
>Lost Pawns: ride the boat!

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] you summon a boat falls into the ocean in a big SPLOOOOSH --
  2. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Exists again --
  3. CLS: Sweet!
  4. CKK: SS kek, new boat
  5. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] fistpumps --
  6. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] puts kek on his shoulders --
  7. CLS: alright, let's get in this thing!
  8. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Rides the new steed --
  9. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] boards --
  10. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] fuck the boat and opts for swimming --
  11. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] jumps into the water near the boat and swims back up to the surface, climbing up the side ladder to get onto the boat --
  12. CLS: okay, let's see here...
  13. CLS: umm... does anyone know how to work one of these things?
  14. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] how big is the boat --
  15. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] no idea, it hasn't really been defined yet --
  16. CSC: uh... hold the forward button, and the strafe keys to steer? I dunno.
  17. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] lets assume its not a fucking cruise ship at least --
  18. CSA: I can tow it?
  19. CLS: um, sure?
  20. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] picks up a rope and sorta stares at it --
  21. CLS: um... does anyone know how to secure these things?
  22. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] general shrug and hups aboard the boat --
  23. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] sets kek down too, wouldnt want to lose lizard friend --
  24. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] grabby hand towards rope --
  25. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] tosses it to SA --
  26. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] it's just a boat. strangely it holds kage fine --
  27. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] the best at sturdy ship knots --
  28. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Skuttles to the side, covers lizard hands with purple from a capatcha'd vial --
  29. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] well of course it holds him fine, he's /only/ about as heavy as a normal human... somehow. --
  30. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] sits down --
  31. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] fastens other end of rope to.... a harness --
  32. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] equips harness --
  33. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Attempts to scrawl "SS KEK" into the side of the boat with a combination if claw scratches + troll blood --
  34. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] *of claw scratches --
  35. CLS: alright, let's do this thing! Let's save Raine!
  36. CKK: yes
  37. CSA: Hold on to something.
  38. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] holds onto the side and the built-in seat thing --
  39. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] holds onto seat probably --
  40. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] gymnastic dives off the boat, turning into WHOA WHATS THAT mid-air --
  41. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] NYOOOOM --
  42. CLS: whoaaaaaaaa!
  43. CKK: seabird elf??
  44. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Flops backwards, wasn't holding things --
  45. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] tightens her grip as the boat goes nyooming forwards --
  46. CSC: ...
  47. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] whoever can see under the water, there's a whole bunch of weird species as well as...large terrors. They don't bother you, though. --
  48. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Sits back up --
  49. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] is focused on the island on the horizon --
  50. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] resists the urge to do a fucking dolphin move --
  51. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] slows down to approach island, wouldnt want to run ashore and fling everyone off.... (or would we) --
  52. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] makes sure boat stops a little ways from shore, de-waterhorse-ifies, unhitches self, sets out plank so these weenies dont have to touch water, yadda yadda --
  53. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Stares around, dazed --
  54. CLS: Aweosme! Thanks!
  55. CSC: so... that was a thing
  56. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] stands up carefully --
  57. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] puts respirator around neck instead of face for to look slightly less menacing --
  58. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] walks over towards the edge of the boat and checks if the island is really right there and close enough --
  59. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] you're getting...close? --
  60. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] like, swmmable close, or vaguely close? --
  61. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] vaguely --
  62. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Peers into the abyss --
  63. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] the abyss peers back?  --
  64. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] which abyss? --
  65. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] The aquatic one --
  66. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] yeaaah there's definitely things staring back --
  67. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Reaches in and tries to nab something --
  68. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] you get nothing --
  69. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] looks at kek and back down into water --
  70. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] PREDATORIAL DIVE --
  71. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] just goes for something smallish to catch --
  72. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] you catch one, it tastes gross. --
  73. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] or at least it feels super slimy --
  74. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] isn't eating it, just catch --
  75. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] brings it back up and hands to kek --
  76. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] it looks like a tiny horrorterror. --
  77. CSC: ........
  78. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Holds it aloft before capatcha-ing it --
  79. CKK: new son
  80. CLS: ummm......
  81. CLS: maybe you should put that back..
  82. CLS: yeah.....
  83. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] other than the appearance it just asks like an ordinary fish (just a heads up) --
  84. CWD: *▲cts))
  85. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] "i made a mistake"-shrug  --
  86. CKK: put new son in kek land
  87. CSC: ...
  88. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] mumbles "how many sons does kek even have now" --
  89. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] "probably a lot" --
  90. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] hups onto land and makes universal LET'S GO motion --
  91. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] you're at a beach! There's two huts in the distance. There's a blocked off path between them and another path to the right. --
  92. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] finally gets out of the boat and onto land --
  93. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Hops onto the beach --
  94. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] more following noises --
  95. CLS: hmm.... we should probably take that right path over there...
  96. CWD: ((test))
  97. CLS: ((tea set))
  98. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] squints at blocked path --
  99. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] it's just a path blocked by large boulders. --
  100. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] begins walking towards the available path --
  101. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] the path leads to a town --
  102. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] a tiny one, so I guess it's more of a village --
  103. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] seems pretty excited about tiny village --
  104. CWD ceased responding to memo.
  105. -- CURRENT keK [CKK] Follows --
  106. CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  107. CWD: ((FUCK))
  109. CSC: ((-- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] a tiny one, so I guess it's more of a village --))
  110. -- CURRENT wonderlandDominator [CWD] There's a bar nearby...A small tent...a few houses...and a tiny port. --
  111. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] gazes at port --
  112. -- CURRENT sitiomanicAmphibiolith [CSA] snaps himself the fuck out of it and keeps with group --
  113. CWD: ((Aaaaaa))
  115. CURRENT crazedPyrotechnic [CCP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  116. CCP: ((what'd I miss in both memos-- can i have a pastebin))
  117. CLS: ((back))
  119. -- CURRENT stealthyCalligrapher [CSC] bugger --
  121. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] alright --
  122. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] get some sleeps --
  123. CLS: okay, which place should we hit up first?
  124. CKK: hit club
  125. CWD: ((did you guys give cp a pastebin))
  126. -- CURRENT lavenderSiren [CLS] //checking where to start the paste --
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