
Stoner in Equestria

Jan 1st, 2013
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  1. >Day Marijuana in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anon, and you'd narrate your past but you already know it. Not like anybody would care anyway.
  3. >What's important is that when you arrived, you had at least two ounces of high grade kush on you. You were a dealer, and you had made a deal with a client.
  4. >Boy, he was probably gonna be pissed that he didn't get his weed. Oh well, your in Equestria. Humans don't belong here.
  5. >Hell, you don't even know how you're here! But you're getting off track. Weed. You had lots of it.
  6. >Obviously, as soon as you learned that p0nies had nothing like this you had asked about any species that knew about herbs.
  7. >You'd be damned if you spent your time here without being high! They said a zebra named Zecora knew a bit more than they did about herbs and potions.
  8. >You had ran off into the forest, her general direction the only thing guiding you.
  9. >When you found her hut, you knocked politely and waited. And waited some more. Fuck this. You walk in and shout out,
  10. "Hey, anybody home?"
  11. >You apparently startled the zebra, which had been asleep.
  12. >"What sort of creature are you? And what is it you are here to do?"
  13. >The rhyming got old quick. Esspecially once you realized this would go on for awhile.
  14. "Well the p0nies didn't know much about herbs so they sent me here. Think you have anything like this?"
  15. >You take out a small bag full of weed. The rest was in your backpack, no reason to be showing that off just yet.
  16. >"Why, its Marijuana! I have plenty of this fauna(?)!"
  17. "You do? So you know how to grow it and everything?"
  18. >"Certainly I do, and I'll do it for you if only you share. About the marijuana, its what causes me to speak in rhymes. Some weird side effect or something."
  19. >Wut.
  20. "But you didn't speak in rhymes just now! What gives?!"
  21. >"Buck the police. Now leave some of that here with me. I'll grow it nice and quick, you will see."
  22. >You don't even- fuck logic.
  23. "Err...alright here take this bag."
  24. >She seems giddy and you leave to avoid the mindfuck of her rhyming.
  25. >Fucking zebras.
  26. >When you get back to P0nyville you make arrangements for where you're staying. Apparently you're going to alternate with a different p0ny every night.
  27. >Works for you dude. Today you stay with Fluttershy.
  28. >When you get settled in you start up a conversation with Fluttershy.
  29. "So, Fluttershy, you wanna hit this?"
  30. >You show her the joint you had rolled. You always kept a few on you in your little 'joint case'.
  31. >"Well um...I-I don't know. Wh-what if its dangerous to p0nies?"
  32. "Well, it shouldn't be, Zecora had some too."
  33. >You think back to how she said it made her rhyme. You hope theres a god here that listens while you beg for it to not be that way for p0nies.
  34. >"Oh, well I guess I could..."
  35. "Great! Here give me a second to light it up."
  36. >You whip out your trusty Zippo and flick it open. You're so glad you had just got this refilled. You light the joint and make sure it hits properly before looking at Fluttershy.
  37. "Okay well, all you have to do is inhale through the joint. That make sense?"
  38. >" okay, I'll try."
  39. >Maybe you should have warned her it'd be a little rough. Oh well, you put the joint in her mouth and hold it for her.
  40. >You dont trust hooves yet. She seems to be doing as you said and she backs up with a flutter of her wings.
  41. >The wind consequently knocks the joint out of your hand. You swear it falls in slow-motion.
  42. >It hurts physically when it hits the ground and you quickly scoop it up. Making sure its okay you turn to Fluttershy.
  43. "What the hell was that-"
  44. >You may have misjudged just how high grade that shit was...Fluttershy doesn't look like she can move.
  45. >Still conscious, but thats some serious fucking couch-lock. You feel kinda bad now.
  46. "Oh. Hehe, sorry Flutters. I'll take ya to your bed."
  47. >You do just that and try to make her comfortable before you leave, heading to your own sleeping arangements.
  48. >You had finished the joint and decided to call it a night. Sleep came quickly, as it always did after you smoked.
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