
applejack's trip to canterlot

Jul 26th, 2014
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  1. I remember how this whole thing started. I was a week before my trip to canterlot with my friends, and the cutie mark crusaders had apparently chosen applebloom's house to have their next sleep over in. I awoke to the sound of giggling in applebloom's room, I rolled out of bed sighing and looked at the large ticking clock on the wall 2:40 am. My hooves hit the ground with a loud clop sound and I tried to walk. I think I must have looked like I was drunk and ready to pass out because sweetie bell asked " Applejack how many cider have you had" before all three of them bursting into laughter. i just rolled my eyes, "y'all should be getten to bed shouldn't ya?" Realizing their mane's and coats were soaking wet "what in the hay have you three been up to" "just getting our weather predicting cutie marks" scootaloo said smiling. Applebloom suddenly began a presneeze face as sweetie bell and scootaloo covered her muzzle. "hmmmm hhumm HHHMMMM Htschew!" applebloom sneezed but it was muffled by the two fillies hooves. I raised an eyebrow, all three fillies smiled innocently. I scooped up applebloom and sent the other fillies to their beds, I then walked to my room to look applebloom over her muzzle was red as could be As I was examined her she sniffed and her eyes suddenly shut "huuh! Hetcew HuCHew Huchhee HUUUUCHEW hechew Hechew!" The last four apple bloom covered, but the first three where to quick for applebloom's little hoof to cover they ended up cascading all over my fur coat. I sighed as I grabbed a tissue and heard a very sharp breath from behind me and I soon felt a a river a spray continuously cover my back as appleboom caved into a massive sneezing fit "Heesho! hechhhew!! HAAASCHEEWW! HIISSHEWAA!" the more that came the messier they got and they kept coming at least 10 or 15. Now zoom up about a week and a half and applebloom is now better that she ever could be, but i am starting to feel sickly it began one day before the canterlot trip with a few sneezes hear and there but on the day of the trip i was in full cold mode. I could barely move the morning of and as soon as I did My nose apparently reacieved that as "sneeze" "huuuuh HUUUUUUH HHHEEEAASHOOOO!" I groaned as I went down stairs for breakfast. Granny smith, Big mac and applebloom were already a the dinner table. We sat awkwardly as We all chewed quietly. I felt a sneeze creeping its way into my nose. I began rubbing my nose the sneeze scurried away. “so applejack are ya excited?” applebloom shouted breaking the silence. “I gues- HUUUH!” The sneeze returned with a vengence, I covered my snout with my hooves rubbing as hard a possible. every one looked at me confused. “:uh I just realized that twilight is here to pick me up I have to scaddatal!” I siad even though twilight wouldn’t be there for another 15 minutes. I just need a back up, a galloped to the front door and as soon as I was outside safely I took my hooves of my snout letting loose the sneeze waiting to be free “uhhh hhhuuh HHHHUUUUUHH HEEEEEASSHOOO! HSSHHOOOO! eeeeeeEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSHHHOOOO!”
  2. I walked into the conference room nervously and took my seat next to rainbow dash and Princess luna. the dors shut and they all got to talking about various things such as the elements and the equestrian army yata yata. I was focused on the sneeze trying to fight it’s way out of my nose. But I was stronger, I rubbed and Rubbed though I go a couple weird looks I didn’t care. But the urge to sneeze got stronger each second. I only need something to set me off and I would be done for . and of course Rainbow tured to talk to fluttershy and her wing brushed agianst my nose . I then knew it was over “HUUUUH HHMMMCH!” I tried to stifle but it just made the urge stronger and I couldn’t take it “HUUUH HUUUUH HEEEEEAAAASSSSOOOOO HEeeaaaaAAAASSSOOOO!” I looked up to see princess Luna eyes narrowing as she wiped off her coat with her hoof I smilled nervously. she levetated me and my chair over colser to her. She starred at me, then stuck her hoof out and poked my nose. “Boop” she siad snikering. “Huuh echew!” I sneezed into my hoves she just just laughed “HAAAA Ha Ha you should seen your face, you looked like I was going to murder you!” Luna said laughing I started laughing nervously and and soon everyone was laughing. an that is how my friendship with princesses began.
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