

Mar 17th, 2014
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  1. [X] 13 You fall. Slipping down into the depths. It's the only way. The worms will devour your body, your mind, your very soul at his command. Unless you eat them first. Consume, drink deep, and accept without hesitation. It is the only way you can live.: (Jiven, Adyen, hunter09, Xicree, Olive, Selias, Ct613hulu, Nekraa, Dark Lord Bob, Robotninja, Murderhobo of Lasombra, MHLord, EnderofWorlds)
  2. [X] 1 You fall. Slipping down into the depths. It's the only way. The worms will devour your body, your mind, your very soul at his command. Unless you eat them first. Consume, drink deep, and accept without hesitation. It is the only way you can live.: (Biigoh)
  3. [X] 8 You fight. You struggle, wretched creature that you are, for your life. Your soul. The breath in your heart, and the blood pulsing through your veins. You don't want this. You hate this. You hate everything. Countless parasites, and you cannot pull them all free, but you must try.: (kinglugia, Ephemeral_Dreamer, darklord, Alexander, Redon, minuseven, Larekko12, theweepingman)
  4. [X] 2 You flee. You flee where you cannot flee. There is always an escape, of one way or another. You cannot run, and you cannot hide, but as long as you do not acknowledge what you see and feel it isn't real.: (Heaven Canceler, ReinZero)
  5. [X] 1 You run. You run so far away.: (Guile)
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