
The Dark Comet Empire

May 2nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Captain's Log #15 1/2: "It's been approximately 3 hours since my untimely capture by the Dark Comet Empire led by the evil Empress Senator Posie. Well, I think it's been 3 hours, usually my super computer, AS1-M0\/, keeps track of all the miscellaneous stuff that I don't bother with. I miss's so lonely in this cell by myself. I can only hope my crew is feeling the same despair that I am. Captain Melvalok signing out."
  2. Melvalok took another look around in his prison, it was damp and dusty with old carboard boxes littered around haphazardly, an old grill was collecting dust in the corner and broken utensils littered the floor. Jesus, did Mandy even care about her attic? He was thankful he had the entire attic to walk around in, but all this dust and cobwebs were making it hard to breathe. Melvalok was too busy silently judging this pathetic pigsty to notice the entrance open up and a visitor climb up the latter. "Wakey Wakey Captain, I hope you've been enjoying your stay. I brought sustenance." came a gruff, but feminine voice. Turning around, he noticed the commander of the North Empire who trapped him here. He put on his bravest face(a smug grin) as he greeted his captor.
  3. "Ahhh, Commander Mandarin, you're looking as fruity as ever. I can recognize that grape face from far away you know?" he replied smugly. Mandarin simply scowled as he adjusted her plastic purple horns. "You have a lot of nerve being smug when you're my prisoner. I should teach you how we deal with troublemakers around here." she grinned as she pulled out her water pistol, aiming it at him. This shut up Melvalok immediately. He fell to the floor and crawled to the corner as far away from her as possible, no way was he going to let his beautiful face fall victim. Mandarin, satisficed with his reaction, put her gun away and set a plastic bag to the floor before kicking it over to him. He was still weary, so he didn't move right away, Mandarin explained, "It's your lunch: two peanut butter Oreo's and a starburst. You are actually going to have a really busy day today, so I suggest getting some energy in before I escort you."
  4. Escort? Did that mean he was going to leave this stuffy attic? Thank the gods!! Melvalok got to his knees and started messing with the bag to enjoy it's contents. Mandarin was about to make her leave, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Melvalok was pouting as he held the unopened bag in front of her. "Can you kindly...?" He asked. A long sigh followed as she simply opened the bag normally. Seriously, how'd he fail to do that? "Can I ask why I'm being set free? Is it because you come to your senses and realized that your faction sucks ass and want to join mine? I mean, we don't have much space, but I guess I can make some room if you bow to m-" Melvalok was interrupted by a chorus laughter by the purple alien adorned in football armor. "Being set free?' HAAHAA, no, you're still a prisoner, we just need you to do a little interview with the empress for information." Mandarin punched him in the shoulder(which he let out a pained whimper) as she left and made her way down the exit, chuckling at his naivety.
  5. Once down, Mandarin made sure the attic hatch was locked and made her way down the hallway. As she was about go out to her backyard, an upbeat voice called out: "OOOHHHH MANDY DEAREST!!" Mandy stopped in her tracks, sighing as her dad, who was holding a tray of macaroni, caught up to her. "Hello sweetie. You look so cute in your alien gear. It almosts make me wanna join you guys!" "NO!! I mean, no thanks dad, we're doing just fine haha..thanks for your compliment. You need something from me?" Mandy loved her dad, but having him joining the LARP and narrating the entire thing or serving food to the enemy would just be very exhausting to deal with. "I just made these macaroni bowls and was wondering if you could see if your friends wanted some? They've been playing all day, so they must be very hungry." Mandy took the tray, knowing that if she refused, dad would just use his puppy eyes on her, which worked every time. "Okay dad, I'll give it to them. Thanks." She turned to leave, but was caught in a hug. "Ohh, my wonderful lil' chef is so considerate." He begun to raise his voice, about to break into a song. Mandy struggled, but broke out of his hug and quickly zipped out the door.
  6. Mandarin's backyard was pretty big, but after seeing the large pink Styrofoam tower in the middle that was almost near the height of her roof, it really made her yard look like an entire landmark. The garish amounts of pink paint that covered the tower along with the glitter and sparkles made her throw up internally, the empress loved her image to an unhealthy degree. Near the entrance, some empire soldiers were standing guard, trying to look everywhere else that wasn't the eye vomit-inducing tower. Mandarin served them Macaroni, they let her through the doors and she made her way inside. The inside was even worse than the outside. The walls were black, which was fine, but they were covered in glow in the dark stickers or unicorns, stars, flowers and the sort. The ground had a dark blue carpet with a space theme on it. fancy stools, chairs and tables lay around the room, with unique tea sets on each table. Talk about overkill, but Mandarin didn't have time to complain as she climbed, balancing the tray in one hand.
  7. She made it to the second floor which was the planning room, this was where Mandarin's jurisdiction lay. She'd come up with plans to conquer the galaxy and look cool doing it. There was someone in the room as well, a certain robed boy who was currently swooshing and whooshing his LED foam baton-erh, deadly energy sword around. "Sup Warrior Chaz, I see you're practicing getting some swings in." she greeted happily. "SWISH!! FWOOM!! SHCKAHH!!! What what? OH!! Hey Mandy!" Chaz stopped swinging mid air, but lost his footing and tripped on the planning table. "FUU- you distracted me!!" He whined. Mandarin just laughed and placed her macaroni down, helping her friend up. "Not my fault you can swing for shit. You could have just been a gunman like me." she emphasized her point by pulling out her pistol and blew smoke like she just fired it. "Nah, I'm a Melee man through and through. Besides, I have the force behind me, so I don't need your puny guns haha!" He exclaimed as he held out a hand and pointed at the bowl of macaroni. Nothing happened at for a moment, but a small gust of wind blew in and lifted an alien banner slightly. "SEE SEE, I'M A MASTER!!" Chaz happily shouted. "Oh c'mon, you weren't even aiming at the banner, but the bowl of macaroni!" Mandy fought back. "Sorry, can't hear you over my force powers." Chaz gleefully said. Defeated, Mandy explained her business. "The prisoner agreed to the interview. I'll take him to Posie and we'll get our information." Chaz grinned evily, which looked rather goofy all things considered. "Mwuahahha, what he doesn't know is that this interview is more like an interrogation. Once we find the rest of his crew, we'll eradicate them from the face of the galaxy once and for all!" "Nice evil laugh dude, is that what I've been hearing whenever I passed by my bathroom door when you were inside." Mandy joked. Chaz suddenly caught spaghetti and tried explaining himself, not knowing that his grave was already dug. Mandy laughed and made her way back the ladder. "Anyway, I'm going to tell Posie to ready up so we can get this over with. "Oh yeah" she pointed to the bowl of macaroni, "Can you serve that to everyone? Thanks!" She climbed up before she could hear his response.
  8. Mandy finally got to the last level, Posie's layer. It was surprisingly baren, with only a table in the middle, a throne that reached the ceiling and a large curtain in the corner that was clearly hiding something big. Of course, almost everything was either pink, red and covered in glitter and stickers. Mandy had to admit, at least Posie could stick to a specific theme. Speaking of, the girl in question slid out of the curtains and apparently during a conversation she was having on the phon-communicator. "Yes yes, I know you're working really hard on this code, you've told me, I'm not pig faced cunt, you can trust me. I'll make sure my side of the deal is r-oh!! Call you back later partner, kisses!!" Posie hung up and smiled sweetly at Mandy before making her way to her and engulfing her in a big hug. This one was way tighter than her dad's hug. "Hello Commander, I trust you're having a terrific day? I know I am!" she laughed. "Er yeah, greetings Senator Emperess Posie. I come bearing good news. The prisoner agreed to the 'interview."
  9. Mandy smiled proudly, seeing as Posie's face lit up and she smiled even wider. "Yay! That's so awesome! Someone earned themselves a promotion." She patted Mandy on the back as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a few bottle caps and handed it over. Mandy stashed it and wondered if she could afford the mega deluxe meat-ior dish from Ramon's interstellar restaurant. While Mandy was daydreaming about food, Posie began her monologue. "This will do nicely, I know the Captain has the information we need. He was always a loudmouth, so getting him to talk won't be hard. I must say, this is almost going too easy, like the universe wants me to win. After all..." she went to her throne and pulled a side lever. A sound echoed and the table in the middle started to flip over, revealing...a boy? Yes, a boy in all red, with an iconic yellow lighting bolt on his shirt. It was the super computer AS1-M0\/ taped to the underside of the table. He was trapped and he didn't look too happy about it, especially since he had about 12 iPhones tapped all over his body, which also covered both his eyes. Melville assigned him the role of super computer, so he bought 12 freaking phones and just tapped it haphazardly to Asimov's body. Asimov would have just explained he really didn't need all these phones as he could easily browse the internet internally, but the irony would most likely be lost on him.
  10. Asimov hated this so much, but he agreed to the roleplay, so he just had to cope. Posie waved hello to him as she looked him over and inspected his phones. "Enjoying your stay? Don't worry, we're getting to the part. Can I get you anything? Food, drink?" Asimov would have shaken his head no if it wasn't taped to the surface, so he just rolled his eyes. "Well, If you just...showed me the codes, I could free you and you could join our faction..." she pleaded willingly. Her smile was very convincing, Asimov almost wanted to, but he thought back to his own crew. They had just aligned with the mutant faction after the desert rescue mission, so he obviously wanted to protect them from whatever this Dark Comet Empire had planned. "Sorry, but you won't get the codes. I'm loyal to my crew to the end." Posie sighed, "What a shame, oh well...Mandarin, bring the the prisoner. We got an interrogation to do." she commanded. Mandy saluted and went on her way. "Oh! Before I forget, can you get something edible? I'm hungry and I've been up here for hours." Mandy saluted once more and went on her way. "OH!! WAIT wait wait!! I want you to contact general Trisha when you have the time. She should just be wrapping up her recon mission in the Playtou ground system." Mandy, slightly annoyed, didn't even salute this time and just slid down the ladder.
  11. "Wait? Prisoner? I thought you only kidnapped me?" Asimov asked confused. "Well...I lied hehe." she giggled. "I do remember how a certain...Captain...said that all his secrets would stored in his most prized creation, which can only be voice activated..." Posie led Asimov on with her vague hints. Asimov knew what she meant. She found Melvalok somehow and was going to force him to voice deactivate Asimov's databanks and reveal the North Rebellion's juicy secrets. Dammit, he had to escape before that could happen! Posie watched in delight as Asimov squirmed in his position, clearly dreading what was coming next. She sat back down in her throne and pushed the lever back in place. Asimov let out a cry as he began hidden from view under the table.
  12. A few steps could be heard and Space Warrior Chaz climbed up the entrance, carrying a bowl of sloppily half eaten macaroni. "I heard you were hungry Senator Empress Posie, I have brought you a dish." "Uhh...what is that? That bowl is half empty and your mouth is covered in cheese!" Posie was very upset by this display. Chaz sweated, using his bra to wipe his forhead. "Well you see, I was sorta tired from practice, so I had a littl-" "A little!? That was half!" She cried. "Y'know, I know a place where you can get really good food. If you let me go..." a voice suggested from under the table. "Shut up Asimov. Chaz, as punishment for eating my food you are suspended for a 2 days, you have guard duty outside." she calmly said. "What?! But it was Mandy wh-" he negotiated "No buts." she firmly stood her ground. Chaz was annoyed, but he then thought of something. He put his hand out in front of her and waved it around. He spoke in a matter of fact voice. "You don't don't want to give me 2 days of guard duty." "I don't want to give you 2 days of guard duty." Posie replied in a trance state. "Yes!" Chaz high fived himself. "I'm going to give you 3 days instead!" she proudly said. The voice from under the table snickered at the situation. Chaz seethed in silence as he went down the ladder to start his rounds.
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