
Technical: We need to talk

Nov 7th, 2020
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  1. please please if you care about the
  2. future of this channel
  3. as well as my twitch please i beg of you
  4. please watch this video in its entirety
  5. i wanted to record an unscripted
  6. likely unedited video well there's gonna
  7. be
  8. gd gameplay in the background but
  9. unedited unscripted
  10. recording about my inactivity on youtube
  11. as well as streaming because i know
  12. that it's been a very long time since
  13. i've been
  14. active on youtube on twitch and most
  15. importantly
  16. in geometry dash so i wanted to address
  17. everything
  18. and basically just tell you where i'm at
  19. um i guess it can simply be put as
  20. uh the fact that i just have not been
  21. interested in geometry dash
  22. in a very long time i think the last
  23. time i was genuinely interested
  24. was when i was verifying ocular miracle
  25. and that was back in mid-june
  26. which is i'd say i think it was four
  27. months ago
  28. four and a half months ago something
  29. like that um
  30. i really just have not had the same
  31. drive to
  32. play the game as i once did i mean the
  33. last time i beat
  34. an extreme demon that wasn't a
  35. verification was spectrum cyclone which
  36. was three and a half months ago or
  37. something like that
  38. and i guess you could pin the blame on
  39. multiple things i
  40. basically i think the main thing you can
  41. blame
  42. is my growing interest in a little game
  43. called mario kart 8 deluxe
  44. and as some of you may know i
  45. have been time trialling a bunch of
  46. tracks mainly rainbow road
  47. where i got the world record four times
  48. in total
  49. and it's just been a really enjoyable
  50. thing for me to do just time trialling
  51. all the tracks in that game
  52. has been something i've truly enjoyed
  53. for
  54. months and months now and honestly
  55. i just it's kind of made me forget about
  56. gd a little bit
  57. and in all honesty that's kind of sad
  58. because
  59. i used to love this game more than
  60. anything
  61. and it this game has given me so much
  62. in life and it's helped me especially
  63. with the people that i've met
  64. and just playing the game in general has
  65. helped me as a human being
  66. and i really wish i could find that same
  67. enjoyment in playing extreme demons
  68. again
  69. as well as even recording content like i
  70. can't i can barely think of ideas
  71. i can barely bring myself to stream
  72. content i'll get to that in just a
  73. second
  74. but overall my interest in gd has just
  75. kind of died almost entirely at this
  76. point
  77. that's not to say i'm quitting because
  78. i'm not i don't
  79. ever want to just quit unless something
  80. actually happens but right now
  81. i just am not interested in the game in
  82. any like to any capacity
  83. i hope that sometime soon this changes
  84. and i start doing things again
  85. but i can't promise you anything
  86. about um my lack of interest to stream
  87. and make content has just simply been
  88. because my personal life has changed
  89. drastically in the last
  90. month or so um i talked about this
  91. in the extreme demons at faster speeds
  92. video
  93. um very briefly but not all that often
  94. or not all that much i should say
  95. um it's just simply because of the fact
  96. that my personal life has changed
  97. um i have moved several times in the
  98. last
  99. year it's taken a huge toll on me
  100. physically
  101. mentally and emotionally um
  102. i got into another relationship in
  103. august late august um i
  104. really really want to put time into this
  105. one um
  106. i mean that's not to say i didn't want
  107. to put time into the other ones i had
  108. but i feel like i need to treat
  109. the one that i'm with with you know
  110. enough
  111. respect um to where our relationship can
  112. actually
  113. thrive and exist pretty much
  114. i really want to focus just on my
  115. personal life that's one of them
  116. uh school work i want to focus on i have
  117. made the decision that i will likely be
  118. going to college
  119. this coming august september um i wasn't
  120. sure before but
  121. i've decided that i'm probably going to
  122. be applying and trying to get into
  123. college
  124. for 2021
  125. and it's just kind of been on my mind a
  126. lot i've been
  127. focusing a lot more on school work so
  128. it's that's also taking a lot of time
  129. away
  130. um i've been trying to figure out
  131. like where i'm actually applying because
  132. i need to do that soon
  133. i'm taking sats pretty soon as well just
  134. a bunch of personal life things that
  135. don't even give me that much time to
  136. play
  137. games at all anymore and this just came
  138. up a
  139. few weeks ago not even that recently
  140. well it's pretty recent but
  141. not even that long ago this has come up
  142. but
  143. it's the reason why i literally went
  144. three weeks in between uploads between
  145. trying the challenge list as well as
  146. extreme dooms at faster speeds there
  147. were three weeks in between those and
  148. it's now been a week and a half since
  149. that video
  150. and yeah i don't have content i mean i
  151. have content i have a video finished
  152. that will be up sometime next week
  153. so you can look forward to that however
  154. after that i don't have anything
  155. and this brings me to my next point
  156. um don't be surprised if i upload non-gd
  157. content because again
  158. i really have not been enjoying gd all
  159. too much
  160. as of late so don't be surprised if you
  161. see
  162. content from many other games i have a
  163. lot of games that i want to create
  164. content on
  165. it's just a matter of thinking of ideas
  166. and executing them
  167. and getting them edited into a video
  168. some games you can see content on are
  169. mario kart
  170. obviously i said that before among us is
  171. pretty big i find that game pretty fun
  172. you could see some on that despite its
  173. decline
  174. fall guys is another game that i could
  175. return to and enjoy
  176. and make content on and yeah
  177. just all i ask of you if you genuinely
  178. care
  179. please please please give these streams
  180. and these videos
  181. a shot even if you're subbed to me just
  182. for gd i beg of you please at least
  183. attempt to give them a shot
  184. and honestly this is for
  185. a couple reasons for one um i genuinely
  186. enjoy
  187. streaming i really do um even
  188. despite everything i've said in this
  189. video i genuinely enjoy streaming
  190. and making content and doing youtube i
  191. really really do enjoy it
  192. um but
  193. it would just hurt to just kind of see a
  194. huge decline because i
  195. unfortunately lost interest in a certain
  196. game that i played for
  197. that i've been playing for years and
  198. years now since 2014 pretty much
  199. and uh it would it would just hurt to
  200. see things just take a
  201. just take a massive toll on my growth as
  202. a streamer and a youtuber
  203. uh without gd videos i mean you'll still
  204. see gd videos and streams
  205. obviously like i i said before that i'm
  206. not quitting
  207. like at all i far from it probably but
  208. just don't be surprised if there are a
  209. lot of
  210. uh non-gd uploads and streams on twitch
  211. um in the coming weeks months maybe even
  212. years we'll see about that um
  213. there are a couple of things i want to
  214. talk about um one of them
  215. has to do they they both have to do with
  216. me personally like as a human being
  217. and what i'm going through and what i've
  218. been like um the first thing i want to
  219. talk about is
  220. uh my current financial state
  221. and this is a hard thing for me to talk
  222. about
  223. um so
  224. recently um to accommodate for my mom's
  225. job as well as my schooling
  226. we moved back to where we were before we
  227. moved in june
  228. about an hour away from where we
  229. currently are and were
  230. the issue with this is that our current
  231. place our current apartment costs more
  232. than what we were
  233. living in uh for the summer and this
  234. puts us in
  235. a very very very very very tricky
  236. situation financially
  237. my mom does not currently make enough to
  238. support the bills as well as the
  239. apartment
  240. so i am stepping in and using
  241. a lot of the money that i make from
  242. twitch and on youtube
  243. to help support us and keep us
  244. financially stable
  245. and this is what has concerned me the
  246. most about going inactive
  247. because going inactive means i don't
  248. make revenue i don't make money
  249. which means it's going to be a lot
  250. harder to keep us stable
  251. so it's been really concerning for me um
  252. to uh be going inactive and you know
  253. needing to help out with keeping us
  254. stable
  255. and i feel like there's more i want to
  256. say about that but i feel like that's
  257. just the gist of it i don't really need
  258. to go any further
  259. it's just we're struggling financially
  260. and without my youtube and streaming
  261. revenue
  262. we would not be living in our current
  263. place
  264. um the other one i want to talk about is
  265. my
  266. uh increasingly bad
  267. mental and emotional state as of late
  268. um this has been for so many reasons
  269. um a lot of it has to do with
  270. self-confidence in myself
  271. um now i might be making a mistake
  272. sharing this information on the internet
  273. but i want to be open with you guys and
  274. i want you to know what i'm going
  275. through
  276. as a human being outside of youtube and
  277. streaming and what you see
  278. on your screens i've been struggling
  279. mentally and emotionally as of late and
  280. it's main it's a lot of it's due to my
  281. self-confidence but there's a lot of
  282. other tiny things that just all bottle
  283. up into one
  284. giant mental and emotional blockage
  285. for me and it's kept me from doing so
  286. much that i want to do
  287. especially online and
  288. that i feel like that's a big reason why
  289. i just don't have any drive to do
  290. anything
  291. i now this being said
  292. i will do my absolute
  293. best and i promise you i will try
  294. my best to make a better effort
  295. to stream and put content out
  296. i really really will for you guys and
  297. honestly i know this sounds super
  298. selfish but also for myself so i can
  299. keep my family stable
  300. uh financially um but
  301. i really really really will try to
  302. pick my activity up and keep things
  303. going
  304. because i really really don't want to
  305. lose what i have and what we have
  306. as a community
  307. however do not be surprised if i do go
  308. on several day to week bouts of
  309. inactivity either on twitch
  310. and or on youtube do just don't be
  311. surprised because
  312. this will happen again if i do end up
  313. picking up my tip
  314. picking my activity back up this will
  315. end up happening again
  316. at some point so uh
  317. i think that's all i had to say um
  318. again just inactivity because of mental
  319. state
  320. uh financially struggling focusing on
  321. personal life
  322. and just an overall uninterest
  323. in geometry dash that i
  324. am trying to pick back up and
  325. uh help my i'm trying to help myself
  326. uh with everything so um if you did
  327. watch this video and its entirety
  328. i really really do appreciate it i
  329. really really do appreciate you taking
  330. the time
  331. to um listen to everything i had to say
  332. even though this was unscripted i may
  333. have gone
  334. all over the place but if you really did
  335. watch this entire video i really really
  336. really really really appreciate you
  337. uh at least giving enough of a to
  338. listen to me ramble about uh
  339. everything that's been going on um
  340. anyway
  341. thanks for watching thanks for listening
  342. uh
  343. i love you guys i will see you in the
  344. next video or stream
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