
stackapps.info Hacked By Daz Holmes

Sep 1st, 2013
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  1. http://stackapps.info/ Hacked By Codersec
  2. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  3. -- version 3.5.7
  4. -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
  5. --
  6. -- Host: localhost:3306
  7. -- Erstellungszeit: 12. Mai 2013 um 16:31
  8. -- Server Version: 5.1.69
  9. -- PHP-Version: 5.3.10
  12. SET time_zone = "+00:00";
  18. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
  20. --
  21. -- Datenbank: `stackapps`
  22. --
  24. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  26. --
  27. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `assets`
  28. --
  31. `asset_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  32. `asset_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  33. `asset_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  34. PRIMARY KEY (`asset_id`)
  37. --
  38. -- Daten für Tabelle `assets`
  39. --
  41. INSERT INTO `assets` (`asset_id`, `asset_name`, `asset_url`) VALUES
  42. (1, 'Sucks', '-50542eb9bfbdc.jpg'),
  43. (2, 'MacBook Air', '-505430e30db4f.jpg'),
  44. (3, 'Bears', '-5054b4271dbca.jpg'),
  45. (4, 'Sony', 'Sony Ericsson Xperia Play.jpg'),
  46. (6, 'Playstation', 'cropped-psp-6.jpg'),
  47. (8, 'Playstation', 'cropped-psp-6-5054daf4eb170.jpg');
  49. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  51. --
  52. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `blog`
  53. --
  56. `blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  57. `blog_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  58. `blog_text` text,
  59. `blog_active` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '1',
  60. `blog_tags` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'List()',
  61. `blog_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  62. `blog_author` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
  63. PRIMARY KEY (`blog_id`)
  66. --
  67. -- Daten für Tabelle `blog`
  68. --
  70. INSERT INTO `blog` (`blog_id`, `blog_title`, `blog_text`, `blog_active`, `blog_tags`, `blog_date`, `blog_author`) VALUES
  71. (1, 'My first blog post', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.', 0, 'List(1)', '2011-08-05 11:05:00', ''),
  72. (2, 'Another day', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.', 0, 'List(1)', '2011-08-05 12:20:50', ''),
  73. (3, 'StackApps has been released', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.', 0, 'List(3,2)', '2011-08-05 15:23:59', 'mutsch'),
  74. (4, 'What''s up', '<p>It''s been a couple of days since StackApps has been officially released. Since that I had a lot of positive reactions from the RapidWeaver/Stacks community mainly because of two reasons: 1) StackApps itself and 2) because it''s free. More than 1000 visitors downloaded StackApps over 300 times. Thank you for that. Given my <a href="http://car2go.com/">main job</a> I know that it will be a challenge to actually support StackApps with a constantly growing user base, but I will see what I can do in this regard. One of the ways dealing with this is a user forum where StackApps users can help other users.</p>\r\n<p>Since the release I mainly tried to fix some of the existing bugs that I haven''t discovered yet due to the fact that not many people have used StackApps so far. Beside fixing those obvious things, I have also created a couple of <a href="../../gallery/?phpMyAdmin=1IeAhqrf1h0YticgfWiHbuA6qk0&phpMyAdmin=acf4b11284b1a85eba593117c0e858df">new components</a> in the area of user registration which at this point doesn''t allow for the typical self registration processes. In order to let others create new accounts you have to be able to verify an account via the provided email address as well as allow people to change/recover their password. Both features are currently under test and will be released in the forthcoming 1.0.5 release. Btw, did you recognize the new icon style? This release will be also the first release that supports Sparkle as an update manager. From there on moving forward you don''t have to download new updates from the website anymore.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>One thing I have foreseen, but couldn''t do much about at the time is the still sparse documentation: both in terms of more detailed tutorials as well as downloadable example projects that can be used as a starting point. I know that those are necessary to get your arms around a product as complex and powerful as StackApps is.</p>\r\n<p>That said there are now two upcoming milestone for StackApps: getting the additional tutorials and example projects out and finally release v1.0.5. I hope that I can meet both milestones by the end of next week.</p>\r\n<p>So, stay tuned and enjoy StackApps ...</p>', 1, 'List(1)', '2012-08-12 10:33:42', ''),
  75. (5, 'New Security & CMS Tutorials Online', '<p>I have just updated the <a href="../../support/tutorials/?phpMyAdmin=1IeAhqrf1h0YticgfWiHbuA6qk0&phpMyAdmin=acf4b11284b1a85eba593117c0e858df">tutorials</a> on site covering now two most requested features: Security and CMS. Let me just briefly explain what both features actually do and how they can be used in Stack Apps.</p>\r\n<p>StackApps comes with a built-in security framework that allows you to protect pages and the visibility of components like links, table columns or whole components. StackApps follows a very powerful paradigm: as a user you can create a security context in the apps session that even survives multiple browser sessions. When setting up a app in StackApps you have to decide which security type you gonna use for the app: Authenticate, Access Level or Roles.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Authenticate is the most simple type, where a user is just require to login to access any protected page or asset. Using Access Level as the security type, each user has a numeric associated security level attached to it, e.g. 10, which is then used to compare against the actual level of a protected asset. If it is equal or greater, the page or asset can be accessed.</p>\r\n<p>Role-based security is the most complex and powerful security type. A user can have multiple roles like visitor, editor or admin. Each protected asset has a role attached to it as well and as long as the role of the asset is included in the current user roles, the user can access the asset.</p>\r\n<p>In order to use the security inside StackApps one needs to create a Login page using the Login Stack and provide a DB table with all required user data like userID, password and rights according to the used security type. Check out the <a href="../../support/tutorials/?phpMyAdmin=1IeAhqrf1h0YticgfWiHbuA6qk0&phpMyAdmin=acf4b11284b1a85eba593117c0e858df">tutorial IV</a> for more details.</p>\r\n<p>The second new tutorial is all about the CMS Stack, a Stack that allows you to draw content from the database and render it on a Stacks page. All you need to do is, put the CMS Stack onto a page, enter the name of the content you want to draw from the database and provide the respective content in the database as well. CMS Stack also provides in page editing in order to make the management of content even more simple.</p>\r\n<p>Check out the new tutorials and let me know what you want to see next ...</p>', 1, 'List(4)', '2012-08-20 00:21:32', ''),
  76. (6, 'StackApps 1.1.0 Released', '<p>\r\n Since a couple of minutes, StackApps 1.1.0 is officially live. I finally decided to skip 1.0.5 due to the amount of fixes and new features that I have put into this release. In the following sections I want to highlight some of the fixes and new features I have put into this release.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Sparkle Support</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n This is great news for all of us, as this is the last update that needs to be applied manually. Unfortunately, this requires some extended manual procedure before you can actually install the new release: <strong>you have to uninstall your current StackApps version before installing the new one</strong>. In order to do this, select the Local Setup Stack within the Stack Elements HUD, select &quot;Show in Finder&quot; from the menu and delete the &quot;1 StackApps.stack&quot; file. Now you can safely install version 1.1.0 without any issue.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n New Newsletter Stack</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n StackApps 1.1.0 comes with a new Newsletter Stack that allows you to send out newsletters to your users or subscribers. The stack supports even HTML formated mails.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n New Send Verify &amp; Verify Stack</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Those stacks are used to verify an email address and activate a new user account during self registration, those two stacks just do the necessary handling.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n New Send Reset &amp; Reset Stack</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Those stacks are used to reset forgotten passwords via an reset email send to the user.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Minor Enhancements</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Add support for unique upload filename in Upload Stack<br />\r\n Captcha Stack now supports font size settings<br />\r\n New Iterator Stack to iterate over a record set and execute a custom script<br />\r\n Image list in rich text editor<br />\r\n Salted passwords, i.e. add a secret to the password before hashing</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Other than that I have collected a lot of bug fixes due to your feedback over the last weeks which in total should lead to a more stable product for all of us.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Bug Fixes</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Don&#39;t show Delete checkbox if Upload field is empty<br />\r\n Publishing error hopefully fixed once and forever that caused critical assets not to be published<br />\r\n ADODB_ASSOC_CASE = 2 in order to preserve the case of field names<br />\r\n ADODB updated to version 5.17<br />\r\n Error handling for TableGrid/Lister with empty result sets fixed<br />\r\n Redirect workaround using now GET instead of POST to avoid browser resend confirmation dialogs<br />\r\n Logging to file is now supported<br />\r\n Login behavior fixed: return session variable was not reset<br />\r\n Default setting in CMS Stack was broken<br />\r\n MSG_NO_DETAILS was not used in Details Stack<br />\r\n Updated the Global Setup to the current revision<br />\r\n Unique fields could not be validated<br />\r\n Support ports&nbsp;other&nbsp;than 80<br />\r\n MSG_NO_ITEMS &amp; MSG_NO_DETAILS handling has been changed. Field in TableGrid &amp; Lister is empty (single space) now using the default message<br />\r\n CheckRadio default setting changed to checkbox widget instead of input widget<br />\r\n CheckRadio behavior was not correct. Only active checkboxes could be written into the database<br />\r\n Handling of notice error messages</p>\r\n<div>\r\n All in all, those changes will improve StackApps tremendously. Now go and get it :)</div>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2012-08-31 16:47:34', ''),
  77. (7, 'StackApps 1.2.0 is Real :)', '<p>\r\n More details are following later ...</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2012-11-06 20:48:52', ''),
  78. (8, 'A kind of late Xmas present ...', '<p>\r\n Since today StackApps 1.3.2 is live and ready for you to download or update. Typically you can use Sparkle from within Stacks to do the work. In case you are new to StackApps, just download the latest release from the <a href="http://stackapps.info/download/">website</a>. &nbsp;Please shutdown RapidWeaver completely after doing the update and reopen your current project in order to make sure that all components have been updated properly.&nbsp;But before introducing all the new features let me highlight a migration issue you need to tackle manually:</p>\r\n<h3>\r\n New Messages Strings (action required)</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n Since StackApps 1.3.2 I have updated the global message strings that are part of the Setup Stack. Due to the fact how Stacks work, those messages can not be updated automatically. To make sure you are using the correct messages in your existing project you have to edit those messages manually:</p>\r\n<ol>\r\n <li>\r\n In the Setup Stack click on &#39;Show Custom Messages?&#39;</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Edit the respective upload error messages</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<p>\r\n Here are the new message strings:</p>\r\n<p>\r\n ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_SIZE: Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; exceeds the max file size (&lt;= %2$s KB)<br />\r\n ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_TYPE: Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; is of wrong type!<br />\r\n ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_NOFILE: Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; could not be uploaded!<br />\r\n ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_IMAGE_SIZE: Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; exceeds the max width and height of %2$spx x %3$spx<br />\r\n ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_OTHERS: Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: Unknown upload error with file &#39;%2$s&#39;!</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Find the respective message and copy the message string into the field.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n I know that this is a tedious task, but that&#39;s the way it is and as long as Stacks work the way it does, we have to deal with this.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n If you create a new project, this should not be necessary as the Setup stack is created from scratch.</p>\r\n<h3>\r\n New Features</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n So what&#39;s new in 1.3.2? As I didn&#39;t fully introduce the latest release 1.3.0, I will give a brief overview of what&#39;s new since 1.2.1.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>\r\n Preliminary SSL support using the Security Stack<br />\r\n Since 1.3.2 release StackApps offers some basic SSL support in a sense that you can enforce a protocol switch from HTTP to HTTPS via the Security Stack. This hasn&#39;t been tested extensively and should be considered as beta. Any feedback is welcome here.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n StackApps now supports the different RW link themes (page relative, doc root relative &amp; site address relative). Not all site themes do though :(<br />\r\n RW supports different link methods for your website, which can be setup in the site settings. Until 1.3.2 StackApps didn&#39;t support anything but page relative addresses. This has been changed. Nevertheless, some RW themes don&#39;t work correctly when using a address theme other than page relative. Under normal conditions, you should stick to the default scheme, which is page relative</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Upload supports image dimension validation<br />\r\n Image uploads can now be checked for max image size. In addition we support now a comma separated list of MIME types</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Since 1.3.2 StackApps comes with two lighboxes that can be enabled via the Setup Stack: Colorbox and Slimbox 2. In order to use the Colorbox for images, add the &#39;colorbox&#39; as a class to the image link. For Slimbox 2 things are a little different: just add &#39;lightbox&#39; as a REL parameter to links</li>\r\n <li>\r\n There is a new feature in 1.3 that allows you to actually store a field value in a variable instead of rendering the field to the page. At the same time you can use a variable as a field name in any of the Field Stacks. Using this feature you can concatinate fields via those variables and by doing this allow for multiple joins. Checkout the new Output option within Fields</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Using the new Stacks encoding feature for my input fields you can now apply some formating to those inputs</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Due to some user requests jQuery import has been removed from StackApps. But keep in mind: when using some of the features like Lightboxes, we are still importing jQuery.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n So far it hasn&#39;t been possible to modify the DatePicker date format. This has been added now. But keep in mind that the format string is different from the normal Date Input format. While the Date Input uses the standard PHP format strings, the DatePicker uses the jQuery UI format strings.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Since 1.3. there is a new Report Stack available that can be used to export a table into a CSV file. Report Stack works the same way as the TableGrid. But in order for the Report Stack to generate a downloadable file, you have to add <!--?php ob_start() ?-->in front of any page content using the RW prefix setting.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n The Image and Upload Stacks have been greatly enhanced to support now multiple uploads. In order to use this feature, make sure your database field can hild a list of images. Therefor make sure the field as a big enough size or use TEXT as a field type.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Based on another user request, Form Stacks now support a optional cancel action.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Due to consistence reasons, the pattern language available for Richtext Fields has been extended to support links and joins for all data sources. Check the manual for details.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n The Search Stack now supports transfer params, which makes some views much easier to implement.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Inputs now support visibility settings to get away with If-Then-Else Stack</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Finally the Stacks UI has been greatly enhanced to show some of the settings right on the page instead of clicking on each individual stack.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Last but not least, custom border colors have been added to the Lister Stack</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\n In terms of bug fixes, check the <a href="http://stackapps.info/download/changelog.php" target="_blank">change log</a> for details. I managed to address most of the issues developers had with the past releases.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2012-12-25 13:16:54', ''),
  79. (9, 'On document roots and premature releases', '<p>\r\n The latest StackApps release wasn&#39;t a success story at all. One of the major changes I did for that release was the way I determine where the StackApps libraries are located. Until 1.3.2 I was using a Stacks facility to get the path to the libraries. I didn&#39;t get any complaints from users out there, that this is causing issues on their end.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n The problem with this method: it breaks when switching the method how file links are generated in RapidWeaver&nbsp;from page relative to DOCROOT or website relative. The reason for this is manifold: PHP environemts (local or remote) are almost always different. There is no consistent way of getting to know what the doc root in an environment looks like and even setups on Linux and Windows look different.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Facing this problem and wanting to support the alternative address schemes I decided to come up with my own doc root determination method which would handle all the different cases. How innocent I was. You can browse the net or apply some voodoo magic, but there is no reliable algorithm out there that can handle all the different cases across different environments. That&#39;s a lesson I had to learn the hard way as I am getting bug reports from you that the latest release didn&#39;t work for you.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n So what&#39;s the solution? Well, I am reverting back to the old way of doing things. The consequence of that is, StackApps only supports page relative file links within RapidWeaver. But I guess, nobody really uses a different scheme anyway.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n The second problem was caused by the new message strings which had to be migrate manually for existing projects. Copying the strings as stated in my post will inject HTML code into those messages which in turn will break the code. In order to fix this either use <strong>ALT-CMD-V</strong> to copy the raw text string or select the copied text string inside the Setup Stack and select <strong>Delete Format</strong> from the RapidWeaver menu. I wasn&#39;t really clear about the procedure. Sorry about that.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Meanwhile you should use the previous release <a href="http://stackapps.info/resources/StackApps-1.3.1-Installation.dmg">1.3.1</a> until 1.3.3. is ready for you to download.</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,3,2)', '2012-12-27 09:55:47', ''),
  80. (10, 'Hotfix Release 1.3.3 available', '<p>\r\n Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by the previous release. StackApps 1.3.3 is going to fix these issues.</p>\r\n<h3>\r\n Managing the Global Messages</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n Due to a change within the global messages settings, messages can be shifted within the messages slots. At the same time new messages have been used that will not automatically be updated. This is not a StackApps issue. It&#39;s actually caused by the way Stacks stores properties inside a Stack. In order to migrate your project, just copy the respective message string into the Setup Stack. In order to make sure that you are just copying the text instead of the HTML code, use ALT-CMD V to copy the raw text.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <strong>MSG_NO_DETAILS:</strong> No details available ...<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_NO_ITEMS:</strong> No items found ...&#39;<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_NO_CONTENT:</strong> [NO CONTENT DEFINED FOR %s]<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_REQUIRED:</strong> (* = required)<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_DELETE_FILE:</strong> Delete %1$s File(s)?<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_DELETE_RECORD:</strong> Do you really want to delete this record?<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUE_REQUIRED:</strong> Field &#39;%s&#39; can not be empty!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUE_NOT_UNIQUE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39; has a duplicate value &#39;%2$s&#39;!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUE_TO_LARGE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39; is to large (&gt; %2$s)<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUE_NOT_NUMBER:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39; is not a number!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUE_NOT_DATE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39; is not a valid date, e.g. %2$s<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_VALUES_DONT_MATCH:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39; does not match &#39;%2$s&#39;<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_SIZE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39;&nbsp; exceeds the max file size (&lt;= %3$s KB)<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_TYPE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; is of wrong type!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_NOFILE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; could not be uploaded!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_IMAGE_SIZE:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: File &#39;%2$s&#39; exceeds the max width and height of %3$spx x %4$spx<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UPLOAD_ERR_OTHERS:</strong> Field &#39;%1$s&#39;: Unknown upload error with file &#39;%2$s&#39;!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_LOGIN_WRONG:</strong> UserID/password not correct!<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_LOGIN_NOT_AUTHORIZED:</strong> Not authorized! Use a different account ...<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT:</strong> The account &#39;%1$s&#39; is not known. Try a different account ...<br />\r\n <strong>ERROR_WRONG_CAPTCHA:</strong> Captcha is not correct!<br />\r\n <strong>MSG_NEWSLETTER_REPORT:</strong> %1$s mails successfully send, %2$s mails couldn&#39;t be send</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2012-12-27 21:03:47', ''),
  81. (11, 'Major memory leak issue in Stacks', '<p>\r\n I just ran into a problem a few StackApps user have already reported to me over the last weeks which I was unable to reproduce. The issue is very critical as it ultimately corrupts both Stacks as well as RapidWeaver leading to a crash. It&#39;s actually very easy to reproduce the issue and it is related to Template Stacks, which I am using for instance with the Global Setup Stack.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Within the Stacks settings in the right side HUD I am using a couple of text inputs to set for instance the Gloogle Analytics ID. When you enter a value in one of these fields everything is still ok, but as soon as you clear one of those input fields and deselect and select the Stack again either RapidWeaver crashes immediately or you see all HUD settings above the input field to disapear. As soon as you enter a new value into the input field all settings reapear again, but when you check one of the Stacks palettes, they are screwed up as well.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <strong>Warning: Make sure you do this using a copy of your project file just to be safe.</strong></p>\r\n<p>\r\n I have reported the bug to Yourhead already and I hope that Isaiah will fix the issue asap. For the time being I can only recommend not to clear out any of those input fields, but leave them as is. Any feedback from your side would be appreciated if there is any additional information available.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n I am sorry for any inconvenience this is causing at your end and I hope that this issue does not have an impact on any of the project files you are working with ...</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2012-12-31 10:56:39', ''),
  82. (12, 'StackApps 1.3.4 available', '<p>\r\n I know it has been quite some time since the last update. Without going into details here, I was consumed by my job basically leaving no time for any progress on my StackApps project.&nbsp;This weekend I finally found the time to finish the StackApps 1.3.4 release which was sitting on my desk to be released asap. It&#39;s finally here now. As always, it should update automatically within Stacks or you can download it <a href="http://stackapps.info/download/">here</a>.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n So what&#39;s in 1.3.4? Let me go through the list of main features real quick:</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Send Mail &amp; Send Verification Stack</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n I did a major refactoring on the Send Activation Stack which is now called Send Mail Stack. The new stack now supports any kind of mail send from within a form, static email addresses and a custom link parameter name. The link parameter value is now retrieved from the %link(fieldname)% template variable. Make sure you replace all Send Activation stack instances by the new Send Mail Stack. The Send Verification Stack adopts the same parameter handling. Keep this in mind.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n c5 Filemanager Support</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n The TextArea Stack now supports a default filemanager based on c5 Filemanager, which makes creating a file manager a piece of cake.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n HTML5 Input Stacks</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Instead of a Date Stack we support now HTML5 compliant input fields. Date Input will become deprecated and will be removed soon. Make sure you use the appropriate input type for the respective database field as modern browsers provide specific input fields. This is important for mobily devices which support for instance special keyboards and date picker.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Server-side Image Scaler</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n We&#39;ve added a new server-side image scaler with additional processing features that can generate thumbnails and perfectly sized images. Check out <a href="http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/timthumb/">TimThumb</a> for any details on the filter options.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Auto Back References</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n How about reusing forms in different locations? You can easily do that now by adding an optional back reference parameter to the form call that links back to the calling page. All handled automatically.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Floating Layouts Support</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n Finally we&#39;ve added floating layout control to all Fields and Inputs allowing for more advanced CSS formating.</p>\r\n<h4>\r\n Finally various bugs have been fixed based on your feedback</h4>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>\r\n All jQuery libs used within StackApps are currently fixed to 1.8.3 to avoid 1.9 incompatibilities (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Fixed logout issue that causes the page not to be redirected appropriately (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n RepeatedInput fields don&#39;t require a unique field name. This is handled by StackApps (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Target to a variable didn&#39;t work because of a wrong sanity check (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n SendVerification Stack had some missing styles (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Cleaned up handling of empty joins (FIXED)</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Exception and error handling for connections was broken since 1.3.2 (FIXED)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(1,2)', '2013-02-10 21:55:35', ''),
  83. (13, 'We''ve got Status Board Support ...', '<p>\r\n <a href="http://www.panic.com/statusboard/" target="_blank">Panic&#39;s Status Board</a> iPad app is one of the most powerful apps recently released in the AppStore. Even in it&#39;s first incarnation, you can already see that this could become a really powerful tool. What makes Status Board so powerful is the fact that beside some pre-configured widgets, you can already create you own custom widgets, either by using a plain HTML page or generating data that&#39;s being rendered as a line or bar graph or as a table.&nbsp;I am happy to announce now, that you could use StackApps to generate the data format that&#39;s required to drive those Status Board widgets: either CSV or JSON.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <a href="http://stackapps.info/rw_common/plugins/stacks/scripts_textarea/c5filemanager/userfiles/statusboard.JPG" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://stackapps.info/rw_common/plugins/stacks/scripts_textarea/c5filemanager/userfiles/statusboard.JPG" style="width: 300px; height: 225px; float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; " /></a></p>\r\n<p>\r\n So, what exactly is needed to get you going? So far the Report Stack could already create CSV files which could actually be used to drive Status Board. Nevertheless, there are limitations to it. First of all, CSV formated data will automatically be downloaded which is not appropriate to directly connect to Status Board and secondly, Status Board supports even <a href="http://www.panic.com/statusboard/docs/graph_tutorial.pdf" target="_blank">more features</a> if you generate native JSON instead of CSV.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n To configure Report Stack appropriately, there are a couple of conventions you should keep in mind. The label for the graph that is displayed within Status Board is the label of the first Column Stack. Elements within the first column are the labels used for each group of data points rendered in a graph. Each record set will be displayed in a group. Check the <a href="http://stackapps.info/examples/sales/">Sales Example</a> to see what I mean. In addition to that you can specify if there are totals added to the graph. In order to make sure that the generated JSON dataset is not downloaded, set the Output Type to Stream. Use a Graph widget to embed the data into Status Board. You could also use a Table widget which can <a href="http://www.panic.com/statusboard/docs/table_tutorial.pdf" target="_blank">display a CSV table</a>.</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(3,2,4)', '2013-04-28 09:39:15', ''),
  84. (14, 'StackApps 1.3.8 brings full Status Board support', '<p>\r\n With the former 1.3.7 release of StackApps we&#39;ve introduced some initial support for Panic&#39;s Status Board iPad app. Nevertheless there were some features missing which the new StackApps release finally implemented:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>\r\n color specification for bar and line graphs</li>\r\n <li>\r\n min, max values and</li>\r\n <li>\r\n unit pre and suffixes</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\n Now you can leverage Staus Board support within the Report Stack to it&#39;s full extend.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\n In addition to the Report Stack, we&#39;ve also included Status Board support within the TableGrid in order to generate Status Board compatible tables which can now be used in the table widget. For a TableGrid to be used within Status Board, add a TableGrid to a Stack page, add &lt;?php ob_start(); ?&gt; to the Page Header Prefix section on the page,&nbsp;check the &quot;Remove Page HTML&quot; checkbox and you are done.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n I hope you guys enjoy the new features ...</p>\r\n', 1, 'List(3,2,4)', '2013-05-05 12:57:23', ''),
  85. (15, 'The Ultimate Tutorial', '<p>\r\n Yes, I know, StackApps is lacking additional tutorials and demos that could be used to learn and understand the last details of each and every stack included in StackApps.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n As you might know, stackapps.info itself is based on StackApps and what would be the most obvious tutorial other than giving you the <a href="http://stackapps.info/resources/stackappsdemo.zip">Rapidweaver project</a> to tweak around and see what&#39;s possible using StackApps.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n But there are a couple of things you need to know in order to use the <a href="http://stackapps.info/resources/stackappsdemo.zip">example project</a> right away:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>\r\n As of right now, the project is using the <a href="http://yabdab.com/stacks/snaps/bootsnap/">BootSnap</a> template by Yabdap. It shouldn&#39;t be a problem to migrate the project to your respective theme, but there are a couple of feature of BootSnap which have been used withn the project, namely the tab and dialog stacks.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n The project comes with a <a href="http://stackapps.info/resources/stackapps.sql">SQL dump</a> from my local development setup to get you started. Create a new database on your environment and import the sql script.</li>\r\n <li>\r\n The database dump includes two users <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;">johndoe</span> and <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;">peterpiper</span>, that both use the password <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;">demo</span>. Use <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace;">johndoe</span> as the admin user to modify those user settings, like the email adress related with those users and needed for some of the user account related function</li>\r\n <li>\r\n Motify the Setup Stack included in the project to reflect your database name, the access credentials, database name as well as the Google Analytics code</li>\r\n <li>\r\n I have modified my BootSnap template to allow for role based menu items. Check the docs for the code being used to implement that</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\n I hope this hugh example project get you guys started and answers some of the questions you might still have ...</p>\r\n<p>\r\n If you have questions, feel free to ask them here in the comments. Enjoy!</p>\r\n', 0, 'List(2,4)', '2013-05-12 12:59:10', '');
  87. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  89. --
  90. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `blog_comments`
  91. --
  93. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_comments` (
  94. `comment_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  95. `comment_blog_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  96. `comment_text` text NOT NULL,
  97. `comment_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  98. `comment_author` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  99. `comment_email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  100. PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`)
  103. --
  104. -- Daten für Tabelle `blog_comments`
  105. --
  107. INSERT INTO `blog_comments` (`comment_id`, `comment_blog_id`, `comment_text`, `comment_date`, `comment_author`, `comment_email`) VALUES
  108. (1, 1, 'Foobar', '2011-08-06 18:59:55', 'Mutsch', 'helmuth.ritzer@gmail.com'),
  109. (2, 1, 'Foobar2', '2011-08-06 19:05:08', 'Mutsch', 'helmuth.ritzer@gmail.com'),
  110. (3, 1, 'Barfu', '2011-08-06 19:11:56', 'Biggi', 'biggi@mail.com'),
  111. (4, 3, 'Test', '2011-08-06 19:13:18', 'Mutsch', 'adfasdfasdf'),
  112. (5, 1, 'test2', '2011-08-06 19:37:56', 'Foo', 'dsdf'),
  113. (6, 1, 'Test3', '2011-08-07 18:44:50', 'Foo', 'bar'),
  114. (7, 2, 'sdfsdf', '2011-08-07 19:42:43', 'dsdfsdf', 'sdfsdf'),
  115. (8, 0, 'Test', '2011-08-20 06:52:52', 'foo', 'foo'),
  116. (9, 0, 'Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.', '2012-08-02 21:35:24', 'Renee', 'selmaserrurier@gmail.com'),
  117. (10, 0, 'Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.', '2012-08-02 21:35:24', 'Selma Serrurier', 'selmaserrurier@gmail.com'),
  118. (11, 0, 'Great stuff!!!\r\nPlease record the next tutorials in HD - it''s hard to see the small stuff. Thanks.\r\n\r\nP.S. when are the missing components coming (i.e. Confirmation Email and such)?', '2012-08-21 23:43:29', 'Ingo', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  119. (12, 0, 'Helmut,\r\n\r\nAgain, kudos. I''m exited by the possibilites StackApps has already and will have in the future.\r\nHaving said that, we all know, that you could sell it for quite a good price - but you decided to give it for free. Respect.\r\n\r\nI know how hard it can get, to do both: a daytime job, and running a non-profit software company.\r\nMaybe, you want to open the development to the community on day. It would be a shame, if that great App would not go further (which btw. could be a reason for users to hesitate implementing this on their websites).\r\n\r\nBest\r\n\r\nIngo', '2012-08-21 23:50:38', 'Ingo', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  120. (13, 0, 'I''m support pumped about the prospect of StackApps.....I''m not a programmer and still trying to figure out how to use it, but seems like a great tool! Thanks for the update...please keep up the great work.', '2012-09-01 22:37:08', 'Christopher Braun', 'brauncp@mac.com'),
  121. (14, 6, 'Great, I love Stackapps. I''m curious how it will evolve. I''m a big fan.\r\nThanks!\r\nGille', '2012-10-01 10:15:22', 'Gille', 'gille@stackscenter.com'),
  122. (15, 8, 'I am getting at least one report that the latest release is causing some trouble in the way it determines the doc root which is in turn used to include the various StackApps libraries. As long as this issues has not been resolved, please be careful using StackApps in your current project.\r\n\r\nIn case you have the same issue, please create a PHP file on your server that contains just phpinfo(); as the only command. Copy the generated output and send it to support@stackapps.info I need this to check the various server setups ...\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nHelmuth', '2012-12-26 23:10:58', 'Helmuth Ritzer', 'support@stackapps.info'),
  123. (16, 8, 'Btw, if you wanna go back to StackApps 1.3.1, here is the correct <a href="http://stackapps.info/resources/StackApps-1.3.1-Installation.dmg">download link</a>', '2012-12-26 23:39:30', 'Helmuth Ritzer', 'support@stackapps.info'),
  124. (17, 10, 'Looks like there were no changes to:\r\nMSG_NO_DETAILS: No details available ...\r\nMSG_NO_ITEMS: No items found ...''\r\nMSG_NO_CONTENT: [NO CONTENT DEFINED FOR %s]\r\nMSG_REQUIRED: (* = required)\r\n\r\nThanks for this - it helped me narrow down my issue.', '2013-01-01 15:50:53', 'Deployboy', 'cwebb@technopole.us'),
  125. (18, 10, 'I updated this on one page and expected it to be propagated on all pages that had the Global Custom Messages. Do we have to update these on each page?', '2013-01-01 16:08:29', 'Deployboy', 'cwebb@technopole.us'),
  126. (19, 12, 'Awesome stuff man ! ', '2013-02-11 20:42:28', 'Ola Kivinen', 'karhufinn@gmail.com'),
  127. (20, 12, 'Well, I just downloaded the stuff and installed it, haven''t tried it, but if it does what it''s promising, I''m very happy and fastly need to donate!', '2013-02-21 03:30:21', 'Sjoerd', 'stilkema@home.nl'),
  128. (21, 12, 'Working great! Thank you for your hard work!!', '2013-02-22 16:17:52', 'Deployboy', 'cwebb@technopole.us'),
  129. (22, 12, 'Hi, in your tutorial video, you mention the global setup stack, but I installed latest version and do not have that, was that included, or is now the Local Stack the only one being used?', '2013-02-23 22:10:44', 'Ola Kivinen', 'karhufinn@gmail.com'),
  130. (23, 12, 'Ola,\r\nThe global setup stack is found under Rapidweaver Templates. There should be two Stackapps templates: a global CSS template and the global Setup template. I believe that the template uses the local setup stack, but because it is loaded as a template it takes the user supplied info and makes it the same wherever the template is used.', '2013-02-25 13:17:05', 'Ed Cross', 'pastorcross@kjvbible.com'),
  131. (24, 13, 'Sorry for the download link still pointing to the 1.3.6 release. It''s fixed now.', '2013-05-01 00:33:52', 'designdisorder', 'info@stackapps.info'),
  132. (25, 14, 'Fantastic, these StackApps are exactly what was missing in RapidWeaver.\r\nKeep up the good work Helmuth', '2013-05-05 19:28:56', 'Edwin', 'mail@edwin-deprez.be');
  134. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  136. --
  137. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `blog_tags`
  138. --
  140. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_tags` (
  141. `blog_tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  142. `blog_tag_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  143. PRIMARY KEY (`blog_tag_id`)
  146. --
  147. -- Daten für Tabelle `blog_tags`
  148. --
  150. INSERT INTO `blog_tags` (`blog_tag_id`, `blog_tag_name`) VALUES
  151. (1, 'news'),
  152. (2, 'stacks'),
  153. (3, 'rapidweaver'),
  154. (4, 'tutorial');
  156. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  158. --
  159. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `bugtracker`
  160. --
  162. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bugtracker` (
  163. `bug_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  164. `bug_title` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  165. `bug_desc` text,
  166. `bug_status` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  167. `bug_component` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  168. `bug_prio` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  169. `bug_attachment` varchar(256) DEFAULT '',
  170. `bug_active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  171. `bug_created` datetime NOT NULL,
  172. `bug_creator` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  173. `bug_creator_email` varchar(256) DEFAULT '',
  174. `bug_resolution` text,
  175. `bug_resolution_release` varchar(256) DEFAULT '',
  176. PRIMARY KEY (`bug_id`)
  179. --
  180. -- Daten für Tabelle `bugtracker`
  181. --
  183. INSERT INTO `bugtracker` (`bug_id`, `bug_title`, `bug_desc`, `bug_status`, `bug_component`, `bug_prio`, `bug_attachment`, `bug_active`, `bug_created`, `bug_creator`, `bug_creator_email`, `bug_resolution`, `bug_resolution_release`) VALUES
  184. (1, 'Client-side paging not working', 'The client-side paging feature is currently disabled due to the fact that the sorting headers are not working correctly. As we are using border generated arrows they have to work with the client-side paging lib as well', 'open', 'tablegrid', 3, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-12 22:10:24', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com', '', ''),
  185. (2, '0 is considered to be empty', 'Using a join defintion like 0,foo|1,bar creates a validation error in case of selecting foo and the field is required to be not zero', 'open', 'select', 2, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-13 08:38:53', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com', 'Work around: Remove not zero constraint on db side', ''),
  186. (3, 'Can''t use characters that will be converted into HTML entities within JOIN definitions', 'As JOIN definitions are converted into HTML entities, the value of a select input don''t match the join definition', 'open', 'select', 2, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-14 10:42:10', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com', '', ''),
  187. (4, 'Component overwrites $config variable of surrounding component ', '<p>The Visibility component creates a global $config var that is in conflct with other global $config vars like the one used in Lister</p>', 'released', 'visibility', 1, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-14 23:09:47', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com', '<p>Visibility does not longer use $config anymore.</p>', '1.0Ã?'),
  188. (5, 'Redirects cause a new record to be created while going back', '<p>Due to the fact that redirects transfer all the $_POST data, going back to the page you got redirected from will POST the complete data once again.&nbsp;</p>', 'released', 'form', 2, NULL, NULL, '2011-08-15 06:27:08', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com', '<p>Delete/unset $_POST before doing the redirect will avoid those situations</p>', '1.0Ã?'),
  189. (6, 'Session variable ''return'' will not be reset automatically', 'The session var ''return'' is used to go back to the page that requires a login. It is set, but not unset, which leads to the behavior that during a normal login, the last page which sets the ''return'' var will be displayed.', 'open', 'login', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-07-22 20:30:29', 'designdisorder', 'helmuth.ritzer@gmail.com', NULL, NULL),
  190. (7, 'problems loading global setup', 'I have tried to drag the global setup into stacks 2, but it won''t load - I can''t find the local setup component either. Please can you help me. Many thanks\r\n\r\nJim', 'open', 'setup', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-04 23:17:34', 'Jim', 'jimcaulfield@me.com', NULL, NULL),
  191. (8, 'Logout on site with custom HTTP port', 'MAMP (http://mamp.info) runs Apache on port 8887. Login function works as expected, as do the security and visibility stacks. They redirect to localhost:8887.\r\n\r\nUsing the stack template "complete login" or using the script stack with a logout link (from tips & tricks in documentation), after logging the user out, it redirects to localhost instead of localhost:8887.\r\n\r\nOther stacks like Table Grid and Form seem to function without issue.', 'open', 'login', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-08 17:58:47', 'Mark Mayberry', 'mmayberry@showyourhorsedesign.com', '', ''),
  192. (9, 'No error message after duplicate entry of unique fields', 'If a field is defined as unique, there is no error message shown to the user in case of a duplicate entry', 'open', 'form', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-12 22:47:16', 'designdisorder', 'support@stackapps.info', NULL, NULL),
  193. (10, 'Delete modal window has wrong message', 'When you go to delete a record and click the Delete button the modal window that comes up has the wrong message on it. The message is a URL to the site with the description about there not being any entries. I searched in the custom Messages and could not find this one.', 'open', 'form', 2, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-19 19:45:08', 'Robert Croy', 'bobmax48@gmail.com', NULL, NULL),
  194. (11, ' ob_end_flush(): failed to delete', 'I get this error when the login page is accessed:\r\n\r\nNotice: ob_end_flush(): failed to delete and flush buffer. No buffer to delete or flush in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/dogtitles/rw_common/plugins/stacks/libs_setup/stackapps.php on line 2205', 'open', 'login', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-20 17:15:53', 'Robert Croy', 'bobmax48@gmail.com', NULL, NULL),
  195. (12, 'Global Setup - naming', 'The naming of a global setup component is ''Local Setup''. Just a makeup, but confusing ;)\r\n\r\nbtw. you did an awesome job!!!!', 'open', 'setup', 3, NULL, NULL, '2012-08-21 13:04:49', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com', NULL, NULL),
  196. (13, 'Cannot connect to MySQL database', 'I have not been able to connect to my MySQL database. I''ve tried doing it both locally (running mamp) as well as remotely on my hosting acct. I''ve tried a zillion iterations of the login. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really dont have much programming experience. I continue to receive the following error it the error log: ', 'open', 'setup', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-09-03 15:57:39', 'Cbraun', 'Brauncp@gmail.com', NULL, NULL),
  197. (14, 'Cannot connect to MySQL database', 'I have not been able to connect to my MySQL database. I''ve tried doing it both locally (running mamp) as well as remotely on my hosting acct. I''ve tried a zillion iterations of the login. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really dont have much programming experience. ', 'open', 'setup', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-09-03 15:57:39', 'Cbraun', 'Brauncp@gmail.com', NULL, NULL),
  198. (15, 'Publishes always ALL modules', 'When I publish changes of my RW project, it publishes always all StackApps modules, even if they where not changed at all.\r\nThat translates in an upload of some 80+ modules every time I change a margin in an unrelated page.', 'open', 'setup', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-09-22 18:34:47', 'IKBM', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com', NULL, NULL),
  199. (16, 'Can''t use punctuation in Input stack description', 'When punctuation is used in the description field of an Input stack in a Form stack then the page is not rendered when published. Viewing source of the page in the browser shows that nothing is in the source.', 'open', 'input', 1, NULL, NULL, '2012-10-03 18:17:59', 'Robert Croy', 'bobmax48@gmail.com', NULL, NULL);
  201. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  203. --
  204. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `content`
  205. --
  207. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `content` (
  208. `content_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  209. `content_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  210. `content_body` text,
  211. `content_area` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  212. PRIMARY KEY (`content_id`)
  215. --
  216. -- Daten für Tabelle `content`
  217. --
  219. INSERT INTO `content` (`content_id`, `content_name`, `content_body`, `content_area`) VALUES
  220. (1, 'extracontent', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.</p>', 1),
  221. (11, '', '<p>Foo</p>', NULL),
  222. (13, 'body', '<p>\r\n <img alt="" src="http://stackapps.info/examples/cms/upload/-5054b4271dbca.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; float: left; margin-right: 10px; " />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet lorem diam, id gravida turpis. In cursus enim sit amet nibh condimentum non vestibulum mauris sagittis. Vivamus et quam urna. Donec commodo accumsan libero in sodales. Etiam sed enim est. Curabitur porttitor sodales nisl ut congue. Ut hendrerit vehicula vulputate. Maecenas facilisis tristique scelerisque. Vivamus justo risus, bibendum eget cursus auctor, feugiat quis justo. In adipiscing mattis varius.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <em>Ut nec nisi sed massa ultrices bibendum. Cras pharetra iaculis mauris quis tincidunt. Aenean sed lectus quam. Vivamus justo velit, porttitor vitae porttitor et, ullamcorper nec urna. Donec ut sem eget metus elementum tincidunt vitae sed leo. Sed semper lacus adipiscing tellus semper consequat. Vivamus quis blandit nibh. Nulla facilisi. Donec sagittis erat id diam rhoncus ac aliquam urna scelerisque.</em></p>\r\n<p>\r\n Integer viverra feugiat arcu et tristique. Curabitur viverra, erat eget tincidunt vulputate, tortor elit suscipit enim, vel sodales lectus leo dictum sem. Morbi gravida turpis eu ligula viverra quis lobortis dolor suscipit. Praesent aliquam, erat sed blandit imperdiet, odio magna congue velit, nec feugiat quam neque sed dui. Vivamus non tristique sem. Vivamus at arcu orci. In ultricies imperdiet blandit. Praesent ipsum turpis, ultrices nec adipiscing eget, porttitor quis est. Aenean consequat velit vulputate elit blandit non dictum lectus ornare. Aliquam nisl magna, dictum at sagittis in, porttitor quis lorem. Duis sollicitudin, mauris volutpat fermentum molestie, velit tortor rhoncus sapien, in varius est ligula eu nisi.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Duis nec purus turpis, quis convallis nunc. Proin ullamcorper aliquam ornare. Nunc commodo orci dui. Donec sit amet risus lacus. Mauris scelerisque, libero et ultrices placerat, sapien augue fermentum felis, eget facilisis felis dui a lectus. Sed semper ante ut turpis posuere rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent suscipit sem a mi vehicula ut posuere ipsum rutrum. Fusce mauris sapien, aliquet et scelerisque et, fringilla non lectus. Morbi arcu nisi, sodales quis ultrices nec, euismod nec orci. Nunc vel luctus velit.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n Suspendisse porttitor tincidunt adipiscing. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec placerat aliquam felis, id lacinia tortor suscipit vitae. Morbi id dui mauris, ac bibendum ante. Morbi augue augue, sollicitudin eu euismod sit amet, volutpat ac dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed consectetur dolor nec mauris dignissim a viverra magna rutrum. Suspendisse hendrerit scelerisque tortor non commodo.</p>\r\n', 0),
  223. (14, 'header', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet lorem diam, id gravida turpis. In cursus enim sit amet nibh condimentum non vestibulum mauris sagittis.&nbsp;</p>', 1),
  224. (15, 'body', '<p><strong>Far, Far Away, MK was the editor here</strong></p>\r\n<p>dsfA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Dies ist ein Satz</p>', 4),
  225. (16, 'footer', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet lorem diam, id gravida turpis. In cursus enim sit amet nibh condimentum non vestibulum mauris sagittis.&nbsp;</p>', 3),
  226. (17, 'sidebar', '<p class="left">\r\n It Works</p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n <span style="background-color: yellow">Lorem tara</span> ipsum tes sit amet, consectetur <span style="color: rgb(255,140,0)">adipiscing</span> elit.&nbsp;Proin sit amet lorem diam, id gravida turpis. In cursus enim sit amet nibh condimentum non vestibulum mauris sagittis.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n <em><strong><span style="font-size: 28px"><span style="font-family: times new roman, times, serif">Hello troy</span></span></strong></em></p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n <strong>ez valami m&aacute;s</strong>!<img alt="" src="http://stackapps.info/examples/cms/upload/Sony Ericsson Xperia Play.jpg" style="width: 400px; height: 386px" /></p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n<p class="left">\r\n &nbsp;</p>\r\n<div>\r\n jhgjhgjhgjhgjhgjhgjhg</div>\r\n<div>\r\n &nbsp;</div>\r\n<h3 style="color: red">\r\n <span style="font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif"><b><u>THIS IS A TEST PP</u></b></span></span></h3>\r\n<div>\r\n &nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n <strong><u>Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.</u></strong></div>\r\n<div>\r\n &nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n <strong><u>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.</u></strong></div>\r\n<div>\r\n &nbsp;</div>\r\n<div>\r\n <strong><u>Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</u></strong></div>\r\n<p>\r\n <img alt="Macbook Air" src="http://stackapps.info/examples/cms/upload/-505430e30db4f.jpg" style="width: 300px; float: left; height: 158px" /></p>\r\n<div>\r\n &nbsp;</div>\r\n', 5);
  228. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  230. --
  231. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `featuretracker`
  232. --
  234. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `featuretracker` (
  235. `feature_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  236. `feature_title` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  237. `feature_desc` text NOT NULL,
  238. `feature_status` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  239. `feature_created` datetime NOT NULL,
  240. `feature_creator` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  241. `feature_creator_email` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  242. PRIMARY KEY (`feature_id`)
  245. --
  246. -- Daten für Tabelle `featuretracker`
  247. --
  249. INSERT INTO `featuretracker` (`feature_id`, `feature_title`, `feature_desc`, `feature_status`, `feature_created`, `feature_creator`, `feature_creator_email`) VALUES
  250. (1, 'Visibility setting for all Fields', '<p>Define a visibility setting that checks if the current user has the respective access right to see the respective field.</p>', 'released', '2011-08-15 20:23:47', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com'),
  251. (2, 'If Then Else component', '<p>The component renders another stack depending on the value of a boolean expression. This is similar to the Visibility Stack but more flexible</p>', 'released', '2011-08-23 05:37:06', 'designdisorder', 'stacks@designdisorder.com'),
  252. (3, 'Collapse Components', 'Helmut,\r\n\r\nit would be a good thing, if you either have a collapsable Ãœber-Component (where you can stack other components in and then collapse it) or have large components like Table collapsable. \r\nWould help to keep on top of large pages :)\r\n ', 'open', '2012-08-21 13:08:52', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  253. (4, 'DB Error Component', 'Not sure, whether it can be done :)\r\nSay the database returns with an error. That module would CATCH the error and depending on it (error numbers?) the developer could respond with an action (i.e. text to user, or different DB access...)', 'open', '2012-08-21 13:10:48', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  254. (5, 'Import flat file (CSV)', 'that component would load a defined CVS file (either on the server - predefined by the developer, or local, user can choose) and insert it into the pre-matched fileds of a database.\r\n\r\nEnables the user (or developer) to upload data from other sources.\r\n\r\n', 'open', '2012-08-21 13:39:51', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  255. (6, 'Align Fields', 'It would be great, if we could align fields.\r\nSee the attached example.\r\n\r\nI used a 3 column stack to put the edit fileds in and disabled the field labels. Align left in this case would be great.\r\n\r\nOh, just figure, I cant attach something here :))\r\nWell, then the Dropbox link (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1517754/StackApps%20-%20Edit.png)\r\n', 'open', '2012-08-21 13:42:16', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  256. (7, 'Video Tutorials', 'Hey Helmut,\r\n\r\nI appreciate the amount of work you put in to your tutorials. I''ve done a lot myself.\r\nIt would be great, if you could record and publish them in a higher resolution (HD) as some of the small text in RW and/or Sequel Pro is really hard to see.\r\n\r\nBut again, tons of kudos for the work you do!', 'open', '2012-08-21 13:59:29', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com'),
  257. (8, 'Vote on Bugs and Features ', 'Maybe, users on this site which are logged in, could ''vote'' on bugs and ''features''.\r\n\r\nThat could give you a better urgency feedback :)', 'open', '2012-08-21 17:00:47', 'Ingo Molitor', 'ikbm@kbtoo.com');
  259. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  261. --
  262. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `forum`
  263. --
  266. `forum_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  267. `forum_name` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  268. `forum_active` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  269. PRIMARY KEY (`forum_id`)
  272. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  274. --
  275. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `forum_entry`
  276. --
  278. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `forum_entry` (
  279. `forum_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  280. `forum_parent` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  281. `forum_title` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  282. `forum_text` text NOT NULL,
  283. `forum_author` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  284. `forum_email` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  285. PRIMARY KEY (`forum_id`)
  288. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  290. --
  291. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `inputtest`
  292. --
  294. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `inputtest` (
  295. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  296. `checkbox` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  297. `radio` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  298. `myselect` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  299. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  302. --
  303. -- Daten für Tabelle `inputtest`
  304. --
  306. INSERT INTO `inputtest` (`id`, `checkbox`, `radio`, `myselect`) VALUES
  307. (3, 'List(2,3)', '3', '3'),
  308. (4, 'List(1,2)', '1', '3'),
  309. (5, 'List(1)', '2', '3'),
  310. (6, 'List(1,2,3)', '3', '2'),
  311. (8, 'List(3)', '3', '1'),
  312. (9, '', '2', '2'),
  313. (10, 'List(1)', '1', '1'),
  314. (11, 'List(1,3)', '3', '2'),
  315. (12, 'List(1,2,3)', '3', '3'),
  316. (13, 'List(1,2)', '1', '3'),
  317. (14, '', '1', '2'),
  318. (15, 'List(1)', '1', '2'),
  319. (16, '', '2', '1'),
  320. (17, '', '1', '1'),
  321. (18, '', '1', '3'),
  322. (19, 'List(1)', '2', '1'),
  323. (20, 'List(1)', '1', '2'),
  324. (21, 'List(1,2,3)', '1', '2'),
  325. (22, '', '2', '2'),
  326. (23, 'List(1,2,3)', '2', '3'),
  327. (24, 'List(2)', '1', '2'),
  328. (25, '', '3', '1'),
  329. (26, '', '2', '2'),
  330. (27, '', '3', '3'),
  331. (28, 'List(3)', '3', '3'),
  332. (29, '', '1', '1'),
  333. (30, 'List(2)', '3', '2'),
  334. (31, '', '1', '1'),
  335. (32, '', '2', '1'),
  336. (33, '', '1', '1'),
  337. (109, 'List(1,2)', '1', '1');
  339. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  341. --
  342. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `inventory`
  343. --
  345. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `inventory` (
  346. `inventory_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  347. `inventory_item` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  348. `inventory_value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  349. `inventory_purchased` date DEFAULT NULL,
  350. `inventory_image` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  351. PRIMARY KEY (`inventory_id`)
  354. --
  355. -- Daten für Tabelle `inventory`
  356. --
  358. INSERT INTO `inventory` (`inventory_id`, `inventory_item`, `inventory_value`, `inventory_purchased`, `inventory_image`) VALUES
  359. (1, 'Plan', 1550, '2011-03-21', 'diag2_2.jpg'),
  360. (2, 'Gummy Bears', 200, '2011-08-05', ''),
  361. (3, 'test upload - Purchase date isn''t editable. Well, I think it is!!!', 12, '2019-09-28', '-5047d3f90d4d9.png'),
  362. (4, 'widget', 155, '2010-02-02', NULL),
  363. (5, 'stack', 1, '2012-08-02', NULL),
  364. (6, 'Test', 300, '2012-12-03', NULL),
  365. (8, 'Widgets', 13, '2020-05-08', NULL),
  366. (9, 'Chilli Pepper', 1, '2012-03-08', 'List(korky2-516c7774478fc.jpg)'),
  367. (10, 'Garage door', 2000, '2012-10-12', '5097.jpg'),
  368. (11, 'Test Item 42', 23, '2020-02-02', NULL),
  369. (12, 'kkkk', 1222, '2012-09-01', NULL),
  370. (13, 'dropbox', 10, '2020-12-04', NULL),
  371. (14, 'poty', 3, '2020-07-08', NULL),
  372. (15, 'Mr. America', 1, '2012-12-12', 'CoolClips_busi0684.jpg'),
  373. (16, 'Guitar', 400, '2012-09-04', '-5046728f8435c.png'),
  374. (17, 'troy', 100, '2012-09-19', '-505bf2f64037a.png'),
  375. (18, 'l''l;;l'';lq', 233, '2012-09-28', NULL),
  376. (19, 'tr', 43, '2012-10-14', '-507ad3f75b574.jpg'),
  377. (20, 'Pencils', 1, '2012-11-18', NULL),
  378. (21, 'Garfield', 2150, '2012-11-23', 'garfield-50afe5951a1d0.jpg'),
  379. (22, 'Shoes', 90, '2012-11-24', NULL),
  380. (23, 'Toys', 13, '2012-11-24', NULL),
  381. (24, 'gold', 50000, '2012-12-05', NULL),
  382. (25, 'test1', 4, '2012-12-05', 'List(coffee-50bf96bd28e36.jpg,computer-50bf96bd29354.jpg)'),
  383. (26, 'Furry widgets', 25, '2012-12-26', NULL),
  384. (27, 'WIdget', 543, '2012-12-29', NULL),
  385. (28, 'JOSEPATION2', 1234, '2013-01-11', NULL),
  386. (29, 'Canastas', 100, '2013-01-15', 'List(canastas-1-50f5adbcbb95b.jpg)'),
  387. (30, 'Test Widget', 5000, '2013-02-13', NULL),
  388. (32, 'Peras', 12, '2013-02-19', NULL),
  389. (33, 'test', 10, '2020-02-20', NULL),
  390. (34, 'test123', 10, '2013-02-19', NULL),
  391. (35, 'nothing', 321, '2020-02-19', NULL),
  392. (36, 'New Test Item', 48, '2020-03-15', NULL),
  393. (37, 'organic bread', 3, '2013-03-19', NULL),
  394. (38, 'fffff', 12, '2013-03-30', NULL),
  395. (39, 'Joe Black', 122222, '2013-04-05', NULL),
  396. (40, 'Abacus', 100, '2020-04-27', 'List(P-1029_2p4h_160-SQ-517bcbbf41fdc.png)'),
  397. (41, '2 Pianos 4 Hands', 33, '2013-04-27', 'List(P-1029_2p4h_160-SQ-517bcc6bc4d46.png)'),
  398. (42, 'Frank Gerome', 500, '2013-05-05', NULL);
  400. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  402. --
  403. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `mytasks`
  404. --
  406. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mytasks` (
  407. `task_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  408. `task_prio` int(11) NOT NULL,
  409. `task_desc` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  410. `task_done` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  411. PRIMARY KEY (`task_id`)
  414. --
  415. -- Daten für Tabelle `mytasks`
  416. --
  418. INSERT INTO `mytasks` (`task_id`, `task_prio`, `task_desc`, `task_done`) VALUES
  419. (1, 2, 'Finish website, add Images ', 60),
  420. (2, 2, 'Finally Finish StackApps', 90),
  421. (5, 2, 'Investigate More', 10),
  422. (9, 2, 'My Personal Task Description', 60),
  423. (11, 1, 'Fix Stuff Quckly', 50),
  424. (13, 2, 'Sjal', 40),
  425. (14, 1, 'Review class notes', 100),
  426. (16, 2, 'Thank baby for awesome stacks! Yeah ', 70),
  427. (17, 3, 'Take out trash', 20),
  428. (19, 2, 'Water Pot Plants', 50),
  429. (20, 2, 'Learning Curve 01', 60),
  430. (21, 2, 'Get help with rapidweaver', 100),
  431. (23, 2, 'kool', 70),
  432. (24, 2, 'DemoTask A', 30),
  433. (25, 1, 'Rock and roll', 100),
  434. (28, 1, 'Buy a PC', 70),
  435. (29, 1, 'Take Harley for a Walk!', 60),
  436. (30, 1, 'check out this site very soon', 80),
  437. (31, 1, 'photo frame log', 90),
  438. (32, 1, 'Foo', 0),
  439. (34, 2, 'cycling in north cornwall', 10),
  440. (35, 2, 'Prueba', 60),
  441. (36, 1, 'This is a test', 20),
  442. (37, 1, 'yo', 100),
  443. (38, 1, 'Watch paint dry', 90),
  444. (40, 3, 'ÄÖÜäöü Test', 100),
  445. (41, 1, 'Ttt', 0),
  446. (42, 3, 'car wash 2', 50),
  447. (43, 2, 'Buy this Stack', 0),
  448. (44, 2, 'Can believe my luck', 60),
  449. (45, 1, 'What a generous guy !', 10),
  450. (46, 1, 'Josepas', 0),
  451. (47, 2, 'Tamen Task', 70),
  452. (48, 3, 'Research MySql Options', 30),
  453. (49, 2, 'Testing this task function ', 90),
  454. (50, 2, 'Finding out StackApps', 20),
  455. (51, 3, 'Watch the StackApps tutorial videos', 20),
  456. (52, 3, 'Great Stack', 10),
  457. (53, 2, 'Take out the garbage today', 0),
  458. (54, 2, 'DDD', 40),
  459. (55, 1, 'Test', 0),
  460. (57, 1, 'Pee', 30),
  461. (58, 1, 'Testing 123...', 50),
  462. (59, 1, 'how to make a dsn', 0),
  463. (60, 1, 'SJOV', 50),
  464. (61, 2, 'Buy tartan paint and sky hooks', 50),
  465. (62, 1, 'Do something great', 100),
  466. (63, 2, 'Set up mySQL test database', 10),
  467. (64, 1, 'test julien', 0),
  468. (65, 3, 'jb3', 20);
  470. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  472. --
  473. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `newsletter`
  474. --
  476. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `newsletter` (
  477. `newsletter_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  478. `newsletter_date` datetime NOT NULL,
  479. `newsletter_body` text NOT NULL,
  480. PRIMARY KEY (`newsletter_id`)
  483. --
  484. -- Daten für Tabelle `newsletter`
  485. --
  487. INSERT INTO `newsletter` (`newsletter_id`, `newsletter_date`, `newsletter_body`) VALUES
  488. (1, '2012-08-19 17:19:41', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>');
  490. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  492. --
  493. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `sales`
  494. --
  497. `sales_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  498. `sales_year` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2012',
  499. `sales_phones` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  500. `sales_pads` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  501. `sales_laptops` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  502. `sales_pods` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  503. PRIMARY KEY (`sales_id`)
  506. --
  507. -- Daten für Tabelle `sales`
  508. --
  510. INSERT INTO `sales` (`sales_id`, `sales_year`, `sales_phones`, `sales_pads`, `sales_laptops`, `sales_pods`) VALUES
  511. (1, 2011, 10, 8, 5, 10),
  512. (2, 2012, 14, 12, 5, 9),
  513. (3, 2013, 15, 14, 6, 7),
  514. (4, 2015, 56, 59, 12, 45),
  515. (5, 2014, 34, 32, 8, 9),
  516. (6, 2016, 60, 65, 14, 40);
  518. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  520. --
  521. -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `users`
  522. --
  525. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  526. `user_login` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  527. `user_password` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
  528. `user_email` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  529. `user_firstname` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  530. `user_lastname` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  531. `user_roles` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  532. `user_created` datetime NOT NULL,
  533. `user_hash` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL,
  534. PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
  537. --
  538. -- Daten für Tabelle `users`
  539. --
  541. INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `user_login`, `user_password`, `user_email`, `user_firstname`, `user_lastname`, `user_roles`, `user_created`, `user_hash`) VALUES
  542. (1, 'peterpiper', 'fe01ce2a7fbac8fafaed7c982a04e229', 'peterpiper@mail.com', 'Peter', 'Piper', 'List(demo)', '2001-11-30 00:00:00', NULL),
  543. (12, 'johndoe', 'b5343838706143fd328977953208fa8a', 'johndoe@mail.com', 'John', 'Doe', 'List(demo,admin)', '2012-08-31 12:37:28', NULL);
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