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a guest
Nov 4th, 2016
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  1. from random import randint
  2. nest=0
  3. chars="<>+-,.["
  4. def genProgram():
  5. global chars
  6. global nest
  7. output=""
  8. while randint(0,6) > 0:
  9. nextc=randint(0,6)
  10. output+=chars[nextc]
  11. if nextc == 6:
  12. nest+=1
  13. if nest < 20:
  14. output+=genProgram()
  15. nest-=1
  16. output+="]"
  17. return output
  18. def interpret(bf):
  19. tape=0
  20. memory=[0]
  21. point=0
  22. while tape<len(bf):
  23. c=bf[tape]
  24. if c=="<":
  25. if point==0:
  26. memory=[0]+memory
  27. else:
  28. point-=1
  29. if c==">":
  30. point+=1
  31. if point==len(memory):
  32. memory+=[0]
  33. if c=="+":
  34. memory[point]+=1
  35. if memory[point]==256:
  36. memory[point]=0
  37. if c=="-":
  38. memory[point]-=1
  39. if memory[point]==-1:
  40. memory[point]=255
  41. if c==".":
  42. print(chr(memory[point]), end='')
  43. if c==",":
  44. get=input()
  45. if len(get)==0:
  46. memory[point]=0
  47. else:
  48. memory[point]=ord(get[0])
  49. if c=="[":
  50. if memory[point]==0:
  51. openedCount=0
  52. while openedCount>=0 or bf[tape]!="]":
  53. tape+=1
  54. if bf[tape]=="[":
  55. openedCount+=1
  56. if bf[tape]=="]":
  57. openedCount-=1
  58. elif c=="]":
  59. if memory[point]!=0:
  60. openedCount=0
  61. while openedCount>=0 or bf[tape]!="[":
  62. tape-=1
  63. if bf[tape]=="]":
  64. openedCount+=1
  65. if bf[tape]=="[":
  66. openedCount-=1
  67. tape+=1
  68. foo=genProgram()
  69. interpret(foo)
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