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Nov 29th, 2017
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  1. Joy to the world, my intern’s dead!
  2. I just caved in her head!
  3. She said she tell my wife
  4. So I ended her life
  5. And now she can’t tell a soul!
  6. And now she can’t tell a soul!
  7. Aaaaaaaaand now she can’t tell a soul!
  8. Joy to the world, my intern’s gone!
  9. Where did it go wrong?
  10. If went from hugs and kisses
  11. To “I’m gonna tell the Mrs.”
  12. And so the bitch had to die,
  13. And so the bitch had to die.
  14. And sooooooo the bitch she had to die.
  16. (to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
  17. He has his own show on MSNBC
  18. Every morning with co-host Mika B.
  19. But do you remember,
  20. When Joe was a Congress member?
  21. Lori the fresh-faced intern
  22. Used to work for Scarborough
  23. Back when he was in Congress
  24. And looking for a cute side-ho
  25. She was naïve and smitten
  26. With her handsome new boyfriend
  27. But Lori didn’t realize
  28. Just how their affair would end.
  29. Then one balmy summer night,
  30. Lori heard Joe say:
  31. “I can’t let you tell my wife.”
  32. Then he snapped and took her life.
  33. Then Joe retired from Congress
  34. To “spend more time with family.”
  35. But we all know the reason
  36. Is cuz he murdered poor Lori.
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