
tpdp new abilities

Jan 8th, 2016
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  1. 323,北方の地脈,Northern Expanse,"During Genbu, speed is halved."
  2. 324,南方の地脈,Southern Expanse,"During Suzaku, your HP will recover a little bit each turn, ignoring Suzaku's effect."
  3. 325,西方の地脈,Western Expanse,"During Byakko, 100 acc skills power increases by 20%, no-miss skills power increases by 50%."
  4. 326,東方の地脈,Eastern Expanse,"During Seiryuu, if you use a skill that would normally be a STAB, its power will increase by a lot."
  5. 327,中央の地脈,Central Expanse,"During Kouryuu, it's skills ignore the foe's ability."
  6. 328,玄帝之水,Black Lord's Water,Water skills are 1.5 times more powerful during Genbu.
  7. 329,赤帝之火,Red Lord's Fire,Fire skills are 1.5 times more powerful during Suzaku.
  8. 330,白帝之金,White Lord's Metal,Steel skills are 1.5 times more powerful during Byakko.
  9. 331,蒼帝之木,Azure Lord's Tree,Nature skills are 1.5 times more powerful during Seiryuu.
  10. 332,黄帝之土,Yellow Lord's Earth,Earth skills are 1.5 times more powerful during Kouryuu.
  11. 333,先手必勝,Instant Win,Your speed is increased by 50% only for one turn after switching out.
  12. 334,ファーストアタック,First Attack,"If you use a priority attack on your first turn of switch in, its power is increased by 20%."
  13. 335,見極め,Ascertainment,Opponent's Ability does not boost their damage.
  14. 336,収束戦略,Focused Plan,"If you miss a skill, your accuracy increases by one stage."
  15. 337,極限,On the Edge,"In a pinch, Speed is tripled and attacks do 1.3 times more damage."
  16. 338,無効化,Invalidation,Removes the opponent's Ability on entry.
  17. 339,プライド,Pride,"SAtk increases by 1.5 when statused, ignores SAtk drop from Fear."
  18. 340,直感,Intuition,Blocks increased priority skills.
  19. 341,フラットスピード,Flat Speed,All skills become 0 priority.
  20. 342,苦手意識,Disadvantaged,The power of non-STAB skills is lowered for both parties.
  21. 343,早口宣言,Fast Talker,Two-turn skills can be used in one turn.
  22. 344,フルパワー,Full Power,"Skills are 1.2 times more powerful, but takes damage every turn."
  23. 345,波状攻撃,Blitzkrieg,Skills that greatly lower stats after use won't cause penalty once(?) (UNTESTED)
  24. 346,相性反転,Affinity Twist,Both parties super effective and resisted elements are reversed.
  25. 347,ノーマルボーナス,Normal Bonus,Boosts the power of Void skills by 1.4 times.
  26. 348,ファイアボーナス,Flame Bonus,Boosts the power of Fire skills by 1.4 times.
  27. 349,アクアボーナス,Aqua Bonus,Boosts the power of Water skills by 1.4 times.
  28. 350,リーフボーナス,Leaf Bonus,Boosts the power of Nature skills by 1.4 times.
  29. 351,グランドボーナス,Ground Bonus,Boosts the power of Earth skills by 1.4 times.
  30. 352,メタルボーナス,Metal Bonus,Boosts the power of Steel skills by 1.4 times.
  31. 353,ウィンドボーナス,Gust Bonus,Boosts the power of Wind skills by 1.4 times.
  32. 354,スパークボーナス,Spark Bonus,Boosts the power of Electric skills by 1.4 times.
  33. 355,ライトボーナス,Bright Bonus,Boosts the power of Light skills by 1.4 times.
  34. 356,ダークボーナス,Shade Bonus,Boosts the power of Dark skills by 1.4 times.
  35. 357,ソウルボーナス,Soul Bonus,Boosts the power of Nether skills by 1.4 times.
  36. 358,ポイズンボーナス,Venom Bonus,Boosts the power of Poison skills by 1.4 times.
  37. 359,オーラボーナス,Aura Bonus,Boosts the power of Fighting skills by 1.4 times.
  38. 360,ファンタズムボーナス,Phantasm Bonus,Boosts the power of Illusion skills by 1.4 times.
  39. 361,サウンドボーナス,Music Bonus,Boosts the power of Sound skills by 1.4 times.
  40. 362,ワープボーナス,Twisted Bonus,Boosts the power of Warped skills by 1.4 times.
  41. 363,活性化,Invigorative,"If an immune skill is thrown at you, your Fo.Atk increases by one stage."
  42. 364,受け流し,Deflective,"If an immune skill is thrown at you, your Fo.Def increases by one stage."
  43. 365,テンションアップ,Stimulative,"If an immune skill is thrown at you, your Sp.Atk increases by one stage."
  44. 366,スルー,Evasive,"If an immune skill is thrown at you, your Sp.Def increases by one stage."
  45. 367,お調子者,Impulsive,"If an immune skill is thrown at you, your Speed increases by one stage."
  46. 368,迎撃体勢,Counter Stance,Damages the attacker when hit with a BU skill.
  47. 369,リフレクトガード,Reflect Guard,Damages the attacker when hit with a EN skill.
  48. 370,怪天虹,Mysterious Rainbow,Boosts FAtk by 1.3 times during Sunshower
  49. 371,天照雨,Fox's Wedding,Doubles Speed during Sunshower
  50. 372,天の祝言,Divine Festival,Status conditions are cured at the end of every turn in Sunshower
  51. 373,なし,None,None.
  52. 374,結壊戦,Disjointed Blow,The power of super effective attacks is greatly increased.
  53. 375,復活(仮),Ressurection (Trial),NULL
  54. 376,徹底拘束,Restraint,The opponent cannot use skills to escape.
  55. 377,ビブロフィリア,Bibliophilia,"When holding a youma book, stats are raised. (EKosuzu's gimmick)"
  56. 378,警戒心,Wariness,Disables skills with 50 or less BP
  57. 379,チェンジシフト,Change Shift,Changes form when using attack skills. Reverts using Nature Barrier.
  58. 380,逆転作用,Reverse Function,Opponent's stat changes are reversed.
  59. 381,ドリームワールド,Dream World,Stopped opponents take damage every turn.
  60. 382,三相一体,Three Bodies,Form changes based on the class of skills used. (EHecatia's gimmick)
  61. 383,毒の迷路,Poison Labyrinth,Only Poison-type opponents can flee.
  62. 384,超回復,Overcompensate,Draining skills absorb 1.3 times the HP.
  63. 385,嫌がらせ,Harrassment,"When your stats drop, so does the foe. When the foe's stats increase, your stats increase as well."
  64. 386,気質発現「天気雨」,Supine,Changes weather to Sunshower on entering battle.
  65. 387,喪心舞,Mindless Dance,"2-3 turn skills have no special effects, but are 10% less powerful."
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