Guest User

DF linux: double the capacity of armor stands

a guest
Oct 27th, 2012
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text 2.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 0x9461
  2. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
  3. C7 44 24 18 01 00 00 00 FF A0 44 01 00 00
  5. .text:08051461 sub_8051461 proc near
  6. .text:08051461 mov dword ptr [esp+18h], 1
  7. .text:08051469 jmp dword ptr [eax+144h]
  8. .text:08051469 sub_8051461 endp
  10. 0x9548
  11. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
  12. FF 4C 24 14 78 08 EB 0B
  14. .text:08051548 loc_8051548:
  15. .text:08051548 dec dword ptr [esp+14h]
  16. .text:0805154C js short loc_8051556
  17. .text:0805154E jmp short loc_805155B
  19. 0x9556
  20. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
  21. E9 F6 8C 05 00 E9 D0 8D 05 00
  23. .text:08051556 loc_8051556:
  24. .text:08051556 jmp loc_80AA251
  25. .text:0805155B loc_805155B:
  26. .text:0805155B jmp loc_80AA330
  28. 0x9568
  29. 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
  30. FF 4C 24 14 78 E8 EB 06
  32. .text:08051568 loc_8051568:
  33. .text:08051568 dec [esp+14h]
  34. .text:0805156C js short loc_8051556
  35. .text:0805156E jmp short loc_8051576
  37. 0x9576
  38. 90 90 90 90 90
  39. E9 4D 8E 05 00
  41. .text:08051576 loc_8051576:
  42. .text:08051576 jmp loc_80AA3C8
  44. 0x62243
  45. FF 90 44 01 00 00
  46. E8 19 72 FA FF 90
  48. <<<<
  49. .text:080AA243 call dword ptr [eax+144h]
  50. ====
  51. .text:080AA243 call sub_8051461
  52. .text:080AA248 nop
  53. >>>>
  55. 0x62369
  56. E9 E3 FE FF FF
  57. E9 DA 71 FA FF
  59. <<<<
  60. .text:080AA369 jmp loc_80AA251
  61. ====
  62. .text:080AA369 jmp loc_8051548
  63. >>>>
  65. 0x623f6
  66. E9 56 FE FF FF
  67. E9 6D 71 FA FF
  69. <<<<
  70. .text:080AA3F6 jmp loc_80AA251
  71. ====
  72. .text:080AA3F6 jmp loc_8051568
  73. >>>>
  75. basically:
  77. + int allowed_count = 1; // to mean 2
  78. ...
  79. - if (type(item) == new_type)
  80. + if (type(item) == new_type && --allowed_count < 0)
  81. return false;
  83. to allow up to two items of the same type at the same time
  85. ---8<---
  86. This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler
  88. Dwarf_Fortress
  89. 00009461: 90 C7
  90. 00009462: 90 44
  91. 00009463: 90 24
  92. 00009464: 90 18
  93. 00009465: 90 01
  94. 00009466: 90 00
  95. 00009467: 90 00
  96. 00009468: 90 00
  97. 00009469: 90 FF
  98. 0000946A: 90 A0
  99. 0000946B: 90 44
  100. 0000946C: 90 01
  101. 0000946D: 90 00
  102. 0000946E: 90 00
  103. 00009548: 90 FF
  104. 00009549: 90 4C
  105. 0000954A: 90 24
  106. 0000954B: 90 14
  107. 0000954C: 90 78
  108. 0000954D: 90 08
  109. 0000954E: 90 EB
  110. 0000954F: 90 0B
  111. 00009556: 90 E9
  112. 00009557: 90 F6
  113. 00009558: 90 8C
  114. 00009559: 90 05
  115. 0000955A: 90 00
  116. 0000955B: 90 E9
  117. 0000955C: 90 D0
  118. 0000955D: 90 8D
  119. 0000955E: 90 05
  120. 0000955F: 90 00
  121. 00009568: 90 FF
  122. 00009569: 90 4C
  123. 0000956A: 90 24
  124. 0000956B: 90 14
  125. 0000956C: 90 78
  126. 0000956D: 90 E8
  127. 0000956E: 90 EB
  128. 0000956F: 90 06
  129. 00009576: 90 E9
  130. 00009577: 90 4D
  131. 00009578: 90 8E
  132. 00009579: 90 05
  133. 0000957A: 90 00
  134. 00062243: FF E8
  135. 00062244: 90 19
  136. 00062245: 44 72
  137. 00062246: 01 FA
  138. 00062247: 00 FF
  139. 00062248: 00 90
  140. 0006236A: E3 DA
  141. 0006236B: FE 71
  142. 0006236C: FF FA
  143. 000623F7: 56 6D
  144. 000623F8: FE 71
  145. 000623F9: FF FA
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