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a guest
Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. shopcheck:check prices for an item
  2. shoplist:list prices for the shop
  3. shopbuy:buy and item
  4. shopsell:sell an item
  5. shopaddadd: item to or update an item in the price lilst
  6. shopremove: remove an item from the price list
  7. shopload: reload prices from pricelist.yml
  8. shophelp: list available commands
  9. eekruneadd: allows you to add runes
  10. eekrunedel: allows you to remove runes
  11. eekrunereload: allows you to reload runes
  12. eekrunelist: gives you a list of loaded runes
  13. afk: marks you as away
  14. ban:bans a player
  15. banip: bans an ip address
  16. broadcast: broadcasts a message to all
  17. bigtree: spawn a big tree next to you
  18. clearinventory: clear all items in your inventory
  19. compass: describes your current bearing
  20. delwarp: removes a warp point
  21. depth: states current depth relative to sea level
  22. eco: manages the server economy
  23. essentials: reloads essentials config
  24. getpos: get current coordinates
  25. give:give a player an item
  26. heal: heals you or given player
  27. help: view a list of avalible commands
  28. helpop: request help from online operators
  29. home: teleport to your home
  30. item: spawn an item
  31. jump:jumps to nearest block in line of site
  32. kick: kicks a player with a reason
  33. kickall: kick everyone except you
  34. kit: obtains the specified kit or views all kits avalible
  35. list: list all online players
  36. mail: manages interplayer mail
  37. me: describes an action in the context of the player
  38. modgrp: move a player to specified permission group
  39. motd: views the message of the day
  40. msg: send a private message
  41. nick: change your nickname
  42. nuble: used by nuble to request permission for takeoff
  43. ping:pong
  44. plugin: enables disables or reloads a plugin
  45. reloadall: reload all plugin congfigs
  46. rules: view the server rules
  47. sell: sell the item currently in your hand
  48. sethome: set your home to current location
  49. setspawn: set the spawnpoint to current location
  50. setwarp: set warppoint to current location
  51. spawn: teleport to spawnpoint
  52. spawnmob: spawn a mob
  53. time: change day or night
  54. top: teleport to highest block
  55. tp: teleport to player
  56. tpa:tequest to teleport player
  57. tpaccept:accepts teleport request
  58. tpahere: request player teleport to you
  59. tpdenyreject a teleport request
  60. tphere: teleport player to you
  61. tpo: teleport override
  62. tpohere: tphere override
  63. tppos: teleport to coordinates
  64. tptoggle: blocks all forms of teleporttation
  65. tree: spawn a tree next to you
  66. unban: unban player
  67. unbanip: unban ip
  68. warp: teleport player to warp point
  69. whois: find username behind nick
  70. worth: calculates worth of item your holding
  71. find: points compass toward something
  72. bounty:list herobounty commands
  73. cpublic: shortcut for /lwc -c public
  74. cpassword: shortcut for /lwc -c password
  75. cprivate: shortcut for /lwc -c private
  76. cunlock: shortcut for /lwc -u pass
  77. cinfo: shortcut for /lwc -i
  78. cremove: shortcut for /lwc -r protection
  79. mvcreate: world create command
  80. mvimport: world import command
  81. mvremove: world delete command
  82. mvmodify: modify existing settings of world
  83. mvprename: rename a portal
  84. mvtp: teleport to world
  85. mvtpt: teleport target to world
  86. mvlist: list worlds
  87. mvsetspawn: set spawn for world
  88. mvspawn: teleport to spawn area
  89. mvhelp: display multiverse help
  90. mvpc: create portal
  91. mvpcreate: create portals
  92. mvpselect: display selected portal or select oa portal
  93. mvps: display selected portal or select a portal
  94. mvpremove: removes a poeral
  95. mvplist: diaplay all portals the user can use
  96. mvpbuild: build a portal
  97. persist: access persistence commands
  98. phere provide help for persistence enabled plugins
  99. su: toggle superuser
  100. cast: cast a spell
  101. spells: list spells you know
  102. towny: basic towny commands
  103. vanish: toggle visibility
  104. wand: get wand
  105. /sb: choose sphere brush
  106. /cb: choose cylinder brush
  107. /cbb choose clipboard brush
  108. chunkinfo: get info about chunk
  109. listchunks: list chunks your selection includes
  110. delchunk: delete chunks in selection
  111. clearclipboard: clear your clipboard
  112. /load: load a schematic into clipboard
  113. /save: save a schematic into clipboard
  114. /copy: copy selection to clipboard
  115. /flip: flip the contents of the clipboard
  116. /rotate: rotate contents of the clipboard
  117. /cut: cut the selection to clipboard
  118. /paste: paste the clipboards contents
  119. toggleplace: null
  120. searchitem: search for item
  121. /limit: modify block change limit
  122. /hcyl: generate hollow cylinder
  123. /cyl: generate a cylinder
  124. /hsphere: generare hollow sphere
  125. /sphere: generate filled sphere
  126. clearhistory: clears your history
  127. /redo: redo last action
  128. /undo: undo last action
  129. unstunk: escape when stuck
  130. ascend: go up a floor
  131. decend: go down a floor
  132. thru: pass thru a wall
  133. jumpto: teleport to loaction
  134. ceil: to to celing
  135. up: go up some distance
  136. /overlay: set block ontop of blocks
  137. /walls: build for sides of selection
  138. /faces: build walls celling and roof of selection
  139. /smooth: smooth the elevation in selection
  140. /replace: replace blocks in selections
  141. /stack: repeat the contents of selection
  142. /set: set all blocks in selection
  143. /move: move all contents of the selection
  144. .s: execute last craftscript
  145. cs: execute craftscript
  146. /chunk: select current chunk
  147. /pos1: set position 1
  148. /pos2: set position 2
  149. /wand: get the want
  150. /contract: contract selection area
  151. /distr: get the distrubution of blocks in the selection
  152. //count: count number of type of block
  153. /size: get info about selection
  154. /shift: shift the selection area
  155. /expand: expand the slection area
  156. /use: choose a snapshot to use
  157. listsnapshots: list snnapshots
  158. /restore: restore the selection from snapshot
  159. / : toggle superpickaxe
  160. area: enable area super pickaxe
  161. none: turn off super pickaxe
  162. repl: block replacer tool
  163. cycler: block data cycler tool
  164. /brush: build from far away
  165. /rbush: brush tool that will only replace blocks
  166. recur: enable recursive superpickaxe
  167. info: block info tool
  168. single: enable single block pickaxe tool
  169. tree: tree generator tool
  170. /fillr: fill a hold recursivly
  171. fixlava: fix lava to be stationary
  172. /fill: fill a hole
  173. /drain: drain a pool
  174. stopfire: halts all fire spread
  175. allowfire: reenables fire spread
  176. god: toggle god mode
  177. heal: healyourself or another
  178. slay: slay yourself or another
  179. stack: stack items in players inventory
  180. region: adjust protected regions
  181. locate: set compas toward person
  182. repladwg: reload worldguard config
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