

Feb 20th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. # Bijus
  2. command /Bijuu [<text>] [<text>]:
  3. permission: Bijuu
  4. cooldown: 300 seconds
  5. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 300 segundos.
  6. trigger:
  7. if arg 1 contains "Reparar":
  8. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Bijuu.%player%} to false
  9. send "&aReparar Aplicado!"
  10. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  11. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Bijuu.%player%} is true:
  12. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Bijuu de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  13. else:
  14. set {Invocacion.Prefijo.%player%} to arg-2
  15. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &3Ataque Rapido &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &5Bijudama"
  16. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Bijuu} to paper named "&cEliminar Bijuu"
  17. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Bijuu} to player
  18. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu} to player
  19. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Bijuu.%player%} to true
  20. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Bijuu.%player%} to true
  21. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&c%arg-2% %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  22. spawn citizen {_npcsombra} at location of player
  23. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  24. wait 1 tick
  25. set {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  27. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  28. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  29. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  30. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "%arg-2%"
  31. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 400
  32. heal citizen {_npcid}
  33. apply speed 8 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  34. apply strength 9 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  35. apply resistance 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  36. apply regeneration 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  37. on right click:
  38. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu}:
  39. if player is sneaking:
  40. if targeted entity is set:
  41. if name of targeted entity is "&c%{Invocacion.Prefijo.%player%}% %player%":
  42. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  43. stop
  44. else:
  45. if {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%} is not set:
  46. set {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%} to 0
  47. if {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%} is less than 1:
  48. set {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%} to 10
  49. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  50. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to location of target
  51. make player damage target by 2
  52. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Ataque Rapido!" to player
  53. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Ataque Rapido!" to target
  54. while {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%} is more than 0:
  55. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%}
  56. wait 1 second
  57. else:
  58. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  59. stop
  60. else:
  61. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  62. on left click:
  63. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Bijuu}:
  64. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%}
  65. delete {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%player%}
  66. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%}
  67. delete {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%}
  68. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Bijuu} from player's inventory
  69. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu} from player's inventory
  70. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Bijuu.%player%} to false
  71. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Bijuu.%player%} to true
  72. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu}:
  73. if player is sneaking:
  74. if targeted entity is set:
  75. if name of targeted entity is "&c%{Invocacion.Prefijo.%player%}% %player%":
  76. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  77. stop
  78. else:
  79. if {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%} is not set:
  80. set {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%} to 0
  81. if {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%} is less than 1:
  82. set {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%} to 150
  83. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  84. make player damage target by 35
  85. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Bijudama!" to player
  86. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Bijudama!" to target
  87. while {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%} is more than 0:
  88. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%}
  89. wait 1 second
  90. else:
  91. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.Bijudama.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  92. stop
  93. else:
  94. if targeted entity is set:
  95. if name of targeted entity is "&c%{Invocacion.Prefijo.%player%}% %player%":
  96. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  97. stop
  98. else:
  99. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  100. on death:
  101. loop all players:
  102. if name of victim contains "&c%{Invocacion.Prefijo.%loop-player%}% %loop-player%":
  103. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Bijuu.%loop-player%} is true:
  104. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%loop-player%}
  105. delete {Invocacion.AtaqueRapido.%loop-player%}
  106. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Bijuu.%loop-player%}
  107. delete {Invocacion.Bijudama.%loop-player%}
  108. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Bijuu} from loop-player's inventory
  109. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Bijuu} from loop-player's inventory
  110. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Bijuu.%loop-player%} to false
  111. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Bijuu.%loop-player%} to true
  112. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &cBijuu&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
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