
only demons get vaccines

Feb 11th, 2022
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  1. no, you don't get anything. and you've not done your homework. what will you say to your kids when half your family is dead or dying and gone? how will you explain the future generations when you look to reddit, and allow people who havnt done their homework to do your thinking for you? if there was a murder, would you hire the suspect to do the investigation? so far, thats who has been researching vaccine safety. the same groups, and cronies of the schumer epstein weinstein khazar schtick. do you know what research was done on injected aluminum (in the vaccine) safety? none. the results of studies on orally ingested aluminum were compared to, and determined safe. So the goldwater institute releases an article through san antionio university, and the founders are named after the first jewish house of representative in usa, and this image hasnt made anything click in your little soy-filled head? this is why people like you need to get APEX WATER FLUORIDE filter and your iq will go up a few more points than saying 'ok got it bud' every time you disagree. and for reference, i dont use this reddit. you do. it keeps subbing me to commoner forums, filled with people like you! how about blind placebo studies the only one we have for aluminum safety is norwegian pregnant women who were exposed to the heavy neurotoxic metal enough to make their BABIES born with rheumatoid arthritis. i have dota players telling me they have arthritis, and yes, they were all born after 1989 (i was 1985) and therefore, have mercury and new, heavier doses of THIMEROSAL in their brain. they act different, more inflamed, easier to trigger. my older brother (1984) doesnt act this way tho he is extremely violent. my younger brother was obsessed with military planes, tanks, etc. he had his lymph nodes removed because he was born in 1990 and therefore received more toxins than me and my other brother. you have no idea what you are talking about and are a component and arbitrator of harm to children. take your 'got it bud' and go back to minecraft where people like you, who arbitrate and corroborate harm to children through their ignorance, and drool all over yourself some more from the fluoride in your brain and try to come back later when you have something intellgent to say, or some research to present to mitigate any of the facts ive presented you.
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