

Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. Goodbye A3L
  3. It’s come to that unfortunate time where I say goodbye to the ECSO, and Life Studios as a whole. I’ve recently come into some health problems that made me realize how much fun I actually do NOT have playing A3L anymore.
  5. I could go on and on about the details, but I’ll do my best to keep this somewhat collected and as TL;DR as I possibly can. I simply do not agree with the last few months of events at Life Studios, from a player standpoint, from an LEO standpoint, or even from my brief period as a staff member. Disgusting impeachment hearings based upon metagaming, blatant bias and conflicts of interest when it concerns the panels that oversaw said impeachment hearings, as well as the “vote”(it was so interesting they chose to declare it a vote) for our new Sheriff. Maybe you guys can continue to pretend like everything okay, but it’s not. People being hired in as Warden, good lord if that had anything to do with me or CID I would have had to attend like 3 separate in character meetings in an IC Channel,
  7. Brody Amos and James Hallway were done wrong, and there’s nothing you can say or do to change that. They were put on the stand and humiliated, without a real chance at any sort of defense. The worst part is, it was all metagaming. 100% Grade-A metagaming. Hope those who are responsible are sitting pretty on their imaginary throne, and are extremely proud of ruining a video game for multiple people who did nothing wrong.
  9. The irony really kicked in when we saw who was “voted in” for Sheriff, like everyone hadn’t already predicted 50% of that outcome. Decisions that followed, such as the decision to rehire friends(something we were put on the stand for), are now just standard practice. A rehire SOP, which is dangerously close to the rehire SOP that resulted in my temporary suspension and the impeachment of 2 of the best officers the ECSO has ever had, is now standard protocol as well. And everyone just turns their head and says “Well don’t worry, just wait.”
  11. I’m sick of waiting, I see no solution coming from anyone in the DOJ, anyone in the ECSO, and even more so in staff. And to any staff members reading this, if you guys are truly going to step in on the factions and regulate things more often, then either step in or step out. This half in half out crap has allowed all of this to happen, the deterioration of an entire faction of your community. Now we have IA, which already is getting the ability to negotiate for hostage situations(complete and utter nonsense, and yet again we have the Spetnaz Initiative all over again).
  13. This isn’t what I signed up for. When I originally joined Life Studios, and law enforcement in general, I did so because there was an overwhelming amount of brotherhood between LEO’s, and they were like a family. We took care of each other, but more importantly we all had fun. I did what I could to adapt to the new times, but when I finally realized that 100% of the fun has been sucked out of this video game for me, what else do I stay for?
  15. To the ECSO, I wish you the best of luck. I sure hope proper leadership is found, because we had all the Sheriff’s we ever needed in Hallway and Amos. Please, re-learn what brotherhood is, and take care of eachother. Watch out for people like Brody Hicks, who only kept his job as Police Chief(a job I could have had HIcks, FYI) because his close friends fiercely defended him to no end. Hudson, I hope you truly learn what it means to be a leader, and I hope you truly earn your loyalty. When it came time for you to have your fellow officer’s back, you not only folded, but you slandered and straight up LIED with your little snitchy testimony. I heard everything you had to say outside the Firehouse at DOC, and you sir, are a liar. And to think of all the times I fiercely defended you without question, without pause. I hope you one day learn what it means to earn your loyalty, instead of demanding it. The day you showed up to your own command meeting 25 minutes late, then immediately followed up with threatening to strike the entire out of character room for a strike for what, laughing? That was when your true colors as a leader bled out. I simply cannot perform my duties as an LEO under Matthew Hudson, and formally resign from all such duties and responsibilities for as long as he is in power.
  18. To the staff, please never fire Daniel Lawford. Saw what you will, but he never once lost his faith with me, he was there for me day or night, dawn or dusk when I had problems, and I had them A LOT. He never once ceased to listen to my nonstop bitching and moaning, and he’s bleeding for this place. He deserves more recognition for what he’s done, and more staff members should follow in his lead. Please remember, you need to rebuild the community’s faith in you again. That includes developers as well, stick to your word, and rebuild that faith the community needs to have in you.
  21. I wish you guys the best of luck to CID, but unfortunately CID was broken the day that impeachment request(otherwise known as a wonderful example of the rule violation “metagaming”) was entertained by DOJ and staff. That, coupled with the mass exodus from CID, on top of those who jumped ship as soon as they could for delusions of grandeur in the FBI, it’s just not for me anymore guys.
  23. I’d name people out personally, but those who need to know how I feel know exactly how I feel, and those who need to contact me will already know how. I have my own TS server, so just ask around and some of the guys on Life Studios will be able to help you out.
  25. I have no plans to go anywhere else, or play anywhere else right now. I simply am getting away from life mods and arma 3 for a little bit. I also will probably not be in Life Studios TS very often. I’m gonna focus on my health, and my stream, and focus on having fun once again. That’s what we came to Life Studios to originally do, have fun, and I refuse to continue playing a game where people have managed to steal every ounce of fun I’ve ever had. And honestly, when it comes to my health this is something I unfortunately have to take fairly seriously. I have a pretty lengthy timeline full of some intense “treatments” ahead of me, and for that I need peace of mind. I’m hoping to leave Life Studios on a good note, although quite a few will not see this as such. All I can say now is, the only thing I’ve ever tried to do was improve Life Studios as a whole, as a community. My office was always open(three separate community meetings happened in my office, we ousted Delgado the second time in my office) and I will forever miss the social lobby that my office turned into.
  27. Please don’t forget Sharpie! And those who want to, just keep in touch! I’m not that far away!
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