

Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad walked in through the front doors dragging his rolling dufflebag behind him after getting out of the airport car that took them back home. He'd packed most of the souvenirs he was bringing back from Florida, but insisted on holding the wand he'd gotten from Olivander's shop because he was fucking stoked about and had been mimicking spells at Connor the entire way home. Children. "Make sure you get everything out of the car. We don't want to have to call them tomorrow that you left something behind."-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was helping Connor double check to make sure that he'd gotten all of his things out. Rather she was making sure because Connor was waving his wand back at Brad, making pew pew noises instead of spells. She had a hold of their carry on bag and Connor's travel backpack which was now packed with stuff. She was exhausted, and she new Connor was going to be a pill tonight because he didn't nap on the flight at all. // " Dad, ...Dad! Wait, Stop, Just let me hit you once." Connor said making pew noises as he got closer to him.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Brad moved backwards away from Connor's waving wand trying to avoid the line of fire that didnt actually exist. "Why would I let you hit me once? You're a big kid and big kids can win on their own, right?" He asked sort of for verification, but was totally setting him up to agree with him as he jumped away and waved his wand at Connor. "Aguamenti!"-
  4. Covet: Kelsey took a deep breath as she listened to the two of them trying to drown them out as she walked in the doors. // Connor frowned, "Because that's fair, and I don't know the spells. Dad... Stop. Just let me do it one time." He said clearly getting whiney, right before he threw his wand down and crossed his arm together because now he was mad.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Ey... come on. Momma paid for that wand for you. Don't throw it on the ground. Now pick it up." He said in a bit more of a stern voice, dropping the childish behavior to be a dad for a minute. He gestured to the wand on the ground with his own as a sort of pointer before looking to Kelsey. "Right?"-
  6. Covet: Kelsey sighed and looked at the two of them, " I really don't have the energy for this tonight." She told them as she bent over to pick up Connor's wand because she didn't intend to agitate him further. Jokes on her you can't predict a five year old. // Connor ran up to Kelsey and tried to pull his wand back, causing her to drop the carry on back. " No, I was supposed to pick it up, it's mine, give it back, Momma "
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Take it easy, Little Man. She's trying to help you." He leaned down to pick up the carry on bag she'd dropped, swinging it over his shoulder and eliminating his free hand to do spell casting with. "Apologize."-
  8. Covet: "Connor! Knock it off, that is unacceptable behavior." She told him sternly, " I know you're tired, but you need to to check your attitude right now, before we get inside. // He looked between the two of them and pouted then he started crying entirely, his arms still crossed across his chest. "But Momma, Dad wouldn't let me hit him with a spell. I just wanted one time. But he wouldn't let me. I'm sorry!"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "And it's an important lesson to learn that you can't always win. Sometimes there will people better at casting spells than you and it will only make you work harder and practice more so you can get better at casting spells too." Sure Brad. Something like that. He stepped forward farther into the building, shifting the bag in his hand. "There's no crying in baseball. Now let's get inside so we can get you ready for bed. You have school tomorrow."-
  10. Covet: "But spells aren't even real , and you're a big person which means you're supposed to let me win sometimes." Connor frowned at him as he followed them in, "I'm not even tired yet." He said, but he definitely was." // "Connor, enough. It's just a game it doesn't matter, Bradley's right, it's time for bed, you need to get your pajamas on and your teeth brushed." Kelsey told him sternly in her mom voice.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was now going to let Kelsey handle this because she was in the mom place and he knew better than to barge into that. Dragging their belongings further into the dorms, he stopped in front of her door, waiting for the two. "And I have a phone meeting in the morning."-
  12. Covet: "Phone meeting for?" Kelsey asked as she grabbed Connor's hand and forced him to walk in with them, heading into her Dorm. She wasn't even going to feed into Connor's attitude at this point // Connor pulled and started to whine but really there was nothing he could do. When she let go of him once they were in her dorm, he flopped to the floor and just laid there making a steady whining noise. For as good of a kid as he normally was, Kelsey hated when he got like this.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Brad intentionally ignored Connor because he wasnt going to coddle him or pay the whining temper tantrum any mind because thats how kids get used to winning with that kind of behavior. Stepping inside the room, he set Connor's bag down on the floor next to the couch, turning to look at Kelsey. "With some producer guy. I dont even remember his name right now. He emailed me about some sort of contractual agreement of working together. Nancy said it probably wasnt a good idea, but to at least humor him and listen."-
  14. Covet: "Why wouldn't it be a good idea?" Kelsey asked as she picked up Connor by an arm and a leg, dragging him over to the bed, where he kicked and flailed about. She just carried on going about getitng his PJ's out and started to get him changed. " He's not someone important to what we're doing is he?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Because being locked into a contract at this stage for me, is not a good thing. Kinda means I have no freedom to work without roping him in, and he with me. And considering the fact that I've had jobs rolling in without him, I don't know if I want to do that." He said with a shrug, watching Kelsey and Connor. "Nancy seemed to agree with me on it."-
  16. Covet: " Ah, that makes sense. Why be in contract with someone if you're doing just fine on your own. I'd hate for you to limit your creativity." Kelsey told him, talking calmly while she wrangled with Connor. She got the kid changed out of his clothes almost like she was a pro in the kid wrangling rodeo.
  17. Alexithymiaa: (Misread. Thought Kelsey was strangling Connor.)
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Exactly." He saaid with a nod as he watched her be a fucking boss. "Why don't you go get your teeth brushes for bed, kid?" He asked Connor in a more gentle tone, crossing his arms over his chest. "So yeah, that's happening in the morning. Maybe I can make a contact out of it at least."-
  19. Covet: [XD lmao nooooo she's not Jason]
  20. Covet: " Go on, get your toothbrush." She told Connor once she had him situated, picking up his dirty clothes, tossing them into the hamper. She gave Bradley and exhausted look as she pushed her hair out of her face. "Somedays... " She said then nodded, "Yeah that could be benefitial at least, For down the road if something comes up."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Never know. Im keeping my options open." He waited until Connor had run off to brush his teeth before stepping into Kelsey, looping an arm around her waist. "Do you want to put him to bed and then I can show you all the spells I learned with my wand?" He asked, a smug grin crossing his lips.-
  22. Covet: Kelsey laughed at him as he pulled her in and fed her that cheesy line. She rolled her eyes, " Provided you don't expect an over active audience, sure." She said to him catering to his dorkiness, while waiting for Connor to return.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I think I can manage that." He said as he laughed, leaning his face into hers to kiss her lips. "Meet you over in my room in a little while?"-
  24. Covet: "Mhhm." she kissed him back watching him leave, and got Connor tucked into bed before she made her way over to his dorm, aka the sex pad.
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