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- { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- {
- networking.hostName = "myvm";
- virtualisation.proxmox = {
- node = "intelnuc";
- # autoInstall = lib.mkForce true;
- iso = pkgs.runCommand "nixos-minimal.iso" {
- # src = ../latest-nixos-minimal-x86_64-linux.iso;
- src = ../BookwormPup64_10.0.10.iso;
- # src = ../result/iso/byxzdzzic5wkqf408xxxw1qgsvk1fdjj-BookwormPup64_10.0.10.iso;#
- # src = ../nixos-minimal.iso;
- } ''
- mkdir -p $out
- mkdir $out/iso
- cp $src $out/iso/
- '';
- vmid = 100;
- memory = 12288;
- cores = 3;
- sockets = 1;
- boot.order = [ "scsi0" ];
- net = [
- {
- model = "virtio";
- bridge = "vmbr0";
- }
- ];
- scsi = [
- {
- file = "local:0,format=qcow2,import-from=/home/spiderunderurbed/hdd/vms/vm-1/nixos.qcow2";
- # size = "20G"; # Ensure this matches or exceeds the size of your disk image
- # format = "none"; # Specify the disk format as qcow2
- }
- ];
- };
- services.openssh.enable = true;
- time.timeZone = "UTC";
- # 🔧 Fix conflicting image.baseName
- # image.baseName = lib.mkForce "nixos-custom";
- }
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