roost", "rest", "wisp", "inspect", "leechseed", "swordsdance"],
  776. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  777. "distractmsg": "The Gliscor taunted you! You cannot use any supporting moves this turn!",
  778. "common": "Self",
  779. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Gliscor used Taunt!",
  780. "priority": 1,
  781. "recharge": 2
  782. },
  783. "veil": {
  784. "command": ["guard","dummy"],
  785. "guardActions": ["hydro","ironhead","wisp","crunch","scald","airslash","superpower","earthquake"],
  786. "target": "OnlySelf",
  787. "inputmsg": "You have entered the Sand Veil to avoid all attacks!",
  788. "common": "Self",
  789. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Gliscor entered the Sand Veil!",
  790. "priority": 1,
  791. "charges": 1
  792. },
  793. "noSP": {
  794. "command": "guard",
  795. "target": "OnlySelf",
  796. "guardActions": ["spRecoil"],
  797. "guardmsg": "",
  798. "inputmsg": "",
  799. "hide": true,
  800. "common": "Self",
  801. "compulsory": true,
  802. "priority": -1,
  803. "macro": false
  804. },
  805. "spRecoil": {
  806. "command": ["memory"],
  807. "memoryFor": "self",
  808. "setMemory": {
  809. "acroUsed": {
  810. "set": [
  811. [1, 1]
  812. ],
  813. "silent": true
  814. }
  815. },
  816. "inputmsg": "",
  817. "target": "OnlySelf",
  818. "hide": true,
  819. "common": "Self",
  820. "compulsory": true,
  821. "priority": 0,
  822. "macro": false
  823. }
  824. }
  825. }
  826. },
  827. {
  828. "role": "excadrill",
  829. "translation": "Excadrill",
  830. "side": "sand",
  831. "help": "You are the main sweeper Pokémon of the Sand Team! You have two attacking moves /Ironhead (10 damage) and /Earthquake (20 damage). Iron Head can cause a flinch, but Earthquake is stronger, although it has no effect on flying or levitating Pokémon, unless they are Roosting! Once every 2 turns, instead of attacking, you may choose to use /Swordsdance to increase your attack power! You can only choose one attack per night.",
  832. "info": "Can Iron Head (10 damage, 30% flinch chance) or Earthquake (20 damage) or Swords Dance (+50% more damage to both attacks in the future, once every two turns). ~Sided~",
  833. "actions": {
  834. "memory": {
  835. "HP": 80,
  836. "burn": 0,
  837. "atkdebuff": 0,
  838. "defdebuff": 0,
  839. "acroUsed": 0,
  840. "speed": 1
  841. },
  842. "noVote": true,
  843. "night": {
  844. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  845. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  846. "earthquake": {
  847. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  848. "memoryFor": "target",
  849. "setMemory": {
  850. "HP": {
  851. "add": [
  852. [20, -1],
  853. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  854. ["self:atkbuff", -10],
  855. ["user:burn", 5],
  856. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  857. ],
  858. "silent": false,
  859. "min": [0, 0]
  860. }
  861. },
  862. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  863. "common": "Self",
  864. "priority": 7,
  865. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Excadrill used Earthquake!",
  866. "cancel": ["ironhead", "swordsdance"],
  867. "hide": true
  868. },
  869. "ironhead": {
  870. "command": ["memory", "distract", "dummy"],
  871. "memoryFor": "target",
  872. "setMemory": {
  873. "HP": {
  874. "add": [
  875. [10, -1],
  876. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  877. ["self:atkbuff", -5],
  878. ["user:burn", 5],
  879. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  880. ],
  881. "silent": false,
  882. "min": [0, 0]
  883. }
  884. },
  885. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Excadrill used Iron Head!",
  886. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  887. "common": "Self",
  888. "priority": 7,
  889. "distractFailChance": 0.7,
  890. "distractFailMsg": "",
  891. "distractmsg": "You flinched from Iron Head!",
  892. "distractUserMsg": "Your target (~Target~) flinched!",
  893. "cancel": ["earthquake", "swordsdance"],
  894. "hide": true
  895. },
  896. "swordsdance": {
  897. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  898. "memoryFor": "self",
  899. "setMemory": {
  900. "atkbuff": {
  901. "add": [
  902. [1, 1]
  903. ],
  904. "silent": true
  905. }
  906. },
  907. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Excadrill used Swords Dance!",
  908. "target": "OnlySelf",
  909. "hide": true,
  910. "common": "Self",
  911. "recharge": 2,
  912. "priority": 7
  913. },
  914. "Earthquake/Ironhead": {
  915. "command": ["dummy"],
  916. "macro": false,
  917. "target": "OnlySelf",
  918. "common": "Self",
  919. "priority": 7
  920. }
  921. }
  922. }
  923. },
  924. {
  925. "role": "stoutland",
  926. "translation": "Stoutland",
  927. "side": "sand",
  928. "help": "You are the secondary sweeper Pokémon of the Sand Team! Use /Facade to smash your enemies, and if you get burned, you only become stronger!",
  929. "info": "Can Facade (20 damage, damage increases to 30 if burned instead of decreasing). ~Sided~",
  930. "actions": {
  931. "memory": {
  932. "HP": 80,
  933. "burn": 0,
  934. "atkdebuff": 0,
  935. "defdebuff": 0,
  936. "acroUsed": 0,
  937. "speed": 1
  938. },
  939. "noVote": true,
  940. "night": {
  941. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  942. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  943. "facade": {
  944. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  945. "memoryFor": "target",
  946. "setMemory": {
  947. "HP": {
  948. "add": [
  949. [20, -1],
  950. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  951. ["self:atkbuff", -10],
  952. ["user:burn", -10],
  953. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  954. ],
  955. "silent": false,
  956. "min": [0, 0]
  957. }
  958. },
  959. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Stoutland used Facade!",
  960. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  961. "common": "Self",
  962. "priority": 12,
  963. "hide": true
  964. }
  965. }
  966. }
  967. },
  968. {
  969. "role": "gastrodon",
  970. "translation": "Gastrodon",
  971. "side": "sand",
  972. "help": "You are the rain counter Pokémon of the Sand Team! You have two attacking moves /Scald (10 damage, burn chance) and /Earthquake (20 damage). Earthquake is stronger, although it has no effect on flying or levitating Pokémon, unless they are Roosting! Since you are a Storm Drain Pokémon, you are immune to any water attacks.",
  973. "info": "Can Scald (10 damage, 30% burn chance) or Earthquake (20 damage). Immune to water attacks. ~Sided~",
  974. "actions": {
  975. "memory": {
  976. "HP": 80,
  977. "burn": 0,
  978. "atkdebuff": 0,
  979. "defdebuff": 0,
  980. "acroUsed": 0,
  981. "speed": 1
  982. },
  983. "noVote": true,
  984. "night": {
  985. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  986. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  987. "waterImmune": "variable:waterImmune",
  988. "earthquake": {
  989. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  990. "memoryFor": "target",
  991. "setMemory": {
  992. "HP": {
  993. "add": [
  994. [20, -1],
  995. ["self:atkdebuff", 5],
  996. ["self:atkbuff", -5],
  997. ["user:burn", 5],
  998. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  999. ],
  1000. "silent": false,
  1001. "min": [0, 0]
  1002. }
  1003. },
  1004. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Gastrodon used Earthquake!",
  1005. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  1006. "common": "Self",
  1007. "priority": 41,
  1008. "cancel": ["scald"],
  1009. "hide": true
  1010. },
  1011. "scald": {
  1012. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  1013. "memoryFor": "target",
  1014. "setMemory": {
  1015. "HP": {
  1016. "add": [
  1017. [10, -1]
  1018. ],
  1019. "silent": false,
  1020. "min": [0, 0]
  1021. },
  1022. "burn": {
  1023. "failChance": 0.7,
  1024. "set": [1, 1],
  1025. "silent": false,
  1026. "msg": "~Target~ was burned!",
  1027. "targetmsg": "You got burned!"
  1028. }
  1029. },
  1030. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Gastrodon used Scald!",
  1031. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  1032. "common": "Self",
  1033. "priority": 41,
  1034. "cancel": ["earthquake"],
  1035. "hide": true
  1036. },
  1037. "Scald/Earthquake": {
  1038. "command": ["dummy"],
  1039. "macro": false,
  1040. "target": "OnlySelf",
  1041. "common": "Self",
  1042. "priority": 41
  1043. }
  1044. }
  1045. }
  1046. },
  1047. {
  1048. "role": "latios",
  1049. "translation": "Latios",
  1050. "side": "weatherless",
  1051. "help": "You are against the concept of weather, so instead you will use your crazy dragon moves to faint everyone. Dragon Claw deals 20 damage, and it should be your main attacking move. For maximum power, you can use Draco Meteor, although it gets considerably weaker every time you use it. You can also Roost to heal half your HP back, although it makes you vulnerable to Earthquake for some reason. During the day, you can use /Psychic to learn someone's role, but there is a small chance you will be revealed!",
  1052. "info": "Can use Dragon Claw (20 damage) or Draco Meteor (45 damage, decreasing by 10 every use). Can Roost 3 times per game. Can inspect during the day (5% reveal chance). ~Sided~",
  1053. "actions": {
  1054. "memory": {
  1055. "HP": 80,
  1056. "burn": 0,
  1057. "atkdebuff": 0,
  1058. "satkdebuff": 0,
  1059. "defdebuff": 0,
  1060. "acroUsed": 0,
  1061. "speed": 1
  1062. },
  1063. "noVote": true,
  1064. "standby": {
  1065. "expose": {
  1066. "target": "Any",
  1067. "msg": "You can type /Psychic [name] to learn someone's role! There is a 5% chance you will be revealed!",
  1068. "exposemsg": "Latios used Psychic to find out who the ~Role~ is!",
  1069. "revealChance": 0.05,
  1070. "revealMsg": "*** ~Self~ (~Role~) was seen flying around!"
  1071. }
  1072. },
  1073. "night": {
  1074. "burnCheck": "variable:burnCheck",
  1075. "hpCheck": "variable:hpCheck",
  1076. "hpCheck": "variable:eqImmune",
  1077. "dracometeor": {
  1078. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  1079. "memoryFor": "target",
  1080. "setMemory": {
  1081. "HP": {
  1082. "add": [
  1083. [45, -1],
  1084. ["user:satkdebuff", 5]
  1085. ],
  1086. "silent": false,
  1087. "min": [0, 0]
  1088. }
  1089. },
  1090. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Latios used Draco Meteor!",
  1091. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  1092. "common": "Self",
  1093. "priority": 10,
  1094. "hide": true,
  1095. "restrict": ["dragonclaw"],
  1096. "cancel": ["noSP"]
  1097. },
  1098. "dragonclaw": {
  1099. "command": ["memory","dummy"],
  1100. "memoryFor": "target",
  1101. "setMemory": {
  1102. "HP": {
  1103. "add": [
  1104. [20, -1],
  1105. ["user:burn", 5],
  1106. ["user:atkdebuff", 5],
  1107. ["target:defdebuff", -5]
  1108. ],
  1109. "silent": false,
  1110. "min": [0, 0]
  1111. }
  1112. },
  1113. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Latios used Dragon Claw!",
  1114. "target": "AnyButSelf",
  1115. "common": "Self",
  1116. "priority": 10,
  1117. "hide": true,
  1118. "restrict": ["dracometeor"]
  1119. },
  1120. "noSP": {
  1121. "command": "guard",
  1122. "target": "OnlySelf",
  1123. "guardActions": ["spRecoil"],
  1124. "guardmsg": "",
  1125. "inputmsg": "",
  1126. "hide": true,
  1127. "common": "Self",
  1128. "compulsory": true,
  1129. "priority": -1,
  1130. "macro": false
  1131. },
  1132. "spRecoil": {
  1133. "command": ["memory"],
  1134. "memoryFor": "self",
  1135. "setMemory": {
  1136. "satkdebuff": {
  1137. "add": [
  1138. [2, 1]
  1139. ],
  1140. "silent": false,
  1141. "msg": "Your Special Attack dropped from using Draco Meteor!",
  1142. "max": [5, 5]
  1143. }
  1144. },
  1145. "inputmsg": "",
  1146. "target": "OnlySelf",
  1147. "hide": true,
  1148. "common": "Self",
  1149. "compulsory": true,
  1150. "priority": 0,
  1151. "macro": false
  1152. },
  1153. "roost": {
  1154. "command": ["memory", "dummy"],
  1155. "memoryFor": "self",
  1156. "setMemory": {
  1157. "HP": {
  1158. "add": [
  1159. ["self:HP", 1],
  1160. [40, 1]
  1161. ],
  1162. "silent": false,
  1163. "msg": "You used Roost and now have ~Value~ HP!",
  1164. "max": [80, 80]
  1165. }
  1166. },
  1167. "dummybroadcastmsg": "Latios used Dragon Claw!",
  1168. "cancel": ["eqImmune"],
  1169. "target": "OnlySelf",
  1170. "common": "Self",
  1171. "priority": 3,
  1172. "charges": 2
  1173. },
  1174. "Dracometeor/Dragonclaw": {
  1175. "command": ["dummy"],
  1176. "macro": false,
  1177. "target": "OnlySelf",
  1178. "common": "Self",
  1179. "priority": 7
  1180. }
  1181. }
  1182. }
  1183. }
  1184. ],
  1185. "roles1": [
  1186. "pelipper",
  1187. "tyranitar",
  1188. "gliscor",
  1189. "rotom-wash",
  1190. "latios"
  1191. ],
  1192. "roles2": [
  1193. "pelipper",
  1194. "tyranitar",
  1195. "gliscor",
  1196. "rotom-wash",
  1197. "tornadus",
  1198. "excadrill",
  1199. "latios"
  1200. ],
  1201. "roles3": [
  1202. "pelipper",
  1203. "tyranitar",
  1204. "gliscor",
  1205. "rotom-wash",
  1206. "tornadus",
  1207. "excadrill",
  1208. "kingdra",
  1209. "stoutland",
  1210. "latios"
  1211. ],
  1212. "roles4": [
  1213. "pelipper",
  1214. "tyranitar",
  1215. "gliscor",
  1216. "rotom-wash",
  1217. "tornadus",
  1218. "excadrill",
  1219. "kingdra",
  1220. "stoutland",
  1221. "ferrothorn",
  1222. "gastrodon",
  1223. "latios"
  1224. ],
  1225. "minplayers": 4,
  1226. "ticks": {
  1227. "standby": 20,
  1228. "night1": 30,
  1229. "night": 20
  1230. },
  1231. "changelog": {}
  1232. }
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