Guest User


a guest
Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. package JDBCProject1;
  3. import java.sql.*;
  4. import edu.uci.ics.pattis.introlib.*;
  5. import java.util.*;
  6. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
  7. import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
  8. import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
  9. import*;
  10. import javax.swing.*;
  15. public class JDBCProject1 {
  16. private static char menuPrompt () {
  17. System.out.println("FabFlix Commands: ");
  18. System.out.println(" p - Print out movies featuring a star");
  19. System.out.println(" s - Insert a new star into database");
  20. System.out.println(" c - Insert a customer into database");
  21. System.out.println(" d - Delete a customer from database");
  22. System.out.println(" t - Add a movie into database");
  23. System.out.println(" m - Provide metadata of database");
  24. System.out.println(" x - Provide a SQL command");
  25. System.out.println(" o - Provide database + user access information");
  26. System.out.println(" k - Create Fabflix Error Report");
  27. System.out.println(" e - Edit user access rights/Create Users");
  28. System.out.println(" u - Exit the menu");
  29. System.out.println(" z - Exit the program");
  31. return Prompt.forChar("\nEnter Command","pscdtkmoxuez");
  32. }
  33. static Connection conn = null;
  36. @SuppressWarnings({ "restriction", "unused" })
  38. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  39. Statement stmt = null;
  40. Statement stmt1 = null;
  41. boolean loggedIn = false;
  42. ResultSet rs = null;
  43. ResultSet rsType = null;
  44. String usernameDatabase;
  45. String passwordDatabase;
  46. String employeeEmail;
  47. String employeePassword;
  49. String url = "jdbc:mysql:///moviedb";
  52. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
  53. if (loggedIn == false) {
  54. while(loggedIn == false) {
  55. System.out.println("Welcome to FabFlix! Please input user information below:");
  56. usernameDatabase = "root";
  57. passwordDatabase = "lakers";
  58. employeeEmail = Prompt.forString("Enter email");
  59. employeePassword = Prompt.forString("Enter password");
  60. String queryLogin = "SELECT count(*) from employees where email = '" + employeeEmail + "' and password = '" + employeePassword +"'";
  61. conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usernameDatabase, passwordDatabase);
  62. stmt = conn.createStatement();
  63. stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
  64. ResultSet rsLogin = stmt.executeQuery(queryLogin);
  66. while ({
  67. if (rsLogin.getString(1).equals("1")) {
  68. // conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usernameDatabase, passwordDatabase);
  69. // stmt = conn.createStatement();
  70. // stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
  71. loggedIn = true;
  72. usernameDatabase = null;
  73. passwordDatabase = null;
  74. break;
  75. }
  76. else
  77. System.out.println("Wrong username/password combination. Please try again.");
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }
  82. for(;;) try {
  83. if (loggedIn == true) {
  84. char selection = menuPrompt();
  85. if (selection == 'p') {
  86. String firstName = Prompt.forString("Please enter first name");
  87. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Please enter last name");
  88. String identification = Prompt.forString("Please enter ID");
  89. if (firstName.equals("") && !lastName.isEmpty()) {
  90. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT, m.title, m.year, m.director, m.banner_url, m.trailer_url FROM movies as m, stars as s, stars_in_movies as t" +
  91. " WHERE = t.movie_id and = t.star_id and s.last_name = " + "'" + lastName + "'");
  92. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  93. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  94. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "\t");
  95. }
  96. System.out.println();
  98. while ( {
  99. int id = rs.getInt("id");
  100. String title = rs.getString("title");
  101. int year = rs.getInt("year");
  102. String director = rs.getString("director");
  103. String banner = rs.getString("banner_url");
  104. String trailer = rs.getString("trailer_url");
  105. System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + year + "\t" + director + "\t" + banner + "\t" + trailer);
  106. }
  107. }
  108. else if (lastName.equals("") && !firstName.isEmpty()){ //Have: First name/Don't Have: Last name or ID
  109. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT, m.title, m.year, m.director, m.banner_url, m.trailer_url FROM movies as m, stars as s, stars_in_movies as t" +
  110. " WHERE = t.movie_id and = t.star_id and s.first_name = " + "'" + firstName + "'");
  111. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  112. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  113. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "\t");
  114. }
  115. System.out.println();
  116. while ( {
  117. int id = rs.getInt("id");
  118. String title = rs.getString("title");
  119. int year = rs.getInt("year");
  120. String director = rs.getString("director");
  121. String banner = rs.getString("banner_url");
  122. String trailer = rs.getString("trailer_url");
  123. System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + year + "\t" + director + "\t" + banner + "\t" + trailer);
  124. }
  125. }
  126. else if (firstName.equals("") && lastName.equals("")) {
  127. int newID = Integer.parseInt(identification);
  128. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT, m.title, m.year, m.director, m.banner_url, m.trailer_url FROM movies as m, stars as s, stars_in_movies as t " +
  129. " WHERE and and = " + newID);
  130. System.out.println("got here 1");
  131. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  132. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  133. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "\t");
  134. }
  135. System.out.println();
  137. while ( {
  138. int id = rs.getInt("id");
  139. String title = rs.getString("title");
  140. int year = rs.getInt("year");
  141. String director = rs.getString("director");
  142. String banner = rs.getString("banner_url");
  143. String trailer = rs.getString("trailer_url");
  144. System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + year + "\t" + director + "\t" + banner + "\t" + trailer);
  145. }
  146. }
  147. else {
  148. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT, m.title, m.year, m.director, m.banner_url, m.trailer_url FROM movies as m, stars as s, stars_in_movies as t" +
  149. " WHERE = t.movie_id and = t.star_id and s.first_name = " + "'" + firstName + "'" + " and s.last_name = " + "'" +lastName +"'");
  150. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  151. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  152. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "\t");
  153. }
  154. System.out.println();
  156. while ( {
  157. int id = rs.getInt("id");
  158. String title = rs.getString("title");
  159. int year = rs.getInt("year");
  160. String director = rs.getString("director");
  161. String banner = rs.getString("banner_url");
  162. String trailer = rs.getString("trailer_url");
  163. System.out.println(id + "\t" + title + "\t" + year + "\t" + director + "\t" + banner + "\t" + trailer);
  164. }
  165. }
  166. }
  167. else if (selection == 's') {
  168. Boolean singleName = Prompt.forBoolean("Does he/she have a single name?");
  169. if (singleName == true) {
  170. int id = Prompt.forInt("Enter ID number");
  171. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Enter name");
  172. String firstName = "";
  173. String dob = Prompt.forString("Enter DOB");
  174. String photo_url = Prompt.forString("Enter photo_url");
  175. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO stars (id, first_name, last_name, dob, photo_url) " +
  176. "VALUES('"+ id +"', '"+ firstName +"','"+
  177. lastName +"','"+ dob + "', '"+ photo_url +"');");
  178. System.out.println("1 record added into the Stars table.");
  179. }
  180. else {
  181. int id = Prompt.forInt("Enter ID number");
  182. String firstName = Prompt.forString("Enter first name");
  183. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Enter last name");
  184. String dob = Prompt.forString("Enter DOB");
  185. String photo_url = Prompt.forString("Enter photo_url");
  186. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO stars (id, first_name, last_name, dob, photo_url) " +
  187. "VALUES('"+ id +"', '"+ firstName +"','"+
  188. lastName +"','"+ dob + "', '"+ photo_url +"');");
  189. System.out.println("1 record added into the Stars table.");
  190. }
  192. }
  193. else if (selection == 't') {
  194. String title = Prompt.forString("Enter movie title");
  195. String titleQuery = "SELECT title FROM movies WHERE title = '"+title+"'";
  196. Statement statement1 = conn.createStatement();
  197. ResultSet rs1 = statement1.executeQuery(titleQuery);
  198. boolean changes = false;
  200. if ( {
  201. System.out.println("Movie title already exists. No other movie information is needed as no new movie title will be inserted.");
  202. System.out.println();
  203. }
  204. else {
  205. changes = true;
  206. System.out.println("New movie title has been detected!!!");
  207. System.out.println();
  209. int year = Prompt.forInt("Enter movie year");
  210. String director = Prompt.forString("Enter Director Name (first & last name)");
  211. String bannerURL = Prompt.forString("Enter Banner URL");
  212. String trailerURL = Prompt.forString("Enter Trailer URL");
  213. String procedure = "call add_movie('"+title+"',"+year+", '"+director+"', '"+bannerURL+"', '"+trailerURL+"')";
  214. Statement statement11 = conn.createStatement();
  215. boolean addMovieUpdate = statement11.execute(procedure);
  216. System.out.println("Movie title had been added to database.");
  217. System.out.println();
  219. }
  223. String firstName = Prompt.forString("Enter a star's first name");
  224. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Enter the same star's last name");
  225. String starQuery = "SELECT id FROM stars WHERE first_name = '"+firstName+"' and last_name = '"+lastName+"'";
  226. Statement statement2 = conn.createStatement();
  227. ResultSet rs2 = statement2.executeQuery(starQuery);
  229. if ( {
  230. System.out.println("Star already exists. No new star will be inserted.");
  231. System.out.println();
  233. String starID = rs2.getString("id");
  234. String titleID = "SELECT id FROM movies WHERE title = '"+title+"'";
  235. Statement statement21 = conn.createStatement();
  236. ResultSet rs21 = statement21.executeQuery(titleID);
  238. String movieID = rs21.getString("id");
  239. String checkQuery = "SELECT * from stars_in_movies where star_id ="+starID+" and movie_id ="+movieID;
  240. ResultSet rs22 = statement21.executeQuery(checkQuery);
  241. if ( {
  242. System.out.println("This star is already associated with the movie title you have entered above. No change is necessary. You will be re-directed to the genre input section.");
  243. System.out.println();
  245. }
  246. else {
  247. String insertSIM = "INSERT INTO stars_in_movies (star_id, movie_id) VALUES("+starID+","+movieID+")";
  248. int update = statement21.executeUpdate(insertSIM);
  249. changes = true;
  250. System.out.println("Stars_in_movies has be updated successfully!");
  251. System.out.println();
  253. }
  256. }
  257. else {
  258. changes = true;
  259. System.out.println("New star detected!!!");
  260. System.out.println();
  262. String dob = Prompt.forString("Enter DOB (YYYY-MM-DD)");
  263. String photoURL = Prompt.forString("Enter photo_url");
  264. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO stars (first_name, last_name, dob, photo_url) " +
  265. "VALUES('"+ firstName +"','"+
  266. lastName +"','"+ dob + "', '"+ photoURL +"')");
  267. System.out.println("New star added successfully!");
  268. System.out.println();
  270. String starIDQuery = "SELECT id FROM stars WHERE first_name = '"+firstName+"' and last_name = '"+lastName+"'";
  271. Statement statement22 = conn.createStatement();
  272. ResultSet rs22 = statement22.executeQuery(starIDQuery);
  274. String starID = rs22.getString("id");
  275. String titleID = "SELECT id FROM movies WHERE title = '"+title+"'";
  276. Statement statement21 = conn.createStatement();
  277. ResultSet rs21 = statement21.executeQuery(titleID);
  279. String movieID = rs21.getString("id");
  280. String insertSIM = "INSERT INTO stars_in_movies (star_id, movie_id) VALUES("+starID+","+movieID+")";
  281. int update = statement22.executeUpdate(insertSIM);
  282. System.out.println("Stars_in_movies has be updated succesfully!");
  283. System.out.println();
  287. }
  289. String genreName = Prompt.forString("Enter a genre of this movie");
  290. String genreQuery = "SELECT id FROM genres WHERE name = '"+genreName+"'";
  291. Statement statement3 = conn.createStatement();
  292. ResultSet rs3 = statement3.executeQuery(genreQuery);
  294. if ( {
  295. System.out.println("Genre already exists. No new genre will be inserted.");
  296. System.out.println();
  298. String genreID = rs3.getString("id");
  299. String titleID = "SELECT id FROM movies WHERE title = '"+title+"'";
  300. Statement statement21 = conn.createStatement();
  301. ResultSet rs21 = statement21.executeQuery(titleID);
  303. String movieID = rs21.getString("id");
  304. String checkQuery = "SELECT * from genres_in_movies where genre_id ="+genreID+" and movie_id ="+movieID;
  305. ResultSet rs22 = statement21.executeQuery(checkQuery);
  306. if ( {
  307. System.out.println("This genre is already associated with the movie title you have entered above. No change(s) are necessary.");
  308. System.out.println();
  310. }
  311. else {
  312. String insertGIM = "INSERT INTO genres_in_movies (genre_id, movie_id) VALUES("+genreID+","+movieID+")";
  313. int update = statement21.executeUpdate(insertGIM);
  314. changes = true;
  315. System.out.println("genres_in_movies has be updated successfully!");
  316. System.out.println();
  318. }
  320. }
  321. else {
  322. System.out.println("New genre is detected!!");
  323. System.out.println();
  325. changes = true;
  326. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO genres (name) " +
  327. "VALUES('"+ genreName +"')");
  328. System.out.println("New genre added successfully!");
  329. System.out.println();
  331. String genreIDQuery = "SELECT id FROM genres WHERE name = '"+genreName+"'";
  332. Statement statement22 = conn.createStatement();
  333. ResultSet rs22 = statement22.executeQuery(genreIDQuery);
  335. String genreID = rs22.getString("id");
  336. String titleID = "SELECT id FROM movies WHERE title = '"+title+"'";
  337. Statement statement21 = conn.createStatement();
  338. ResultSet rs21 = statement21.executeQuery(titleID);
  340. String movieID = rs21.getString("id");
  341. String insertGIM = "INSERT INTO genres_in_movies (genre_id, movie_id) VALUES("+genreID+","+movieID+")";
  342. int update = statement22.executeUpdate(insertGIM);
  343. System.out.println("genres_in_movies has be updated succesfully!");
  344. System.out.println();
  345. }
  346. if (changes) {
  347. System.out.println("Congratulations. You have successfully added a movie and/or modified the data related to a movie! " +
  348. "You will now be re-directed to the main menu.");
  349. System.out.println();
  350. }
  352. else {
  353. System.out.println("Sorry. All of the data you have inputted is already reflected in our database so no changes were made. You will now be re-directed to the main menu.");
  354. System.out.println();
  355. }
  356. }
  357. else if (selection == 'o') {
  358. Statement dbStatement = conn.createStatement();
  359. ResultSet resultDB = dbStatement.executeQuery("show databases");
  360. String dbName;
  361. while ( {
  362. dbName = resultDB.getString(1);
  363. // Only get information inside the "moviedb" database
  364. if (dbName.compareTo("moviedb")==0) {
  365. Statement moviedbStatement = conn.createStatement();
  366. moviedbStatement.execute("use moviedb");
  367. // Create and execute an SQL statement to get all the table names in moviedb
  368. Statement tableStatement = conn.createStatement();
  369. ResultSet resultTB = tableStatement.executeQuery("show tables");
  371. String tb1Name;
  372. ResultSet columnData;
  373. Statement columnStatement;
  374. while ( {
  375. tb1Name = resultTB.getString(1);
  376. System.out.println("\n**Table Name:** " + tb1Name + "\n");
  377. System.out.println("Metadata about columns in this table:\n");
  378. System.out.println("==== Field Name ==== Field Type ===== Null Allowed ?");
  379. System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------");
  380. columnStatement = conn.createStatement();
  381. // Create and execute an SQL statement to get all the column names for this table
  382. columnData = columnStatement.executeQuery("describe "+tb1Name);
  383. while ( {
  384. System.out.print("==== "+columnData.getString(1));
  385. System.out.print("==== "+columnData.getString(2));
  386. System.out.println("==== "+columnData.getString(3));
  387. }
  388. }
  389. }
  390. }
  391. // Displaying user privileges
  392. System.out.println("\n**Users and their respective privileges:** " + "\n");
  393. ResultSet userprivRS = stmt.executeQuery("select host, user from mysql.user");
  394. ResultSetMetaData rsmdUserPriv = userprivRS.getMetaData();
  395. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmdUserPriv.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  396. System.out.print("==== "+rsmdUserPriv.getColumnName(i));
  397. }
  398. System.out.println();
  399. System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
  400. while ( {
  401. String hostString = userprivRS.getString(1);
  402. String userString = userprivRS.getString(2);
  403. Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
  404. ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery("show grants for '"+userString+"'@'"+hostString+"'");
  405. ResultSetMetaData rsmd2 = rs2.getMetaData();
  406. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd2.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  407. System.out.print("====== "+rsmd2.getColumnName(i)+" ======");
  408. while ( {
  409. String grants = rs2.getString(1);
  410. System.out.println("\n"+ grants);
  411. }
  412. }
  413. System.out.println();
  414. }
  415. }
  416. else if (selection == 'c') {
  417. Boolean singleName = Prompt.forBoolean("Does he/she have a single name?");
  418. if (singleName == true) {
  419. int id = Prompt.forInt("Enter customer ID");
  420. String firstName = "";
  421. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Enter name");
  422. String cc_id = Prompt.forString("Enter credit card number");
  423. String address = Prompt.forString("Enter address");
  424. String email = Prompt.forString("Enter email");
  425. String password1 = Prompt.forString("Set a password");
  427. // Checking with credit card data table
  428. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT FROM creditcards as c");
  429. while ( {
  430. String credID = rs.getString("id");
  431. if (credID.equals(cc_id)) {
  432. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO customers (id, first_name, last_name, cc_id, address, email, password) " +
  433. "VALUES('"+ id +"', '"+ firstName +"','"+
  434. lastName +"','"+ cc_id + "','"+ address +"','"+ email +"','"+ password1+"');");
  435. System.out.println("1 row added to customers table.");
  436. break;
  437. }
  439. }
  440. }
  441. else
  442. {
  443. int id = Prompt.forInt("Enter customer ID");
  444. String firstName = Prompt.forString("Enter first name");
  445. String lastName = Prompt.forString("Enter last name");
  446. String cc_id = Prompt.forString("Enter credit card number");
  447. String address = Prompt.forString("Enter address");
  448. String email = Prompt.forString("Enter email");
  449. String password2 = Prompt.forString("Set a password");
  450. // Checking with credit card data table
  451. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT FROM creditcards as c");
  452. while ( {
  453. String credID = rs.getString("id");
  454. if (credID.equals((String)cc_id)) {
  455. int insert = stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO customers (id, first_name, last_name, cc_id, address, email, password) " +
  456. "VALUES('"+ id +"', '"+ firstName +"','"+
  457. lastName +"','"+ cc_id + "','"+ address +"','"+ email +"','"+ password2+"');");
  458. System.out.println("1 row added to customers table.");
  459. System.out.println();
  460. break;
  461. }
  463. }
  464. }
  465. }
  466. else if (selection == 'd') {
  467. int id = Prompt.forInt("Enter ID number for customer removal");
  468. int delete= stmt.executeUpdate("delete from customers WHERE id = " + id);
  469. System.out.println("1 row affected");
  470. }
  471. else if (selection == 'e') {
  472. System.out.println("Before you begin, please ensure that you have reviewed the database and user access information by pressing 'o'.");
  473. System.out.println("Please do so if you have not already.");
  474. System.out.println();
  475. String edit = Prompt.forString("Will you be granting/revoking existing user(s) more privileges? (Y/N)");
  476. if (edit.equals("Y") || edit.equals("y")) {
  477. System.out.println("Look to upper left for auxilary window for grant/revoke options");
  478. final JFrame grantFrame = new JFrame("Grant/Revoke User Privleges");
  479. grantFrame.setVisible(true);
  480. grantFrame.setSize(300,100);
  481. final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
  482. grantFrame.add(panel);
  483. final JTextField userName = new JTextField("Enter user name");
  484. panel.add(userName);
  485. final JTextField hostName = new JTextField("Enter host name");
  486. panel.add(hostName);
  487. JButton submit = new JButton("Submit");
  488. panel.add(submit);
  489. submit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  490. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
  491. {
  492. try {
  493. //checks if user exists
  494. String query = "select host, user from mysql.user where host = '"+hostName.getText()+"' and user = '"+userName.getText()+"'";
  495. Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
  496. ResultSet rs1 = statement.executeQuery(query);
  497. if (! {
  498. final JPanel noUserPanel = new JPanel();
  499. panel.setVisible(false);
  500. grantFrame.add(noUserPanel);
  501. grantFrame.setSize(500, 200);
  502. noUserPanel.setVisible(true);
  503. noUserPanel.add(new JLabel("This information you have inputted does not match any users in the database."));
  504. JButton back = new JButton("Go Back to Previous Screen");
  505. back.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  506. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
  507. noUserPanel.setVisible(false);
  508. panel.setVisible(true);
  509. grantFrame.setSize(300,100);
  510. }});
  511. noUserPanel.add(back);
  513. }
  515. else {
  517. final JPanel actionPanel = new JPanel();
  518. panel.setVisible(false);
  519. actionPanel.setVisible(true);
  520. grantFrame.add(actionPanel);
  521. grantFrame.setSize(510, 250);
  522. JLabel info2 = new JLabel("Enter the database in the following format:");
  523. JLabel info3 = new JLabel("database_name.table_name or database_name.*");
  524. JLabel info1 = new JLabel("For both forms you can grant/revoke certain privileges in the following format:");
  525. JLabel info4 = new JLabel("SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, etc.");
  526. JLabel grant = new JLabel("This portion is for GRANTING privileges only:");
  527. final JTextField grantPriv = new JTextField("Privileges to GRANT");
  529. JLabel revoke = new JLabel("This portion is for REVOKING privileges only:");
  530. JLabel selectDatabase = new JLabel ("Grant/Revoke privileges on the following database:");
  531. final JTextField revokePriv = new JTextField("Privileges to REVOKE");
  532. final JTextField selectDB = new JTextField("Enter Database");
  533. JButton submit2 = new JButton("Submit");
  534. actionPanel.add(info1);
  535. actionPanel.add(info4);
  536. actionPanel.add(info2);
  537. actionPanel.add(info3);
  538. actionPanel.add(grant);
  539. actionPanel.add(grantPriv);
  540. actionPanel.add(revoke);
  541. actionPanel.add(revokePriv);
  542. actionPanel.add(selectDatabase);
  543. actionPanel.add(selectDB);
  544. actionPanel.add(submit2);
  545. submit2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  546. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
  547. try {
  548. String username = userName.getText();
  549. String hostname = hostName.getText();
  550. String grantpriv = grantPriv.getText();
  551. String revokepriv = revokePriv.getText();
  552. String selectdb = selectDB.getText();
  553. if ((grantpriv.equals("") && revokepriv.equals("")) && selectdb.equals("")||
  554. (grantpriv.equals("Privileges to GRANT") && revokepriv.equals("Privileges to REVOKE") && selectdb.equals("Enter Database"))) {
  555. actionPanel.setVisible(false);
  556. final JPanel grantRevokePanel = new JPanel();
  557. grantRevokePanel.setVisible(true);
  558. grantFrame.add(grantRevokePanel);
  559. grantRevokePanel.setSize(400,400);
  560. JLabel errorLabel = new JLabel("You failed to insert any information. Please use the back button to enter information.");
  562. grantRevokePanel.add(errorLabel);
  563. JButton back = new JButton("Go back to previous screen");
  565. grantRevokePanel.add(back);
  566. back.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  567. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
  568. actionPanel.setVisible(true);
  569. actionPanel.setSize(800,350);
  571. grantRevokePanel.setVisible(false);
  572. }});
  573. }
  575. else if (grantpriv.equals("")|| grantpriv.equals("Privledges to GRANT")) {
  576. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  577. boolean rs = stmt.execute("revoke "+revokepriv+" on "+selectdb+" from '"+username+"'@'"+hostname+"'");
  578. System.out.println("got to grantpriv if");
  579. actionPanel.setVisible(false);
  580. final JPanel confirmPanel = new JPanel();
  581. grantFrame.add(confirmPanel);
  582. grantFrame.setSize(500, 150);
  583. final JLabel confirmLabel = new JLabel("You have succesfully revoked/granted access. Please refresh the MySQL server");
  584. confirmPanel.add(confirmLabel);
  585. confirmPanel.add(new JLabel("You may now close this window."));
  587. }
  588. else if (revokepriv.equals("") || revokepriv.equals("Privledges to REVOKE")) {
  589. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  590. boolean rs = stmt.execute("grant "+grantpriv+" on "+selectdb+" to '"+username+"'@'"+hostname+"'");
  591. System.out.println("got to revoke priv if");
  592. actionPanel.setVisible(false);
  593. final JPanel confirmPanel = new JPanel();
  594. grantFrame.add(confirmPanel);
  595. grantFrame.setSize(500, 150);
  596. final JLabel confirmLabel = new JLabel("You have succesfully revoked/granted access. Please refresh the MySQL server");
  597. confirmPanel.add(confirmLabel);
  598. confirmPanel.add(new JLabel("You may now close this window."));
  601. }
  604. else {
  605. Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  606. boolean rs = stmt.execute("grant "+grantpriv+" on "+selectdb+" to '"+username+"'@'"+hostname+"'");
  607. Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
  608. boolean rs2 = stmt2.execute("revoke "+revokepriv+" on "+selectdb+" from '"+username+"'@'"+hostname+"'");
  609. actionPanel.setVisible(false);
  610. final JPanel confirmPanel = new JPanel();
  611. grantFrame.add(confirmPanel);
  612. grantFrame.setSize(500, 150);
  613. final JLabel confirmLabel = new JLabel("You have succesfully revoked/granted access. Please refresh the MySQL server");
  614. confirmPanel.add(confirmLabel);
  615. confirmPanel.add(new JLabel("You may now close this window."));
  616. }
  619. }
  620. catch (Exception e2) {
  621. e2.printStackTrace();
  623. }
  624. }
  625. });
  628. }
  629. // Student s = new Student(studentFirstName.getText(), studentLastName.getText(), menuID.getText(), pin.getText());
  630. // menuPlus.getStudentCollection().addStudent(s);
  631. // changes = true;
  635. }
  636. catch (Exception e2) {
  637. e2.printStackTrace();
  639. }
  640. }
  642. });
  643. }
  645. String addUsers = Prompt.forString("Would you like to add a user to the MySQL database? (Y/N)");
  646. if (addUsers.equals("Y") || addUsers.equals("y")){
  647. System.out.println("Look to upper left for auxilary window to add users");
  648. final JFrame addFrame = new JFrame("Create MySQL user account");
  649. addFrame.setVisible(true);
  650. addFrame.setSize(300,300);
  651. final JPanel addpanel = new JPanel();
  652. addFrame.add(addpanel);
  653. final JTextField adduserName = new JTextField("Enter user name");
  654. addpanel.add(adduserName);
  655. final JTextField addhostName = new JTextField("Enter host name");
  656. addpanel.add(addhostName);
  657. final JTextField addpassword = new JTextField("Enter password");
  658. addpanel.add(addpassword);
  659. JButton addsubmit = new JButton("Create User");
  660. addpanel.add(addsubmit);
  661. addsubmit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  662. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  663. try {
  664. Boolean duplicate = false;
  665. String addUserNameString = adduserName.getText();
  666. String addHostNameString = addhostName.getText();
  667. String addPasswordString = addpassword.getText();
  669. // Check to see if there are any users with the same account.
  670. String queryCheck = "select count(*) from mysql.user where user = '" +addUserNameString+ "' and host = '" +addHostNameString+ "'";
  671. Statement stmt00 = conn.createStatement();
  672. ResultSet rsCheck = stmt00.executeQuery(queryCheck);
  673. while ( {
  674. if (rsCheck.getString(1).equals("1")) {
  675. addpanel.setVisible(false);
  676. final JPanel denyPanel = new JPanel();
  677. addFrame.add(denyPanel);
  678. final JLabel confirmLabel = new JLabel("Sorry, the user you have tried to add is already in the database.");
  679. denyPanel.add(confirmLabel);
  680. duplicate = true;
  681. JButton back = new JButton("Go back to previous screen");
  682. denyPanel.add(back);
  683. back.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  684. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
  685. addpanel.setVisible(true);
  688. denyPanel.setVisible(false);
  689. }});
  690. }
  692. }
  695. // Time to make a SQL query/command
  696. if (duplicate == false) {
  697. String sqlCommand = "create user '" +addUserNameString+ "' @'"+addHostNameString+"' identified by '" + addPasswordString+"'";
  698. Statement addStmt = conn.createStatement();
  699. Boolean rsAdd = addStmt.execute(sqlCommand);
  700. addpanel.setVisible(false);
  701. final JPanel confirmPanel = new JPanel();
  702. addFrame.add(confirmPanel);
  703. final JLabel confirmLabel = new JLabel("Your entry has been confirmed. Please refresh the MySQL server");
  704. confirmPanel.add(confirmLabel);
  705. }
  707. }
  708. catch (Exception e3){
  709. e3.printStackTrace();
  710. }
  711. }
  712. });
  713. }
  714. else {
  715. System.out.println("\nYou have selected none of the options.");
  716. System.out.println("\nTherefore, you will be redirected to the main menu. \n");
  717. }
  718. }
  719. else if (selection == 'u') {
  720. loggedIn = false;
  723. if (rs != null) {
  724. try {
  725. rs.close();
  726. } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
  727. } // ignore
  729. rs = null;
  730. }
  732. if (rsType != null) {
  733. try {
  734. rsType.close();
  735. } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
  736. } // ignore
  738. rsType = null;
  739. }
  742. if (stmt != null) {
  743. try {
  744. stmt.close();
  745. } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
  746. } // ignore
  748. stmt = null;
  749. }
  751. if (conn != null) {
  752. try {
  753. conn.close();
  754. } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
  755. } // ignore
  757. conn = null;
  758. }
  760. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
  762. while(loggedIn == false) {
  763. System.out.println("Welcome to FabFlix! Please input user information below:");
  764. //String username3 = Prompt.forString("Enter username");
  765. //String password3 = Prompt.forString("Enter password");
  766. String usernameDatabase1 = "root";
  767. String passwordDatabase1 = "lakers";
  768. String employeeEmail1 = Prompt.forString("Enter email");
  769. String employeePassword1 = Prompt.forString("Enter password");
  770. String queryLogin1 = "SELECT count(*) from employees where email = '" + employeeEmail1 + "' and password = '" + employeePassword1 +"'";
  771. conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usernameDatabase1, passwordDatabase1);
  772. stmt = conn.createStatement();
  773. stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
  774. ResultSet rsLogin1 = stmt.executeQuery(queryLogin1);
  776. while( {
  777. if (rsLogin1.getString(1).equals("1")) {
  778. conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usernameDatabase1, passwordDatabase1);
  779. stmt = conn.createStatement();
  780. stmt1 = conn.createStatement();
  781. loggedIn = true;
  782. employeeEmail1 = null;
  783. employeePassword1 = null;
  784. break;
  785. }
  787. else
  788. System.out.println("Wrong username/password combination. Please try again.");
  790. }
  791. }
  794. }
  796. else if (selection == 'x') {
  797. boolean output = Prompt.forBoolean("Will this command return an output? (true or false)");
  798. if (output == true) {
  799. String select = Prompt.forString("SELECT");
  800. String from = Prompt.forString("FROM");
  801. String where = Prompt.forString("WHERE");
  802. if (!where.isEmpty()){
  803. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select " + select + " from " + from + " where " + where);
  804. }
  805. else {
  806. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select " + select + " from " + from);
  807. }
  809. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  810. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  811. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "\t");
  812. }
  813. System.out.println();
  814. System.out.println();
  815. String t = "";
  816. for (int i = 1; i<= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  817. String s = rsmd.getColumnName(i) + ", ";
  818. t = t + s;
  819. }
  820. String s2 = t;
  821. StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s2, ", "); // To grab the "new" attributes
  823. while ( {
  824. while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
  825. Object o = rs.getObject(st.nextToken());
  826. System.out.print(o + "\t");
  827. }
  828. st = new StringTokenizer(s2, ", ");
  829. System.out.println();
  830. }
  831. }
  832. else {
  833. String option = Prompt.forString("Enter update, insert, or delete");
  834. if (option.equals("update")) {
  835. String update = Prompt.forString("UPDATE");
  836. String set = Prompt.forString("SET");
  837. String where = Prompt.forString("WHERE");
  838. int updateExecute = stmt.executeUpdate("update " + update + " set " + set + " where " + where);
  839. System.out.println("The information has been updated in the " + update+ " table");
  840. }
  841. else if (option.equals("insert")) {
  842. String insertInto = Prompt.forString("INSERT INTO:");
  843. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc "+ insertInto);
  844. String attributes ="(";
  845. while( {
  846. String field = rsType.getString("field");
  847. if (rsType.isLast())
  848. attributes = attributes + field;
  849. else
  850. attributes = attributes + field + ", ";
  852. }
  853. String values = Prompt.forString("VALUES:");
  854. int insertExecute = stmt.executeUpdate("insert into "+ insertInto+ attributes+")"+ " values" + values);
  855. System.out.println("The information has been inserted into the " + insertInto+ " table");
  856. }
  858. else if (option.equals("delete")) {
  859. String deleteFrom = Prompt.forString("DELETE FROM");
  860. String where = Prompt.forString("WHERE");
  861. int deleteExecute = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from " + deleteFrom + " where " + where);
  862. System.out.println("The information inputted has deleted the corresponding records");
  863. }
  864. else
  865. System.out.println("Error: You have entered a nonvalid option");
  866. }
  867. }
  870. else if (selection == 'm') {
  871. // Print Movie Metadata
  872. System.out.println("Movies :");
  873. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM movies");
  874. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc movies"); // Data table about movie table
  875. ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
  876. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  877. System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i));
  878. if ( {
  879. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  880. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  881. }
  882. }
  883. System.out.println();
  885. // Print Stars Metadata
  886. System.out.println("Stars :");
  887. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM stars");
  888. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc stars");
  889. ResultSetMetaData rsmd1 = rs.getMetaData();
  890. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd1.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  891. System.out.print(rsmd1.getColumnName(i));
  892. if ( {
  893. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  894. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  895. }
  896. }
  897. System.out.println();
  899. // Print stars_in_movies metadata
  900. System.out.println("stars_in_movies");
  901. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM stars_in_movies");
  902. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc stars_in_movies");
  903. ResultSetMetaData rsmd2 = rs.getMetaData();
  904. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd2.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  905. System.out.print(rsmd2.getColumnName(i));
  906. if ( {
  907. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  908. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  909. }
  910. }
  911. System.out.println();
  913. // Print genres metadata
  914. System.out.println("genres");
  915. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM genres");
  916. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc genres");
  917. ResultSetMetaData rsmd3 = rs.getMetaData();
  918. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd3.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  919. System.out.print(rsmd3.getColumnName(i));
  920. if ( {
  921. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  922. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  923. }
  924. }
  925. System.out.println();
  927. // Print genres_in_movies metadata
  928. System.out.println("genres_in_movies");
  929. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM genres_in_movies");
  930. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc genres_in_movies");
  931. ResultSetMetaData rsmd4 = rs.getMetaData();
  932. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd4.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  933. System.out.print(rsmd4.getColumnName(i));
  934. if ( {
  935. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  936. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  937. }
  938. }
  939. System.out.println();
  941. // Print customers metadata
  942. System.out.println("customers");
  943. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM customers");
  944. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc customers");
  945. ResultSetMetaData rsmd5 = rs.getMetaData();
  946. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd5.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  947. System.out.print(rsmd5.getColumnName(i));
  948. if ( {
  949. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  950. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  951. }
  952. }
  953. System.out.println();
  955. // Print sales metadata
  956. System.out.println("sales");
  957. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM sales");
  958. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc sales");
  959. ResultSetMetaData rsmd6 = rs.getMetaData();
  960. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd6.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  961. System.out.print(rsmd6.getColumnName(i));
  962. if ( {
  963. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  964. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  965. }
  966. }
  967. System.out.println();
  969. // Print creditcards metadata
  970. System.out.println("creditcards");
  971. rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM creditcards");
  972. rsType = stmt1.executeQuery("desc creditcards");
  973. ResultSetMetaData rsmd7 = rs.getMetaData();
  974. for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd7.getColumnCount(); i++) {
  975. System.out.print(rsmd7.getColumnName(i));
  976. if ( {
  977. String type = rsType.getString("type");
  978. System.out.println( " "+ "("+ type +")" + "\t");
  979. }
  980. }
  981. System.out.println();
  982. }
  984. else if (selection == 'z') {
  985. break;
  986. }
  987. else if (selection == 'k') {
  988. try{
  990. // Create file
  992. FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("Error Report.html");
  993. BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
  994. out.write("<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>FabFlix Error Report</TITLE> </HEAD> <center> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FDF5E6\"> <H1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">FabFlix Error Report</H1>");
  996. //Query 1 is to find movies with no stars
  997. String query1 = "SELECT, m.title FROM movies as m LEFT JOIN stars_in_movies as s ON s.movie_id = WHERE s.movie_id IS NULL";
  999. Statement statementq1 = conn.createStatement();
  1000. ResultSet rsq1 = statementq1.executeQuery(query1);
  1001. out.write("The following movie IDs and titles have no stars associated with them:");
  1002. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1003. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1004. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1005. "<td> ID </td>" +
  1006. "<td> Title </td> " +
  1007. "</tr>" +
  1008. "");
  1010. while ( {
  1011. String id = rsq1.getString("id");
  1012. String title = rsq1.getString("title");
  1013. out.write("<tr>" +
  1014. "<td>" + rsq1.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1015. "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
  1016. "<td>" + title + "</td>" +
  1017. "</tr>");
  1018. }
  1020. out.write("</TABLE>");
  1021. //Query 2 is to find stars without movies
  1022. String query2 = "SELECT, s.first_name, s.last_name FROM stars as s LEFT JOIN stars_in_movies as sm ON = sm.star_id WHERE sm.star_id IS NULL";
  1023. Statement statementq2 = conn.createStatement();
  1024. ResultSet rsq2 = statementq2.executeQuery(query2);
  1025. out.write("<br> The following star IDs and names have no movies associated with them:");
  1026. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1027. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1028. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1029. "<td> ID </td>" +
  1030. "<td> First Name </td> " +
  1031. "<td> Last Name </td> " +
  1032. "</tr>");
  1034. while ( {
  1035. String id = rsq2.getString("id");
  1036. String firstName = rsq2.getString("first_name");
  1037. String lastName = rsq2.getString("last_name");
  1038. out.write("<tr>" +
  1039. "<td>" + rsq2.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1040. "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
  1041. "<td>" + firstName + "</td>" +
  1042. "<td>" + lastName + "</td>" +
  1043. "</tr>");
  1044. }
  1046. out.write("</table>");
  1047. //Query 3 is to find genres without movies
  1048. String query3 = "SELECT, FROM genres as g LEFT JOIN genres_in_movies as gm ON gm.genre_id = WHERE gm.genre_id IS NULL";
  1049. Statement statementq3 = conn.createStatement();
  1050. ResultSet rsq3 = statementq3.executeQuery(query3);
  1051. out.write("<br> The following genre IDs and names have no movies associated with them:");
  1052. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1053. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1054. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1055. "<td> ID </td>" +
  1056. "<td> Genre Name </td> " +
  1057. "</tr>");
  1059. System.out.println();
  1060. while ( {
  1061. String id = rsq3.getString("id");
  1062. String name = rsq3.getString("name");
  1063. out.write("<tr>" +
  1064. "<td>" + rsq3.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1065. "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
  1066. "<td>" + name + "</td>" +
  1067. "</tr>");
  1068. }
  1069. out.write("</table>");
  1071. //Query4 is to find stars with either no last name or no first name or both.
  1072. String query4 = "SELECT, s.first_name, s.last_name FROM stars as s WHERE (s.last_name ='' or s.first_name = '')";
  1073. Statement statementq4 = conn.createStatement();
  1074. ResultSet rsq4 = statementq4.executeQuery(query4);
  1075. out.write("<br> The following star IDs have no first name or last name associated with them");
  1076. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1077. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1078. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1079. "<td> ID </td>" +
  1080. "</tr>");
  1082. while ( {
  1083. String id = rsq4.getString("id");
  1084. out.write("<tr>" +
  1085. "<td>" + rsq3.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1086. "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
  1087. "</tr>");
  1088. }
  1089. out.write("</table>");
  1090. //Query 5 will all the expired creditcards of existing customers
  1091. String query5 = "select c.first_name, c.last_name,, cc.expiration from customers as c, creditcards as cc where cc.first_name = c.first_name and cc.last_name = c.last_name and cc.expiration <'2011-01-01'";
  1092. Statement statementq5 = conn.createStatement();
  1093. ResultSet rsq5 = statementq4.executeQuery(query5);
  1094. out.write("<br> The following customers have creditcards that have expired:");
  1095. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1096. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1097. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1098. "<td> First Name </td> " +
  1099. "<td> Last Name </td> " +
  1100. "<td> ID </td>" +
  1101. "<td> Expiration Date </td>" +
  1102. "</tr>");
  1104. System.out.println();
  1105. while ( {
  1106. String firstName = rsq5.getString("first_name");
  1107. String lastName = rsq5.getString("last_name");
  1108. String ccNum = rsq5.getString("id");
  1109. String exp = rsq5.getString("expiration");
  1110. out.write("<tr>" +
  1111. "<td>" + rsq5.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1112. "<td>" + firstName + "</td>" +
  1113. "<td>" + lastName + "</td>" +
  1114. "<td>" + ccNum + "</td>" +
  1115. "<td>" + exp + "</td>" +
  1116. "</tr>");
  1117. }
  1119. out.write("</table>");
  1120. //Query 6 will find all the duplicate movies
  1121. String query6 = " select,, m.title, m.year from movies as m, movies as m2 where m.year=m2.year and m.title=m2.title and !";
  1122. Statement statement6 = conn.createStatement();
  1123. ResultSet rs6 = statement6.executeQuery(query6);
  1124. out.write("<br> The following shows duplicate movies along with their duplicate movie IDs:");
  1125. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1126. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1127. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1128. "<td> Original ID </td>" +
  1129. "<td> Duplicate ID</td> " +
  1130. "<td> Movie Title </td> " +
  1131. "<td> Year </td>" +
  1132. "</tr>");
  1133. System.out.println("");
  1134. while ( {
  1135. String id1 = rs6.getString(1);
  1136. String id2 = rs6.getString(2);
  1137. String title = rs6.getString(3);
  1138. String year = rs6.getString(4);
  1139. out.write("<tr>" +
  1140. "<td>" + rs6.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1141. "<td>" + id1 + "</td>" +
  1142. "<td>" + id2 + "</td>" +
  1143. "<td>" + title + "</td>" +
  1144. "<td>" + year + "</td>" +
  1145. "</tr>");
  1146. }
  1148. out.write("</table>");
  1149. //Query 7 will return duplicate stars
  1150. String query7 = " select,, s.first_name, s.last_name, s.dob from stars as s, stars as s2 where s.first_name=s2.first_name and s.last_name=s2.last_name and s.dob = s2.dob and !";
  1151. Statement statement7 = conn.createStatement();
  1152. ResultSet rs7 = statement7.executeQuery(query7);
  1153. out.write("<br> The following shows duplicate stars and their duplicate star IDs:");
  1154. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1155. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1156. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1157. "<td> Original ID </td>" +
  1158. "<td> Duplicate ID </td> " +
  1159. "<td> First Name </td>" +
  1160. "<td> Last Name </td> " +
  1161. "<td> DOB </td>"+
  1162. "</tr>");
  1164. while ( {
  1165. String id1 = rs7.getString(1);
  1166. String id2 = rs7.getString(2);
  1167. String firstname = rs7.getString(3);
  1168. String lastname = rs7.getString(4);
  1169. String dob = rs7.getString(5);
  1171. out.write("<tr>" +
  1172. "<td>" + rs7.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1173. "<td>" + id1 + "</td>" +
  1174. "<td>" + id2 + "</td>" +
  1175. "<td>" + firstname + "</td>" +
  1176. "<td>" + lastname + "</td>" +
  1177. "<td>" + dob + "</td>" +
  1178. "</tr>");
  1180. }
  1182. out.write("</table>");
  1183. //Query 9 will return stars with birth dates greater than today's date or less than the year 1900
  1184. String query9 = "select dob, id, first_name, last_name from stars where (dob < '1900-12-31' or dob > '2011-02-10')";
  1185. Statement statement9 = conn.createStatement();
  1186. ResultSet rsq9 = statement9.executeQuery(query9);
  1187. out.write("<br> The following displays stars with a DOB greater than today's date or less than the year 1900:");
  1188. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1189. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1190. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1191. "<td> DOB </td>" +
  1192. "<td> Star ID </td>" +
  1193. "<td> First Name </td> " +
  1194. "<td> Last Name </td> " +
  1195. "</tr>");
  1198. while ( {
  1199. String dob = rsq9.getString(1);
  1200. String id = rsq9.getString(2);
  1201. String firstName = rsq9.getString(3);
  1202. String lastName = rsq9.getString(4);
  1203. out.write("<tr>" +
  1204. "<td>" + rsq9.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1205. "<td>" + dob + "</td>" +
  1206. "<td>" + id + "</td>" +
  1207. "<td>" + firstName + "</td>" +
  1208. "<td>" + lastName + "</td>" +
  1209. "</tr>");
  1211. }
  1213. out.write("</table>");
  1215. //Query 8 will return duplicate genres
  1216. String query8 = "select,, from genres as m, genres as m2 where and !";
  1217. Statement statementq8 = conn.createStatement();
  1218. ResultSet rsq8 = statementq3.executeQuery(query8);
  1219. out.write("<br> The following displays duplicate genres and their duplicate IDs:");
  1220. out.write("<TABLE border>");
  1221. out.write("<tr> +" +
  1222. "<td> Number </td>" +
  1223. "<td> Original ID </td>" +
  1224. "<td> Duplicate ID </td>" +
  1225. "<td> Genre Name </td> " +
  1226. "</tr>");
  1229. while ( {
  1230. String id1 = rsq8.getString(1);
  1231. String id2 = rsq8.getString(2);
  1232. String name = rsq8.getString(3);
  1233. out.write("<tr>" +
  1234. "<td>" + rsq8.getRow() + "</td>" +
  1235. "<td>" + id1 + "</td>" +
  1236. "<td>" + id2 + "</td>" +
  1237. "<td>" + name + "</td>" +
  1238. "</tr>");
  1240. }
  1242. out.write("</table>");
  1243. out.write(" </CENTER> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>");
  1244. System.out.println("You can find the Error Report in HTML format in the source folder of this project.");
  1245. System.out.println("The file name is Error Report.html.");
  1247. }catch (Exception e){//Catch exception if any
  1249. System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
  1251. }
  1253. }
  1254. else
  1255. System.out.println(selection + " is an unknown command") ;
  1257. } }
  1259. catch (Exception e) {
  1260. e.printStackTrace();
  1262. }
  1264. }}
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