

Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. owner: LMB_BobSigekun
  3. system: &7[&aSystem&7]
  5. variables:
  6. {Status.%player%.prefix} = "&7Newbie"
  7. {Class.%player%.level} = 0
  8. {} = "&7Visitor"
  9. {} = 100
  10. {Player.%player%.txp} = 0 #今まで取得した獲得総経験値
  11. {Player.%player%.nxp} = 0 #現レベルからレベルアップに必要な経験値
  12. {Player.%player%.hxp} = 0 #取得している現レベルでの経験値
  14. on join:
  15. set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7[%{Status.prefix}%&7]&a%player%"
  16. set {_j} to "lobby"
  17. teleport the player to {SpawnPoint::%{_j}%}
  19. command /addspawn <text>:
  20. trigger:
  21. if name of player is "{@owner}":
  22. set {SpawnPoint::%arg%} to location of player
  23. send "{@system} 座標&e(%{SpawnPoint::%arg%}%) &7を &a&n%arg%&r &7で保存しました。"
  25. command /deletespawn <text>:
  26. trigger:
  27. if name of player is "{@owner}":
  28. delete {SpawnPoint::%arg%}
  30. command /spawnlist:
  31. trigger:
  32. loop {SpawnPoint::*}:
  33. send "&a[Name: &b%loop-index% &ePoint: &b %loop-value% &a]"
  35. command /setstatus <player> <text> <text>:
  36. usage: /setstatus <player> <text> <text> {Status.arg1.arg2} <- arg3
  37. trigger:
  38. if name of player is "{@owner}":
  39. send "{@system} &a%player% &7の &e%arg 2% &7を &e&n%arg 3%&r &7に設定しました。" to player
  40. set {Status.%arg-1%.%arg-2%} to arg-3
  41. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 2 at player
  43. every second:
  44. loop all players:
  45. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  46. set loop-player's tablist name to "&f&l|%{}%Lv.%{Class.%loop-player%.level}%&f&l|%loop-player%"
  47. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&4&l[ ☠&c&lBobGachaPvP&4&l☠ ]"
  48. set score "&7おっはー!" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  49. if {Match} is not true:
  50. set score "&aXP: %{Class.%loop-player%.xp}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  51. if {Match} is true:
  52. if {Gamemode} is 1:
  53. set score "&e-- &aTeamScore &e--" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  54. set score "&c&nRedTeam %{Match.Red.Score}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  55. set score "&9%nBlueTeam %{Match.Blue.Score}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  56. set score "&e-- &6制限時間 &e--" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  57. set score "&a残り: &a&n%{Match.time.min}%:%{Match.time.sec1}%%{Match.time.sec2}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  58. if {Match.time.sec2} is not 0:
  59. remove 1 from {Match.time.sec2}
  60. if {Match.timesec.sec2} is 0:
  61. if {Match.time.sec1} is 0:
  62. if {Match.time.min} is 0:
  63. broadcast "{@system} 試合終了"
  64. if {Match.time.min} is not 0:
  65. remove 1 from {Match.time.min}
  66. set {Match.time.sec1} to 5
  67. set {Match.time.sec2} to 9
  68. if {Match.time.sec1} is not 0:
  69. remove 1 from {Match.time.sec1}
  70. set {Match.time.sec2} to 9
  71. set action bar of loop-player to "&4♥ %loop-player's health%/%loop-player's max health%"
  73. command /health <player> <number>:
  74. trigger:
  75. set {_player} to arg 1
  76. set {_player}'s max health to arg 2
  77. set {_player}'s health to arg 2
  78. set {_player}'s scaled health to 20
  80. command /paper <text=list> <number>:
  81. permission: skript.admin
  82. trigger:
  83. if arg 1 is "list":
  84. send "{@system} &9Armour &cWeapon &aItem &6Special"
  85. send "{@system} &7各項目の頭文字を&a&narg-1&r&7に入力してください。"
  86. stop
  87. if arg 1 is "W":
  88. give player paper named "&a&lGachaCapsule - &c&nWeapon" with lore "&e右クリックで武器ガチャを回せます。"
  90. command /startdoor:
  91. trigger:
  92. if name of player is "{@owner}":
  93. loop {player::*}:
  94. set {oni} to random player out of {player::*}
  95. give {oni} lever named "&bタッチペン" with lore "&6&nワンパンします|&b&l鬼専用"
  97. on damage:
  98. if {attack.%attacker%} is true:
  99. cancel event
  100. send "{@system} &cStungun食らってますよ~w" to attacker
  102. on rightclick on torch:
  103. give player torch named "&eTorch" with lore "&7右クリックで周りを照らす"
  105. on rightclick:
  106. if name of player's tool is "&eTorch":
  107. apply ambient night vision 1 to player for 1 second
  108. remove torch from player's inventory
  109. play sound "item.firecharge.use" with volume 1 with pitch 0 at player
  110. set {_n} to random integer between 1 and 3
  111. chance of 1%:
  112. set {_n} to 4
  113. if {_n} is 1:
  114. send "{@system} &7松明のか弱き灯火が暗い迷路を照らす・・・。"
  115. if {_n} is 2:
  116. send "{@system} &7心細い光だ・・・。"
  117. if {_n} is 3:
  118. send "{@system} &7松明の音は鬼に聞こえる・・・注意を払おう。"
  119. if {_n} is 4:
  120. broadcast "{@system} &a&lやーいれいかーのうんかすーwwwwwww"
  121. if name of player's tool is "&a&lGachaCapsule - &c&nWeapon":
  122. set {_n} to random integer between 1 and 100
  123. if {_n} is less than 70:
  124. give player paper named "&fはずれw" with lore "残念!君はれいかーだ!"
  125. if {_n} is bigger than 69:
  126. give player ender pearl named "&dれいかす" with lore "一応あたり"
  128. on break:
  129. if name of player's tool contain "pickaxe" or "つるはし":
  130. cancel event
  131. set {_p} to random integer between 1 and 7
  132. if event block is coal ore:
  133. play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 1 with pitch 1.{_p} at player
  136. on rightclick on player:
  137. if name of player's tool is "&eStungun":
  138. if {attack.%clicked player%} is not true:
  139. apply ambient blindness 5 to clicked player for 5 seconds
  140. apply ambient slowness 10 to clicked player for 5 seconds
  141. set {attack.%clicked player%} to true
  142. send "{@system} &e&lOh! It's a Stungun!" to clicked player
  143. wait 5 seconds
  144. set {attack.%clicked player%} to false
  145. if {attack.%clicked player%} is true:
  146. send "{@system} 無限ハメ出来ちゃうんで重ねがけは、だめです。" to player
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