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Mar 20th, 2018
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  1. Over the past decade I’ve watched this country take a free fall plummet during the Bathhouse Barry ‘administration’ which we all know was a front for the Clinton Foundation to sink their talons into any and every institution they possibly could. The entire administration was a fraud and a black-op (funny how so much of the focus got shifted to ‘Black Lives’, ‘Black supremacy’ etc almost as if TPTB were telling us plainly this was a BLACK OP) and now, as one GLP’er suggested, we are in the clean-up stage and as anyone who has ever cleaned up a disgusting house like on those Extreme Hoarders shows, sometimes DURING the clean-up it can seem almost too overwhelming. You clean out all the garbage and realize now the floor boards are leaky and moldy and decaying with waste. That is the foundations of this country that are all but deteriorating.
  3. May I suggest that there be no saving this country? To borrow a saying from Christian ideology, people say that we cannot actually change our sinful nature by our own works and our own doing, but it takes the Holy Spirit and the Grace and Mercy of the Lord to BEGIN and SUSTAIN and ultimately COMPLETE that change; turning us from wretched worms into the ADOPTED CO-HEIRS and SONS and DAUGHTERS of the MOST HIGH. Whether or not you believe America to be a ‘Christian Nation’, i’m of the belief and opinion, that when we adopt that label we are saying we ALIGN ourselves, our ARCHETYPE, with those of Judeo-Christian ideology and terminology – or to simplify things, we speak, act and decide through Judeo-Christian memes that have influenced our society from the very beginning of this Great County.
  5. Everything that we say and speak holds POWER, others call it MAGIC, which we are able to wield with our tongues, as well as through pen and now in our time, through technology. It’s like a massive battlefield where we are bombarded with words and ideas, like some Harry Potter War of MAGIC and POWER. If we could see what the HEART of this country looks like, it would appear as a Third World Country in absolute ruins after a massive bomb strike. Not because of things like Government, the Military, our Brothers in Blue in Local/State/Federal Law Enforcement; but the ones who cause the greatest harm are the ones who INFLUENCE, DIRECT, GUIDE, MENTOR and SWAY the men, women and children of this country with their WORDS and IDEAS.
  7. It doesn’t matter what you profess to believe because the veil is thinning and large egregores run rampant, these thought forms that feed off the belief and faith that countless millions fuel into these ideas on a daily basis that upholds these egregore, giving it energy, allowing it to exist as ‘truth’. You can put makeup on a swine and a garland of daisies around its neck and call it ‘truth’ and believe in your whole heart, with your whole being, that it IS ‘truth’ but that doesn’t make it so. I see it as PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING when I hear that famous line, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” We wouldn’t know what to do with the real truth if it bit us square in the face. And all these alleged ‘truths’ people hold and toss around, demanding acceptance, demanding tolerance, demanding recognition and demanding respect for these ‘truths’, these are no more than red herrings and distractions and it shows evidence time and time again that there is NONE who could even PROPERLY HANDLE AND WIELD any ‘truth’ at all.
  9. Think of the old Buddhist/Zen tale about the man trying to cross over this tumultuous river. He constructs a raft to carry him across. Think of the construction of the raft as constructing a ‘belief system’ to adopt as ‘truth’ which one uses to carry them across the tumultuous stream of collective consciousness. Once he reached the other side of the stream he still carried this raft along with him but it was so weighty, so heavy and a massive inconvenience to just lug around everywhere he went. So finally a wise sage told him, ‘Why not just let go of the raft until perhaps you may need to use it again?’ Dare I suggest that these rafts, these ‘truths’, we lug around with us are just extra weight that we do not necessarily need to carry with us at all times?
  11. The CROSS – again, irrespective of belief systems I’m merely using language for symbolic and archetypal purposes – the cross we choose to carry, whatever it may be, a political affiliation, an identification label, a lifestyle, a belief, an ideology, these are CROSSES people CARRY with them in hopes that we can CRUCIFY ourselves by taking on suffering inflicted by those around us when we CARRY these CROSSES of IDENTIFICATION – this is the false hope and misdirected prayer of the Liberal Leftists and Cultural Marxists, if they only acknowledged it as such. The OPPRESSED MASSES demanding reparations, demanding a skewed justice, but an eye for an eye will leave the whole lot of them blind as they are QUITE OBVIOUSLY SO. Instead of SELF-IMMOLATION – killing the natural symbolically and TRANS-forming into this FALSE IMAGE/IDENTITY and calling it their ‘true selves’, with new pronouns and new genders and even entirely new species-specific identifying labels. This will not save them. There will be no saving them and we can scarce save ourselves or one another. And if we, collectively, cannot pull our heads out of our proverbial asses, it breaks my heart to say with such a somber assurance, we will NOT be able to save this country.
  13. Instead of SAVING this country or RESTORING this country, I propose something far more radical. Please be certain that I do not mean we should do away with everything The United States of America stands for – our constitution, our declaration of independence, our sovereignty, our national identity, etc. But what if we PULL BACK? What if instead of trying to be LOUDER THAN THE LEFT, instead of fighting FIRE with FIRE, what if we pull back and make a strategical RETREAT. What this country needs – and I believe this whole heartedly – IS A TIME OUT SESSION.
  15. Put America on a TIME OUT. What I mean is that the Government shut down, no WIC, no welfare, ONLY SSI to the elderly and disabled, but there NEEDS TO BE MORE oversight in the DHS and Health & Human Service offices across the nation and MORE HEAVY VETTING of welfare recipients to determine who is TRULY in need and WHO is milking the system. It IS possible and if we can have such high surveillance ALREADY of American Citizens through NSA and other alphabet agencies and their programs and algorithms, then how can we not comb through all the welfare recipients with a fine tooth comb and END WELFARE HANDOUTS to the ones who do not fit MORE RIGOROUS and MUCH NEEDED BEEFED UP ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.
  17. The LEFTISTS and CULTURAL MARXISTS want to play the “Speech” game and try to make a ‘language dictatorship’ in this country – attempting to ban certain terms and words in an OBVIOUS assault on our free speech. Well, lets play along? Why can we NOT turn the laws against them and (FOR A TIME) completely OUTLAW ANY AND EVERY word, phrase and terminology that speaks, slanders or attempts to demonize our COUNTRY, our PEOPLE, our GOVERNMENT and our IDEALS. Why can we not ROUND UP all of these idiot leftists on YouTube who call for the killing of ‘white’ people or advocate the killing of police officers?
  19. During this time out, there should be a massive round up of anyone and everyone who poses a threat either to NATIONAL SECURITY or a threat to any and every American Citizen – man, woman and child – as well as those who pose a threat to the UNIFICATION of this country. All who seek to divide, who seek to tear apart, who seek to destabilize the cohesive bond that we CAN and WILL share when the masses stop attacking each other like rabid dogs thrown into a kennel together.
  21. What do we need to eliminate to achieve this:
  23. – The MSM Televised and Broadcasted Media
  25. – MOST of the Internet, including ALL of Social Media* (leaving only heavily moderated forums, chat rooms, email, messaging services, etc).
  27. – Establish MARTIAL LAW, as a much needed REST, for this country and it’s inhabitants. Rounding up ANYONE AND EVERYONE who stands in the way of a GREATER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and who OPPOSES the values and principles this country stands for.
  29. – Cut funding to ANY lobbyist, foreign interest or other special interest group, agency and institution that OPPOSES a GREATER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and who OPPOSES the values and principles this country stands for.
  31. – TEMPORARILY SUSPEND all Colleges and Universities which have become breeding grounds for radical Anti-American ideology.
  33. – STOP PROMOTING ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING coming out of Hollywood. END going to the movies, END television – there’s enough GOOD programming out there that if you really wanna watch something entertaining just TORRENT this shit you wanna watch.
  35. – MERGE all Law Enforcement Agencies into ONE CENTRALIZED DEFENSE UNIT and equip them with AND AND EVERY resource available to the highest levels of Military Intelligence.
  37. – PULL OUT OF ALL BULLSHIT FOREIGN WARS and bring our troops back home to DEFEND our HOMELAND putting AMERICA FIRST. Why fight radicals overseas when our colleges and universities and mainstream media have been breeding and grooming radical extremists for YEARS right here at home in our own backyard?
  39. – END THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Stop voting completely. Call the system for what it is – CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and bullshit bipartisan party politic games. Politics are bread and circus shows for the underachieving, under-educated, masses. Give the power BACK to the PEOPLE because it is WE THE PEOPLE who elect those who rule over us – and I suggest we reach a state where they rule ALONGSIDE US.
  41. I propose these things and ultimately it would be a REBOOT for America. Unless the kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains a seed. Only until it is buried may it sprout into the amber waves of grain it was destined to be.
  43. May we fall, only to rise again, more glorious, powerful and victorious than ever before.
  45. For once this country was represented by the Bald Eagle, but soon we will rise from the ashes of a fallen empire, rife with flaws and fallacies, magnificently soaring above the rest of the world as the Mighty and Everlasting Phoenix, shining our Light for the whole world to see.
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