
Some TRP fuckery

Jun 20th, 2017
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  1. Covet: [I want your shorts in RL....]
  2. Covet: [Like ...Real life.. not the mesh size...]
  3. Tsaaq: ((This is one of the things Poly gifted me out of nowhere.))
  4. SleeperStatus: ((LOL))
  5. SleeperStatus: ((Hey MANI!))
  6. Covet: [ha ha nice I'd give him credit if it wasn't on your WL]
  7. Tsaaq: ((Hey slow ass.))
  8. SleeperStatus: ((Wow i thought you loved me))
  9. Tsaaq: ((Ugh, shut up.))
  10. SleeperStatus: ((smh))
  11. Covet: [Love is such a strong term.... ]
  12. Tsaaq: ((Okay I guess I'm gonna post now.))
  13. Covet: [Do it... Angel is just downstairs on the couch now, Travis is still upstairs with his pants around his ankles? XD]
  14. Tsaaq: ((Smfh!))
  15. Tsaaq: Libi drove up Travis' apartment, slamming on the breaks of her hearse as she parked. She went up the stairs towards his door and went to lean her back against it. She kicked it's wooden frame three times with the heel of her foot. "Open up pencil dick!" She called out before turning around and crossing her arms over her chest.
  16. Covet: "Oh Shit! Libi's here! " Angle said setting the glass of vodka down on the table, making her way over to the door, flinging it open, "He's upstairs, But Hi!" She said giving Libi a hug because she was wired on coke and tipsy on booze. "Come to join the party?" She said with a grin.
  17. Tsaaq: She rose her eyebrow at Angel, clearly taken aback by the fact that she was even there. "Um... Yeah?" Libi answered unsurely and patted Angel's back awkwardly then pulled away from the embrace. "Didn't know there was even a party." She bit her lip as she closed the door.
  18. SleeperStatus: -Travis had jumped into the shower to wash up a bit, once out he heard the bangs on the door but didnt pay much attention he then slid his shorts on and made his way downstairs seeing libi-''Oh hey there!''-he said with a smile as he walked over to take a seat on the couch-
  19. Covet: "There's not, but you're here now, so now it's a party." She said all hyper and buzzed , "Damien's not with you though?" She asked kind of expecting him to be since he was back now and all. She walked into the apartment and back up to the couch where she had her drink, "Here, have some of this."
  20. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head since she wasn't as excited as Angel, clearly. She went to go over to walk through the apartment towards the couch. "Oh yeah. Hey. What's going on?" She asked, her delivery stiff and forced. "I just wanted to drop by and hang out with Trav but... Yeah I can call him or whatever." Libi said with a shrug as she took out her cellphone. She took the cup from her and looked at the liquid a moment before downing it effortlessly.
  21. SleeperStatus: -Travis then leaned over to the table grabbing a small wooden box, he then opened opened it and took a couple pinches of weed out of it and stuffing it into his bong. He then grabbed the bong as he held the lighter to the weed letting it burn as he smoked out of the bong.He then looked at both of the girls before letting the smoke go-''You guys could hit this if you want''-he said as he set it down on the table-
  22. Covet: "It's up to you, hun." She said with a smile, and relaxed on the couch, in some post coital basking still riding her high. She leaned up to get the bong, then turned to Libi, "I have things for you too by the way." She said then looked around for her bag, "I think I left my bag in your car, Trav" She said not finding it close by.
  23. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows and skeptically went over to take a bong rip before holding her gaze on Angel. "Oh, that sounds rad-" She began to say. She darted her eyes and turned away from the two, holding her phone to her ear as she called Damian so he could come hang out too.
  24. SleeperStatus: -Travis then turned his head to look at angel as he lit a cig-''Oh my keys are on the table in the kitchen if you wanna run out and grab your bag''-he said taking a long drag of the cig and then letting it go slowly before looking over at libi-''So when are we breaking into Kams to get the shit''-he asked taking another puff of his cig-
  25. Artificer: Damian had been taking a walk, smoking a joint when his phone began to ring. He looked down seeing that it was Libi and put it up to his ear. "Aye babe. Hows it going?" He asked stopping in his place as he talked with her.
  26. Covet: Angel smiled at Travis, "Thanks, I'll be right back" She told him then got up to grab his keys and made her way out of his appartment and down to the main floor where his vehicle was parked outside so she could get her purse, one of the stolen ones from the pawn shop, and started to make her way back upstairs, she quite literally felt like she was vibrating.
  27. Tsaaq: "Fuck off." She replied to Travis dismissively. "Why? You stoked about stealing another sword?" She asked him before turning her attention to the phone call. "Hey, wanna hang out at Travis' place?" She asked him quietly, crossing her arms over her chest as she shifted from foot to foot. .
  28. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah maybe i mean if he has one oh and if you guys thought i was joking about killing the dogs, i wasnt i dont really care about killing them''-he said laughing a bit to himself ashe took a long drag from his cig before grabbing the bong again taking another rip from it-
  29. Artificer: "Uh, Travis'?" He asked, taking another drag from his joint. "Uh, sure...who else is at Travis' place?" He asked, continuing his walk along the side walk.
  30. Covet: [Am I here?]
  31. Tsaaq: ((Now you are.))
  32. Covet: [It never said I left.. stupid IMVU]
  33. Covet: Angel made her way back to the elevator and rode it upstairs to Travis's floor and walked back into his place putting the keys on the counter and walked back up into the living room, panting a little because she'd been so quick. She sat down and rummaged around in her purse until she pulled out the small bag with a set of five pills in it, all superhero logos this time, because apparently her dealer was creative. "Here you are, a little gift from me to you." She said with a grin. " Wait.. we're still not killing the dogs, We're just going to drug them. " Because animals meant more to her than people. It's not their fault their people suck.
  34. Tsaaq: "Hang on he won't shut up." She told Damian before turning. She rolled her eyes at him. "Okay kill the fucking dogs, you think I feel sorry for fucking dogs?" She asked him then went to lean against the window. "Angel for some fucking reason. Your guess is as good as mine." Libi told him. "Come on, I'll ask nice...." She trailed off before taking the baggie and staring at the pills. "Thanks." She said hurriedly, still staring at the pills while she was on the phone with Damian.
  35. SleeperStatus: ''Fine we dont have to kill the muts''-he said as he then pulled angel on his lap as he held her close as he took another pull from the bong before handing it to angel. Travis then took another drag from his drag before kissing angel on her cheek-
  36. SleeperStatus: *Cig
  37. Artificer: Damian chuckled a bit, hearing Libi snap at Travis "Alright, Im on my way. Text me the address." Damian responded tossing his joint on the ground and snuffing it out with his foot. "I'll see you in a sec babe." He added before hanging up. He pulled up his Uber app finding himself the closest ride available.
  38. Covet: "Uh... I'm here because we were hanging out?" Angel said raising an eyebrow listening in on Libi's half of the call. " She frowned then flailed when Travis put her into his lap and handed her the bong, "Oh, thanks." She said distracted by the weed as she took a hit off the bong that caused her to start coughing, and moving a lot, until she had to get off his lap, holding up a finger, " I inhaled wrong..."she said gasping out, patting her chest.
  39. Tsaaq: "Shut up and mind your business." She called out to Angel. She nodded and bit her lip. "Okay." She said softly to Damian. "See you soon." Libi hung up and texted the address as quickly as she could. She turned back to Angel and Travis and pursed her lips. "I'm gonna take these now." She said, walking towards the kitchen to look for alcohol to wash down her molly with.
  40. SleeperStatus: ''Alcohol is in the fridge lib,and you ok hun''-he said as he watched angel almost choke to death he then began to chuckle-''too much for ya?''-he asked taking another hit of his cig before ashing it out. He then heard his phone go off and he took it out and began reading some messages-
  41. Tsaaq: She sighed as she pulled the fridge door open. "Yeah I figured." She called out. "I'm fine. Peachy." She replied, taking a bottle of vodka and drinking from the bottle as she swallowed two pills down with them.
  42. Covet: "You were talking about me, I thought it was my business." She said with a laugh, through her coughing."No... not if I breath right. I'm still a little winded from coming up the stairs. I don't think you know how fast I made it down there and back. I was on zoom." She told him the cleared her throat, taking the bong from him so she could take another propper hit. Then set it back down on the table.
  43. SleeperStatus: -Travis then gave her ass a little slap before he walked to the kitchen to grabbed the cat food from the bottom cabinet to feed his cat he then grabbed his water bowl and filled it also.Travis then walked back over to the couch taking a seat lighting another cig taking a long drag-
  44. Artificer: Damian's Uber pulled up to the address that Libi had texted him. He climbed out of the car, looking up at the apartment complex. "Alright, room 37B." He whispered to himself as he made his way inside and up the elevator. He finally reached Travis' room, and knocked on the door a few times, stepping back so that he could be seen through the peephole, if anyone looked.
  45. Tsaaq: She watched then two of them and rolled her eyes. "You guys want me to go? Cause I can just go." Libi said in a monotone. She went to the door as soon as she heard the knock and pulled it open. "Hey, that was fast." Libi said.
  46. Covet: "Fuck!" She hissed out as Travis smacked her ass. She sat down on the couch and rubbed it because it stung. She glared at him as he walked off then took another hit off the bong again. "We need to get Libi and Damian caught up on lines, I think." She heard Libi then shook her head, "No, we're good, I don't want you to leave!" Angel said with a pout, then heard as she let Damian in, "Hey Damian!" She called out though she couldn't see him.
  47. SleeperStatus: -Travis watched as Damian entered he gave him a head nod as he then returned his attention to his cat. before listening to angel about the lines-''Yeah you guys could do some i got plenty over there''-he said as he walked back over to angel sitting next to her giving her a big smile because he knew he hurt her ass when he smacked it-
  48. Artificer: "Sup baby." He said, moving his hand to her hip to pull her into a kiss. "Heeyyyyy!" Damian called out, not sure where Angel was saying hi from. He walked passed Libi, into the apartment. "I love cocaine!" he said as he clapped his hands together. "How you guys doing?"
  49. Tsaaq: She screwed up her face at the suggestion. "Nothing." LIbi shouted. She leaned into the kiss then looked disappointed as he walked off. She slammed the door closed and walked behind him with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm taking a break from coke. You have fun." She said to Angel, leaning on the wall instead of sitting.
  50. Covet: Angel couldn't help but laugh as Damian made the I ove cocaine comment. "Pretty damn good. Loosing my tipsyness, but still riding high." She said with a grin, "Plus, I did a good deed for my girl here, so that's got to come back around as good karma or something? I don't know how all that works." She said waving her hand.
  51. SleeperStatus: ((brb just skip me))
  52. Covet: [htfb]
  53. Artificer: "You are?" Damian asked, turning back to look at Libi. He gave her a smile, and took a step closer, wrapping his arm around her again. "Thats good, good for you hun." He whispered as he pecked her on the cheek. He turned around and held his hand up. "Im good on the coke actually, I will definitely smoke some weed though." He said, eyeing the bong. "If you dont mind?" He said, pointing to the bong as he pulled a small bag of weed from his pocket.
  54. Tsaaq: Libi grit her teeth a moment the began to grind them a moment. "Yeah. Totally. So excited about it." She said with a little less confidence but still there was a hint of acceptance in her voice. She sighed a little then furrowed her eyebrows at Angel. "Yeah, you got me some molly. I guess that's a good deed kind of. More like you saved me some time but thanks anyways."
  55. Covet: "Go for it" She offered up Travis' bong like it was her own, not even waiting for him to okay it. She slid it over closer to Damian then leaned back on the couch, undoing the braid in her hair just to re-do it again, keeping herself busy. "Oh.. I meant about something else... that we talked about at the park... Don't sweat the molly, you asked for some the other day. Happy to help out here."
  56. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows while thinking a moment. "Are you fucking serious?" She gasped a little as her mouth opened wide. "So you told him, that I told you? First off. I told you not to fucking say anything." Libi asked angrily. "I clearly was like this doesn't leave the fucking playground? And then what? You're what? Like, fucking him or something like you're doing me a fucking favor? No bitch." She shook her head. "Call that whatever you want but... You're lying to yourself if you think that's how you're helping me out."
  57. Artificer: Damian picked the bong up and stuffed some weed into it. He turned and held the bong up to Libi. "Want some?" He said before Libi started going off. "Uuuh. What now?" Damian asked, raising his brow hearing mention of someone fucking someone. He looked between Libi and Angel, then to Travis.
  58. Covet: Angel sat up and looked over at Libi, "If you thought I was going to do this and not give him shit for trying to go behind Damian's back, that wasn't going to happen." She said looking confused, "It only left the playground for like five minutes, all I told him it was a dick move trying to hook up with you, when he knows that you're with Damian. He wanted to brag about it and I shut his ass down." She said seeing that Travis had walked off with his cat somewhere. "Wow.. and he can't even stick around to take the heat. What a stand up guy." She said shaking her head.
  59. Tsaaq: She rose her hand to Angel. "Wow, only five minutes? Was that before or after you blew him?" Libi asked her sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I don't even care. I mean. I had it handled but you had to butt in like you're my fucking caretaker or some shit. Here's a note for the future in case you haven't figured it out already. I don't want anybody's help!" Libi yelled then turned to Damian. "Nothing, it's stupid and it's only a problem now because Angel wants to make her fucking that retard seem logical. It's not by the way." She said before scoffing. "I don't even want to be here anymore. Have fun fucking Travis and hanging out with his stupid fucking cat and watching Power rangers." She said angrily before turning, looking as if she was going to storm away.
  60. Artificer: Damian let go of the bong, hearing everything, he didnt really care for Travis or his shit anymore. He reached out grabbing Libi's arm as she turned to storm off. He didnt even flinch as the bong shattered on the ground. "Hold up." He said looking between the two quickly. "I get that Travis is trying to fuck you. He seemed like the kinda douche that would do something like that. I need you to explain to me though why you are so upset that Angel hooked up with him." He said in a stern voice looking at libi with a cocked head.
  61. Covet: "Bitch it was longer than that, It's just a phrase...I don't get why you are so pissed off about it. Like you haven't fucked for stupider reasons. I'm not trying to be your caretaker, I was trying to help get someone off your ass. Did you want his "retard" attention or something? Because last I checked you came over here without Damian, and obviously didn't expect me to be what gives Libi?" she asked confused about everything, because this was not how this was all supposed to go down. "Fuck Power Rangers, If I stay, it's only because of the Cat, and that's because he didn't do anything wrong to deserve this." She said crossing her arms, then reached for her purse so she could pull out her phone to get her driver to come get her.
  62. Tsaaq: "I don't need you to help me do that. I do that all the time on my own. What the fuck?" Libi shouted. "Why would I ever want his fucking attention? He's an idiot. You're the one who wanted his attention obviously. You're just using me as an excuse." She turned to Damian and bit her lip as she lowered her head. "I don't know. I don't really care that much." She muttered and shrugged. "I'm only upset cause now she's gross. But I guess that's her fucking business." She said defiantly. She went quiet for a moment. "It's not like I like him Damian. If that's what you're thinking cause if it is fucking stop it you're gonna make me puke." She scrunched up her face.
  63. Artificer: Damian released his grip on her arm a bit, looking at her as she spoke. "Well...Good," He said, kinda unsure where to place the unwarrented anger that had built up in the last 30 seconds or so. He glanced down at the broken bong, wishing he'd at least smoked before he broke it so he wasnt so stressed. He glanced back at Angel and then stepped to the side a bit. "Hey come on you two. Let's just calm down for a sec." He said, deciding to try to be the moderator since apparently Libi wasnt screwing anyone behind his back.
  64. Covet: "Wow....first that fucking yuppie fuck... now you...the person I least expected to say something like that. Thanks's good to know you're the only one who can fuck who she wants when she wants, for whatever reason, without being judged by her friends." Angel said then got up, slinging her purse over her shoulder, then headed for the door. "Have a good night homies...I'm going back to my apartment to go shower, because I haven't done that yet.. and I hugged you...Let that one sink in." She said shaking her head, walking out the door for the elevator, because now she was high, upset and no longer buzzed and one of her best friends was mad at her, wah life is hard.
  65. Tsaaq: She chewed her lower lip and glanced down at her arm once Damian loosened his grip. She lowered her head once more. "That's not even what i fucking meant!" Libi yelled then began to pant. "Don't even talk about that. It's not even the same this you don't even understand..." She called out as Angel hurriedly left the apartment. She began to pant a moment then moved her hair from her face. "I already know that I'm gross..." She trailed off before looking over to Damian. "You were gone for too long." Libi whimpered. "I felt like I was fucking dying but I didn't do anything I swear." She told him, looking so worried it was probably sincere. "That's all... Travis kissed me and said some stupid shit. I told him that I never want to hurt you and to stop. He acted like he was okay with it." She shrugged.
  66. Artificer: Damian watched as Angel stormed out, he listened to Libi, raising a brow. "Too long? Too fucking long? I was gone for less then a week." Damian said, keeping his voice at a steady volume but letting the sterness in his voice echo. "Listen. I like you Libi I do." Damian raised his hand. pointing at her. "You are the one who put a title on this. I was content with just screwing around. If you are going to fuck around, even consider fucking around." Damian was fumming, mainly at Travis but he seemed to have jumped out the window at that point. "Then lets not muddy what this is. We fuck. That's it. I don't want to go catching feelings or some shit because you just want to call me boyfriend so you can lock me down so I dont go fucking anyone else." Damian kicked the broken bong in the opposite direction, breaking it more and spreading the stinky bong water around his apartment.
  67. Artificer: ((his as in Travis'. I realize that pronoun is out of place there.))
  68. Covet: [lol]
  69. Artificer: ((I tend to proof read after I post...))
  70. Tsaaq: "No! Stop it!" Libi said in a panic. "I don't want to be with anybody else. I didn't consider shit. This the first time I don't want to fuck around. My head is fucked up." She began to whimper as she went over to him. "I didn't fuck anybody. I don't want to fuck anybody." Libi repeated before covering her face. "Fuck, don't fucking cry." She scoffed at herself going to kick the wall then went back over to Damian. "I don't know why my head does it but..." She began to say then immediately shook her head, looking embarrassed. "Listen. You're the only guy I've ever slept with where the sex felt like it meant something. Sleeping with you doesn't make me feel disgusting afterwards." Libi said sternly. "You can be mad at me. I understand but I do like you a lot. And I don't want to fuck that up." She said, crossing her arms over her chest and lowering her head. "Everybody keeps talking about how I'm a slut and how I don't seem like the type to settle down. And I hate that. What? I can't be happy with one person?"
  71. Tsaaq: ((Silly :p))
  72. Artificer: Damian stopped pacing, calming himself while he listened to her. He knew she was damaged goods already, so everything sounded legit. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her head to his chest. "Shhh, you can be." He whispered, kissing the top of her head, suddenly feeling like the dick in the situation. "I'm sorry, I feel the same way Libi. I don't do this relationship thing." He held her tighter, rubbing her back. "I just, everything happened so quickly. We were fooling around and then I'm calling you babe. I dont wanna be left in the dust, you know?" He quieted down, leaning his head against hers. "I like this.."
  73. Tsaaq: She kept whimpering once he held her close and squeezed him. "I know... I don't want that either." Libi felt safe enough to cry, which was extremely rare in any situation. "I like this too." She sighed, attempting wipe the tears away before they were noticable. "I know... And it's kind of scary cause I'm scared that I'll do something shitty. But so far I've been a lot stronger than I've ever been." She sighed. "I need you Damian." She said, lifting her head and crashing her mouth into his, lapping her tongue against his ferociously as if she were starved then pulled away. "Can we get the fuck out of here?" She asked him gently.
  74. Artificer: Damian smiled, letting a tear roll down his cheek also. Only a single tear though cuz he aint a bitch. He kissed her back before grabbing her hand. "Yeah we can. Hold on." He said, looking around the room. He ran over to the cocaine that had been offered to him earlier. He grabbed it, and was about to stuff it in his pocket before turning and looking at Libi. He remembered she had been trying to quit and reluctantly went to the window. He glanced back at her then down at the coke one last time before he threw it out the window, making it snow. "Fuckin prick." He hissed under his breath, kicking the glass remnants of the bong one last time before going back to Libi. He took her hand and headed out of the apartment, back to Libi's.
  75. Covet: [Me: LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! Also me: -slaps self- Stop it.]
  76. Artificer: ((fuck you, dont you dare get that devil chant stuck in my head.))
  77. Covet: [Tee hee]
  78. Tsaaq: ((He dumped the coke!))
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