
Crash Test Fluffies

Nov 13th, 2012
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  1. Crash Test Fluffies Anonymous 11/13/12(Tue)01:32 No.5710504
  3. >Ah the good life.
  4. >Decent paying job at the office, a choice apartment downtown, and a girl who can hold her own in the world.
  5. >It just so happens she’s also a pretty bitchin’ cook who’s makin’ some lasagna at the moment
  6. >And you? You’re just veggin’ out on the couch after a long work week.
  7. >The luminous glow of the 50 inch flatscreen keeping you entertained with some of the lowest forms of entertainment known to man.
  8. >Well maybe not quite entertained as you’d like
  9. >Over 2000 channels of horseshit and you can’t find something to scratch your itch
  10. >MTV? Ha! no *click*
  11. >TBS? Let’s see reruns of Friends, haha nope *click*
  12. >FluffyTV? Cute, but mind rotting to anything but a fluffy pony *click*
  13. >Then suddenly it happens, a happy father and mother leaving the hospital with newborn in tow entering their car, flashes onto the screen.
  14. >Smiles and sunshine as daddy fastens his child into a really funky looking car seat
  15. >Honestly the sweetness of it all is starting to irk you…
  16. >The scene cuts away to a Gary Busey looking mother fucker in a suit and tie sitting and smiling in what seems to be a R&D lab with that fancy car seat on display to his side
  17. >”Hi, I’m Gary Busey and here at Zeppelin Incorporated we understand that it’s a dangerous out on the road and we care for your children’s wellbeing. Which is why The “Zepplin” was created, With bubble shock suspension an-“
  18. >Well you’ll be damnned, it is Busey!
  20. >hold on a bit…
  21. >oh God Dammit
  22. >A sudden flash of insight has put you in a really sour mood
  23. >People would probably think you’re a tad mental for getting upset over such a benign ad but you have your reasons
  24. >Namely it serves as a reminder that your girl wants to have a baby
  25. >She’s been pressuring you to start a family with her ever since her sister had twins
  26. >You’ve tried your best to avoid the subject, but with every passing day she becomes more pressing on the issue
  27. >Honestly with the way she’s been acting you’d think she was a Flu-
  28. >”We’re so confident in the technology behind our car seats that we’ve even had it tested by the most fragile creature known to man a, fl-“
  29. >”-uffy Pony” you mutter under your breath.
  30. >Freaky, but now he’s got your full attention
  31. >”Got your attention didn’t I? ”
  32. >LOL WUT?
  33. >You take a look around wondering if this is some kind of elaborate prank
  34. >Nope it’s just you being paranoid
  35. >The scene again cuts away, this time to a desert field
  36. >Busey, ever the charismatic businessman is still decked out in a business suit but seems to be holding onto a green Pegasus mare
  37. >”I’d like you to meet our test subject, say hello to the folks at home Emerald”
  38. >”HEWWO” the fluffy waves enthusiastically at the camera
  39. >”That’s my girl, coochie coochie coo hehehhe!”
  40. >the spritely green ball of energy, giggles and coos as she’s tickled all over
  42. >It’s all a bit surreal to say the least
  43. >Oddly enough it’s also kind of heartwarming seeing someone as unstable as Gary Busey playing with a retarded toy horse.
  44. >A cloud of dust kicks up in the background
  45. >”OK, girl it’s show time, ready for a game? If you’re good you’ll get a treat”
  46. >“EMMY WUV GAME! WAN TWEAT! BE GUD FWUFFY” she squeals
  47. >”That’s my girl! To help prove our product’s effectiveness, little Emmy is going to be our mark of quality, our crash test fluffy”
  48. >An SUV pulls up and the side door opens revealing the same odd car seat from before
  49. >Gary opens the door and straps her in and kisses her forehead before facing the other way and immediately spitting out the fluff that managed to get in his mouth
  52. >Busey mutters something under his breath as the door slams behind him and walks off to a conveniently placed table with an open laptop
  53. >”Now for the fun stuff folks! This little computer here allows me to keep tabs on Emerald”
  54. >The window on the monitor shows the fluffy tearing up from the abrupt farewell
  55. >”How you doin, Emmy?!”
  57. >The little mare wiggles as much her restraints allow as she searches frantically for daddy
  58. >”Aww it’s alright, daddy forgives you. Now as you can see, we can keep an eye on her but she can only hear us isn’t that right sweety?”
  60. >”DAT WIGHT EMMY ONWY HEAW DADDEH!” she says with an air of assurance, only to look curiously around again moments later
  61. >He takes a moment to stare at the screen and begins to make increasingly ugly faces at the monitor
  62. >”Oh uh… back to business. we’ll be sending little Emmy on a one way trip to a 12 inch wall of reinforced concrete over that-a-way”
  63. >”WHA CONCWETE?”
  64. >”Not now Emmy!”
  65. >Emmy quickly hides her face behind her hooves, taken aback by daddy’s sudden outburst
  66. >”Where were we? Oh yes the wall, DUN DUNNA NAH, TADA!”
  67. > With a quick almost playful finger point the camera pans to the right revealing a large brick wall standing about 7 feet tall out in the distance
  68. >”Now, little Emmy doesn’t know it but she’ll be reaching speeds of over 90 MPH before she hits home if you catch my drift.”
  69. >”Oh and by the way I’ll be the one sending her there. That’s right, not only does this computer keep an eye on her, I’ll be using it to take her on the ride of her life!”
  70. >He reaches below the table to pull out a racing helmet and pulls up a seat and places his hands on the keyboard
  72. >Oh Christ, he’s started making engine noises
  73. > The screen breaks apart into 3 separate sections
  74. > Two smaller windows showing Busey and Emmy separately are shown on the upper corners of the screen
  75. >What’s left of the display is used to keep an eye on the SUV
  77. >In a matter of seconds The SUV zips around the desert banking around all manner of cacti and vegetation
  78. >a small speedometer pops up in the lower left corner of the screen reading speeds that fluctuate between 56-62 MPH
  79. >Little Emmy is having the time of her life squealing in pleasure ignorant of what’s to come
  80. >”And now for the finale!” Busey barks
  81. >”FINAWE FINAWE FINAWE!” Chants an exuberant Emmy
  82. >The SUV’s erratic pattern is suddenly shattered as Busey directs it to its final destination
  83. >57… 66… 73… 78… 83… 92 MPH, the speedometer climbs rapidly as it approaches the wall
  84. >A wide angle shot catches the moment of truth as the vehicle crumples up and burst into flames
  85. >The impact rattles the camera a bit and a pillar of black smoke bellows in the distance
  86. >”AND WHA-BAM!!! HAHAHAHAHA HOO WEE!” The video feed of Emerald comes to an abrupt end followed by static
  87. >By the time the dust settles He’s broken out into a little dance
  88. >”Ooh, NASTY” you actually manage to wince a bit at the remains which looks like some serious Salvador Dali shit.
  89. >With an impact like that surely that little mare must’ve been crushed if not outright pureed
  90. >A team of rescue workers make their way to the scene within seconds and get to work
  91. >The fires are doused and the doors are quickly pried opened to unearth the results
  92. >You don’t believe it, she’s still alive
  94. > Scared shitless and bawling her eyes out but alive none the less.
  96. >A calm and composed Busey walks up to the wreckage and pulls the shell shocked mare out of the shit soaked seat toweling her off and offering her a cookie
  97. >”Ya did good Emmy ya did good.”
  98. >Her cries quickly pacified by the offering of baked goods and daddy’s comforting hold
  99. >Odd, you could’ve sworn that fluffy was a slightly darker shade of green and a bit smaller…
  100. >Meh, you’re thinkin’ too much about it
  101. >”As you can see, not a bruise or injury on her, ain’t that right Emmy?”
  103. >Busey gives her a quick flick on the nose
  104. >”That’s right EMMY!”
  105. >A crewman quickly takes the fluffy before she starts to cry up a storm on camera
  106. >A wry grin creeps on Busey’s face, ”Now, let’s see the results of one of our competitors shall we?”
  107. >They aren’t going to…
  108. >They are, a pet kennel is brought in and another SUV drives in
  109. >Busey reaches in and retrieves the new test subject
  110. >This one a Pegasus stallion in a brilliant shade of white with a grey mane
  111. >”NU DADDEH?” he squeaks
  112. >No more than a second passes before he’s briskly whisked away by the magic of video editing and placed in a shoddy looking carseat
  113. >”DIS GAME?!” he chirps in delight
  114. >the camera pans to show a knowing smile plastered on Gary’s face as he shuts the door and makes his way to the laptop
  116. >”By now you know what to expect, or do you? Hahaha oh well guess you’ll just have to sit and find out huh?”
  117. >Once again he dons the helmet and sends the pegasi zooming across the desert
  118. >”You having fun there little buddy?!”
  120. >”You got it!”
  121. >Once again an SUV finds itself making head way for a slab of concrete over a mile away
  122. >The speedometer breaks 102mph as the car collides with the wall
  123. >But something different happens this time around…
  124. >The angle is different it’s looking at the car straight on during impact
  125. >On top of that the moment of impact has been slowed for dramatic effect
  126. >The hood crumples and the windshield shatters as a hunk of plastic catapults through
  128. > OH SHIT!
  129. >It’s the car seat with the fluffy Pegasus in tow
  130. >The stallion’s face and body are slowly mangled by the glass
  131. >Each passing second a new shard embeds itself into fluff and flesh
  132. >Sanguineous fluid pours freely highlighting the white fluff in abstract patterns
  133. >A fluffy strapped to a chair that was meant to protect, slowly spirals towards the camera in a grotesque ballet of blood and glass
  134. >After what seemed to be an eternity, a marriage of fluff and brick gives birth to a spectacular array of chunks of meat, bone, and fluff painting the video feed red.
  135. > The camera cuts away to Busey who’s seems to be enjoying himself
  136. >”WOAH-HO HAHAHA ooh ho ho… oh man… Was that as good for you as it was for me? *Cough* ahem” he takes a moment to compose himself
  137. >”Just goes to show you, accept no substitutes people!”
  138. >”Know what you’re gettin’, Place your trust in a Zeppelin!” a big thumbs up and the screen fades to blue
  139. >”We’ll send you the “ZEPPLIN” 10 easy payments of $19.99, Order now and receiv-“
  141. >What you just witnessed has left you a bit uneasy but at the very least you’re pretty entertained
  142. >”Oh God…” you hear a mousey voice over your shoulder
  143. >It’s your girl, and apparently she’s been watching along
  144. >wait a second…
  145. >You turn to her, look her straight in the eye and ask her something that could help put an end to the baby affair
  146. >”Babe, I know how much you want to have a baby, but, do you really want to our kid growing up in a world where shit like this is acceptable?”
  147. >she shoots you a dirty look, but then lightly shakes her head and slinks off
  148. >Well you’re not quite sure if that was really the end of your issues, but you aren’t expecting any baby talk for a while
  149. >If that fluffy was still alive you’d owe him a big ass plate of spaghetti
  150. >A quick glance at the TV shows Mr. Busey once again smiling and cradling the green mare
  151. >That smile seems a lot more ambiguous than before
  152. >You’re reminded of a certain other actor who’s found employment involving fluffies and begin to wonder if there’s a correlation between fluffies and washed up actors.
  154. Fin
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