
Let's Run Away Together (CelestiaxAnon)

Nov 11th, 2015
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  1. Last Updated: Update 2--Nov 24, 2015
  2. (To quickly find the newest update, use quick find and type in 'Latest Update'. For windows, this can be done by pressing the '/' button on your numpad. I believe it's the same with Linux as well. Dunno about you Macfags. I will also be numbering my updates.)
  4. Update 1--Nov 11, 2015
  5. >You walk down the grand hallways of the castle, adjusting your tie as you go
  6. >you approach a room with a simple-looking wooden door; from the outside, really no different than all the other rooms in the castle
  7. >the only real thing different out it being the two guards stationed on either side of it. They recognize you instantly, and one sends a few raps on the door with the end of his spear
  8. >”Let him in,” orders a somewhat muffled voice on the other side
  9. >the two guards make way. As you step forward, the sound of a few locks undoing themselves can be heard from just behind the wood barrier, which opens just in time for you to walk through
  10. >you step inside, only to find an empty room before you. The door shuts behind you, all the locks falling into place accompanied by the sound of a magic aura
  11. >you smile, scanning the room around you for any signs of alicorn life
  12. “Princess?”
  13. >”Just a moment, my dear,” you hear from one of the rooms adjacent to the one you were in.
  14. >See, many ponies live under the misconception that Princess Celestia’s “room” really is just one room.
  15. >This really is just a misconception: her chambers are actually comprised of a living room—in which you currently stand—and five rooms all connected to this once, arranged in a way that if you were to split the rooms in half, the entranceways on the two sides would all look symmetrical to one another
  16. >they are all very nice rooms, but as of right now there is only one that is important to you: the dressing room
  17. >A ravishing Celestia complete with eyeliner, deep red lipstick, and a pitch-black dress steps out
  18. >You remain professional, keeping your face stoic aside from the slight wrinkle you allow to come to your eye
  19. >”So, my human advisor,” she says, doing a little twirl, “advise me. Do I wear this dress to the Springtime Celebration tonight?”
  20. “The dress, while on the edge of being almost being too racy,” you say, pointedly referring to how it did not completely cover her cutiemarks or her hind legs, “gives you an aura of intimidation, in my opinion.”
  21. >”The bubble’s up, Anon. Nopony can hear us.”
  22. “You look drop-dead gorgeous.”
  23. >Celestia stifles a giggle with her golden horseshoe-covered hoof. You allow yourself to break out into an all-out smile, but still opt to retain your stoic composure
  24. >she walks towards you, her movements mimicking those of a predator with eyes on its prey. You advance as well, your stiff air of professionalism slowly loosening as you draw near
  25. >You lightly grip the underside of her muzzle, leaning down to meet her as you gently pull her face to yours
  26. >Immediately your lips collide, a tight suction forming between the two of you, allowing for your tongues to dart in and out of each other’s mouths with ease
  27. >your hand wanders from her chin to her cheek, from her cheek to her neck and to her side. She rears up on her hind legs and drapes her fetlocks over your shoulders, pressing her body against yours and giving you easier access to the rest of her body
  28. >you grab a handful of her plush white ass, eliciting a gasp from your excited princess. Her grip on you tightens unexpectedly, causing you to fall backwards onto your ass with the big white horse on top of you
  29. >She really isn’t that much taller than you when reared up and is rather lithe, so her falling on top of you isn’t much of a big deal aside from the bruised ass cheek you’ll likely be faced with later tonight
  30. >She pulls back, her face somewhere between a look of concern and excitement as she tries to shift her weight off from on top of you. Before she can utter an apology, you cup both palms around her cute little cheeks and guide her back to you. She puts up no fight.
  31. >This continues on for a bit, the excitement between the two of you growing into a frenzy of lip-biting and lipstick marks being left all over your face
  32. >At the back of your head, however, you know that whatever you’ve started has gone on a little longer than you may have intended. You check your watch for the time, and Celestia notices
  33. >”Mmmph… Anon… Anon, we have to stop.” She pulls her face away from yours
  34. >You sigh
  35. “I suppose you’re right,” you sigh. Reluctantly, you try moving out from under her, and she brings herself to her hooves
  36. >Your world turns white as a towel smacks you in the face.
  37. >”Wipe off the lipstick and make your hair nice again,” she says. “I’ll be in the bathroom. I shouldn’t take too long, so you be ready by the time I’m out, okay?”
  39. ---
  41. >A few minutes later, you’re exiting the room behind a regal-looking Princess of Equestria, whose appearance has been worked to perfection
  42. >and you must say, you don’t look too shabby yourself
  43. >the guards bow, and she nods to them. She nods to you as well, signalling for you to walk alongside her
  44. >you do so, once more adjusting your tie. She glances your way complacently, appearing to be gauging you and your appearance. You straighten your back and take your steps with a purpose, and she gives an approving hum.
  45. >”So, Anonymous. Supposing the Zebra ambassador decides to show, will you be there to support me in the inevitable discussion over the gem mining situation in West Zebrica?”
  46. >Just as rehearsed, Anon
  47. “Yes, my Princess. I already have some ideas as to how the discussions might pan out and how we can bring the negotiations to our favor. From what you said just a moment ago, this one in particular is rather important to you.”
  48. >She nods, looking straight ahead. “Indeed.”
  49. >You nod in return, and do the same. Despite the stony appearance you wear, however, you can feel a slight sense of giddiness building up inside of you. Just a symptom of a dirty little secret
  50. >Your name is Anonymous. You have been in Equestria for five years. For three years, you have been Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria’s trusted personal advisor. And for the majority of those three years, unbeknownst to the public eye, you have been dating her.
  52. ---
  54. >in your mind, that sounded a little scripted
  55. >she’s so dead set on keeping this relationship a secret though
  56. >she actually gives you lines meant to explain any ‘strange behavior’ you two had been demonstrating
  57. >in short, not letting anyone find out the truth
  59. >really, you could have just made something up
  60. >or actually talked about the Zebras instead of just pretending you were. After all, the ‘Advisor’ role isn’t just an excuse for you being around her all the time
  61. >You really do fulfill your duties: before you started dating, you were her advisor. And before that, Twilight’s advisor
  62. >You still are all three of those things. It’s just that now, Twilight has a better grip on the whole ‘princess’ thing than she did three years ago
  63. >she still calls on you, just not nearly as often
  64. >”Something on your mind, Anonymous?”
  66. >You’re pulled out of your thoughts
  67. >You look down at the Princess, who gives you a warm smile
  68. >Her eyes betray the curiosity underneath, however
  69. “Yeah, actually. Did I really need to memorize that? I mean, I could have really just talked about… you know, advisor stuff.”
  70. >at the confused look she puts on, you grimace
  71. >”I don’t understand. I thought that’s what you were doing…?”
  72. At her act, you deadpan. “Cel, there’s absolutely no one around to even hear. Stop being so anal.”
  73. >Amidst your sentence, her horn flashes. All other sounds save for what’s going on in your little circle immediately dissipate
  74. >She immediately gives you a reproachful look. “Anon, we’ve been over this too many times for me to keep track of. If you need to say something like that, you wink at me with your right eye twice so that I can erect the bubble.”
  75. >’The bubble’ is an invisible forcefield that she puts up whenever the two of you discuss anything regarding your relationship. It acts as a barrier against sound, magic—all types, no exceptions—and occasionally, will even make the two of you invisible.
  76. >Prior to seeing this side of her, you always wondered how Twilight got to be the way she is. Now, you’d have to be stupid not to know.
  77. “I’ve said it once, I’ll say it now, and I’m going to say this for the rest of my mortal life: you need to chill.”
  78. >”’Chill,’ Anonymous?” Her eyebrow goes up, the sign that she has absolutely no intent on actually hearing you out. “One cannot simply ‘chill’ in a pool full of sharks, my love.”
  79. “By ‘sharks’ I assume you mean the nobles. And I still fail to see what they’d gain from killing me, aside from their own death sentence.” You chuckle. “Delivered by you personally, I’d imagine.”
  80. >This seems to lessen the tension a little
  81. >“Most certainly,” she affirms, a small smile coming to her face. “And for the record, my concern does not completely lie in them making an attempt on your life.”
  83. >There goes your attempt at lightening the mood
  84. “Thanks for the reminder, Cel.”
  85. >You sigh, pointedly looking in the other direction.
  86. >you knew she wasn’t going to give. She probably never will, as long as her anal-retentive tendencies actually keep what you have going a secret. As always, though, you can’t help but try.
  87. >Nearly three years. Another month until your third anniversary.
  88. >How long can you keep this up?
  90. >You suddenly notice the subject of your thoughts take an abrupt left turn
  91. >you know the castle, and you know this isn’t the way to the Celebration
  92. >You slip back into your ‘professional’ mask, not sure if she’s dropped the bubble or not
  93. “Princess, I believe we’ve taken a wrong turn—”
  94. >”The bubble’s still up, Anon. And don’t say anything, just look forward.”
  95. >Ah, of course. She would have let you know if she dropped it
  96. >The two of you round the corner into what appears to be an empty hallway
  97. >You’re a little surprised when the quite colorful hallway around you suddenly darkens and loses a bit of its color
  98. >a side effect of being made invisible. This is quite extreme, even for Celestia
  99. >You turn to face her, expecting some lecture on why she does the things she does
  100. >just in case you didn’t get it
  102. >Instead, you’re met with the feeling of her soft lips connecting with yours
  103. >Eyes closed, she leans into the kiss, lightly humming
  104. >As quick as she made contact, she breaks it, taking care to look you in the eye with those bright violet eyes of hers
  105. >Upon seeing your stunned reaction, she grins
  106. >”You know I love you, don’t you?”
  107. >The room returns to normal. Her loose grin recedes back into a controlled mask of sensible contentment.
  108. >”And you know, if this night goes well… maybe, just /maybe/, I’ll consider more seriously some of your suggestions. After all, you’ve been my advisor for this long.”
  109. >She winks, and then begins trotting back to the main hallway to continue her course. Bringing yourself back to your senses, you make to follow
  110. >She knows just how and when to remind you of why you put up with her nonsense, that’s for sure.
  111. >It almost makes it all seem worth it
  112. >You smile. Almost.
  114. ---
  116. >The main celebration is set inside of one of the many event rooms that this castle has
  117. >This room in particular has a door leading to a section of the castle gardens outside. Seeing as how the Springtime Celebration celebrates the blooming of the flora and the awakening of the fauna, it makes sense that this celebration would be nature-themed
  118. >A constant dull chatter fills the room as you enter. Classical music plays at a low volume from the stage
  119. >As for the guests, it’s what you might expect: a minor event such as this would not call for a large crowd, but a fairly decent array of wealthy ponies and foreign dignitaries dot the scene
  121. >The room quickly goes quiet as all take notice of the Princess entering the room. A trumpet blares, and a voice cries,
  122. >”Announcing, Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria!”
  123. >Everyone in the room bows, leaving the two of you to remain standing.
  124. >You scowl. For a small event, it’s acceptable for an announcer to leave out the Princess’ other titles and only use her main one. But the ‘co-ruler’ part leaves a bad taste in your mouth: it makes her sound less important than she is. Just ‘ruler’ would have been fine.
  125. >Celestia doesn’t seem to mind, however. She smiles at everyone present, seeming to look each and every pony and other creature in the eye as she scans the room
  127. >”Rise, my little ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and zebras. I am honored that every one of you has taken the time out of your busy schedules to attend this event.”
  128. >All rise, some ponies nodding at her words as if they were directed towards them personally
  129. >Haha. As if.
  130. >”I’m sure I need not say this, but if there is anything that you require, feel free to ask any of our castle staff for assistance. They will be happy to oblige, I am sure.
  131. >”I will be at the south end of room for the first hour of the night, on the platform closest to the bar for meet-and-greets. I believe I see some new faces… if my memory serves me right. I /am/ getting rather old.”
  132. >a few chuckles. Gradually the chatter starts up again, and a line begins to form at the platform where Celestia will be sitting for the next hour or so
  134. >You begin to make your way over, but a great white wing blocks your path. Curious about this new development, you look to your side at the princess
  135. >”I think I’ll be fine, Anon,” she reassures. “Go enjoy the festivities for now. When I need you, I’ll page you.”
  136. >You look around the room. In the way of festivities, there really isn’t much
  137. “Are you sure you won’t need me, Princess? There are foreign dignitaries here who might want to make negotiations...”
  138. >”This is just a meet-and-greet, Anonymous. As for negotiations, the Zebras come later in the night. As I said before, when that time comes, I’ll send for you.”
  139. “Yeah, but…” You make a gesture with your hand. “What am I actually supposed to do?”
  140. >She daintily covers her mouth as she giggles. “Anonymous, it’s a party. Parties are where ponies go to have fun, no?”
  141. >you roll your eyes
  142. “Hopefully they have wine as dry as your humor, Cel.”
  143. >This seems to get a genuine laugh out of her. “Ouch. Well, as long as you’re being bitter, I’m going to go greet the important ponies.” She tosses her head as she begins walking towards the stand. “Oh, by the way. It seems you may have some company, after all.”
  144. >You tilt your head and raise an eyebrow
  145. “What?”
  146. >”All bow for Princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria!”
  148. >Oh
  149. >You hadn’t realized she was showing up tonight
  150. >That makes things interesting, you suppose
  151. >After everyone is done bowing, you make your way to her
  152. “Hey, Princess. It’s nice to see you, I hadn’t expected you to be here.”
  153. >she simply gives you a flat look
  154. >She acknowledges you with a curt “Human.”
  155. >Yeah, she loves you
  156. >Somewhere deep down inside, she does
  157. >She used to show it, too, back before she found out you were dating her sister
  158. >You’re starting to think it was a mistake ever telling her
  159. >Almost three years later, and she’s still upset about it
  161. “Would you like me to show you to some refreshments?”
  162. >”I can show myself, thank you very much.”
  163. >And with that, she leaves you to your own devices
  164. >It really does bother you how cold she’s gotten
  165. >especially seeing her demeanor completely flip upon greeting some nobles
  166. >She was friendly with you, once upon a time
  167. >Oh well. Nothing you can really do, you suppose
  168. >They say time heals all wounds
  169. >and you are a mortal being, after all. Hopefully she’ll find it in her heart to forgive you by then
  171. >A few minutes pass, and you find yourself in a small circle of nobles, making light conversation
  172. >Contrary to popular belief, rich ponies do other things than make thinly veiled threats to one another while evilly sipping on glasses of chardonneigh. After all, rich ponies are ponies too
  173. >Money just tends to do to funny things to regular ponies is all
  174. >”...and when she opened the suitcase, I said, ‘Honey, those are the striped socks!’ I suggested simply attending the ball without clothes, but she insisted because it was ‘too cold.’ Needless to say, it was rather awkward when we finally met up with our party.”
  175. >Nobody laughs. Not even politely. Everyone just kind of stares at the guy.
  176. >Clearly uncomfortable, he takes a step back, excusing himself from the group to ‘use the restroom.’
  177. >Poor dude. He tried just a little too hard, and it ended up backfiring on him in the end
  178. >although he should’ve known not to mention striped socks at a formal event.
  180. >A silence settles in over the group for a moment, nopony sure of how to break it after… that.
  181. >Finally, somepony speaks up. ”So, Anonymous. I hear you’re making enemies in West Zebrica.”
  182. >Although the tone implies banter, the statement takes you off-guard. All eyes land on a petite mare in the crowd, and then come back to you.
  183. >Why is everyone talking about this Zebrica thing? It’s really not that big a deal, compared to other things you’ve done
  184. “I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Miss…?”
  185. >”Lady Sunshine,” she introduces herself with a curtsy.
  186. “A pleasure, Lady Sunshine. And no, I wouldn’t call it ‘making enemies.’ Just some new opportunities opening up in an already-existing trade.”
  187. >”Oh, you don’t need to tell me. I already know all about the situation at hoof.”
  188. >All the other ponies lean in. For some reason, this elicits a simper from her.
  189. >You’re immediately put on your guard
  190. “‘Situation?’ I hope you’ll excuse me, but I’m going to have to disagree with your choice of wording again. So far, everything has been going quite smoothly, aside from a few minor kinks. Those are to be expected, of course.”
  191. >”A few ‘kinks,’ hmm?” She twirls her glass of wine in her hoof. “You’re absolutely right. It’s all been going surprisingly well. You and Princess Celestia have been handling things quite fluidly.”
  192. >Okay, where is she going with this?
  193. >”On the contrary, I see potential. Which is why I would like to offer my company’s resources as an investment into this project.”
  194. >So she wants in. Alright.
  195. >To be honest, if all goes well with the Zebra ambassador tonight, you were planning on going public with this deal anyway
  196. >New gem sites are being opened up in West Zebrica. Certainly a good source of revenue for the crown, and a great opportunity for investors
  197. >Everyone wins
  198. >Normally, you would be all for what this mare is suggesting
  199. >Hell, you’d accept her offer tonight
  200. >But you feel like she’s hiding something. Like she’s got something on you that she’s just waiting to use
  202. “I appreciate the offer, Lady Sunlight. However, we’re not looking to get the private sector involved just yet.”
  203. >all true
  204. >She nods. ”Of course. Negotiations haven’t been settled, after all.”
  205. >You affirm this with a nod of your own.
  206. >”However, if you require any assistance in the matter—anything at all—I would love to get involved in getting this carriage off the ground, so to speak.”
  207. >So far, as far as you can tell, all she’s done is get her name out there. Let you know that she’s interested
  208. >Okay, nothing bad
  209. “I appreciate the gesture, but I think Celestia and I have the fort held down.”
  210. >She shrugs. “It was just an offer. After all, why not turn your little twosome into a threesome?”
  212. >Uh
  213. >Wow
  214. >That was blunt
  215. >The whole circle has gone silent, all eyes on you
  216. >In all honesty, you want to burst out laughing
  217. >You want to tell her that her threat means absolutely nothing. Every family with even the slightest connections to the crown probably knows about your little love affair
  218. >Hell, probably everypony in this circle knows
  219. >and that her threat has actually just ruined any chance of her ever getting in on this deal.
  220. >At the same time, however, you can’t say anything
  221. >not about that
  222. >While everyone already knows what’s going on, there’s no evidence there to prove it
  223. >Not that you think it would be that huge of a deal if someone were to find out in the first place, anyway
  224. >Still, if anything besides a rumor got out, Cel would be distraught
  225. >and if you were to speak your mind right now, it would practically be a confession
  226. >So you go along with the act
  228. >You chuckle, brushing off her statement as if it were a joke
  229. “I appreciate your sense of humor, but let us keep the innuendos to a minimum, please.”
  230. >She smiles. “My mistake, sir.”
  231. >Your mistake indeed.
  232. >The topic of conversation soon switches, and soon you’re all pretending once again like there are no hostilities in the group
  233. >As if Miss Sunshine didn’t just threaten to reveal one of your deepest secrets
  234. >Politics is all about what’s not being said, you suppose
  235. >Luckily for you, that goes both ways
  237. ---
  239. >You’re having conversation with your circle when you feel a tugging at the bottom of your shirt
  240. >One of the waiters there, a middle-aged stallion with a mustache, beckons you closer
  241. >You lean down, and he whispers into your ear, “The Princess requested I tell you she feels ill, and that she won’t be here for the meeting with the Zebra ambassador.”
  242. >What?
  243. >His words sink in
  244. >Princess Celestia was supposed to meet the ambassador
  245. >Princess Celestia, in person
  246. >Not her advisor
  247. >and now, apparently she’s ‘sick’
  248. >first and foremost, however
  249. “Is she okay? Why is she sick?”
  250. >”She did not specify, sir. However, she appeared to be slightly dizzy.”
  251. >She’s dizzy
  252. >Maybe she has a stomach flu
  253. >You hope that’s all it is. It’s not like her to do this, even if she is sick…
  254. >You thank the waiter, and then excuse yourself from the group
  255. >You’ve got to find Celestia
  256. >Maybe you’re just worrying about things too much
  257. >Maybe she really is just a little sick. Maybe she thinks you can handle this on your own
  258. >It’s hard to believe that she would be this lackadaisical about a deal the two of you have been working on for the better part of a year, though
  259. >Either way, you need to find her
  261. >You’re a lot taller than most of the present guests, and so is Luna
  262. >so finding her isn’t difficult
  263. “Excuse me, Princess,” you say, getting her attention.
  264. >The light expression she has while talking to a griffon immediately turns sour upon seeing you
  265. >”What is it that you require, human?”
  266. >You eye the griffon she was a talking to. The female griffon gives you a timid smile, and a small wave with her talons
  267. >She must not know court etiquette very well
  268. >You return the gesture as genuinely as you can at the moment considering the circumstances, and then whisper to Luna
  269. “Somewhere private?”
  270. >The princess frowns. She then turns to the griffon, telling her
  271. >”I hope you excuse my rudeness, madam, but apparently there are important matters to attend to that require this specific princess…”
  272. >You know that was directed at you. You don’t care.
  273. >The griffon, however, seems to take no offense. “It’s no trouble at all, Your Highness. I’m rather honored to meet a Princess, an Equestrian one at that…”
  274. >You’re not sure what she expected in coming here, really
  275. >Definitely not a noble
  276. >”Likewise. You have quite interesting things to say. Perhaps we will see each other later tonight, after this business is taken care of.”
  277. >”It—It would be my pleasure, Your Highness.”
  278. >Luna nods and rounds you
  279. >You take this as an invitation to follow
  281. >The two of you round a corner, and she turns to face you
  282. >”This had better be important for you to pull me away from my conversation.”
  283. >Careful not to cause any excitement on Luna’s part, you choose your words carefully
  284. “I’m hoping you might be able to tell me where Celestia is.”
  285. >”On the platform by the drink serving area. There is a whole throng of creatures lined up to talk to her, I am uncertain as to how you might miss it.”
  286. >You really don’t want to deal with this mare
  287. >but as of right now, she’ll probably be your best help
  288. >not to mention the only pony you can go to right now without potentially letting everyone know something’s up.
  289. “Yeah, well, she’s not there, and me and her are supposed to meet with the ambassador from West Zebrica. So if you have any idea of where she might be, that would be really helpful.”
  290. >Straight to the point, and shouldn’t leave any room for any of her remarks
  291. >”’She and I,’ you cretin.”
  292. >Fuck Luna
  293. >”And yes, this will be a problem if we leave you to the negotiations, especially with grammar like that. If worst comes to worst, I will take over negotiations.”
  294. >Yeah, if worst comes to fucking worst
  295. >That’s what you want to say, but you’re really trying to get on Luna’s good side
  296. >Possible future in-law and all
  297. “So, where do we look, then?”
  298. >Her horn lights up. “First things first, did you in any way let anypony know of my sister’s disappearance?”
  299. >You take a step back
  300. “A—Are you threatening me?”
  301. >She looks confused at first, and then sees her horn. “You thought—No. I am simply ‘pinging’ my sister. She will ping back, and I will be able to sense her whereabouts.”
  302. >Oh. That’s a relief.
  303. >You don’t imagine Luna to be the kind of pony to do that, but given her disdain for you, you wouldn’t put it past her
  304. >She squints her eyes for a moment, and then seems to relax as the magic around her horn dissipates. “There. We should receive a reply in a moment’s notice. Now, again, I ask: did you tell anypony that my sister is missing?”
  305. >You shake your head
  306. >She nods. “That is good. In the case that she is, for all forms of the word, ‘missing,’ we will not raise any alarm among the ponies in looking for her.”
  307. “Yeah, I thought of that.”
  308. >”Then perhaps you are not as stupid as I had presumed.”
  309. >You stay quiet after that, choosing not to provoke the mare any further
  310. >About a minute passes. Luna hums, a frown coming to her face
  311. >”She has not responded.”
  312. “Okay, that’s not good.” You rub your chin in thought. “Are you sure that it got to her?”
  313. >”I am quite sure.”
  314. “How do you know?”
  315. >”I—Well…” Doubt creeps into her confident expression. “I will try again, to assure myself.”
  316. >Her horn lights up again, and again she goes through the ritual of clenching and unclenching her facial features.
  317. >A few seconds passed
  318. >”She has not responded. Something may be wrong.”
  319. “With her?”
  320. >”Obviously.”
  321. “Just making sure…”
  323. “Okay, so what do we do from here?”
  324. >”Is it not obvious? We look for her.”
  325. “Really?” You look around. “We just check around the entire castle?”
  326. >”No, we approach it systematically and narrow down our search as we go.”
  327. “This castle’s huge, Luna. Even if we did it ‘systematically,’ searching with two people could take weeks. We have a measly few hours.”
  328. >”Do you think I am not aware of that?” she snaps at you. “We start our search with the most likely spots she will be, and make our way through the less likely.” She thinks for a moment. “I believe we can rule out abduction, for now at least. So if we assume she left out of her own free will…”
  329. “Do you think she just got tired and went back to her room?”
  330. >She quirks an eyebrow at you. “Just as I was beginning to have faith in your intelligence…”
  331. “She sent a waiter to tell me that she felt ‘ill,’ so it would make sense that if she feels sick, she’ll want to get some sleep. Is my logic sound enough for you, Luna?”
  332. >”This seems like a rather quick onset of symptoms.” Luna hums, tapping her hoof to her chin in thought. ”If she were poisoned, I could see her attempting to save face and seeking help covertly, but I am sure either one of us would have been informed by now if that were the case.”
  333. “Poison? Luna, I think you’re thinking worst-case scenario here.”
  334. >”I am /ruling out/ poison.” She appears to return to thinking. “Are there any other details you have that may be helpful in our search?”
  335. >You wonder if you should tell Luna what the waiter said about how Celestia looked. She might give you a tongue-lashing for ‘irrelevant’ information
  336. >Screw it. It’s not like you could get much lower in her eyes, anyway
  337. “Well, the waiter also said Celestia looked a little woozy. I don’t know if that helps or not.”
  338. >Luna frowns and opens her mouth to say something probably sarcastic, but stops as what looks like a horrifying realization comes across her features
  339. >”Wait here,” she commands, giving you no time to question her as a blink of light engulfs her and she teleports away.
  340. >Great. You have no idea what’s going on, there’s a meeting with a zebra ambassador who’s probably getting impatient by now, and she’s telling you to wait.
  342. >She pops back into existence fifteen minutes later. By now you’re sitting cross-legged with your elbows on your knees and your chin resting on your palms
  343. >”Human. Take care of the zebra ambassador. I will be occupied.”
  344. “Wait, what?”
  345. >You jump to your feet, a million questions all flooding your head and fighting for a chance to be heard
  346. >You open your mouth to unleash the torrent, but Luna simply places a hoof on your chest
  347. >which ends up hitting you rather forcefully, making you realize that you’ve been advancing towards her rather quickly
  348. “Sorry about that,” you mutter.
  349. >She nods. “I understand your concern for my sister. Do not fret, she is in good physical health; however, there is something that… must be resolved.”
  350. >her eyes flicker over you for a moment, before she pointedly looks away
  351. >something that you catch that you can’t quite believe came from her
  352. >guilt
  354. “You said that you would take over negotiations if Celestia couldn’t come.”
  355. >”That was in the event that we didn’t find her. She is found, and now I believe there are more important matters to attend to.”
  356. >Well, as if that doesn’t make you even more worried. Upon seeing your expression, Luna sighs.
  357. >”Listen, Anonymous. Take care of the negotiations. If Celestia has faith in you, then I have no choice but to trust her judgement.”
  358. >That may be the closest thing to a compliment that you’ve heard from her in a long time
  359. >she rests a hoof on your shoulder. “Trust that she is in good hooves. If you begin to worry, keep in mind that despite our misgivings for one another, we do have one thing in common.”
  360. >She doesn’t have to say what it is for you to know
  361. >Even though she definitely hates you and you’ve grown to really not care for her, you both have an understanding when it comes to Celestia
  362. >Despite still being 90 percent unsure about the situation, you nod. She returns the gesture, and then in a flash disappears
  363. >You walk back through the hallways and into the main room where the celebration is taking place
  364. >So far, nothing in the room seems to have changed. Mostly ponies still doing pony things
  365. >with a few patrons who have had a bit too much to drink being led out of the room by friends, husbands or wives
  366. >It seems almost strange to you
  367. >just how relaxed they all seem to be in light of things
  368. >You suppose they can’t feel your inner turmoil, though
  369. >Some asking around leads you to the zebra ambassador, who sits at a table on the far end of the room
  370. >He’s looking a little impatient. It’s probably past the time when he was supposed to meet up with Celestia
  371. >Hopefully this doesn’t affect negotiations
  372. >You take a deep breath and put on your best winning smile
  373. >Appearing confident is always key, especially when you don’t actually feel that way
  374. >Unfortunately, the power of love isn’t enough to expel your nervousness
  375. >You approach the zebra, giving him time to notice you as you draw near
  376. >Recognizing you he perks up a bit, though his eyes hint at curiosity
  377. >probably because Celestia’s not here
  378. >You extend an open palm, which he grips with a fetlock and gives a firm shake
  379. >always gotta have a good shake
  381. “Before we begin, I would like to give my deepest and sincerest apologies for both the wait and the absence of Her Highness.”
  382. >The zebra holds up a hoof. “It is quite alright, my friend. Both the princess and yourself have always been extremely punctual, so it is excusable.” He quirks an eyebrow. “I hope it is within my bounds to ask, but is everything well?”
  383. >You nod in assurance.
  384. “It’s nothing too serious. The princess is feeling ill, and felt that she would not be presentable for this meeting.”
  385. >He ‘hmphs.’
  386. >“Well, that is unfortunate. On behalf of my people, I pray for her return to full health.”
  387. “Thank you, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the gesture.” You gesture towards the open chair. “May I?”
  388. >”Yes, please sit.” As you take your seat, he asks, “Now, where did we leave off last time?”
  389. “Boundaries,” you’re quick to reply. “You were unhappy with the borders we proposed.”
  390. >”Ah! Yes. Just a moment.” His head ducks under the table, and you hear ruffling. When he comes back up, he holds a rolled up piece of paper in his mouth.
  391. “Is that a map?”
  392. >He nods, placing the map on the table, and unrolls it. “Take a look at this for a moment, Anonymous.”
  393. >You turn the map around so that the “south” end faces towards you. Instantly recognizable is the West Zebrican city you plan to profit from. There are also two different-colored lines, one marked “Your proposed boundaries” and “Our proposed boundaries.”
  394. >The boundaries refer to the area of land that will be mined for gems.
  395. >It seems they found your plans disagreeable
  396. “Your proposal is a bit smaller than what we expected, ambassador. Mind explaining that?”
  397. >”Nothing has been set in stone, so nothing should yet be expected. As for the boundary change, a portion of the area that your ponies have attempted to claim for mining rests dangerously close to grounds considered sacred by my people. As such…”
  399. ---
  401. >You sit alone at the table, raising a glass of wine in the air and imagine it clinking against other glasses
  402. >a toast to your honor.
  403. >You did it.
  404. >You sealed the deal.
  405. >Granted, there’s still some paperwork to be done, a few more meetings to be held before this is made official
  406. >But really, it’s all in the bag now
  407. >You did it. And you got Equestria a good deal, too
  408. >You down your glass, relishing in the warmth of the liquid as it seeps down your throat and settles in your stomach
  409. >You da man.
  410. >As you sit there simply enjoying the feeling of accomplishment, you feel a nudge on your shoulder.
  411. >Your look over your shoulder. Luna stands behind you, a frown etched into her features
  412. >Immediately, you’re reminded of the situation with Celestia.
  413. >You’re about to bombard her with questions, but at the last moment decide that Luna probably wouldn’t take too kindly to that
  414. >If her expression is anything to go by
  415. “I, uh… The negotiations went well.”
  417. >”Celestia requests your presence,” she says flatly.
  418. “What? Why?”
  419. >What’s even going on?
  420. >”She says that if you don’t come, she’s not moving from her spot for the rest of the night.”
  421. >What? Now you’re even more confused
  422. “That doesn’t really answer my—”
  423. >”It does. You’re coming because I cannot get her to move.”
  424. “I still have no idea what the hell is going on, though.”
  425. >She sighs. “Just… come with me. It would not be right if I were to tell you; it needs to come from my sister herself.”
  426. >A bit hesitantly, you rise from your seat and follow the mare
  428. >She leads you outside, away from the party and into the gardens.
  429. >The gardens by day are quite beautiful
  430. >Brightly-colored flowers dot the area and delectable fruit hangs off trees and vines, just waiting to be eaten by sentient creatures and wildlife alike
  431. >At night, however, it’s akin to taking a walk in the woods.
  432. >Animals call from the bushes, many of them sounding more like screaming and crying babies than animals
  433. >Never fails to send a chill down your spine.
  434. >The brief thought crosses your mind that Luna is taking you out here to kill you
  435. >you quickly push that thought aside, however. Completely irrational fear.
  437. >Soon, the two of you move into a more open area.
  438. >The first thing that catches your eye is the pond, reflecting the moon in its stillness. Mostly grass surrounds the pond, with a sparse amount of low shrubs here and there.
  439. >That’s when you see her. Celestia.
  440. >She sits, staring out across the water, still as stone except for her ever-flowing mane.
  441. >The picture of ethereal beauty
  442. >that is, until you see the empty wine bottles and random royal accessories scattered about around her.
  443. >Your draw drops.
  444. >You can’t help but speak what’s on your mind
  445. “She… She got drunk…?”
  446. >you nearly whisper.
  448. >”Yes. Pitiful, is it not?”
  449. >That was from Celestia.
  450. >You’re honestly surprised she could hear you from this distance.
  451. >Yet her voice rings out clearly through the crisp night air.
  452. >”Come sit down,” she says, still unmoving. “Luna. You can leave now.”
  453. >Her tone has a bite to it
  454. >Whatever conversation they had earlier, it must not have been pleasant.
  455. >Wordlessly, Luna turns around, heading back into the garden-forest.
  456. >You carefully step towards her, not completely sure of what to expect
  457. >You’re still having a hard time believing this
  458. >You’ve always known Celestia for her tendency to indulge, but this…
  459. >You’d think she would have at least saved the drinking for later. You know, when there isn’t an important meeting.
  460. >By the time you’ve almost reached her, the smell has become practically noxious
  461. >It reminds you of taking a whiff out of an isopropyl bottle.
  462. >Her horn lights up, and… oh fuck, she’s drinking more.
  463. >It makes you want to swipe it out of her grip and dump it out, but you doubt handling the situation abrasively is going to help anything.
  464. >So you take a seat next to her, after clearing away some of the empty bottles and princess matter.
  466. >She chugs half the bottle before you finally decide to pull it out of her mouth.
  467. >It comes out with a pop. Celestia proceeds to swallow the last mouthful and burp like a frat boy
  468. >”I was wondering when you might do that,” she says, wiping a drop off her chin.
  469. >You really don’t know what to say.
  470. >This is so extremely out of character for her.
  471. >She’s the type to literally plan out when and how she gets drunk
  472. >and how the two of you might be able to covertly have sex later.
  473. >But this?
  474. >You hardly know what to say
  475. “Celestia… Buh…”
  476. >thus proving your earlier point.
  477. >”What is it, Anon? Is this unbecoming of a princess?”
  478. >Up close, you can hear a faint slur in her voice.
  479. “Celestia, how… could you?”
  480. >She snorts
  481. >”It was quite easy, really. After I greeted all the little ponies who came to see me—most of whose names I forgot by the next minute, by the way—I ordered a bottle of champagne.”
  482. “Champagne?”
  483. >”Yes. As in, the one ponies drink for celebration.”
  484. >You quirk an eyebrow
  485. “What were you celebrating?”
  486. >”Why, your success on the deal in West Zebrica, of course!”
  487. >She tries to grab the bottle in your hand, but both hands along with the bottle end up in her telekinetic grip. After some light tugging on both ends, she gives up and sighs.
  488. “How did you know I sealed it with the zebras? Luna couldn’t have told you, and nobody else has seen you since you left.”
  489. >You hope, at least.
  490. >She smiles. “I didn’t, not for sure. Up until now, at least.” She boops you with a shoeless hoof, making sure to make a little “boop” noise as she does so. “I knew you could do it, Anonymous.”
  491. >The two of you sit in silence for a little while. She hums softly, her voice becoming strangely soothing as you attempt to think over tonight’s events.
  493. “So you planned it.”
  494. >An ear goes up, and she looks at you curiously. “Say again, my human?”
  495. “You planned to do this. You planned to get drunk and somehow sneak out before anyone noticed, you planned for me to take over negotiations with the faith that I would do well, and you planned for me to find you here.”
  496. >She simply nods in affirmation. “All true, except for the last part being a not-so-sure part of my eeevil plot.” She makes sure to do little spooky gestures with her hooves. She then returns to her normal position. “How did you deduce this, if I may ask?”
  497. >You shrug
  498. “Knowing you, it just wouldn’t make sense otherwise. You didn’t want me to worry or ask questions, so instead of just missing the celebration you went through with this little scheme. Plus, you never act on impulse.”
  499. >”I never act on impulse, hmm?” She gives you a sultry look. “Well, perhaps I can prove you wrong tonight~”
  500. >She leans in for a kiss, which you lean away from and push away as gently as you can.
  501. >You end up with a lipstick mark on the palm of your hand. She giggles upon seeing this.
  502. >You shake your head.
  503. “No. Not tonight. I’m getting buzzed just smelling your breath. How much have you had to drink tonight, Cel?”
  504. >She gets a forlorn look, then gazes up at the stars. “If you were to cut me open, not blood but wine would spill from this vessel.”
  505. “Wow. So basically, you’re really drunk.”
  506. >”I am not sure what gave you that idea, Anon,” she affectionately snarks while gesturing to the empty bottles littering the otherwise clean lawn. “And you never were one for poetry.”
  508. “Nope, not really. I don’t see why you keep trying with it. I mean, the poems are nice and all, but…”
  509. >”It’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?”
  510. “Yeah. Considering you write all those when you’re too bored to actually get some work done, I’d say that’s quite accurate.”
  511. >”Actually, more often it’s when I’m in meetings with officials. I pretend to be taking notes.” She starts giggling again, then lets loose another belch. “Oh! Excuse me,” she says, followed by more giggles.
  512. “Oh, Cel.”
  513. >”Oh, Anon,” she mimics, apparently thinking it’s funny.
  514. >The two of you sit in silence for a moment longer.
  516. >”I believe I already know the answer to this, but I need to ask… Do you find my behavior tonight strange?”
  517. “One hundred percent absolutely bizarre strange.”
  518. >”And why is that?” she inquires.
  519. >You think about this for a moment. “Well, I guess it’s because you’re kind of… I don’t know. A lot of ponies think of you as being wise and thoughtful and, well, don’t take this the wrong way, but really old. I mean, I’ve known you long enough to know you have quirks—like, a /lot/ of them—but I suppose I’d always figured you’d act… I dunno, smarter than this? That maybe you’d have better foresight?”
  520. >“From my experience, a thousand years of life doesn’t increase foresight. It only gives you more hindsight.”
  521. “Thanks for the words of wisdom, Princess, but I was referring to how we’re going to get you back to your room without anypony seeing you. You’re a mess.”
  522. >She snickers. “I wouldn’t worry about that. I planned this out, remember? It’ll solve itself in due time.”
  523. “If you say so.”
  525. >She gives a sort of sad chuckle this time. She then sighs, and then looks away. “I make mistakes, Anon. I’ve told you this before. I make mistakes all the time; the same ones over and over, too.”
  526. >She kisses you on the forehead; this time you allow it. “Of course, I don’t regret all of them.”
  527. >You’re fully aware of what she’s referring to. You’ve thought about it many times over the past three years.
  528. >Supposing you two became serious; perhaps come out to the public, perhaps marry; at some point, you’re going to die. It’s inevitable.
  529. >You’ll leave Celestia.
  530. >And she’ll have to deal with it for who knows how long.
  531. >Despite the gloomy undertones, you want to make her feel cheery. So you kiss her cheek.
  532. “Are you calling me a mistake, Celestia?”
  533. >She drapes a wing around your shoulders and nuzzles your chest. “Mmhm. My favorite one.”
  534. >You pull her into you, leaning into her. You feel the pressure of her body weight as she leans back, blanketing her wing around your body as she wraps it tighter.
  535. >The two of you stare off across the lake, all manners of things running through your minds.
  536. >Eventually, you hear a sniffle. Looking down, you see wet, runny mascara making lines down her cheeks.
  537. >You wipe them off with your sleeve, saying nothing. Her eyes scrunch up and she grits her teeth, and soon you find her head buried in the crook of your neck, muffled sobs felt through your clothing.
  538. >Her body shakes. You hold her, running your hands through her fur, telling her that it’s going to be alright. Everything’s gonna be alright.
  539. >Eventually, it all dies down. She falls asleep on you, trapping you underneath her rather large body. She snores loud enough to wake the dead, yet you’re so distracted you can barely hear it.
  540. >It’s fine. Both her body and her wings cover you enough to make an impromptu blanket. The grass is soft, and the stars are nice.
  542. ---
  544. >You wake up the next morning in your bed.
  545. >You yawn, stretching as you exit your bed. Sunlight filters through the window blinds. Curious, you go to check.
  546. >The sun’s up. Same as always.
  547. >You shuffle around the house, getting ready for work today.
  548. >At some point last night, you fell asleep. Luna woke you up, and teleported Celestia and all her belongings back to her room.
  549. >You walked home, your house being only a few miles from the castle. You took a shower, brushed your teeth, slipped into some boxers and went to bed.
  550. >This morning, you read the paper while you eat your cereal. A picture of something unimportant decorates the front page. You try to imagine the news about the deal you made with the zebras being on there in a few days.
  551. >Your mind wanders back to last night. About Celestia. About her crying into you.
  552. >Your heart aches. You feel guilty about it. You never knew it affected her so badly. She never said anything, or showed any hurt before…
  553. >You don one of your usual suits. You fiddle with your tie a bit before stepping out the door and into the bright Canterlot morning.
  555. ---
  557. Update 2--Nov 24, 2015
  559. >The door closes shut with an audible clunk
  560. >Multiple clicks are heard as all the locks and latches are put into place
  561. “Bubble up?” you ask Celestia.
  562. >Her eyes close and her horn lights up.
  563. >She smiles. ”Bubble’s up.”
  564. >Celestia has been acting funny for the past few days
  565. >Not the nervous or uncomfortable kind of funny, either. That’s normal.
  566. >She’s been really… bubbly lately.
  567. >Like today. She couldn’t even concentrate on her paperwork because she just kept staring at you and giggling like a schoolfilly
  568. >You eventually had to leave the room just so she could write a few signatures.
  569. >You suppose it could be because your three-year anniversary is today
  570. >but she was never /this/ excited for the last two.
  572. >You quirk an eyebrow at the giant filly
  573. “Alright, what’s up? You’ve been acting like you got ahold of a ten-layer chocolate cake again.”
  574. >She bounces from hoof to hoof. She’s practically Pinkie Pie at this point. “Anon, I’ve got some very, very exciting news!”
  575. “No. No, really?”
  576. >”Yes!” she exclaims. “Just recently, I—”
  577. “Are you sure it’s exciting?” you cut her off. “You don’t seem that excited. If you were more excited maybe I’d believe you, but—”
  578. >”Anon!” she whines. “Just listen!”
  579. >You put up your hands, chuckling.
  580. “Alright, alright. What’s had you so excited for three days straight? I mean, I’m excited for our anniversary too, but aren’t you taking it a little far?”
  581. >She jabs you in the stomach.
  582. >”If you would stop making stupid jokes for a moment and let me talk, maybe you would find out.”
  583. >In spite of how you’re clutching your stomach right now, you give her a weak-looking smirk.
  584. “Ooh, sassy princess. I think I like that.”
  585. >”Next is your kneecaps if you don’t be quiet.”
  586. “Okay, done interrupting.”
  588. >”Good. Now, this is something I’ve been working on for years; before you even arrived in Equestria, I believe. I just put the final touches on it a few days ago, and decided that this would be my anniversary surprise to you.”
  589. >She’s been working on ‘it,’ whatever it is, since before you even came here.
  590. >Makes you wish you’d worked a little harder on your own gift. Or even had it ready by tonight.
  591. >She seems to notice your distress.
  592. >She stops bouncing, tilting her head in confusion. “What?”
  593. “Well, the way you describe it, it kinda puts my gift in perspective.”
  594. >Her sunny demeanor quickly returns. ”Oh, don’t you worry about that!” She wraps a wing around you and begins pulling you into one of the adjacent rooms. “Now, come! I can’t wait to see the look on your face.”
  596. >You sit on the side of Celestia’s bed, watching her run back and forth across the bedroom gathering all sorts of scrolls, notes, drawings, etc
  597. >You can’t help but notice the striking similarities she bears with Twilight Spergle right now.
  598. >”...a-a-and here we are! The last one!”
  599. >She adds one last scroll to the small hill of paper in the middle of her bedroom.
  600. >She stands there, panting and smiling.
  601. >You tilt your head, wondering what the pile of papers might be.
  602. >Your best guess: some kind of super-complicated spell.
  603. >”Now, before I begin, I just have a few questions to ask you.”
  604. “Fire away.”
  605. >”Question one: you are aware of how ascension works, aren’t you? Just the concept of it, I mean.”
  606. >You believe you learned about it from a certain purple princess.
  607. “Yeah. You have to like… do something… with the Elements of Harmony?”
  608. >You sounded real smart there.
  609. >Thanks, brain.
  610. >Celestia, to her credit, doesn’t laugh at your ignorance.
  611. >”That is one of the ways to gain immortality. As for myself, I took a slightly… different route.”
  612. >You tilt your head.
  613. “Really?”
  614. >”Yes. But let’s save that for another time.” She smiles. “Anon, have you ever wondered what I may have looked like before my ascension?”
  615. >You think about that for a moment.
  616. >Over the last three years, Celestia has really told you fairly little about her past, other than things that had happened in this half of the century. Most of the things you’re aware of are major events from the history books that most ponies learn in school anyway.
  617. >Nightmare Moon, Discord, etc
  618. >In fact, she even let you live under the assumption for the better part of a year that she was born as an alicorn.
  619. >She’s not super tight-lipped about her past. Whenever you’ve asked her, she’s always responded to the best of her abilities. Even so, she’s never been the one to bring it up, and even when you do ask her it always seems to make her uncomfortable.
  620. >So, you try to keep your questions to a minimum.
  621. “It’s crossed my mind at some point, I’m sure,” you respond to her earlier question. “Why though?”
  622. >”Well… How would you like to find out?”
  624. >You raise an eyebrow at the question.
  625. “What do you mean?”
  626. >”I mean, what if I could show you what I looked like the day I ascended? Average mare body, average pony mane, the whole nine hooves?”
  627. >You take a look at the pile of papers on the ground.
  628. “Seems like a lot of work for a transformation spell, doesn’t it?”
  629. >This sparks her excitement again. “But that’s just it! It isn’t a transformation spell! That just wouldn’t do it justice.”
  630. >You frown.
  631. “Okay, I’m confused now.”
  632. >”Think of it this way, Anon. Sure, I could take the easy route, and use a simple transformation spell. There are multiple ones that would work, and I could even add in a voice changer for the full effect.
  633. >”But in essence, I would still be an alicorn. I would still be much stronger and faster than regular ponies. With all of my unicorn-based transformation spells, I would still have an invisible horn were I to turn into an earth pony or pegasus. And even then, it’s been /ages/ since the day I ascended; even I don’t remember exactly what I was like.”
  634. >You’re intrigued
  635. “So… what? Did you find out how to use changeling magic or something?”
  636. >She sighs. “Sadly, not yet. But it’s as I said: no transformation spells.”
  637. >No transformation spells. How the hell is she going to do this without transformation spells?
  638. >You can only think of three other ways she could show you what she used to look like.
  639. >One, show you a picture. But that’s just too easy for Cel.
  640. >Two, illusion spells. Although, you think you can rule that out, given what she said about not wanting an invisible horn.
  641. >Three, well… You’re not sure if this counts as transformation…
  642. >She seems to be waiting for you to figure it out, fidgeting in anticipation. Hesitantly, you give it your best guess.
  643. “Not sure if this counts as transformation, but… Are you going to un-ascend or something? Descend? I don’t know what to call it.”
  645. >She claps her hooves together happily
  646. >”Yes! Yes! I’m going to de-ascend! Isn’t it exciting?!”
  647. >No
  648. >No, not really
  649. >The thought of an entire kingdom going into civil war doesn’t sound very exciting to you.
  650. “You don’t mean permanently, do you?”
  651. >you ask cautiously.
  652. >She laughs
  653. >”Of course not, Anon! After I perform the spell once, I’ll be able to switch back and forth between mortal and immortal on a whim. Easy as pie.”
  654. >This settles your nerves a bit. Still, you’re a bit skeptical.
  655. “So you haven’t tested this out yet?”
  656. >She shakes her head. “I was going to originally, but I thought that you might want to be here for the ‘first reveal,’ so to speak.”
  657. “So, you don’t know if something could go wrong? This seems like a pretty risky spell.”
  658. >”I wouldn’t count on anything going wrong.” She gives you a warm smile. “I appreciate your concern, though.”
  659. >Her horn lights up, and the papers on the floor begin organizing themselves into neat little piles and rows.
  660. “Hold on a sec. What if something does go wrong, though? What do I do?”
  661. >”Nothing will go wrong, Anonymous,” she assures you.
  662. >You’re getting a little frustrated and worried with this mare.
  663. “Okay, so what if on the very slim off-chance something goes wrong… is there anything that I can do?”
  664. >”Well, you can try taking cover.” She giggles.
  665. “Goddammit, Celestia, are you serious?”
  666. >You jump off the bed and start towards her, but before you can get within five feet of her a wall of paper surrounds her, forming what looks like a spherical grid.
  667. >The sphere glows with a bright golden light. In the spaces between the papers you can see her sitting on the middle of it all, eyes shut in concentration.
  668. >Arcane symbols and letterings begin appearing around her in the vicinity of the sphere. She opens her eyes, which are currently pools of light.
  669. >She looks out at you, that ever-present smile attached to her face. “I wouldn’t get any closer, Anon. If you do, something might go wrong.”
  670. >She then proceeds to chortle maniacally.
  671. >You absolutely want to tackle this mare.
  672. >You take a few steps back as a high-pitched whining fills the air.
  673. >Despite how calm it seems where you are, inside the sphere, wind whips at her mane and tail, seemingly changing direction every other second. Celestia, for her part, calmly reads from the scrolls and notes hovering around her.
  674. >More symbols that you don’t recognize appear around her. The aura she gives off glows brighter and brighter, increasing until the entire room has become illuminated in golden-yellow light.
  675. >The sphere of papers comes off and organizes itself into a few piles a couple of feet away. A bright golden orb has taken its place.
  676. >You can barely make out that smug grin of hers before you hear a loud pop, and the whole world turns white.
  678. ---
  680. Latest Update: Update 3--Dec. 22, 2015
  682. >You’re blind.
  683. >Everything is white. You see nothing but white.
  684. >To add to that, the only sound you hear is the ringing in your ears, rendering you helpless
  685. >You fall on your ass and hit the back of your head on what you think is Celestia’s bedpost.
  686. >Damnit, Celestia.
  687. >You feel something nudge you. A small, soft snout.
  688. >Celestia.
  689. >You feel her warm breath, and can feel the vibrations from her voice on your ear. The ringing in your head, however, overpowers anything she might be saying.
  690. >Your vision is starting to come back. Very faintly, you make out a pair of magenta eyes, and the rough outlines of a face.
  691. >You slowly and carefully make your way back to your feet. Once you’ve gotten to your full height, you feel Celestia softly bite down on your hand and begin tugging.
  692. >Definitely a smaller muzzle.
  693. >It occurs to you that she’s trying to lead you. You obey, carefully following the direction in which she pulls you.
  694. >Your knees hit something soft; the bed, you think. After a brief inspection with your hands you hop on up and sit down.
  695. >You feel another weight on the bed. A small pony climbs into your lap and begins nuzzling you under the chin.
  696. >Instinctively, you place your arms around her. It’s comforting, especially for someone who has little to no hearing or vision.
  697. >You run your hands through a mane. Soft, silky hair, which despite its satiny feel, is different from the almost liquid texture of her ethereal mane.
  698. >Your hands brush up against a pair of wings as you rub her back
  699. >The de-ascension must not have worked completely if she still has her wings…
  701. >At some point, a voice cuts through the ringing in your head.
  702. >It sounds like Celestia’s, except a bit… higher. It has a bit more of an airy tone now, but still retains a somewhat deep octave when she hits the lower notes.
  703. >She’s… singing. She’s singing to you. You don’t understand what she’s saying, likely due to the ever-present ringing in your ears and a newly-introduced dull thudding in your head. Still, the song is nice.
  704. “CELESTIA?”
  705. >It didn’t sound that loud to you, but from the way her voice cut off and how you think she jumped, you must’ve said that a lot louder than you’d thought.
  706. >After a few moments, you feel her body hit the bed. There’s some movement, and then you feel her muzzle near your ear again.
  707. >Her voice barely makes it through. “Can you hear me, Anon?”
  708. >You open your mouth to reply, but immediately feel a hoof shoved into it.
  709. >”Just nod if you hear me.”
  710. >You nod. You feel a hoof press against your chest.
  711. >”Listen to me, Anonymous. I want you to lie down, okay? Just close your eyes, and listen to my voice.”
  712. >Wordlessly, you comply. Once you’re on your back, Celestia hops off of your lap and takes a position beside you.
  713. >Once again, you hear her singing. This time, however, her voice less muddled.
  714. >You can hear her song, but it’s unfamiliar to you. You’re starting to think that this might be because she’s singing in another language.
  715. >A minute passes, and the ringing has subsided substantially. Whatever she’s singing, it’s definitely not anything you can understand.
  717. >”Okay, Anon. Open your eyes now.”
  718. >The ringing is almost unnoticeable now. You do as she says, and find that you can see once again, albeit slightly blurry.
  719. >Your eyes begin the process of adjusting. You look beside you, and begin focusing on the white-furred, pink-maned figure.
  720. >A small pegasus mare sits beside you, wearing that comforting, motherly smile. Her wavy but still mane hangs halfway over her sparkling magenta eyes.
  721. >It’s almost surreal. She looks so incredibly different, yet a few of the traits on this mare stand out and make it clear that she is, without a doubt, Celestia.
  722. >”How are you feeling, Anon? Can you hear me well?”
  723. >Her voice has the same tendency as her appearance to be alien yet familiar at the same time.
  724. >You sit up, gazing over her de-ascended form in disbelief. This is the mare you’ve been dating. This is the mare you’re in love with.
  725. >It’s her, no two ways about it.
  727. “I imagined you’d be a unicorn.”
  728. >She chuckles. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, then.”
  729. >She comes close and sticks out her neck for you. You run a hand through her mane, eliciting a hum from her.
  730. “Not disappointed, just… Wow. Can I get a spin? Just to see what you look like.”
  731. >She does as you ask, turning slowly around so that you can take in all the details.
  732. >A first glance makes you realize how stocky she is. It’s almost a polar opposite from her long, slender, and built alicorn form.
  733. >Her body structure begins as one of a pegasus: she has a small, narrow frame, with rather sleek-looking facial features.
  734. >Aside from that, however, she reminds you more of an earth pony. Her hind legs are thick, and from the looks of it, that fast pegasus metabolism didn’t help much with the small mound of belly hanging from her midsection.
  735. >”I might have to start laying off the sweets a bit if this becomes a normal thing,” she jokes, a tinge of pink coming to her cheek.
  736. “N-No worries,” you say, checking out her cutiemark. It throws you off a bit when, instead of the sun you’re used to, in its place is a picture of some music notes surrounded by a golden aura.
  737. >You’re not sure what you were expecting, actually. It’s not like she was born a sun goddess.
  739. >”So, Anon. What do you think?”
  740. >She sits down next to you, the faintest hint of a blush still on her face.
  741. >You look down in thought, twiddling your thumbs.
  742. “Me? I dunno…”
  743. >You sit there for a moment, trying to form the words to express what’s on your mind.
  744. >As of right now, they all fail you.
  745. >You really want to say something, and soon—Celestia’s looking anxious, drawing circles on the blankets with her hoof.
  746. >Oh, come on, brain!
  747. >Think of something!
  748. “To be honest, you’re pretty cute like this.”
  749. >...
  750. >At least it’s something.
  751. >Would be great if you were in the seventh grade.
  752. >At least Cel’s smiling again.
  753. >”Cute? Could you… elaborate?”
  754. >Aw jeez.
  755. “Well, I mean, you’re a lot different than you were as an alicorn… obviously,” you manage to fumble out, hoping to the heavens that this would end here.
  756. >She giggles, hiding her mouth behind a hoof. “Go on.”
  757. >You groan internally.
  758. “I mean, like, you being small is different, but it’s not a bad thing. And your mane, too. Yeah, I think the pink suits you and all, and, uh…”
  759. >A loud snort escapes the mare in front of you.
  760. >You immediately look up, your anger already rising before you see her large, self-incriminating grin.
  761. >You blush furiously, the realization that she’s just been messing with you truly setting in.
  762. >You shake your head and move to leave the bed.
  763. “Alright, I’m done here.”
  764. >Pleads intersperse between giggles as Celestia attempts to prevent you from leaving. “No, no no no no Anon!”
  765. >You feel a small figure dive straight into your back. Two forelegs wrap around your neck and a small, soft body awkwardly clings to you.
  766. >”I’m so sorry!” she says, not sorry at all. The laughter mixed in with her words makes it obvious. “I shouldn’t have laughed at you! You were just so adorable was all!”
  767. >This only serves to make you redder.
  768. >You turn your head to the side, not fully looking at the pegasus attached to your back
  769. “Adorable? Care to elaborate, Celestia?”
  770. >”To see a well-composed, /handsome/ character such as yourself become flustered is a rare sight in itself, Anon.” She nuzzles the back of your neck. “As I said before, quite the /cutest/ thing.”
  771. >You frown as you attempt to peel the mare’s forehooves off from around your neck.
  772. >Despite her size, she has an iron grip.
  773. “Thanks. Now get off of me before I fill that big bath of yours up with water and dunk you in it.”
  774. >”Ohhh, no,” she says, switching positions so that she’s now on your front. “I can’t let go until I know my big human is happy.”
  775. >You stand up with her still attached to your chest, attempting to pull her off one limb at a time.
  776. “I’ll be happy… when… you get… get off!”
  777. >Each time you pull off one leg, another takes its place. Two arms versus four legs and the occasional wing puts you in a losing spot. You finally sigh and opt to just sit back down on the bed.
  778. >Celestia’s eyes, formerly closed due to the concentration she was putting into remaining an extended part of you, suddenly pop open. She sees that you’re sitting down, and begins to relax her grip.
  779. “There.” You stare down at her crossly. “Happy—”
  780. >Using your lap as a launch pad, she rockets up into your face and plants a kiss on your lips.
  781. >The force knocks you flat on your back. Surprise prevents you from reacting as the little white pegasus straddles your chest and proceeds to invade your mouth.
  782. >Your lips separate with a *pop* and a smile from her. She gazes down at you, her mane falling around her shoulders in such a way to make her look irresistibly cute.
  783. >Too cute to stay mad at.
  785. “...Damn it, Celestia.”
  786. >”I’m sorry, Anon,” she coos, stroking your cheek with a forehoof. “Let’s put this all behind us for tonight. You were planning on taking us out to dinner tonight, yes?”
  787. >You hadn’t told her anything of the sort. But she knows.
  788. >...Then again, it should be pretty obvious. Dinner at a nice restaurant is customary for anniversaries, after all.
  789. “Well, yeah. I was.”
  790. >”And is there any reason why you wouldn’t now?”
  791. “Really, Cel? Just show up to a public place with you like… this?”
  792. >Celestia, for some reason, begins inspecting various parts of her body.
  793. >”What? Is something wrong?”
  794. “There will be, when ponies see you’re not an alicorn anymore.”
  795. >”And who says they need to find out?” she chirps, hopping off of you. “It’s not as if anypony will recognize me. There are plenty of pink-maned, white pegasus mares in Equestria, I’m sure.”
  796. >You open your mouth to offer a rebuttal, but the realization of what she just said hits you.
  797. >She’s right. Nopony will recognize her. In fact, the more you think about it, the safer this feels than what the two of you have resorted to every other time you’ve gone out on dates
  798. >putting a bubble up around the two of you and pretending to be talking about politics. All the while, neither of you can so much as wink at one another.
  799. >”Aaaand, as soon as word gets out that Anonymous has been seen not with Celestia but with a young pegasus mare—on what appears to be a date, at that—pressure will be taken off of the two of us, as princess and advisor. Whether or not suspicions still abound, nopony can really attack us based on our alleged relationship. They’ll all have to assume that we really are just close friends.”
  800. >You hate to admit it, damn it, but she’s right.
  801. >This whole thing seems to be covered from every angle
  802. >you suppose you couldn’t expect any less from Princess Control Freak herself.
  803. >To be honest fam, you ain’t even mad
  804. >but you can’t let her know that.
  806. “You planned this, didn’t you?”
  807. >Celestia puts on a look of mock disbelief and points to herself.
  808. >”Me? Why, do you think I’m capable of such a thing?”
  809. >You give her a flat stare. She manages to hold herself together for a few more seconds before breaking out into giggles.
  810. >You roll your eyes
  811. “Come on, Cel. If you’re going to lie, at least try to be convincing.”
  812. >”I’m sorry. You know I’m not very good at acting.” She winks.
  813. “Uh huh…”
  815. >”So, where are we going out to tonight? I need to know how fancy I should dress.”
  816. >You raise an eyebrow. “Dresses? You have dresses that fit?”
  817. >”Of course. I’m not /that/ much of a glutton.”
  818. >She has that smirk again. She thinks she’s so clever.
  819. >You just roll your eyes.
  820. “On the contrary, I thought you might be a few thousand sizes too small for any of the dresses you have.”
  821. >”And you would be right, except for the fact that I had a few days to prepare.” Her impish grin transitions to more of a sultry gaze. “I think you’re going to like this, Anon.”
  823. ---
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