
Gra w kolorki

Mar 27th, 2013
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  1. local Seq = {}
  2. local score = 0
  3. local function getColourOf(hex)
  4. local value = tonumber(hex, 16)
  5. if not value then return nil end
  6. value = math.pow(2,value)
  7. return value
  8. end
  10. local function drawPictureTable(image, xinit, yinit)
  11. for y=1,#image do
  12. for x=1,#image[y] do
  13. term.setCursorPos(xinit + x-1, yinit + y-1)
  14. local col = getColourOf(string.sub(image[y], x, x))
  15. if col ~= nil then
  16. term.setBackgroundColour(col)
  17. term.write(" ")
  18. end
  19. end
  20. end
  21. end
  22. local function drawGreen() drawPictureTable({"ffffffffffffffffffffffffff","f555555555555555555555555f","f555555555555555555555555f","f555555555555555555555555f","f555555555555555555555555f","f555555555555555555555ffff","f55555555555555555555ff","f5555555555555555555ff","f5555555555555555555f","fffffffffffffffffffff"},1,1) end
  23. local function drawGreen2() drawPictureTable({"ffffffffffffffffffffffffff","f888888888888588558888888f","f555555555555585588555555f","f888888888888885885588888f","f555555555555555855885555f","f888888888888888858855ffff","f55555555555555555855ff","f8888888888888888885ff","f5555555555555555555f","fffffffffffffffffffff"},1,1) end
  25. local function drawRed() drawPictureTable({"ffffffffffffffffffffffff","eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef","eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef","eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef","eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef","fffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," ffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," ffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," fffffffffffffffffffff"},27,1) end
  26. local function drawRed2() drawPictureTable({"ffffffffffffffffffffffff","8888888ee88e888888888888f","eeeeee88ee8eeeeeeeeeeeeef","88888ee88e88888888888888f","eeee88ee8eeeeeeeeeeeeeeef","fffee88e8888888888888888f"," ffee8eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," ffe888888888888888888f"," feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef"," fffffffffffffffffffff"},27,1) end
  28. local function drawYellow() drawPictureTable({"f4444444444444444444f","f4444444444444444444ff","f44444444444444444444ff","f444444444444444444444ffff","f444444444444444444444444f","f444444444444444444444444f","f444444444444444444444444f","f444444444444444444444444f","ffffffffffffffffffffffffff"},1,11) end
  29. local function drawYellow2() drawPictureTable({"f4444444444444444444f","f8888888888888888884ff","f44444444444444444844ff","f888888888888888848844ffff","f444444444444444844884444f","f888888888888884884488888f","f444444444444484488444444f","f888888888888488448888888f","ffffffffffffffffffffffffff"},1,11) end
  31. local function drawBlue() drawPictureTable({" f3333333333333333333f"," ff3333333333333333333f"," ff33333333333333333333f","fff333333333333333333333f","333333333333333333333333f","333333333333333333333333f","333333333333333333333333f","333333333333333333333333f","fffffffffffffffffffffffff"},27,11) end
  32. local function drawBlue2() drawPictureTable({" f3333333333333333333f"," ff3888888888888888888f"," ff33833333333333333333f","fff338838888888888888888f","333388338333333333333333f","888883388388888888888888f","333333883383333333333333f","888888833883888888888888f","fffffffffffffffffffffffff"},27,11) end
  33. local function drawCenter() drawPictureTable({" 00000"," 0000000"," 000000000"," 000000000"," 000000000"," 0000000"," 00000"},19,7) end
  35. function getSelectedColor(x,y)
  36. if (x >= 2 and x <= 20 and y <= 9 and y >= 2) or (x == 21 and y <= 7 and y >= 2) or (x == 22 and y <= 6 and y >= 2) or (x >= 23 and x <= 25 and y <= 5 and y >= 2) then return 1 -- Green Section
  37. elseif (x >= 27 and x <= 29 and y <= 5 and y >= 2) or (x == 30 and y <= 6 and y >= 2) or (x == 31 and y <= 7 and y >= 2) or (x >= 32 and x <= 50 and y <= 9 and y >= 2) then return 2 -- Red Sections
  38. elseif (x >= 2 and x <= 20 and y <= 18 and y >= 11) or (x == 21 and y <= 18 and y >= 13) or (x == 22 and y <= 18 and y >= 14) or (x >= 23 and x <= 25 and y <= 18 and y >= 15) then return 3 -- Yellow Section
  39. elseif (x >= 27 and x <= 29 and y <= 18 and y >= 15) or (x == 30 and y <= 18 and y >= 14) or (x == 31 and y <= 18 and y >= 13) or (x >= 32 and x <= 50 and y <= 18 and y >= 11) then return 4 -- Blue Section
  40. elseif x == 51 and y == 1 then return 5
  41. else return 0 end
  42. end
  43. function LightColor(num)
  44. if num == 1 then
  45. sleep(.5)
  46. drawGreen2()
  47. sleep(.5)
  48. drawGreen()
  49. elseif num == 2 then
  50. sleep(.5)
  51. drawRed2()
  52. sleep(.5)
  53. drawRed()
  54. elseif num == 3 then
  55. sleep(.5)
  56. drawYellow2()
  57. sleep(.5)
  58. drawYellow()
  59. elseif num == 4 then
  60. sleep(.5)
  61. drawBlue2()
  62. sleep(.5)
  63. drawBlue()
  64. end
  65. end
  67. function playThrough()
  68. for i=1,#Seq do
  69. local num = Seq[i]
  70. LightColor(num)
  71. end
  72. end
  74. local function quit()
  75. term.setBackgroundColor(
  76. term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
  77. term.clear()
  78. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  79. error()
  80. end
  82. function PlayGame()
  83. while GameOver ~=true do
  84. x=1
  85. table.insert(Seq,math.random(1,4))
  86. score = #Seq-1
  87. drawCenter()
  88. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  89. term.setTextColor(
  90. term.setCursorPos(27-(string.len("Wynik:")/2),9)
  91. print("Wynik:")
  92. term.setCursorPos(26,11)
  93. print(tostring(score))
  94. playThrough()
  95. while x <=#Seq do
  96. local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  97. if event == "mouse_click" then
  98. local result = getSelectedColor(p2,p3)
  99. if result == Seq[x] then x=x+1
  100. elseif result == 0 then
  101. elseif result == 5 then quit()
  102. else GameOver = true;break end
  103. end
  104. end
  105. end
  106. drawCenter()
  107. term.setCursorPos(27-(string.len("Wynik:")/2),12)
  108. print("Wynik:")
  109. term.setCursorPos(26,13)
  110. print(tostring(score))
  111. GameOver= false
  112. Seq = {}
  113. end
  115. drawGreen();drawRed();drawYellow();drawBlue();drawCenter()
  116. term.setCursorPos(51,1)
  117. term.setBackgroundColor(
  118. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  119. write("X")
  121. while true do
  122. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
  123. term.setTextColor(
  124. local w,h = term.getSize()
  125. term.setCursorPos((w/2)-2,h/2+1)
  126. print(" Graj! ")
  127. while true do
  128. local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  129. if event == "mouse_click" and p1 == 1 then
  130. if p2 >= (w/2)-2 and p2 <= (w/2)+4 and p3 == 10 then
  131. PlayGame()
  132. break
  133. elseif p2 == 51 and p3 == 1 then
  134. quit()
  135. end
  136. end
  137. end
  138. end
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