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a guest
Aug 5th, 2019
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  1. Seller: #Must be a name of a minion, as this will be the control panel for that minion
  2. Settings:
  3. Size: 54
  4. DisplayName: "&c%MINIONNAME% Panel"
  5. FillerItem:
  6. Slot: filler
  8. Action: none
  9. DisplayName: " "
  10. Lore: []
  11. Skins:
  12. Slot: 19
  14. Action: SKINS
  15. DisplayName: "&e&lSkin Menu"
  16. Lore:
  17. - "&7Click this to change your"
  18. - "&7Minions Skin!"
  19. North:
  20. Slot: 20
  21. Item: SKULL:MHF_ArrowUp
  22. Action: ROTATE_NORTH
  23. DisplayName: "&e&lRotate North"
  24. Lore:
  25. - "&7Click this to change the"
  26. - "&7Direction of your minion"
  27. - "&7to North"
  28. East:
  29. Slot: 21
  30. Item: SKULL:MHF_ArrowRight
  31. Action: ROTATE_EAST
  32. DisplayName: "&e&lRotate East"
  33. Lore:
  34. - "&7Click this to change the"
  35. - "&7Direction of your minion"
  36. - "&7to East"
  37. South:
  38. Slot: 22
  39. Item: SKULL:MHF_ArrowDown
  40. Action: ROTATE_SOUTH
  41. DisplayName: "&e&lRotate South"
  42. Lore:
  43. - "&7Click this to change the"
  44. - "&7Direction of your minion"
  45. - "&7to South"
  46. West:
  47. Slot: 23
  48. Item: SKULL:MHF_ArrowLeft
  49. Action: ROTATE_WEST
  50. DisplayName: "&e&lRotate West"
  51. Lore:
  52. - "&7Click this to change the"
  53. - "&7Direction of your minion"
  54. - "&7to West"
  55. PayToHeal:
  56. Slot: 24
  57. Item: GOLDEN_APPLE
  58. Action: PAYHEAL
  59. DisplayName: "&e&lHeal Minion"
  60. Lore:
  61. - "&7This will cost"
  62. - "&7$200" #Change the amount if needed in the config.yml
  63. Hopper:
  64. Slot: 25
  65. Item: HOPPER
  66. Action: ATTACHCHEST
  67. DisplayName: "&e&lAttach a chest"
  68. Lore:
  69. - "&7Attach a chest to this minion"
  70. - "&7to sell the items in it!"
  71. Stats:
  72. Slot: 30
  73. Item: CHEST
  74. Action: NONE
  75. DisplayName: "&e&lStats"
  76. Lore:
  77. - "&7Your minion has sold"
  78. - "&e%STATS% &7items since being placed"
  79. Nametag:
  80. Slot: 31
  81. Item: NAME_TAG
  82. Action: RENAME
  83. DisplayName: "&e&lRename"
  84. Lore:
  85. - "&7Click to Rename"
  86. - "&7The minion!"
  87. Health:
  88. Slot: 32
  89. Item: COOKED_BEEF
  90. Action: NONE
  91. DisplayName: "&e&lHealth"
  92. Lore:
  93. - "&7Your minions health is"
  94. - "&e%HEALTH%/20"
  95. UpgradeMinion:
  96. Slot: 40
  97. Item: GOLD_INGOT
  98. Action: LEVELUP
  99. DisplayName: "&e&lLevel Up"
  100. Lore:
  101. - "&7Upgrade the Minion to the"
  102. - "&7next level"
  103. - "&7Cost: &e$%NEXTLEVELCOST%"
  104. Close:
  105. Slot: 49
  106. Item: NETHER_STAR
  107. Action: CLOSE
  108. DisplayName: "&c&lClose"
  109. Lore:
  110. - "&7Click to Close"
  111. - "&7the menu"
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