
The Saga of Kill Book Please Don't Steal Hollywood

Dec 1st, 2014
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  1. Kill Book: The Book That Kills - A story about a book...that kills. Possibly set in the 1990-1995 somewhere, book emits Tim Allen grunts when it strikes someone as an alibi. Might be a Monkey's Paw story, except instead of granting wishes it just sort of bludgeons people.
  3. Kill Book 2: Killerbook - A dark vigilante stops into a corrupt town with apparent plans to put an end to the mayor's flagrant abuses of power. When people start dying, all eyes are on him...but it was Kill Book.
  5. Kill Book 3 - Series reboot about ten years after Kill Book 2 is made. Actually stars Killputer, the computer that kills. Not only does it bludgeon, it strangles and whips with its mouse.
  7. Kill Book 4: Kill Book vs. Killputer - A shitty, senseless crossover meant to pander to fans. Completely screws with the Kill Book canon. Killputer has a wireless mouse and it sucks. B plot takes place in a candy factory for some reason. Ends with the two of them fighting in a biplane - Kill Book bludgeons Killputer's monitor and starts on fire, and they fall out of the plane in a ball of fire and sparks and land in Dark Lake. The music turns cautiously optimistic as the remainder of the protagonist group looks on to see if they'll emerge, but the bubbles stop. Slowly they walk away as the music swells, but the heroine stops to look back at the lake. Her eyes widen, and we hear a Tim Allen grunt before the screen promptly goes black.
  9. Kill Book 5 - Takes place on a space station for some reason. Kill Book and Killputer have merged into Killn, a popular miniature tablet, and they haunt the dreams of everyone in the space station until they're so freaked out they kill themselves. Eventually Killn is launched into the sun or something.
  11. Kill Book (2015) - Explains the origin of Kill Book in a Native American myth, during the time when smallpox was handed out like candy. A lone warrior whose family was killed paints himself up like a creature of legend and sneaks into an American soldier's mansion, then beats him to death with his own book. His spirit possesses that book, and it's found years and years later in 2015 by his descendant, a rich college yuppie, who must solve the mystery of an emerging serial killer, a furious bludgeoner who leaves no evidence.
  14. Moonwolf - A movie about a werewolf on the moon, because on the moon the moon is always full. Takes place in a colony with all indoor shots until it's revealed at the end of act 1 that it's on the moon.
  16. Moonwolf 2: Moonwolf on Earth
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