
numpy group_by EP second draft

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. """
  2. note on np.unique
  4. this module expands on a the functionality one would currently bootstrap from np.unique
  5. to facilitate the functionality implemented in this module, a generalization of unique is proposed
  6. that is, the version of unique implemented here also takes a lex-sortable tuple,
  7. or multidimensional array viewed along one of its axes as a valid input; ie:
  9.    #stack of 4 images
  10.    images = np.random.rand(4,64,64)
  11.    #shuffle the images; this is a giant mess now; how to find the unique ones?
  12.    shuffled = images[np.random.randint(0,4,200)]
  13.    #there you go
  14.    print unique(shuffled, axis=0)
  16. furthermore, some np.unique related functions are proposed, with a more friendly interface
  17. (multiplicity, count)
  18. """
  21. """
  22. A note on pandas
  23. This module has substantial overlap with pandas' grouping functionality.
  24. So whats the reason for implementing it in numpy?
  26. Primarily; the concept of grouping is far more general than pandas' dataframe.
  27. There is no reason why numpy ndarrays should not have a solid core of grouping functionality.
  29. The recently added ufunc support make that we can now express grouping operations in pure numpy;
  30. that is, without any slow python loops or cumbersome C-extensions.
  32. I was not aware of pandas functionalty on this front when starting working on it;
  33. so i am somewhat pleased to say that many core design elements have turned out the same.
  34. I take that to mean these design decision probably make sense.
  36. It does raise the question as to where the proper line between pandas and numpy lies.
  37. I would argue that evidently, most of pandas functionality has no place in numpy.
  38. Then how is grouping different? I feel what lies at the heart of pandas is a permanent conceptual
  39. association between various pieces of data, assembled in a dataframe and all its metadata.
  40. I think numpy ought to stay well clear of that.
  41. On the other hand, you dont want want to go around creating a pandas dataframe
  42. just to plot a radial reduction; These kind of transient single-statement associations
  43. between keys and values are very useful, entirely independently of some heavyweight framework
  45. Further questions raised from pandas: should we have some form of merge/join functionality too?
  46. or is this getting too panda-ey? all the use cases i can think of fail to be pressed
  47. in some kind of standard mould, but i might be missing something here
  48. """
  51. import numpy as np
  52. import itertools
  59. """
  60. this toggle switches between preferred or backwards compatible semantics
  61. for dealing with key objects. current behavior for the arguments to functions
  62. like np.unique is to flatten any input arrays.
  63. i think a more unified semantics is achieved by interpreting all key arguments as
  64. sequences of key objects, whereby non-flat arrays are simply sequences of keys,
  65. whereby the keys themselves are ndim-1-arrays
  66. for reasons of backwards compatibility, it is probably wise to retain the default,
  67. but at least an axis keyword to toggle this behavior would be a welcome addition
  68. """
  69. backwards_compatible = False
  70. if backwards_compatible:
  71.     axis_default = None
  72. else:
  73.     axis_default = 0
  77. """
  78. some utility functions
  79. """
  81. def as_struct_array(*cols):
  82.     """pack a bunch of columns as a struct"""
  83.     cols = [np.asarray(c) for c in cols]
  84.     rows = len(cols[0])
  85.     data = np.empty(rows, [('f'+str(i), c.dtype, c.shape[1:]) for i,c in enumerate(cols)])
  86.     for i,c in enumerate(cols):
  87.         data['f'+str(i)] = c
  88.     return data
  90. def axis_as_object(arr, axis=-1):
  91.     """
  92.    cast the given axis of an array to a void object
  93.    if the axis to be cast is contiguous, a view is returned, otherwise a copy
  94.    this is useful for efficiently sorting by the content of an axis, for instance
  95.    """
  96.     shape = arr.shape
  97.     arr = np.ascontiguousarray(np.swapaxes(arr, axis, -1))
  98.     return arr.view(np.dtype((np.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * shape[axis]))).reshape(np.delete(shape, axis))
  99. def object_as_axis(arr, dtype, axis=-1):
  100.     """cast an array of void objects to a typed axis"""
  101.     return np.swapaxes(arr.view(dtype).reshape(arr.shape+(-1,)), axis, -1)
  104. def array_as_object(arr):
  105.     """view everything but the first axis as a void object"""
  106.     arr = arr.reshape(len(arr),-1)
  107.     return axis_as_object(arr)
  108. def array_as_typed(arr, dtype, shape):
  109.     """unwrap a void object to its original type and shape"""
  110.     return object_as_axis(arr, dtype).reshape(shape)
  112. ##def array_as_struct(arr):
  113. ##    return np.ascontiguousarray(arr).view([('f0', arr.dtype, arr.shape[1:])])#.flatten()
  114. ##def struct_as_array(arr):
  115. ##    return arr.view(arr['f0'].dtype)
  121. """
  122. class hierarchy for indexing a set of keys
  123. the class hierarchy allows for code reuse, while providing specializations for different
  124. types of key objects, yielding maximum flexibility and performance
  125. """
  127. """
  128. A note on naming: 'Index' here refers to the fact that the goal of these classes is to
  129. perform and store precomputations on a set of keys,
  130. such as to accelerate subsequent operations involving these keys.
  131. They are not 'logical' indexes as in pandas;
  132. they are not permanently associated with any other data objects
  134. Note that these classes are not primarily intended to be used directly from the numpy namespace,
  135. but rather are intended for code reuse within a family of higher level operations,
  136. only the latter need to be part of the numpy API.
  138. That said, these classes can also be very useful
  139. in those places where the standard operations do not quite cover your needs,
  140. saving your from completely reinventing the wheel.
  141. """
  144. class BaseIndex(object):
  145.     """
  146.    minimal indexing functionality
  147.    only provides unique and counts, but with optimal performance
  148.    no grouping, or lex-keys are supported,
  149.    or anything that would require an indirect sort
  150.    """
  151.     def __init__(self, keys):
  152.         """
  153.        keys is a flat array of possibly compsite type
  154.        """
  155.         self.keys   = np.asarray(keys).flatten()
  156.         self.sorted = np.sort(self.keys)
  157.         #the slicing points of the bins to reduce over
  158.         self.flag   = self.sorted[:-1] != self.sorted[1:]
  159.         self.slices = np.concatenate((
  160.             [0],
  161.             np.flatnonzero(self.flag)+1,
  162.             [self.size]))
  164.     @property
  165.     def start(self):
  166.         """start index of all bins"""
  167.         return self.slices[:-1]
  168.     @property
  169.     def stop(self):
  170.         """stop index of all bins"""
  171.         return self.slices[1:]
  172.     @property
  173.     def groups(self):
  174.         return len(self.start)
  175.     @property
  176.     def size(self):
  177.         return self.keys.size
  180.     @property
  181.     def unique(self):
  182.         """the first entry of each bin is a unique key"""
  183.         return self.sorted[self.start]
  184.     @property
  185.     def count(self):
  186.         """number of times each key occurs"""
  187.         return np.diff(self.slices)
  188.     @property
  189.     def uniform(self):
  190.         """returns true if each key occurs an equal number of times"""
  191.         return not np.any(np.diff(self.count))
  194. class Index(BaseIndex):
  195.     """
  196.    index object over a set of keys
  197.    adds support for more extensive functionality, notably grouping
  198.    """
  199.     def __init__(self, keys):
  200.         """
  201.        keys is a flat array of possibly composite type
  202.        """
  203.         self.keys   = np.asarray(keys)
  204.         #find indices which sort the keys
  205.         self.sorter = np.argsort(self.keys)
  206.         #computed sorted keys
  207.         self.sorted = self.keys[self.sorter]
  208.         #the slicing points of the bins to reduce over
  209.         self.flag   = self.sorted[:-1] != self.sorted[1:]
  210.         self.slices = np.concatenate((
  211.             [0],
  212.             np.flatnonzero(self.flag)+1,
  213.             [self.size]))
  215.     @property
  216.     def index(self):
  217.         """ive never run into any use cases for this;
  218.        perhaps it was intended to be used to do group_by(keys).first(values)?
  219.        in any case, included for backwards compatibility with np.unique"""
  220.         return self.sorter[self.start]
  221.     @property
  222.     def rank(self):
  223.         """how high in sorted list each key is"""
  224.         return self.sorter.argsort()
  225.     @property
  226.     def sorted_group_rank_per_key(self):
  227.         """find a better name for this? enumeration of sorted keys. also used in median implementation"""
  228.         return np.cumsum(np.concatenate(([False], self.flag)))
  229.     @property
  230.     def inverse(self):
  231.         """return index array that maps unique values back to original space"""
  232.         return self.sorted_group_rank_per_key[self.rank]
  235. ##    def where(self, other):
  236. ##        """
  237. ##        determine at which indices a second set equals a first
  238. ##        """
  239. ##        return np.searchsorted(self.unique, other)
  243. class ObjectIndex(Index):
  244.     """
  245.    given axis enumerates the keys
  246.    all other axes form the keys
  247.    groups will be formed on the basis of bitwise equality
  249.    should we retire objectindex?
  250.    this can be integrated with regular index ala lexsort, no?
  251.    not sure what is more readable though
  252.    """
  253.     def __init__(self, keys, axis):
  254.         self.axis = axis
  255.         self.dtype = keys.dtype
  257.         keys = np.swapaxes(keys, axis, 0)
  258.         self.shape = keys.shape
  259.         keys = array_as_object(keys)
  261.         super(ObjectIndex, self).__init__(keys)
  263.     @property
  264.     def unique(self):
  265.         """the first entry of each bin is a unique key"""
  266.         sorted = array_as_typed(self.sorted, self.dtype, self.shape)
  267.         return np.swapaxes(sorted[self.start], self.axis, 0)
  270. class LexIndex(Index):
  271.     """
  272.    index object based on lexographic ordering of a tuple of key-arrays
  273.    key arrays can be any type, including multi-dimensional, structed or voidobjects
  274.    however, passing such fancy keys to lexindex may not be ideal from a performance perspective,
  275.    as lexsort does not accept them as arguments directly, so we have to index and invert them first
  277.    should you find yourself with such complex keys, it may be more efficient
  278.    to place them into a structured array first
  280.    note that multidimensional columns are indexed by their first column,
  281.    and no per-column axis keyword is supplied,
  282.    customization of column layout will have to be done at the call site
  284.    """
  285.     def __init__(self, keys):
  286.         self.keys   = tuple(np.asarray(key) for key in keys)
  287.         self.dtypes = tuple(key.dtype for key in self.keys)
  288.         self.shapes = tuple(key.shape for key in self.keys)
  290.         keyviews   = tuple(array_as_object(key) if key.ndim>1 else key for key in self.keys)
  291.         #find indices which sort the keys; complex keys which lexsort does not accept are bootstrapped from Index
  292.         self.sorter = np.lexsort(tuple(Index(key).inverse if key.dtype.kind is 'V' else key for key in keyviews))
  293.         #computed sorted keys
  294.         self.sorted = tuple(key[self.sorter] for key in keyviews)
  295.         #the slicing points of the bins to reduce over
  296.         self.flag   = reduce(
  297.             np.logical_or,
  298.             (s[:-1] != s[1:] for s in self.sorted))
  299.         self.slices = np.concatenate((
  300.             [0],
  301.             np.flatnonzero(self.flag)+1,
  302.             [self.size]))
  304.     @property
  305.     def unique(self):
  306.         """returns a tuple of unique key columns"""
  307.         return tuple(
  308.             (array_as_typed(s, dtype, shape) if len(shape)>1 else s)[self.start]
  309.                 for s, dtype, shape in zip(self.sorted, self.dtypes, self.shapes))
  311.     @property
  312.     def size(self):
  313.         return self.sorter.size
  315. class LexIndexSimple(Index):
  316.     """
  317.    simplified LexIndex, which only accepts 1-d arrays of simple dtypes
  318.    the more expressive LexIndex only has some logic overhead,
  319.    in case all columns are indeed simple. not sure this is worth the extra code
  320.    """
  321.     def __init__(self, keys):
  322.         self.keys   = tuple(np.asarray(key) for key in keys)
  323.         self.sorter = np.lexsort(self.keys)
  324.         #computed sorted keys
  325.         self.sorted = tuple(key[self.sorter] for key in self.keys)
  326.         #the slicing points of the bins to reduce over
  327.         self.flag   = reduce(
  328.             np.logical_or,
  329.             (s[:-1] != s[1:] for s in self.sorted))
  330.         self.slices = np.concatenate((
  331.             [0],
  332.             np.flatnonzero(self.flag)+1,
  333.             [self.size]))
  335.     @property
  336.     def unique(self):
  337.         """the first entry of each bin is a unique key"""
  338.         return tuple(s[self.start] for s in self.sorted)
  340.     @property
  341.     def size(self):
  342.         return self.sorter.size
  346. def as_index(keys, axis = axis_default, base=False):
  347.     """
  348.    casting rules for a keys object to an index
  350.    the preferred semantics is that keys is a sequence of key objects,
  351.    except when keys is an instance of tuple,
  352.    in which case the zipped elements of the tuple are the key objects
  354.    the axis keyword specifies the axis which enumerates the keys
  355.    if axis is None, the keys array is flattened
  356.    if axis is 0, the first axis enumerates the keys
  357.    which of these two is the default depends on whether backwards_compatible == True
  359.    if base==True, the most basic index possible is constructed.
  360.    this avoids an indirect sort; if it isnt required, this has better performance
  361.    """
  362.     if isinstance(keys, Index):
  363.         return keys
  364.     if isinstance(keys, tuple):
  365.         return LexIndex(keys)
  366.     try:
  367.         keys = np.asarray(keys)
  368.     except:
  369.         raise TypeError('Given object does not form a valid set of keys')
  370.     if axis is None:
  371.         keys = keys.flatten()
  372.     if keys.ndim==1:
  373.         if base:
  374.             return BaseIndex(keys)
  375.         else:
  376.             return Index(keys)
  377.     else:
  378.         return ObjectIndex(keys, axis)
  384. """
  385. public API starts here
  386. """
  389. class GroupBy(object):
  390.     """
  391.    supports ufunc reduction
  392.    should any other form of reduction be supported?
  393.    not sure it should; more cleanly written externally i think, on a grouped iterables
  394.    """
  395.     def __init__(self, keys, axis = 0):
  396.         #we could inherit from Index, but the multiple specializations make
  397.         #holding a reference to an index object more appropriate
  398.         # note that we dont have backwards compatibility issues with groupby,
  399.         #so we are going to use axis = 0 as a default
  400.         #the multi-dimensional structure of a keys object is usualy meaningfull,
  401.         #and value arguments are not automatically flattened either
  403.         self.index = as_index(keys, axis)
  405.     #forward interesting/'public' index properties
  406.     @property
  407.     def unique(self):
  408.         return self.index.unique
  409.     @property
  410.     def count(self):
  411.         return self.index.count
  412.     @property
  413.     def inverse(self):
  414.         return self.index.inverse
  415.     @property
  416.     def rank(self):
  417.         return self.index.rank
  420.     #some different methods of chopping up a set of values by key
  421.     #not sure they are all equally relevant, but i actually have real world use cases for most of them
  423.     def as_iterable_from_iterable(self, values):
  424.         """
  425.        grouping of an iterable. memory consumption depends on the amount of sorting required
  426.        worst case, if index.sorter[-1] = 0, we need to consume the entire value iterable,
  427.        before we can start yielding any output
  428.        but to the extent that the keys come presorted, the grouping is lazy
  429.        """
  430.         values = iter(enumerate(values))
  431.         cache = dict()
  432.         def get_value(ti):
  433.             try:
  434.                 return cache.pop(ti)
  435.             except:
  436.                 while True:
  437.                     i, v = next(values)
  438.                     if i==ti:
  439.                         return v
  440.                     cache[i] = v
  441.         s = iter(self.index.sorter)
  442.         for c in self.count:
  443.             yield (get_value(i) for i in itertools.islice(s, c))
  445.     def as_outoforder(self, values):
  446.         """
  447.        group values, without regard for the ordering of self.index.unique
  448.        consume values as they come, and yield key-group pairs as soon as they complete
  449.        thi spproach is lazy, insofar as grouped values are close in their iterable
  450.        """
  451.         from collections import defaultdict
  452.         cache = defaultdict(list)
  453.         count = self.count
  454.         unique = self.unique
  455.         key = (lambda i: unique[i]) if isinstance(unique, np.ndarray) else (lambda i: tuple(c[i] for c in unique))
  456.         for i,v in itertools.izip(self.inverse, values):
  457.             cache[i].append(v)
  458.             if len(cache[i]) == count[i]:
  459.                 yield key(i), cache.pop(i)
  461.     def as_iterable_from_sequence(self, values):
  462.         """
  463.        this is the preferred method if values has random access,
  464.        but we dont want it completely in memory.
  465.        like a big memory mapped file, for instance
  466.        """
  467.         s = iter(self.index.sorter)
  468.         for c in self.count:
  469.             yield (values[i] for i in itertools.islice(s, c))
  471.     def as_array(self, values):
  472.         """
  473.        return grouped values as an ndarray
  474.        returns an array of shape [groups, groupsize, ungrouped-axes]
  475.        this is only possible if index.uniform==True
  476.        """
  477.         assert(self.index.uniform)
  478.         values = np.asarray(values)
  479.         values = values[self.index.sorter]
  480.         return values.reshape(self.index.groups, self.count[0], *values.shape[1:])
  482.     def as_list(self, values):
  483.         """return grouped values as a list of arrays, or a jagged-array"""
  484.         values = np.asarray(values)
  485.         values = values[self.index.sorter]
  486.         return np.split(values, self.index.slices[1:-1], axis=0)
  488.     def group(self, values):
  489.         try:
  490.             return self.as_array(values)
  491.         except:
  492.             return self.as_list(values)
  494.     def __call__(self, values):
  495.         """
  496.        not sure how i feel about this. explicit is better than implict
  497.        but group_by(keys).group(values) does not sit too well with me either
  498.        """
  499.         return self.unique,
  502.     # ufunc based reduction methods
  504.     def reduce(self, values, operator = np.add):
  505.         """
  506.        reduce the values over identical key groups, using the ufunc operator
  507.        reduction is over the first axis, which should have elements corresponding to the keys
  508.        all other axes are treated indepenently for the sake of this reduction
  509.        note that this code is only C-vectorized over the first axis
  510.        that is fine is this inner loop is significant, but not so much if it isnt
  511.        if we have only few keys, but values[0].size is substantial, a reduction via
  512.        as_list may be preferable
  513.        """
  514.         values = values[self.index.sorter]
  515.         if values.ndim>1:
  516.             return np.apply_along_axis(
  517.                 lambda slc: operator.reduceat(slc, self.index.start),
  518.                 0, values)
  519.         else:
  520.             return operator.reduceat(values, self.index.start)
  522.     def sum(self, values, axis=0):
  523.         """compute the sum over each group"""
  524.         values = np.asarray(values)
  525.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  526.         return self.unique, self.reduce(values)
  528.     def mean(self, values, axis=0):
  529.         """compute the mean over each group"""
  530.         values = np.asarray(values)
  531.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  532.         count = self.count.reshape(-1,*(1,)*(values.ndim-1))
  533.         return self.unique, self.reduce(values) / count
  535.     def var(self, values, axis=0):
  536.         """compute the variance over each group"""
  537.         values = np.asarray(values)
  538.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  539.         count = self.count.reshape(-1,*(1,)*(values.ndim-1))
  540.         mean = self.reduce(values) / count
  541.         err = values - mean[self.inverse]
  542.         return self.unique, self.reduce(err**2) / count
  544.     def std(self, values, axis=0):
  545.         """standard deviation over each group"""
  546.         unique, var = self.var(values, axis)
  547.         return unique, np.sqrt(var)
  549.     def median(self, values, axis=0, average=True):
  550.         """
  551.        compute the median value over each group.
  552.        when average is true, the average is the two cental values is taken
  553.        for groups with an even key-count
  554.        """
  555.         values = np.asarray(values)
  557.         mid_2 = self.index.start + self.index.stop
  558.         hi = (mid_2    ) // 2
  559.         lo = (mid_2 - 1) // 2
  561.         #need this indirection for lex-index compatibility
  562.         sorted_group_rank_per_key = self.index.sorted_group_rank_per_key
  564.         def median1d(slc):
  565.             #place values at correct keys; preconditions the upcoming lexsort
  566.             slc    = slc[self.index.sorter]
  567.             #refine value sorting within each keygroup
  568.             sorter = np.lexsort((slc, sorted_group_rank_per_key))
  569.             slc    = slc[sorter]
  570.             return (slc[lo]+slc[hi]) / 2 if average else slc[hi]
  572.         values = np.asarray(values)
  573.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  574.         if values.ndim>1:   #is trying to skip apply_along_axis somewhat premature optimization?
  575.             values = np.apply_along_axis(median1d, 0, values)
  576.         else:
  577.             values = median1d(values)
  578.         return self.unique, values
  580.     def min(self, values, axis=0):
  581.         """return the minimum within each group"""
  582.         values = np.asarray(values)
  583.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  584.         return self.unique, self.reduce(values, np.minimum)
  586.     def max(self, values, axis=0):
  587.         """return the maximum within each group"""
  588.         values = np.asarray(values)
  589.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  590.         return self.unique, self.reduce(values, np.maximum)
  592.     def first(self, values, axis=0):
  593.         """return values at first occurance of its associated key"""
  594.         values = np.asarray(values)
  595.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  596.         return self.unique, values[self.index.sorter[self.index.start]]
  598.     def last(self, values, axis=0):
  599.         """return values at last occurance of its associated key"""
  600.         values = np.asarray(values)
  601.         if axis: values = np.rollaxis(values, axis)
  602.         return self.unique, values[self.index.sorter[self.index.stop-1]]
  606.     #implement iter interface? could simply do zip( group_by(keys)(values)), no?
  608. #just an alias, for those who dont like camelcase
  609. group_by = GroupBy
  610. #could also turn this into a function with optional values and reduction func.
  611. def group_by(keys, values=None, reduction=None, axis=0):
  612.     g = GroupBy(keys, axis)
  613.     if values is None:
  614.         return g
  615.     groups =
  616.     if reduction is None:
  617.         return groups
  618.     return [reduction(group) for group in groups]
  622. """
  623. some demonstration of the duplicity between this code and np.unique
  624. they share a lot of common functionality
  625. we cant quite bootstrap grouping from unique as is
  626. but unique can easily be reimplemented using the Index class
  627. """
  629. def unique(keys, return_index = False, return_inverse = False, return_count = False, axis = axis_default):
  630.     """
  631.    backwards compatible interface with numpy.unique
  632.    in the long term i think the kwargs should be deprecated though
  633.    cleaner to call index and its properties directly,
  634.    should you want something beyond the interface provided
  635.    """
  636.     index = as_index(keys, axis, base = not (return_index or return_inverse))
  638.     ret = index.unique,
  639.     if return_index:
  640.         ret = ret + (index.index,)
  641.     if return_inverse:
  642.         ret = ret + (index.inverse,)
  643.     if return_count:
  644.         ret = ret + (index.count,)
  645.     return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret
  647. def count(keys, axis = axis_default):
  648.     """numpy work-alike of collections.Counter"""
  649.     index = as_index(keys, axis, base = True)
  650.     return index.unique, index.count
  652. def multiplicity(keys, axis = axis_default):
  653.     """
  654.    return the multiplicity of each key, or how often it occurs in the set
  655.    note that we are not interested in the unique values for this operation,
  656.    casting doubt on the current numpy design which places np.unique
  657.    at the center of the interface for this kind of operation
  658.    given how often i use multiplicity, id like to have it in the numpy namespace
  659.    """
  660.     index = as_index(keys, axis)
  661.     return index.count[index.inverse]
  663. def rank(keys, axis = axis_default):
  664.     """
  665.    where each item is in the pecking order.
  666.    not sure this should be part of the public api, cant think of any use-case right away
  667.    plus, we have a namespace conflict
  668.    """
  669.     index = as_index(keys, axis)
  670.     return index.rank
  673. def incidence(boundary):
  674.     """
  675.    given an Nxm matrix containing boundary info between simplices,
  676.    compute indidence info matrix
  677.    not to be part of numpy API, to be sure, just something im playing with
  678.    """
  679.     return group_by(boundary).group(np.arange(boundary.size) // boundary.shape[1])
  684. def test_basic():
  686.     keys   = ["e", "b", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e", 'a']
  687.     values = [1.2, 4.5, 4.3, 2.0, 5.67, 8.08, 9.01,1]
  689. ##    keys   = np.array(["a", "b", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e",'d','a','c'])
  690. ##    values = np.array([1.2, 4.5, 4.3, 2.0, 5.67, 8.08, 9.01, 1,2,3])
  692.     print 'two methods of computing non-reducing group'
  693.     print 'as iterable'
  694.     g = group_by(keys)
  695.     for k,v in zip(g.unique, g.as_iterable_from_sequence(values)):
  696.         print k, list(v)
  697.     print 'as list'
  698.     for k,v in zip(*group_by(keys)(values)):
  699.         print k, v
  701.     print 'some reducing group operations'
  702.     g = group_by(keys)
  703.     unique_keys, reduced_values = g.median(values)
  704.     print 'per group median'
  705.     print reduced_values
  706.     unique_keys, reduced_values = g.mean(values)
  707.     print 'per group mean'
  708.     print reduced_values
  709.     unique_keys, reduced_values = g.std(values)
  710.     print 'per group std'
  711.     print reduced_values
  712.     reduced_values = g.reduce(np.array(values), np.minimum) #alternate way of calling
  713.     print 'per group min'
  714.     print reduced_values
  715.     unique_keys, reduced_values = g.max(values)
  716.     print 'per group max'
  717.     print reduced_values
  720. ##test_basic()
  721. ##quit()
  724. def test_lex_median():
  725.     """
  726.    for making sure i squased all bugs related to fancy-keys and median filter implementation
  727.    """
  728.     keys1  = ["e", "b", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e", 'a']
  729.     keys2  = ["b", "b", "b", "d", "e", "e", 'e', 'e']
  730. ##    keys3 = np.random.randint(0,2,(8,2))
  731.     values = [1.2, 4.5, 4.3, 2.0, 5.6, 8.8, 9.1, 1]
  733.     unique, median = group_by((keys1, keys2)).median(values)
  734.     for i in zip(zip(*unique), median):
  735.         print i
  737. ##test_lex_median()
  738. ##quit()
  741. def test_fancy_keys():
  742.     """
  743.    test Index subclasses
  744.    """
  745.     keys        = np.random.randint(0, 2, (20,3)).astype(np.int8)
  746.     values      = np.random.randint(-1,2,(20,4))
  749.     #all these various datastructures should produce the same behavior
  750.     #multiplicity is a nice unit test, since it draws on most of the low level functionality
  751.     if backwards_compatible:
  752.         assert(np.all(
  753.             multiplicity(keys, axis=0) ==           #void object indexing
  754.             multiplicity(tuple(keys.T))))           #lexographic indexing
  755.         assert(np.all(
  756.             multiplicity(keys, axis=0) ==           #void object indexing
  757.             multiplicity(as_struct_array(keys))))   #struct array indexing
  758.     else:
  759.         assert(np.all(
  760.             multiplicity(keys) ==                   #void object indexing
  761.             multiplicity(tuple(keys.T))))           #lexographic indexing
  762.         assert(np.all(
  763.             multiplicity(keys) ==                   #void object indexing
  764.             multiplicity(as_struct_array(keys))))   #struct array indexing
  766.     #lets go mixing some dtypes!
  767.     floatkeys   = np.zeros(len(keys))
  768.     floatkeys[0] = 8.8
  769.     print 'sum per group of identical rows using struct key'
  770.     g = group_by(as_struct_array(keys, floatkeys))
  771.     for e in zip(g.count, *g.sum(values)):
  772.         print e
  773.     print 'sum per group of identical rows using lex of nd-key'
  774.     g = group_by(( keys, floatkeys))
  775.     for e in zip(zip(*g.unique), g.sum(values)[1]):
  776.         print e
  777.     print 'sum per group of identical rows using lex of struct key'
  778.     g = group_by((as_struct_array( keys), floatkeys))
  779.     for e in zip(zip(*g.unique), g.sum(values)[1]):
  780.         print e
  782.     #showcase enhanced unique functionality
  783.     images = np.random.rand(4,4,4)
  784.     #shuffle the images; this is a giant mess now; how to find the unique ones?
  785.     shuffled = images[np.random.randint(0,4,200)]
  786.     #there you go
  787.     if backwards_compatible:
  788.         print unique(shuffled, axis=0)
  789.     else:
  790.         print unique(shuffled)
  793. ##g = test_fancy_keys()
  794. ##quit()
  797. def test_radial():
  798.     x = np.linspace(-2,2, 64)
  799.     y = x[:, None]
  800.     x = x[None, :]
  801.     R = np.sqrt( x**2+y**2)
  803.     def airy(r, sigma):
  804.         from scipy.special import j1
  805.         r = r / sigma * np.sqrt(2)
  806.         a = (2*j1(r)/r)**2
  807.         a[r==0] = 1
  808.         return a
  809.     def gauss(r, sigma):
  810.         return np.exp(-(r/sigma)**2)
  812.     distribution = np.random.choice([gauss, airy])(R, 0.3)
  813.     sample = np.random.poisson(distribution*200+10).astype(np.float)
  815.     import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
  816.     #is this an airy or gaussian function? hard to tell with all this noise!
  817.     pp.imshow(sample, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
  819.     #radial reduction to the rescue!
  820.     #if we are sampling an airy function, you will see a small but significant rise around x=1
  821.     g = group_by(np.round(R, 5).flatten())
  822.     pp.errorbar(
  823.         g.unique,
  824.         g.mean(sample.flatten())[1],
  825.         g.std (sample.flatten())[1] / np.sqrt(g.count))
  826.     pp.xlim(0,2)
  829. ##test_radial()
  830. ##quit()
  832. def test_meshing():
  833.     """
  834.    meshing example
  835.    demonstrates the use of multiplicity, and group.median
  836.    """
  837.     #set up some random points, and get their delaunay triangulation
  838.     points = np.random.random((20000,2))*2-1
  839.     points = points[np.linalg.norm(points,axis=1) < 1]
  840.     from scipy.spatial.qhull import Delaunay
  841.     d = Delaunay(points)
  842.     tris = d.simplices
  844.     #the operations provided in this module allow us to express potentially complex
  845.     #computational geometry questions elegantly in numpy
  846.     #Delaunay.neighbors could be used as well,
  847.     #but the point is to express this in pure numpy, without additional library functionaoty
  848.     edges = tris[:,[[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]].reshape(-1,2)
  849.     sorted_edges = np.where(edges[:,0:1]<edges[:,1:2], edges, edges[:,::-1])
  850.     #we test to see how often each edge occurs, or how many indicent simplices it has
  851.     #this is a very general method of finding the boundary of any topology
  852.     #and we can do so here with only one simple and readable command, multiplicity == 1
  853.     if backwards_compatible:
  854.         boundary_edges = edges[multiplicity(sorted_edges, axis=0)==1]
  855.     else:
  856.         boundary_edges = edges[multiplicity(sorted_edges)==1]
  857.     boundary_points = unique(boundary_edges)
  859.     if False:
  860.         print boundary_edges
  861.         print incidence(boundary_edges)
  864.     #create some random values on faces
  865.     #we want to smooth them over the mesh to create a nice hilly landscape
  866.     face_values   = np.random.normal(size=d.nsimplex)
  867.     #add some salt and pepper noise, to make our problem more interesting
  868.     face_values[np.random.randint(d.nsimplex, size=10)] += 1000
  870.     #start with a median step, to remove salt-and-pepper noise
  871.     #toggle to mean to see the effect of the median filter
  872.     g = group_by(tris.flatten())
  873.     prestep = g.median if True else g.mean
  874.     vertex_values = prestep(np.repeat(face_values, 3))[1]
  875.     vertex_values[boundary_points] = 0
  877.     #actually, we can compute the mean without grouping
  878.     tris_per_vert = g.count
  879.     def scatter(x):
  880.         r = np.zeros(d.npoints, x.dtype)
  881.         for idx in tris.T:, idx, x)
  882.         return r / tris_per_vert
  883.     def gather(x):
  884.         return x[tris].mean(axis=1)
  886.     #iterate a little
  887.     for i in range(100):
  888.         face_values   = gather(vertex_values)
  889.         vertex_values = scatter(face_values)
  890.         vertex_values[boundary_points] = 0
  893.     #display our nicely rolling hills and their boundary
  894.     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  895.     x, y = points.T
  896.     plt.tripcolor(x,y, triangles = tris, facecolors = face_values)
  897.     plt.scatter(x[boundary_points], y[boundary_points])
  898.     plt.xlim(-1,1)
  899.     plt.ylim(-1,1)
  900.     plt.axis('equal')
  903. d = test_meshing()
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