
(Bat) A Feeling Of Joy - 1

Jul 18th, 2013
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  1. >Day Day Before The Longest Day In Equestria in Equestria.
  3. >Tomorrow marks the day of the one-thousand-three-hundredth Summer Sun Celebration.
  4. >Everyp0ny has been working as hard as they could.
  5. >Princess Celestia was going to be there, of course.
  6. >But you had also heard that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna would also make an appearance.
  7. >Princess Luna.
  8. >Maybe you'd get to talk to her.
  9. >Maybe she'd ask you to serve in her Night Guard!
  10. >You smile as wide as you can, the butterflies in your stomach rampage.
  11. >"Uh... Speck? Are you alright?"
  12. >You look up at him, your hooves covering your mouth.
  13. >You answer him with the faintest whisper.
  14. "Princess Luna is coming to P0nyville."
  15. >You screech and flail your front hooves against his leg.
  16. >Anon begins walking away from you.
  17. >P0nies begin to stare.
  18. >Some even giggle at your display.
  19. >You've been so much happier since you and Anon started appearing in public together.
  20. >Many of the p0nies that liked him stopped acting so apprehensive around you.
  21. >And many of the p0nies were acting friendly toward you.
  22. >It's only been a month since you met Anon, and your life has taken a turn for the better.
  23. >He makes you feel so happy.
  25. >You look up at the clock tower in the center of town.
  26. >11AM.
  27. >You wonder when the princesses were supposed to get into town.
  28. >Probably later in the day.
  29. >You shrug and gallop in the direction Anon went.
  30. >Passing Sugarcube Corner, you ask Mr. Eccles Cake which way Anon went.
  31. >He grumbles and points you toward the library.
  32. >Anon told you once that Mr. Cake wasn't fond of many p0nies.
  33. >You never took anything Mr. Cake said or did to heart.
  34. >You start towards the library, wishing several p0nies a good morning as you pass them.
  35. >It's nice, not being hated or feared.
  36. >You push the door to the library open as soon as you arrive.
  37. >The librarian looks at you, clearly startled.
  38. >She rectifies this by smiling warmly at you and pointing towards the Magic wing.
  39. >You don't think she's ever seen you without Anon nearby.
  40. >That was probably how she knew you were looking for him.
  41. >You thank her with a smile and walk into the Magic wing.
  42. >Anon is sitting at a small table near the back corner of the room.
  43. >And he's sitting with Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  44. >You hide behind a bookshelf, watching and listening to them.
  45. >"So, you found her lurking around your house in the middle of the night, and you just took her in?"
  46. >Anon nods.
  47. >Are they talking about you?
  48. >You try to sneak closer, but trip and knock over a small shelf stacked with books.
  49. >Good job Speck.
  50. >You blew your cover.
  51. >Anon groans as Twilight giggles.
  52. >"Speck."
  53. >You approach the two of them and look up at Anon.
  54. >He reaches for you.
  55. >You flinch.
  56. >He places a hand on your head and ruffles your mane.
  57. >"So this is the infamous Speck? It's a pleasure to meet you."
  58. >She extends a hoof.
  59. >You nervously take it.
  60. >One of the princesses is talking to you.
  61. >And now she's shaking your hoof.
  62. >"My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight."
  64. >She's nice.
  65. >Her smile is warm.
  66. >And her voice is as soothing as any mother's could be.
  67. >You guess that goes along with being a princess.
  68. >You look over at Anon.
  69. >He's reading a book about the Summer Sun Celebration.
  70. >Twilight lets go of your hoof and turns back to Anon.
  71. >Anon sets the book down.
  72. >"So you've been a princess for three-hundred years?"
  73. >"Give or take."
  74. >He scratches his head.
  75. >"And this Celebration is to celebrate the sun?"
  76. >She nods.
  77. >"And it started thirteen-hundred years ago to celebrate to fall of Nightmare Moon."
  78. >"Right."
  79. >"And Nightmare Moon was Princess Luna."
  80. >Your ears perk at Princess Luna's name.
  81. >You remember hearing stories of her corruption and her fall as Luna, and her rise and fall as Nightmare Moon.
  82. >You pipe up before Anon can say anything else.
  83. "Is Princess Luna coming to the celebration?"
  84. >Your outburst catches Twilight and Anon off guard.
  85. >Twilight giggles.
  86. >Anon goes back to his book.
  87. >"Why, yes. Yes, she is."
  88. >You feel your heart sink and your stomach flip.
  89. >She's going to be here.
  90. >THE Princess of the Night.
  91. >"If you'd like, I could introduce you to her."
  92. >You have no reaction to this.
  93. >You have no face to express how overjoyed you are.
  94. >You sit there.
  95. >You do nothing.
  96. >Anon puts his head in his hands and whispers.
  97. >"Here we go."
  98. >Twilight looks over at him.
  99. >A low screeching begins to sound throughout the room.
  100. >"What is that?"
  101. >Anon holds a finger up, signalling Twilight to wait.
  102. >Your [spoiler]screeching intensifies[/spoiler].
  103. >Twilight has no time to react to you leaping across the table at her.
  104. >You grab her into the tightest hug you can.
  105. "OhLunaIcan'tbelievethisishappeningyou'rethebestPrincessTwilight."
  107. >You might get diabetes if you hang around this little bat p0ny any longer.
  108. >Twilight looks up at you as she lay on the floor.
  109. >Speck binds her in an overzealous hug.
  110. >"Help... me..."
  111. >You look away from Twilight, a smile slowly creeping across your face.
  112. "Speck, get off of her. I don't think that's any way to treat royalty, no matter how casual they're being."
  113. >You can feel the room get hotter from the intensity of Speck's blush.
  114. >"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry. I'm soooo sorry."
  115. >"It's quite fine, Speck. You remind me of a certain friend of mine from a long time ago."
  116. >Her friends.
  117. >That must have been hard.
  118. >This library was her home once.
  119. >And this town was where she lived, so long ago.
  120. >You've read the stories of how she became an Alicorn.
  121. >You've read all about her coronation and everything she went through.
  122. >But you've never once read anything about how she reacted to her friends' passings.
  123. >You can't even fathom that feeling.
  124. >You living forever, while everyone you know and love passes before your eyes.
  125. >Her friends, her parents, her brother.
  126. >Speck climbs into your lap, waking you from your musings.
  127. >You smile and stroke her mane and give a little scratch behind her ear.
  128. >"You two are lucky to have each other."
  129. >Twilight smiles at you.
  131. >Her horn starts to glow.
  132. >A small scroll materializes in front of her.
  133. >She sighs and opens the scroll.
  134. >She reads over it and turns back to you and Speck.
  135. >"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are about to be at the banquet to celebrate the Apple family."
  136. >Yeah, you remember reading something about the Apples.
  137. >You've never talked to any of them at length.
  138. >They seemed like an alright bunch.
  139. >You read that they were the ones who founded P0nyville about four hundred years ago.
  140. >And that one of Twilight's friends was a part of that family.
  141. >Speck was already out the door of the library.
  142. >Twilight stood at the door that led back into the lobby.
  143. >"Anon, are you coming?"
  144. >You should stop thinking.
  145. >It tends to distract you.
  146. >It warps your sense of time.
  147. >You stand and follow Twilight out.
  148. >Speck is already outside zipping around the sky with excitement.
  149. >She's about to meet two more princesses today.
  150. >One of which is her hero, you guess.
  151. "Hey Twilight."
  152. >She looks up at you, giving a small "hm?" in response.
  153. "Aren't there four princesses in total?"
  154. >She nods.
  155. >"Yes, but Princess Cadance doesn't normally show up to these Celebrations. They coincide with another festival they have in the Crystal Empire."
  156. >You nod your head and continue walking with her.
  157. >Speck flies circles around you.
  158. >Twilight has a very nostalgic look on her face.
  159. >"She's an amazing p0ny, Anon. You must feel absolutely blessed to have her as a friend."
  160. >You catch Speck in mid-air as she tries to pass you.
  161. >You hug her tightly as she screeches from the surprise of being captured.
  162. "I feel more than blessed, Twilight."
  163. >Speck escapes your grasp and flies off.
  165. "She makes me feel happy."
  166. >Twilight d'awws.
  167. >"Somep0ny's got a crush."
  168. >You stare at her.
  169. >You stare deep into her immortal soul.
  170. >You stare so deep, that you can see everything she's ever been through.
  171. >You can feel everything she's ever felt.
  172. >And she can feel everything you've ever felt.
  173. >Your stare could erode anything in the world into its final stages of existence.
  174. >You could crumble mountains with this stare.
  175. >Twilight starts giggling.
  176. >"Oh, I'm just teasing you, Anon."
  177. >Small horse, please.
  178. >Your heart is failing you.
  179. >"We should hurry, though. The banquet might start without us."
  180. >You highly doubt that.
  181. >Why would they start a banquet without a princess that pretty much grew up in this town?
  182. >Let alone a princess that was friends with the family that founded it.
  183. >She starts to gallop away.
  184. >You're quick to follow her.
  185. >Your thoughts can be put on the back burner.
  186. >Speck notices you running, catches up to you, and hovers at your side.
  187. >The two of you come to a halt next to Twilight as she sits in front of a very large building.
  188. >It has a carousel theme to it.
  189. "The Carousel Opera House?"
  190. >Twilight nods.
  191. >"Despite everyp0ny's differences. We were all the best of friends."
  192. >She sighs.
  193. >"Rarity was never able to bring herself to leave P0nyville."
  194. >The three of you step inside.
  195. >It's very posh in here.
  196. >It makes you feel under dressed.
  197. >Jeans, t-shirt, over-shirt.
  198. >Nah, you always look good.
  199. >"Rarity's dresses were eventually made popular, and sold by the hundred in Canterlot."
  200. >Twilight leads you and Speck to the dining hall.
  201. >"She made quite the fortune, and together with the efforts of Applejack and the Apple Family, they expanded P0nyville."
  202. >You stand outside the door, Twilight continues her story.
  203. >"Eventually, Rarity tore down her boutique and erected this Opera hall. I believe her great-great-grand-daughter is in charge of it now."
  204. >Twilight must have kept in touch with all of her friends' descendants.
  205. >It makes you wonder if Twilight ever had any children of her own.
  206. >Or if her brother did.
  207. >Wasn't he married to Princess Cadance?
  208. >You can't recall, but if that was the case, it would make sense that Twilight was the only living member of her close family.
  209. >Twilight enters the dining hall.
  210. >You and Speck follow.
  211. >A large room opens in front of you, two long tables sit side by side.
  212. >Princess Celestia sits at the head of one.
  213. >Princess Luna heads the other.
  214. >There have to be at least fifty ponies here.
  215. >And judging by their cutiemarks, over half are Apples.
  216. >There is no grand announcement of Twilight's arrival.
  217. >Simply a nod from the Princess of the Sun and the Princess of the Night.
  218. >They regard you in the same manner.
  219. >You return the gesture.
  221. >You met Celestia and Luna during your first few days of being in Equestria.
  222. >They both insisted that you move to P0nyville and befriend the citizens.
  223. >You did a horrible job of that.
  224. >But they never minded it, as long as you didn't cause trouble.
  225. >And you never did.
  226. >Twilight takes a seat by Celestia.
  227. >You and Speck take a seat by Luna.
  228. >Speck can't contain herself, and she's doing her best not to embarrass herself.
  229. >You won't give that very long to happen.
  230. >"Good afternoon, Anonymous. How are you doing?"
  231. >You shrug and take a sip of water that a waiter had brought you.
  232. "Not bad."
  233. >Luna looks to Speck.
  234. >She smiles.
  235. >Speck awkwardly smiles back.
  236. >You smell spaghetti.
  237. >"So, little bat p0ny. How did you come to meet Anon?"
  238. >Speck taps her hooves together.
  239. >You can see she's sweating.
  240. >"I, uh... He... he found me in his... his bushes."
  241. >Luna laughs heartily and places a hoof on Speck's shoulder.
  242. >One of the waiters places a plate of spaghetti in front of you.
  243. >That would explain the smell.
  244. >Speck tenses up momentarily before relaxing completely.
  245. >Any sign of her being nervous has faded.
  246. >"Please, little p0ny. There is no need to feel so uneasy around me."
  247. >Luna takes her hoof away.
  248. >Speck grins at Luna.
  249. >You lean over and whisper in Luna's ear.
  250. "What was that?"
  251. >"What was what?"
  252. "She was just acting like a scared puppy."
  253. >Luna chuckles.
  254. >"The bat p0nies are my children, in a way. I am the Princess of the Night, and they are the Children of the Night."
  255. >She looks to Speck.
  256. >"And I consider myself to be their guide, and their mother. No matter if they drink blood, or if they eat fruit."
  257. >Speck blushes, and Luna speaks up once again.
  258. >"Wherever they hang, and no matter how batty they are."
  259. >She boops Speck on the nose.
  260. >Your head is already in your hands.
  261. >The floodgates are opening.
  262. >There's nothing you can do to stop it.
  263. >Et tu, Luna?
  264. >Speck's face lights up.
  265. >She grins at you.
  266. >You can't see it, but you can feel it.
  267. >"I didn't know you liked puns, Princess! Anon loves puns!"
  268. >You groan.
  269. >"Hey, Anon, why don't you turn that frown upside down? You can't just hang around at a banquet feeling like a damp cave."
  270. >Luna giggles at this.
  271. >You turn around and tap Twilight on the shoulder.
  272. >Her and Celestia turn to you.
  273. "Do either one of you have a gun? Or a spell to make me deaf? Or better yet, just kill me?"
  274. >They shake their heads and stifle a giggle.
  276. >Luna takes a sip of her apple cider.
  277. >"Anon, you haven't touched your spaghetti."
  278. >Yeah you lost your appetite around when that first pun left Luna's mouth.
  279. "Yeah, I guess I just had a big breakfast."
  280. >"He's able to go an entire day with almost no food to go on."
  281. >You stare at Speck, trying to find the pun in her sentence.
  282. >She looks at you and smiles.
  283. >"No?"
  284. "No."
  285. >She snickers.
  286. >Luna also snickers.
  287. >Something just happened and you have no idea what.
  288. >This makes you uncomfortable.
  289. >You pick up your glass of water and your plate of spaghetti and move to the other table.
  290. >You'll sit with Twilight and Celestia.
  291. >At least they don't act crazy.
  293. >You and your hero, Princess Luna, are having fun throwing puns and jokes at each other.
  294. >She says it's been a long time since she's seen any of her bat p0nies.
  295. >She hasn't even visited Hollow Shades within the past hundred years or so.
  296. >You find that sad.
  297. >You're the first bat p0ny she's seen in so long.
  298. >It's been almost three years since you saw one.
  299. >Luna's laughter dies down as she sees you frowning.
  300. >"Does something trouble you, dear Speck?"
  301. >You nod a little bit.
  302. >"Pray, do tell."
  303. >You look across the table, past Twilight, and stare at Anon.
  304. "Are angels real?"
  305. >Luna looks away from you, her mouth slightly open.
  306. >She sighs and shakes her head, offering you a small smile.
  307. >"Some p0nies believe they are. Why do you ask?"
  308. >You rub a hoof along your neck.
  309. "My mom used to tell me stories about them. And I figured, since you've been around so long, maybe you knew?"
  310. >Luna chuckles a little and casts a glance over a Celestia.
  311. >"I'm not completely sure, Speck. I believe they did, at one point. Some p0nies say they still walk among us, though."
  312. >She turns back to face you.
  313. >"Maybe you'll meet one, someday."
  314. >You smile threatens to rip you face in half.
  315. >You can't contain the happiness you feel from Luna's words.
  316. >She giggles lightly before excusing herself.
  318. >You are now Anon.
  319. >Luna and Celestia have been discussing the need to prepare for the ceremony for about half an hour now.
  320. >Twilight excused herself from the banquet a short while earlier.
  321. >The two remaining princesses excuse themselves, and the hall dies down.
  322. >The banquet itself wasn't too bad.
  323. >The food was good, the p0nies were nice.
  324. >You met a good portion of the Apple family.
  325. >Good, honest p0nies.
  326. >You'll have to pay them a visit sometime.
  327. >You look across the table.
  328. >Speck is still sitting in the same spot, eating her fruit salad.
  329. >You go and sit beside her.
  330. >She smiles at you.
  331. >It's a very small smile.
  332. >But you can tell there's something on her mind.
  333. "We should probably go to the ceremony."
  334. >She nods and finishes up her fruit.
  335. >She leans against you as the two of you head out of the opera house.
  336. >She's acting weird, but you choose to ignore it.
  337. >The rest of the day is going to be fun.
  338. >You look up at the clock tower.
  339. >2PM.
  340. >Plenty of time to partake in festivities.
  341. >Speck leads you off deeper into the town to go play some of the games that were already set up.
  343. >Time flies, you and her help set more booths and events up.
  344. >You see neither hide nor tail of the three princesses for the rest of the day.
  345. >Speck starts to get tired around when the clock tower chimes 10PM.
  346. >You figure it would be a good idea to get some rest before the festival really begins.
  347. >You and your bat p0ny head back home to get some rest.
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