
dusk: all ive got so far

Jul 20th, 2012
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  1. Dusk, that time in between light and dark. The time we wish would never have to end, but the sun has to fade from view eventually leaving us under the care of the midnight sonata. A mix of crying cicadas and soft bird calls fills the air, their song left to allure us and gently whisk us away to sleep. But this night the sonata stopped short, the cries drowned out by the sirens of a fire truck and the screams of a rabid flame.
  2. The house is a total loss, the remote location the cause of its utter demise, the mountainside home placed miles away from civilization left the small gap between waking up to the panic of a smoke detector and the eventual sight of a fire truck to grow into a almost infinite abyss.
  3. The location choice seemed simple many years ago, away from the city it made an ideal spot to build a cabin and settle in to live off the land; but that was over 140 years ago, times change and civilization becomes more important than ever. The prospect of living off the land is just an American dream surrounded by the mist of reality.
  4. The cause of the fire: frayed electrical wire probably left to its own demise by the elements and age, although the wire’s insulated coating and connections showed no signs of damage besides being charred. Strange how nature seems to target individual aspects while leaving physical and logical fallacies in place to make our minds wonder and our imaginations go wild with possible explanations. Although the house burned to the ground in a roaring fire that not even the fire department could contain none of the plant life nor surrounding area showed any signs of damage.
  5. Two ambulances on site, one for a wounded firefighter, claims he was pushed down the stairs while trying to escort the family from the home even though everyone was already evacuated and the only thing still in motion were the flames that danced around him. The second was on sight to tend to the family who all sustained minor burns and wounds, aside from the emotional scarring left to be slowly treated over time through heavy counseling.
  6. The Jameson family, a small family. Tom Jameson, an aspiring architect obsessed with the decayed architecture of nature taking over, stood staring as the flames danced along the woodwork of his home, both terrified and mesmerized. His wife Brittany, a loving housewife and studying historian always ready to help Tom research his next trip into the unknown of the abandoned, sat in the ambulance watching as the firefighters attempted to douse the flames; a failing effort but one that gave her hope into recover some of her belongings and family mementos. And finally their son Jack, a 19 years old aspiring artist with a knack for urban exploration and photography who just sat next to the ambulance her mother was in just watching his father as he stared lifelessly into the fire.
  7. They all said they saw something that night, a tall man easily reaching the 8 foot height mark. His appearance that of a slender gentlemen, his clothing dark as night. He watched from the tree line they said, just standing there slowly fading in and out of view as they tried to focus upon him. During counseling that’s all they could discuss was this "tall man", slowly grasping onto the idea that he was only a hallucination caused by the oxygen deprivation and exhaustion of the fire.
  8. Out of the corner of their eyes they saw him, like an unrelenting shadow, a blur. Never close enough to be in focus, yet never far enough to blend in. Their dreams haunted, their lives changed. First the fire, now the "tall man." How could things become anymore odd?
  9. Chapter 1
  10. The Fog
  11. It's been six months since the fire, yet their memories still let the flames flourish and dance within them. They found a new house, similar location, but a lot newer and easier to access from the main roads. A single story brick ranch, built out of stone directly into the mountainside. It's design unique, a geothermal vent provides the home with much of its heat, and a hot water spring provides the house with constant fresh running water.
  12. The house, an architectural wet dream, was one of a kind. It had two entrances, the large front door that rested along the mountainside, and the underground garage that served as an emergency escape route in case of a landslide or fire. Two bedrooms, one on each side of the entrance both with picture windows roughly 7 feet off the ground adorning the mountainside. Two bathrooms, one on each side, both identical. Two spare rooms built into offices and a dining area. And two stairways on both sides of the house down into the garage, meant to house two cars. A large entrance way leading into the central living area with a hallway branching down each side leading to the bedrooms and bathrooms, and a kitchen in the back that had entrances into the home office and dining areas.
  13. Everything seemed like it was getting back to normal, the therapy helped a lot and Tom was planning his next big exploration trip. Brittany was back to attending classes and studying hard to finish early. Jack helped his father out and planned to accompany his father on their next trip.
  14. "Just another day," Jack scoffed as he threw his backpack over his shoulder and made his way to his car. The morning air was refreshing, although thick with a fog not unusual this deep into the mountains of Colorado. Jack was always the loner in school, turning more towards his photography than his social skills or education. His morning drive taking an hour and a half to reach the small town nestled nearby making his arrival to school nearly fifteen minutes late. He drug himself into class lazily taking his seat.
  15. "Well Jack it's good to see you've shown up for class today, now where was - oh yes, today we're going to start something new, instead of studying the way fear affects the brain… We're going to start a study on cryptids and the way the human mind can perceive and misinterpret information and convince itself something impossible would otherwise exist," The professor begins to ramble on, " For example let us look at the most easily identifiable example Bigfoot. A cryptid that has "alluded" discovery and capture since first being reported, yet to this day remains a highly sought after specimen. Most examples of bigfoot are blurry photos with a large bipedal humanoid standing around 8 feet tall, always in the woods or along a wooded area. His posture slumped, his fur dark. A lot of these same characteristics are shared by the average black bear standing on its hind legs. But when the brain cannot recognize what it is looking at or the conditions are suboptimal for the human eye our perception can be warped and our mind begins to act and perceive irrationally."
  16. As the professor rambles Jack lazily takes down notes, occasionally breaking to make small stick drawings and doodles in the free spaces. His pencil guided by an unknown force, sketching and sketching until his train of thought lost among the doodles. His focus continues to fall upon the stick figure in the top right corner, long arms, long legs, multiple fingers easily longer than the hands. The figure has no identifiable features, no clothing. Just a smooth slender creature who sits crouched on all fours.
  17. His focus becomes solely the creature in the corner, adding more and more intricate and miniscule details before finally he flips the page and begins to sketch another. Page after page the collection of drawings grows, finally ending with his notebook becoming a flipbook animation of the creature's crawling shamble across the page towards an faux escape of the edge of the page eventually hitting its end with it staring directly out of the notebook, two blank completely black sclera just looking listlessly towards its artist.
  18. Class goes by, with most of the lecture overlooked besides the assignment. "Take any cryptid of your choice and write an article describing it and its function, then compare it to a possible real world explanation and what causes the brain to misinterpret the two." Seems easy enough, Jack thinks as he packs his bag, taking one last look at the drawing he made before placing the notebook neatly on top.
  19. The drive home is boring, not much Colorado scenery to be taken in awe when coated in a thick fog only broken by the occasional passing car and the tree lines that separate the roads from the mountains and valleys. Upon arrival Jack notices the garage door shut and a note placed on the door.
  20. " Sorry Jack, the door motor broke. Dad's on his way back with a new one." - Mom
  21. "Great," thought jack as he pulls the car off to the side leaving the path to the garage open for his father. Getting out and preparing to walk Jack looks towards the long forest path twisting and winding up towards the house, only stopping short due to the wall of fog. His vision poor, maybe 15 feet in front of him, much shorter than the 237 foot path he has to take to arrive at his front door.
  22. His footsteps echo through the quiet forest, even the birds have gone silent. Such an anomaly puts Jack into a state of discomfort. His walk stiff and his breathing light, the forest seems to becoming one with the fog around him. Before long the trees just outside of his vision seem to dance and move around freely.
  23. "Oh come on," Jack says to himself whilst forcing his posture and breathing into a state of relaxation. "They're just fucking tre-."
  24. His sentence cut short by a soft gurgle and some childlike laughter, his walk speeds up and his relaxed state gives way to a mentality of full on paranoia. The laughter growing louder and the shadows within the fog grow more numerous and move around him more erratically.
  25. Jack's breathing unsteady and his feet slipping he takes a fall into the forest path, as the laughter grows it’s numerous cackles and the creatures in the shadows swarm over him, what seems like dozens pin him to the ground, mostly featureless besides their size they resemble what was once small children. Their skin pale and sclera black and reflective, clothing ragged and hair disheveled and filled with dirt. His screams exit his mouth as silent shrills as they begin to tear apart his torso and rip the flesh from his body
  26. His eyes slowly open, revealing to him his front door, his clothing disheveled and his head pounding. The fog still around him, yet beginning to fade away. The birds calling and the sounds of animals in the distance relieve him of his nervous state.
  27. "The fuck just happened?" He ponders while recollecting his encounter as he approaches the door shrugging it off. "Must've fell and hit my head."
  28. He slides the front door open to find his mother lounging on the couch only to spring up and run towards him upon noticing his grizzly appearance.
  29. "Oh god, what happened Jack?" She shouts. "Your head is covered in blood!"
  30. "Huh?" Jack mumbles as he feels his head and brings his blood soaked hand back into his vision. "I-I think I feel out there. Don't remember anything after getting back to the garage and reading the note."
  31. "What note?" She worryingly questions.
  32. "The one about the garage door. You know, the one that said the door motor was broke or something." He says as he makes his way to the kitchen and turns the sink on and tests the waters temperature. "You wrote it, it was signed by you."
  33. Jack places his head under the running faucet and begins to wash the blood from his hair revealing a large gash going extending over the majority of his scalp.
  34. "Oh god Jack, we got to get you to the hospital!" Brittany hurriedly states as she grabs her purse and jacks coat. "C'mon, that gash is huge and still bleeding."
  35. She slides open the soundproof door to the small office causing Tom to give her a look of disbelief as he continues he conference call.
  36. "Tom, you're going to have to finish that later. Jack's hurt bad c'mon we got to get to the hospital." Brittany whispers quickly before going back into the kitchen to find Jack slumped against the counter drifting in and out of consciousness.
  37. "Jack wake up!" she raises her voice. " You know sleeping on a concussion is really bad for you."
  38. Jack still in a daze stands up and stumbles slightly and wraps his arm around his mother. He looks down at her and gives a soft smile before mumbling, "I'll be ok, let's get going ok."
  39. Brittany nods as she helps Jack walk to the stairway going down, following a short distance behind is Tom who ended his call abruptly upon hearing her and Jack begin to walk towards the stairs to go down.
  40. "You ready to go down?" she asks while looking at Jack intently, He height dwarfed in comparison to her 6'2" son, only being 5'3" herself.
  41. With a soft nod and a look back towards his father who lets out a slight grimace at the sight of Jacks gash, " Yeah lets go."
  42. They all quickly make their way down the 2 sets of stairs into the overly bright 3 car garage, Jack's old Civic still laying outside the front of the garage leaving one space empty, the other two occupied by a 2007 Mercury Mariner and a 2001 Toyota Celica.
  43. Carrying Jack along Tom helps Jack into the Mariner and all climb inside leaving Brittany to accelerate the SUV like a bat out of hell. The sounds of the motor echo through the garage as the approaches the garage door which opens smoothly exposing the fluorescent lighting to the brightness of the mid-afternoon sun. Jack's car sits off to the side, passenger door slightly ajar, the lights on and upholstery torn to shreds.
  44. "Oh god Jack, are you sure you weren't assaulted?" Tom questions as he gets out and begins to dial 911. "You guys go I'm going to stay behind as wait for the police."
  45. "Jack wake up!" Britt shouts as she nods at Tom and begins to speed off towards town. " C'mon Jack you have to stay awake."
  46. "Mom, you know that the doctors will tell me to sleep on it right," Jack slurs as he smiles and looks out the window of his vehicle towards his father who seems to be throwing a hellacious fit before looking up towards his mother who is attentively watching the curving mountain road ahead of her before closing his eyes as she lets out a long sigh.
  47. "Alright Jack time to get up," Brit says giving his shoulder a light shake. "We're here."
  48. Jack opens his eyes as a emergency room worker stand patiently outside the vehicle grasping on the handles of a wheelchair. Climbing up from the passenger side rear seat he stumbles slightly but his balance is regained by the help of his mother.
  49. Upon being wheeled in the bright hospital lights slightly stun Jack, his headache worsened by the fluorescent tubes dangling overhead. The hospital is small yet still full of the most modern medical technology available. The nurses patient, the doctors some of the best. It seems to perfect and puts jack on edge. "Something just feels wrong here," he thinks looking around at the minimalistic overly hygienic rooms.
  50. Room 14, last one in the ER, only one door leads from the hallway outside to the critical care unit. "Isolation," Jack ponders. "Is my head wound really that bad?"
  51. His tests go normally, well as normally as one with a gash on his head and slight memory loss would go. His bed a plain white hospital bed, the walls a drab olive green and polka dotted in white. Various medical devices line the rooms walls and floors, making it seem a mess compared to the sanitary and organized arrangement of the rest of the hospital. The building is fairly new with posters commemorating its history dating only back to 1993.
  52. "Alright, the wound is light although he did suffer heavy blood loss," The nurse speaks firmly whilst reading over her medical papers. "The doctor wishes for him to stay overnight for observation, to be sure his head injury hasn't caused any internal damage."
  53. Jack too heavily medicated and in a heavy daze is left to his mothers answers, " That'll be fine, just make sure he's well taken care of."
  54. "Great," Jack thinks, unable to conjure up the voice to disagree vocally. His eyes grow heavy and his thoughts befuddled before he drifts off into a heavy sleep.
  55. Chapter 2
  56. [REDACTED]
  57. The bleak darkness fills Jack's mind, haunting him, reminding him. Nightmares, whether caused by repressed memories or the anesthesia are all Jack knows anymore. The darkness slowly begins to fade into a deep misty fog, bright flickering orange and red lights dot the distance. A shrill childlike laughter fills the air. Looking around provides nothing but more bleak fog and prevailing shadows in his peripherals quickly darting away as he tries to focus them into his line of sight. A soft humming noises reverberates through the fog, echoing as if contained within a large chasm.
  58. "Wh-where am I?" Jack asks nervously as he looks around trying to regain his bearing but only resulting in further confusion.
  59. The shadows of his peripheral begin to surround him before slowly fading away revealing a large shadowy figure. Jack stood there mesmerized by the figure, frozen between a mix of fear, confusion, and downright curiosity. The figures appearance was questionable and hard to make out behind the thin fog. Standing a good two feet taller than jack yet remained just as thin. Its face a blank white veil, no defining features whatsoever. Arms easily reaching a length of four feet hang from his side, and long black tentacle like appendages reach out from his back freely whipping around behind him.
  60. The creature leans in towards Jack, its skin resembling a white burlap and its body covered in a finely tailored black suit. Jack tries to speak but the words fall silent as they exit his lips.
  61. "We have much to discuss young one," the creatures states whilst pulling Jack into the fog around him which dissipates into a solid darkness only broken by a soft glow below.
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