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Faint Little Visions

a guest
Jul 2nd, 2021
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  1. I don't like looking through the mirror. While they physically reflect the lights that bounced off my body and everything around me to the receptors at the end of my eyes' inner wall showing everything perfectly, the only thing I see is the fact that none of this are supposed to be true. All I can see is a fake version of myself, me.
  3. "I'm not supposed to be real, aren't I?"
  5. [Are you sure about that, though?]
  7. Ah, I forgot to explain the other reason I don't like looking at mirrors. She's always there. The girl I don't really recognize sitting in the corner of my sight every moment my eyes met the reflective surface. Sometimes she just reads a book quietly. Sometimes she bothers me. One time she joked around that I almost laughed when mom scolded me. One time she looked at me in my eyes... stopping me from making stupid decisions.
  9. She's bothering and looking after me at the same time.
  11. "We both know this."
  13. [Yes, I know that but are you sure this whole thing isn't real?]
  15. "You heard about it yourself! This whole bullshit is fabricated! I'm... something that they made."
  17. I can see the reflection of that girl walking to me. She smiles like how mom usually does. Raising her hand, she pats me on the back. Of course I didn't feel that. She's just a reflection, after all. She's a fragment of someone's existence embedded in me. Despite that, I calmed down a bit.
  19. "Nothing around me is real, isn't it? They're all made by the whim of the Timekeeper with the help of the Allfather."
  21. The girl looks into my eyes through the mirror. She tilted her head to the side.
  23. [Isn't everything made by the gods?]
  25. "That's... not my point. My existence doesn't matter. The more I think about it, the more I feel it."
  27. [It will subside.]
  29. "I don't think so. I'm sure it will just linger there in every aspect of my life."
  31. [There's no way to change your mind on that?]
  33. I just shake my head, lost.
  35. [You know, I'm sure a certain someone agrees with me. You're one of the most precious existence to us, everything the two of us ever wanted.]
  37. "What do you mean? You're just saying things."
  39. She shakes her head.
  41. [No, I'm not. I can assure you of that. It's because you're a special existence,]
  43. [One that formed when mine and his became one.]
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