
Tweet Me Your Thoughts

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. I find it funny that a few people have written books about LulzSec and Anonymous. Way to cash in, ye fringe leeches.
  3. If all the reporters who wrote about these incidents actually contributed to the defense funds of the accused, it'd be better. If those guys and gals hadn't gotten arrested, you wouldn't have a story to sell. You'd be sitting around searching for your next hit.
  5. Ethically, you owe all of your profit to their defense. And ethically, that money should go to the victims if convicted.
  7. The security firms who got hacked are still in business in spite of their gross incompetence and in many cases criminal negligence. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them actually PROFITED from LulzSec and Anonymous wreaking havoc. It's like free-pentesting + restitution.
  9. As for the damage caused: If you paid your IT guys, and your IT actually did what they were paid to do, you would have been fine. Very few 0days involved anywhere.
  11. And no, the answer isn't pumping more money into the security industry. If anything we need to gut the profitability of whitehat hacking. It makes kids (myself included) try to help people without knowing the risks because exploit code is more readily available than legal advice (which costs money most young people lack).
  13. Hold your sysadmins accountable. My boss would hold me accountable if our databases got dumped by a 15 year-old script-kiddie. Were you paying someone to secure your shit, and they neglected to patch it for several years after many exploits were published? Fire them!
  15. Y'know what my biggest mistake was? Thinking that morals and principles mattered for shit with our government. This story of Jeremy Hammond's judge being married to a Stratfor victim and throwing the book at him? Par for the fucking course.
  17. I want to write a book. I might mention LulzSec and/or Anonymous (if I do, the profits will go to their legal defenses-- because unlike some people, I actually have a shred of common fucking decency to call my own). I might not.
  19. I'm curious what Twitter thinks. I'm curious what the public at large thinks.
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