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- -- == Movement Constants ==
- local FORWARD = 1
- local BACK = 2
- local UP = 4
- local DOWN = 8
- local TURN_RIGHT = 16
- local TURN_LEFT = 32
- -- == Data ==
- -- Constants
- local SLOT_COUNT = 16
- local LABEL = os.getComputerLabel()
- local WIRELESS = false
- local SERVER_CHANNEL = 65534
- local ERROR_SERVER_CHANNEL = 65535
- local CHANNEL = nil
- -- Mutable Data
- local moves = {}
- local dt = "right" -- Direction Tangent (right, left)
- local dv = "up" -- Direction Vertical (up, down)
- local refill_lava = false -- Consume picked up lava
- local width, depth, height = 10, 10, 2
- -- == Peripherals ==
- local modem = nil
- local peripherals = peripheral.getNames()
- for name = 1, #peripherals, 1 do
- if(peripheral.getType(peripherals[name]) == "modem") then
- modem = peripheral.wrap(peripherals[name])
- WIRELESS = true
- break
- end
- end
- if(WIRELESS) then
- if(LABEL == "white") then CHANNEL = 0
- elseif(LABEL == "orange") then CHANNEL = 1
- elseif(LABEL == "magenta") then CHANNEL = 2
- elseif(LABEL == "light_blue") then CHANNEL = 3
- elseif(LABEL == "yellow") then CHANNEL = 4
- elseif(LABEL == "lime") then CHANNEL = 5
- elseif(LABEL == "pink") then CHANNEL = 6
- elseif(LABEL == "gray" or LABEL == "grey") then CHANNEL = 7
- elseif(LABEL == "light_gray" or LABEL == "light_grey") then CHANNEL = 8
- elseif(LABEL == "cyan") then CHANNEL = 9
- elseif(LABEL == "purple") then CHANNEL = 10
- elseif(LABEL == "blue") then CHANNEL = 11
- elseif(LABEL == "brown") then CHANNEL = 12
- elseif(LABEL == "green") then CHANNEL = 13
- elseif(LABEL == "red") then CHANNEL = 14
- elseif(LABEL == "black") then CHANNEL = 15
- end
- if(CHANNEL == nil) then
- c = term.getTextColor()
- term.setTextColor(
- print("Modem without a label. This robot has no channel!")
- term.setTextColor(c)
- WIRELESS = false
- else
- end
- end
- -- Stolen From:
- function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
- local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- function transmit(message)
- if(WIRELESS) then
- modem.transmit(SERVER_CHANNEL, CHANNEL, message)
- end
- end
- function transmitError(message, forward)
- if(WIRELESS) then
- modem.transmit(ERROR_SERVER_CHANNEL, CHANNEL, message)
- if(forward) then
- transmit(message)
- end
- end
- end
- function get_file_name(file)
- file = file or debug.getinfo(1,'S').source
- return file:match("^@(.+)$")
- end
- "minecraft:coal",
- "minecraft:coal_block",
- "minecraft:bucket"
- }
- "minecraft:stone",
- "minecraft:dirt",
- "minecraft:cobblestone",
- "minecraft:sand",
- "minecraft:gravel",
- "minecraft:redstone",
- "minecraft:flint",
- "minecraft:clay_ball",
- "railcraft:ore_metal",
- "railcraft:ore_metal_poor",
- "extrautils2:ingredients",
- "chisel:marble2",
- "chisel:limestone2",
- "chisel:basalt2",
- -- "minecraft:dye", -- Lapis Lazuli
- "thaumcraft:nugget",
- "thaumcraft:crystal_essence",
- "thermalfoundation:material",
- "projectred-core:resource_item",
- "thaumcraft:ore_cinnabar",
- "deepresonance:resonating_ore",
- "forestry:apatite"
- }
- function dropItems()
- print("Purging Inventory...")
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- for filterIndex = 1, #DROPPED_ITEMS, 1 do
- if(item["name"] == DROPPED_ITEMS[filterIndex]) then
- print("Dropping - " .. item["name"])
- turtle.dropDown()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function getItemIndex(find_item)
- if(type(find_item) ~= "string") then
- error("Expected string but got " .. type(find_item))
- end
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] == find_item) then
- return slot
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function countAllOf(search_item)
- if(type(search_item) ~= "string") then
- error("Expected string but got " .. type(search_item))
- end
- count = 0
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] == search_item) then
- count = count + turtle.getItemCount()
- end
- end
- end
- return count
- end
- function countStoredFuel()
- return countAllOf("minecraft:coal") * 80 + countAllOf("minecraft:coal_block") * 720 + countAllOf("minecraft:lava_bucket") * 1000
- end
- function coalesce()
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT - 1, 1 do
- local base_item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(base_item ~= nil) then
- for i = slot + 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil and base_item["name"] == item["name"]) then
- turtle.transferTo(slot)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function getNumberFreeSlots()
- local freeSlots = 0
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item == nil) then
- freeSlots = freeSlots + 1
- end
- end
- return freeSlots
- end
- function shouldReturnItem(item)
- if(refill_lava and item["name"] == "minecraft:lava_bucket") then
- return false
- end
- for filterIndex = 1, #HOLD_ITEMS, 1 do
- if(item["name"] == HOLD_ITEMS[filterIndex]) then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function manageInventory(dumpAll)
- transmit("Managing Inventory")
- index = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- while(index ~= nil) do
- index = getItemIndex("enderstorage:ender_storage")
- if(index == nil) then break end
- digUp()
- dropItems()
- if(turtle.placeUp()) then
- break
- else
- print("Chest not placed correctly... Trying again")
- end
- end
- local success, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- if(index == nil or (success and ~= "enderstorage:ender_storage")) then
- transmitError("Ender Storage Missing")
- return false
- end
- -- Chest is now deployed
- coalesce()
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(dumpAll or shouldReturnItem(item)) then
- turtle.dropUp()
- elseif not shouldReturnItem(item) and turtle.getItemSpace(slot) <= 0 then
- for i = slot + 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local dump = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if(dump ~= nil and item["name"] == dump["name"]) then
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Items are now stored
- if(getNumberFreeSlots() >= 1) then
- digUp()
- else
- transmitError("Cannot Pick Up Ender Storage, Full Inventory")
- print("Cannot pick up Ender Storage, full inventory")
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function checkFuel()
- if(turtle.getFuelLevel() < 25) then
- -- transmit("Attempting Refuel...")
- print("Attempting Refuel...")
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- if(turtle.refuel(1)) then
- -- transmit("Refuel Success! Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- function digUp()
- local success, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- if(success and == "minecraft:lava" and bucket_index ~= nil and getNumberFreeSlots() > 1) then
- -- transmit("Bucketing Lava Up...")
- turtle.placeUp()
- lava_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:lava_bucket")
- if(refill_lava and lava_index and turtle.getFuelLevel() + 1000 < turtle.getFuelLimit()) then
- -- transmit("Consumed newly bucketed lava. Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- turtle.refuel()
- turtle.transferTo(bucket_index)
- end
- bucket_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:bucket")
- end
- local block_above =
- while(turtle.detectUp()) do
- local success, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- if(success) then
- block_above =
- end
- if(block_above == "minecraft:gravel" or block_above == "minecraft:sand") then
- turtle.digUp()
- os.sleep(0.75)
- else
- turtle.digUp()
- end
- end
- end
- function detectAndDig()
- slot = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- bucket_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:bucket")
- local success, data = turtle.inspect()
- if(success and == "minecraft:lava" and bucket_index ~= nil and getNumberFreeSlots() > 1) then
- -- transmit("Bucketing Lava...")
- lava_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:lava_bucket")
- if(refill_lava and lava_index and turtle.getFuelLevel() + 1000 < turtle.getFuelLimit()) then
- -- transmit("Consumed newly bucketed lava. Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- turtle.refuel()
- turtle.transferTo(bucket_index)
- end
- bucket_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:bucket")
- end
- while(turtle.detect()) do
- turtle.dig()
- end
- digUp()
- local success, data = turtle.inspectDown()
- if(success and == "minecraft:lava" and bucket_index ~= nil and getNumberFreeSlots() > 1) then
- -- transmit("Bucketing Lava Down...")
- turtle.placeDown()
- lava_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:lava_bucket")
- if(refill_lava and lava_index and turtle.getFuelLevel() + 1000 < turtle.getFuelLimit()) then
- -- transmit("Consumed newly bucketed lava. Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- turtle.refuel()
- turtle.transferTo(bucket_index)
- end
- bucket_index = getItemIndex("minecraft:bucket")
- end
- if(turtle.detectDown()) then
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- end
- function invertMove(move)
- if move == FORWARD or move == UP or move == TURN_RIGHT then
- return move * 2
- elseif move == BACK or move == DOWN or move == TURN_LEFT then
- return move / 2
- end
- return move
- end
- function stackSmash()
- local i = 1
- while i <= #moves do
- if(moves[i] == invertMove(moves[i + 1])) then
- for j = 1, 2, 1 do
- table.remove(moves, i)
- end
- i = i - (2 - 1)
- end
- if(moves[i] == moves[i+1] and moves[i] == moves[i+2] and moves[i] == moves[i+3] and (moves[i] == TURN_LEFT or moves[i] == TURN_RIGHT)) then
- for j = 1, 4, 1 do
- table.remove(moves, i)
- end
- i = i - (4 - 1)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- function forward(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.forward()) then
- table.insert(moves, FORWARD)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function back(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.back()) then
- table.insert(moves, BACK)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function up(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.up()) then
- table.insert(moves, UP)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function down(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.down()) then
- table.insert(moves, DOWN)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function turnLeft(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.turnLeft()) then
- table.insert(moves, TURN_LEFT)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function turnRight(times)
- times = times or 1
- for i = 1, times, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- end
- if(turtle.turnRight()) then
- table.insert(moves, TURN_RIGHT)
- stackSmash()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function leftTurn()
- turnLeft()
- detectAndDig()
- forward()
- turnLeft()
- detectAndDig()
- end
- function rightTurn()
- turnRight()
- detectAndDig()
- forward()
- turnRight()
- detectAndDig()
- end
- function flipDirection(logging)
- if(logging == nil) then logging = true end
- if(logging) then
- turnLeft(2)
- else
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- end
- function flipDirectionTangent()
- if(dt == "right") then
- dt = "left"
- elseif(dt == "left") then
- dt = "right"
- end
- end
- function flipDirectionVertical()
- if(dv == "up") then
- dv = "down"
- elseif(dv == "down") then
- dv = "up"
- end
- end
- function turnAround()
- if(dt == "right") then
- rightTurn()
- elseif(dt == "left") then
- leftTurn()
- end
- flipDirectionTangent()
- end
- function riseTier(delta)
- flipDirection()
- delta = delta or 1 -- Default delta is 1
- for step = 1, delta, 1 do
- digUp()
- turtle.digDown()
- if(dv == "up") then
- up()
- elseif(dv == "down") then
- down()
- end
- end
- end
- function returnToStart()
- flipDirection(false)
- for i = #moves, 1, -1 do
- move = moves[i]
- if move == UP or move == DOWN or move == TURN_LEFT or move == TURN_RIGHT then
- move = invertMove(move)
- end
- if move == FORWARD then
- detectAndDig()
- forward()
- elseif move == BACK then back()
- elseif move == UP then up()
- elseif move == DOWN then down()
- elseif move == TURN_LEFT then turnLeft()
- elseif move == TURN_RIGHT then turnRight()
- end
- end
- flipDirection(false)
- end
- function start()
- transmit("Begin " .. depth .. "x" .. width .. "x" .. height .. " " .. dv .. " and " .. dt)
- print("Volume: D x W x H = " .. depth .. " x " .. width .. " x " .. height)
- print("Direction: " .. dv .. " and to the " .. dt)
- if(WIRELESS) then
- print("Wireless is Enabled")
- end
- count = 0
- delta = 3
- total = depth * width * height
- height = math.max(height - 1, 1)
- tier = math.min(height, 2)
- while tier <= height do
- for col = 1, width, 1 do
- for row = 1, depth - 1, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- transmitError("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- error("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- return
- end
- if(getNumberFreeSlots() < 1) then
- -- transmit("Inventory Full, Dropping Items...")
- coalesce()
- dropItems()
- if(getNumberFreeSlots() < 1) then
- if(not manageInventory()) then
- transmitError("Turtle cannot find ender chest... Returning to Start")
- print("Turtle cannot find ender chest...")
- returnToStart()
- return
- end
- end
- end
- detectAndDig()
- count = count + delta
- while not forward() do
- checkFuel()
- if turtle.detect() then
- turtle.dig()
- else
- turtle.attack()
- end
- end
- print(string.format("Row: %d Col: %d Tier: %d Fuel: %d", row, col, tier, turtle.getFuelLevel()))
- end
- if(col ~= width) then
- turnAround()
- end
- transmit("Completed Column #" .. col .. " Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel() .. " Completion: " .. count .. "/" .. total .. " (" .. round(100*count/total, 3) .. "%)")
- end
- transmit("Completed Layer #" .. tier .. " Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel() .. " Completion: " .. count .. "/" .. total .. " (" .. round(100*count/total) .. "%)")
- if(tier < height) then
- if(tier + 2 < height) then
- delta = 3
- tier = tier + 2
- riseTier(3)
- elseif(tier + 1 < height) then
- delta = 2
- tier = tier + 1
- riseTier(2)
- else
- delta = 1
- riseTier()
- end
- end
- tier = tier + 1
- end
- transmit("Completed All Layers, Returning to Start" .. " Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- returnToStart()
- transmit("At Start" .. " Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel())
- if(not manageInventory(true)) then
- transmit("Turtle cannot find ender chest, This is a serious issue...")
- print("Turtle cannot find ender chest, This is a serious issue...")
- end
- transmit("End " .. depth .. "x" .. width .. "x" .. height .. " " .. dv .. " and " .. dt)
- end
- if (#arg >= 3) then
- depth = tonumber(arg[1])
- width = tonumber(arg[2])
- height = tonumber(arg[3])
- for i = 4, #arg, 1 do
- if arg[i] == "flip" then flipDirection()
- elseif arg[i] == "up" or arg[i] == "down" then dv = arg[i]
- elseif arg[i] == "left" or arg[i] == "right" then dt = arg[i]
- elseif arg[i] == "refill" then refill_lava = true
- else error("Unkown Argument #" .. i .. ": " .. arg[i])
- end
- end
- else
- error("Usage: " .. get_file_name() .. " depth width height [left] [right] [up] [down] [flip]\n - left -- robot goes left (overrides right)\n - right -- robot goes right [default] (overrides left)\n - up -- robot goes up [default] (overrides down)\n - down -- robot goes down (overrides up)\n - flip -- robot immediately rotates 180 degrees\n - refill -- robot consumes lava buckets [disabled by default]")
- end
- start()
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