

Jan 16th, 2016
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  1. wooden sword wooden pickaxe wooden shovel wooden axe wooden hoe
  2. stone sword stone pickaxe stone shovel stone axe stone hoe
  3. golden sword golden pickaxe golden shovel golden axe golden hoe
  5. iron sword iron pickaxe iron shovel iron axe iron hoe
  6. diamond sword diamond pickaxe diamond shovel diamond axe diamond hoe
  7. bow bow 1 bow 2 bow 3 arrow quiver
  9. head body legs boots
  10. white leather cap white leather tunic white leather pants white leather boots
  11. blank leather cap blank leather tunic blank leather pants blank leather boots
  12. leather cap leather tunic leather pants leather boots
  14. chain helmet chain chestplate chain leggings chain boots
  15. golden helmet golden chestplate golden leggings golden boots
  16. iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots
  17. diamond helmet diamond chestplate diamond leggings diamond boots
  19. compass south compass southwest compass west compass northwest
  20. compass north compass northeast compass east compass southeast
  21. clock noon clock evening clock dusk clock night
  22. clock midnight clock wee hours clock dawn clock morning
  24. fishing rod fishing rod cast carrot on a stick flint and steel shears lead name tag
  25. iron horse armor gold horse armor diamond horse armor saddle
  26. minecart minecart with chest minecart with furnace minecart with hopper minecart with tnt
  28. boat book book and quill written book enchanted book map empty map
  29. bucket water bucket lava bucket milk
  30. snowball egg ender pearl eye of ender fire charge
  32. disc 13 disc cat disc blocks disc chirp disc far disc mall
  33. disc mellohi disc stal disc strad disc ward disc 11 disc wait
  34. bottle o' enchanting firework firework star blank firework star spots
  36. firework star white firework star orange firework star magenta firework star light blue
  37. firework star yellow firework star lime firework star pink firework star gray
  38. firework star light gray firework star cyan firework star purple firework star blue
  39. firework star brown firework star green firework star red firework star black
  41. bonemeal orange dye magenta dye light blue dye dandelion yellow lime dye pink dye gray dye
  42. light gray dye cyan dye purple dye lapis lazuli cocoa beans cactus green rose red ink sac
  44. sign painting item frame flower pot wooden door iron door hopper brewing stand
  45. cauldron bed repeater comparator redstone dust glowstone dust gunpowder sugar
  47. iron ingot gold ingot brick nether brick coal charcoal diamond ruby emerald
  48. nether quartz flint gold nugget ghast tear nether star clay ball slimeball
  50. skeleton skull wither skeleton skull zombie head head creeper head
  51. stick bone blaze rod blaze powder magma cream leather
  52. feather paper string fermented spider eye spider eye
  54. seeds melon seeds pumpkin seeds netherwart sugarcane wheat carrot golden carrot
  55. potato baked potato poisonous potato melon glistering melon apple golden apple rotten flesh
  57. raw porkchop porkchop raw beef steak raw fish cooked fish raw chicken cooked chicken
  58. bowl mushroom stew bread cookie cake pumpkin pie glass bottle water bottle
  60. potion of regeneration splash potion of regeneration potion of swiftness splash potion of swiftness
  61. potion of fire resistance splash potion of fire resistance potion of poison splash potion of poison
  62. potion of healing splash potion of healing potion of night vision splash potion of night vision
  63. potion of weakness splash potion of weakness potion of strength splash potion of strength
  67. potion of slowness splash potion of slowness potion of harming splash potion of harming
  68. potion of invisibility splash potion of invisibility splash potion bottle potion liquid
  69. potion of milk splash potion of milk white potion white splash potion
  70. swiftness potion splash swiftness potion slowness potion splash slowness potion
  72. haste potion potion splash haste potion dullness potion splash dullness potion
  73. strength potion splash strength potion health potion splash health potion
  74. harm potion splash harm potion jump boost potion splash jump boost potion
  75. nausea potion splash nausea potion regeneration potion splash regeneration potion
  77. resistance potion splash resistance potion fire resistance potion splash fire resistance potion
  78. water breathing potion splash water breathing potion invisibility potion splash invisibility potion
  79. blindness potion splash blindness potion night vision potion splash night vision potion
  80. hunger potion splash hunger potion weakness potion splash weakness potion
  81. poison potion splash poison potion wither potion splash wither potion
  82. health boost potion splash health boost potion absorption potion splash absorption potion
  83. saturation potion splash saturation potion splash mundane potion
  84. spawn egg spawn egg spots white spawn egg spawn creeper spawn skeleton
  86. spawn spider spawn zombie spawn slime spawn ghast spawn zombie pigman spawn enderman
  87. spawn cave spider spawn silverfish spawn blaze spawn magma cube spawn bat spawn witch
  88. spawn pig spawn sheep spawn cow spawn chicken
  90. spawn squid spawn wolf spawn mooshroom spawn ocelot spawn horse spawn villager
  91. spawn snow golem spawn iron golem spawn wither skeleton spawn wither
  92. spawn human spawn tnt spawn spawner
  94. tfda wooden sword tfda wooden pickaxe tfda wooden shovel tfda wooden axe tfda wooden hoe
  95. tfda stone sword tfda stone pickaxe tfda stone shovel tfda stone axe tfda stone hoe
  96. tfda golden sword tfda golden pickaxe tfda golden shovel tfda golden axe tfda golden hoe
  98. tfda iron sword tfda iron pickaxe tfda iron shovel tfda iron axe tfda iron hoe
  99. tfda diamond sword tfda diamond pickaxe tfda diamond shovel tfda diamond axe tfda diamond hoe
  100. tfda fishing rod tfda fishing rod cast tfda carrot on a stick tfda wooden door tfda iron door
  102. tfda white leather cap tfda white leather tunic tfda white leather pants tfda white leather boots
  103. tfda blank leather cap tfda blank leather tunic tfda blank leather pants tfda blank leather boots
  104. tfda leather cap tfda leather tunic tfda leather pants tfda leather boots
  105. tfda chain helmet tfda chain chestplate tfda chain leggings tfda chain boots
  107. tfda golden helmet tfda golden chestplate tfda golden leggings tfda golden boots
  108. tfda iron helmet tfda iron chestplate tfda iron leggings tfda iron boots
  109. tfda diamond helmet tfda diamond chestplate tfda diamond leggings tfda diamond boots
  110. tfda gold nugget tfda gold ingot tfda golden apple
  112. tfda nether brick tfda nether quartz tfda zombie head tfda purple dye
  113. old cocoa beans starfish seashell
  114. custom disc dream custom disc ezusht custom disc friend custom disc ran
  116. oak sapling spruce sapling birch sapling jungle sapling dead bush shrub
  117. white fern fern white grass grass white stem attached stem attached
  118. white stem stem white vines vines
  120. white lily pad lily pad sugarcane block netherwart 3 netherwart 2 netherwart 1
  121. red mushroom brown mushroom rose cyan flower dandelion
  122. iron bars glass pane cobweb
  124. wheat 8 wheat 7 wheat 6 wheat 5 wheat 4 wheat 3 wheat 2 wheat 1
  125. potatoes 4 potatoes 3 potatoes 2 potatoes 1 carrots 4 carrots 3 carrots 2 carrots 1
  127. rail rail north-east powered rail powered powered rail detector rail powered detector rail
  128. activator rail powered activator rail rail horizontal rail east-south
  129. powered rail horizontal powered powered rail horizontal
  130. detector rail horizontal powered detector rail horizontal
  131. activator rail horizontal powered activator rail horizontal
  133. rail south-east rail east-north ladder ladder horizontal
  134. redstone redstone horizontal redstone vertical
  135. tripwire tripwire horizontal tripwire vertical tripwire cross tripwire hook
  136. lever torch redstone torch redstone torch off
  140. fire 0 fire 1 fire 2 fire 3 fire 4 fire 5
  141. fire inside 0 fire inside 1 fire inside 2 fire inside 3 fire inside 4
  142. stationary water flowing water stationary lava flowing lava nether portal
  144. stationary water solid flowing water solid nether portal solid
  145. break 0 break 1 break 2 break 3 break 4 break 5 break 6 break 7 break 8 break 9
  148. coal ore tile iron ore tile gold ore tile redstone ore tile diamond ore tile
  149. lapis lazuli ore tile emerald ore tile cobblestone tile mossy cobblestone tile
  150. stone tile stone bricks tile mossy stone bricks tile cracked stone bricks tile
  151. chiseled stone bricks tile stone slab top tile stone slab side tile
  153. coal block tile iron block tile gold block tile redstone block tile diamond block tile
  154. lapis lazuli block tile emerald block tile bedrock tile furnace tile burning furnace tile
  155. furnace back tile furnace top tile dispenser tile dispenser top tile dropper tile dropper top tile
  157. piston tile piston head tile piston top tile repeater tile powered repeater tile
  158. comparator tile powered comparator tile redstone lamp tile powered redstone lamp tile
  159. daylight detector bottom tile daylight detector tile crafting table top tile
  160. crafting table side tile crafting table tile jukebox tile note block tile
  162. dirt tile grass block tile snowy grass block tile mycelium tile farmland tile wet farmland tile
  163. snow tile soul sand tile gravel tile sand tile sandstone tile smooth sandstone tile
  164. chiseled sandstone tile sandstone top tile sandstone bottom tile end stone tile
  166. obsidian tile glowstone tile nether brick block tile netherrack tile nether quartz ore tile
  167. quartz block tile quartz block bottom tile pillar quartz tile pillar quartz top tile
  168. chiseled quartz tile chiseled quartz top tile oak log tile oak log top tile oak planks tile
  169. bookshelf tile trapdoor tile
  171. pumpkin tile jack o' lantern tile pumkin side tile pumpkin top tile melon block tile
  172. melon block top tile cactus tile mushroom stem tile mushroom brown tile mushroom red tile
  173. mushroom pores tile hay bale tile sponge tile ice tile tnt tile spawner tile
  175. enchantment table top tile enchantment table side tile end portal frame tile end portal frame side tile
  176. cake top tile cake side tile cake side eaten tile command block tile
  177. beacon crystal tile item frame back tile painting back tile static tile
  179. tfda bedrock tile summoning brick tile corrupt brick side tile corrupt brick top tile
  180. tfda redstone ore tile corrupt runes tile tfda netherbrick tile tfda netherrack
  181. tfda obsidian tile air glyph tile water glyph tile earth glyph tile fire glyph tile
  182. tfda glowstone tile tfda cobblestone tile cracked icy bricks tile
  184. light blue cloth tile green cloth tile yellow cloth tile purple cloth tile
  185. glowing red cloth tile red cloth tile tfda coal block tile tfda redstone block tile
  186. tfda lapis lazuli block tile tfda hardened clay tile tfda snow tile tfda snowy grass block tile
  187. tfda mycelium tile tfda ice tile tfda tnt tile tfda sponge tile
  189. tfda chiseled sandstone tile tfda bricks tile tfda daylight detector bottom tile
  190. tfda daylight detector tile tfda bookshelf tile tfda cactus tile
  193. creeper charged creeper skeleton wither skeleton spider zombie zombie villager slime
  194. ghast firing ghast zombie pigman enderman cave spider silverfish blaze magma cube
  196. bat witch pig sheep cow chicken squid wolf dog angry wolf
  197. mooshroom ocelot black cat ginger cat siamese cat
  199. horse donkey mule skeleton horse zombie horse villager human snow golem
  200. iron golem enderdragon wither wither protected wither skull blue wither skull
  202. rideable minecart chest minecart furnace minecart hopper minecart tnt minecart
  203. spawner minecart boat entity sign front sign back chest tile trapped chest tile
  204. ender chest tile christmas chest tile doublechest trapped doublechest christmas doublechest
  208. ender crystal shell ender crystal gem 1 ender crystal gem 2 ender crystal gem 3
  209. ender crystal gem 4 ender crystal gem 5 ender crystal gem 6 ender crystal 1
  210. ender crystal 2 ender crystal 3 ender crystal 4 ender crystal 5 ender crystal 6
  211. beacon beam arrow entity item frame entity
  213. painting kebab painting aztec painting alban painting aztec2 painting bomb painting plant
  214. painting wasteland painting pool painting courbet painting sea painting sunset
  215. painting creebet painting wanderer painting graham painting skeleton painting donkeykong
  217. painting match painting bust painting stage painting void painting skullandroses
  218. painting wither painting fighters painting pointer painting pigscene painting flaming skull
  221. xp orb 1 xp orb 2 xp orb 3 xp orb 4 xp orb 5 xp orb 6 xp orb 7 xp orb 8
  222. xp orb 9 xp orb 10 xp orb 11
  224. inventory slot button button disabled button highlighted delete slot
  225. gui arrow gui blocked arrow gui complete arrow gui burning gui burning full
  226. gui plus gui integral gui delete gui potion gui green check gui red x
  228. hammer hammer and anvil abacus broken shovel right button right button highlighted
  229. right button disabled left button left button highlighted left button disabled
  230. up button down button gui language realms off realms on realms none
  232. white gui arrow white gui burning white gui plus white gui integral white gui delete
  233. white gui potion white gui check white gui x gui circle gui cursor
  234. connection 5 connection 4 connection 3 connection 2 connection 1 connection 0
  236. connecting 1 connecting 2 connecting 3 connecting 4 connecting 5
  237. hotbar slot hotbar cursor selected hotbar slot gui 1 gui 2 gui 3 gui 4 gui 5
  238. gui !!!
  240. messages highlighted messages 1 message highlighted 2 messages highlighted
  241. 3 messages highlighted 4 messages highlighted 5 messages highlighted !!! messages highlighted
  242. 1 message 2 messages 3 messages 4 messages 5 messages !!! messages heart container healing heart container
  244. heart half heart poison heart half poison heart wither heart half wither heart
  245. mob heart half mob heart hardcore heart hardcore half heart
  246. hardcore poison heart hardcore half poison heart hardcore wither heart hardcore half wither heart
  247. absorption heart half absorption heart
  249. light heart light half heart light poison heart light half poison heart
  250. light wither heart light half wither heart light mob heart light half mob heart
  251. light hardcore heart light hardcore half heart light hardcore poison heart
  252. light hardcore half poison heart light hardcore wither heart light hardcore half wither heart
  253. hardcore absorption heart hardcore half absorption heart
  255. healing heart healing half heart healing poison heart healing half poison heart
  256. healing wither heart healing half wither heart healing mob heart healing half mob heart
  257. healing hardcore heart healing hardcore half heart healing hardcore poison heart
  258. healing hardcore half poison heart healing hardcore wither heart healing hardcore half wither heart
  259. red heart container red wither heart
  261. armor point half armor point empty armor point air bubble half air bubble
  262. reversed hunger point hunger container healing hunger container red hunger container
  263. green hunger container brown hunger container
  265. hunger point half hunger point light hunger point light half hunger point
  266. poison hunger point half poison hunger point light poison hunger point
  267. light half poison hunger point healing hunger point healing half hunger point
  268. healing poison hunger point healing half poison hunger point hunger hunger point
  269. half hunger hunger point healing hunger hunger point healing half hunger hunger point
  271. swiftness slowness haste mining fatigue strength weakness poison regeneration
  272. invisibility hunger jump boost nausea night vision blindness resistance fire resistance
  274. water breathing wither status absorption
  279. tfda zombie tfda woman
  280. tfda trapped chest tile tfda trapped doublechest
  282. tfda swiftness tfda slowness tfda regeneration tfda jump boost tfda nausea
  283. tfda blindness tfda wither status
  289. map landmark map nether portal map end portal map portal map floating island
  290. map basin map lake map lava lake map river map waterfall map cave map ravine
  291. map dungeon map mineshaft map stronghold map village
  293. map desert well map desert temple map jungle temple map witch hut map nether fortress
  294. map obsidian pillar map ender crystal map end exit portal map teleport altar
  295. map estate agency map port map bank map bed map inn map chest map ender chest
  297. map crafting table map furnace map brewing stand map brewing stand and cauldron
  298. map cauldron map enchantment table map anvil map anvil damaged map cake map cake eaten
  299. map jukebox map map map beacon map fishing map wishing well map library
  301. map mine map stable map fountain map shop map trading map challenge map plot
  302. map monument map gravestone map house map large house map shack map tower
  303. map castle map treehouse map ruins
  305. map totem map danger map prohibited map farm map wheat map sugarcane
  306. map cocoa beans map netherwart map tree map melon map pumpkin map cactus
  307. map carrot map potato map animal farm map pig farm
  309. map sheep farm map cow farm map chicken farm map horse farm map mooshroom farm
  310. map squid farm map snow golem farm map forest map desert map plains map swamp
  311. map jungle map taiga map tundra map mountains map mushroom island
  313. map spawner map zombie spawner map skeleton spawner map spider spawner map cave spider spawner
  314. map blaze spawner map silverfish spawner map enderman spawner map pig spawner
  315. pig mob sheep mob cow mob chicken mob horse mob donkey mob mule mob
  317. map grinder map zombie grinder map skeleton grinder map spider grinder map cave spider grinder
  318. map blaze grinder map silverfish grinder map enderman grinder map pig grinder
  319. skeleton horse mob zombie horse mob mooshroom mob squid mob wolf mob dog mob angry wolf mob
  321. map xp grinder map zombie xp grinder map skeleton xp grinder map spider xp grinder
  322. map cave spider xp grinder map blaze xp grinder map silverfish xp grinder map enderman xp grinder
  323. map pig xp grinder ocelot mob black cat mob ginger cat mob siamese cat mob bat mob
  324. farmer mob butcher mob
  326. blacksmith mob librarian mob priest mob villager mob human mob snow golem mob
  327. iron golem mob enderdragon mob wither mob wither protected mob creeper mob
  328. charged creeper mob skeleton mob wither skeleton mob spider mob zombie mob
  330. zombie villager mob slime mob ghast mob firing ghast mob zombie pigman mob enderman mob
  331. cave spider mob silverfish mob blaze mob magma cube mob witch mob
  334. amenity hidden chest amenity multi chest amenity hidden trapped chest amenity return portal
  335. amenity floor plan map amenity map amenity secrets map amenity wastebasket
  336. amenity fountain of life amenity key portal amenity xp bank amenity alchemic circle
  337. amenity meeting chamber amenity item spawn amenity heaven's door amenity hell's door
  339. amenity buying trader amenity gear trader amenity food/material trader amenity food/mat/pot trader
  340. amenity omni trader map tfda zombie spawner map tfda zombie grinder map tfda zombie xp grinder
  341. map christmas chest map trapped chest
  345. tfda zombie mob tfda woman mob
  348. white sword white pickaxe white shovel white axe white hoe white bow white arrow
  349. white helmet white chestplate white leggings white boots
  350. white fishing rod white lead white name tag white horse armor white saddle
  352. white minecart white minecart with chest white boat white book white empty map white map
  353. white bucket white egg white ender pearl white eye of ender white fire charge white disc
  354. white bottle o' enchanting white firework white firework star blank white firework star
  356. white orange dye white magenta dye white light blue dye white dandelion yellow
  357. white light gray dye white cyan dye white lapis lazuli white cocoa beans white cactus green
  358. white rose red white ink sac white sign white painting white item frame white door white hopper
  360. white bed white redstone dust white iron ingot white coal white charcoal white diamond
  361. white ruby white emerald white nether quartz white flint white gold nugget
  362. white ghast tear white nether star white clay ball white slimeball
  364. white skeleton skull white wither skeleton skull white zombie head white head white creeper head
  365. white stick white blaze rod white blaze powder white magma cream white leather
  366. white paper white fermented spider eye white spider eye
  368. white seeds white melon seeds white pumpkin seeds white netherwart white sugarcane
  369. white wheat white carrot white golden carrot white potato white baked potato white poisonous potato
  370. white melon white glistering melon white apple white golden apple white rotten flesh
  372. white raw porkchop white porkchop white raw beef white steak white raw fish
  373. white cooked fish white raw chicken white cooked chicken white bowl white mushroom stew
  374. white bread white cookie white cake white pumpkin pie
  376. tfda white helmet tfda white chestplate tfda white leggings tfda white boots
  377. tfda white nether quartz tfda white zombie head tfda white purple dye old white cocoa beans
  378. white starfish white seashell
  380. white oak sapling white spruce sapling white birch sapling white jungle sapling
  381. white sugarcane block white netherwart 3 white netherwart 2 white netherwart 1
  382. white red mushroom white brown mushroom white rose white dandelion
  383. white iron bars white wheat block white potatoes white carrots
  385. white rail white rail horizontal white ladder white ladder horizontal
  386. white lever white torch white shrub
  389. white fire white stationary water white flowing water white stationary lava
  390. white flowing lava white nether portal white stationary water solid
  391. white flowing water solid white nether portal solid white ore tile white stone tile
  392. white stone bricks tile white cracked stone bricks tile white chiseled stone bricks tile
  393. white stone slab top tile white stone slab side tile
  395. white furnace top tile white coal block tile white iron block tile white gold block tile
  396. white redstone block tile white lapis lazuli block tile white emerald block tile
  397. white bedrock tile white redstone lamp tile white powered redstone lamp tile
  398. white daylight detector bottom tile white daylight detector tile
  399. white jukebox tile white note block tile white dirt tile white grass block tile
  401. white mycelium tile white farmland tile white snow tile white soul sand tile white gravel tile
  402. white sand tile white sandstone tile white smooth sandstone tile white chiseled sandstone tile
  403. white sandstone top tile white sandstone bottom tile white end stone tile
  404. white obsidian tile white glowstone tile white nether brick block tile white netherrack tile
  406. white oak log tile white oak log top tile white oak planks tile white pumpkin tile
  407. white jack o' lantern tile white pumkin side tile white pumpkin top tile white melon block tile
  408. white melon block top tile white tnt tile white spawner tile white command block tile
  409. white beacon crystal tile white item frame back tile white painting back tile white static tile
  411. tfda white coal block tile tfda white redstone block tile tfda white lapis lazuli block tile
  412. tfda white hardened clay tile tfda white snowy grass block tile
  413. tfda white snow tile
  414. tfda white chiseled sandstone tile tfda white bricks tile
  418. white boat entity white sign front white sign back white chest tile white trapped chest tile
  419. white ender chest tile white christmas chest tile white doublechest white trapped doublechest
  420. white christmas doublechest
  421. tfda white trapped chest tile tfda white trapped doublechest
  423. white ender crystal shell white ender crystal gem 1 white ender crystal gem 2
  424. white ender crystal gem 3 white ender crystal gem 4 white ender crystal gem 5
  425. white ender crystal gem 6 white ender crystal 1 white ender crystal 2 white ender crystal 3
  426. white ender crystal 4 white ender crystal 5 white ender crystal 6 white arrow entity
  427. white wither skull white blue wither skull
  429. white zombie white zombie villager white witch white villager white human
  430. white enderman white blaze white wither
  431. tfda white zombie tfda white woman
  433. white gui blocked arrow white gui burning full white gui green check white gui red x
  435. white hammer white hammer and anvil white abacus white broken shovel
  436. white realms off white realms on white realms none
  438. white connection 5 white connection 4 white connection 3 white connection 2 white connection 1
  439. white connection 0 white gui 1 white gui 2 white gui 3 white gui 4 white gui 5
  440. white gui !!!
  442. white heart container white heart white half heart white poison heart white half poison heart
  443. white mob heart white half mob heart white hardcore heart white hardcore half heart
  444. white hardcore poison heart white hardcore half poison heart white absorption heart
  445. white half absorption heart white light heart white light half heart
  447. white armor point white half armor point white empty armor point white air bubble
  448. white half air bubble white reversed hunger point white hunger container
  449. white hunger point white half hunger point white light hunger point white light half hunger point
  450. white poison hunger point white half poison hunger point
  452. white swiftness white slowness white haste white mining fatigue
  453. white strength white weakness white poison white regeneration
  454. white invisibility white hunger white jump boost white nausea
  455. white night vision white blindness white resistance white fire resistance
  457. white water breathing white wither status white absorption
  458. tfda white swiftness tfda white slowness tfda white regeneration
  459. tfda white jump boost tfda white nausea tfda white blindness tfda white wither status
  461. north arrow northeast arrow east arrow southeast arrow
  462. south arrow southwest arrow west arrow northwest arrow
  465. symbol cycloid emblem aa symbol snub diamond twist aa symbol diamond twist aa
  466. symbol astroid fractal aa symbol tight astroid twist aa symbol astroid twist aa
  467. symbol cycloid emblem symbol snub diamond twist symbol diamond twist symbol astroid fractal
  468. symbol tight astroid twist symbol astroid twist
  470. symbol astroid lace aa symbol astroid lace thin aa symbol astroid lace split aa
  471. symbol astroid lace small split aa symbol ashndar aa symbol quest aa
  472. symbol astroid lace symbol astroid lace thin symbol astroid lace split
  473. symbol astroid lace small split symbol ashndar symbol quest
  475. symbol x tight aa symbol x tight even-odd aa symbol adventure aa symbol x even-odd aa
  477. symbol x tight symbol x tight even-odd symbol adventure symbol x even-odd
  480. symbol corner pair aa symbol corner diamond aa symbol inverted corner diamond aa
  481. symbol overlay rune aa symbol minigame aa
  482. symbol corner pair symbol corner diamond symbol inverted corner diamond
  483. symbol overlay rune symbol minigame
  485. quest icon ashndar icon adventure icon minigame icon
  488. white quest icon white ashndar icon white adventure icon white minigame icon
  493. air stone bedrock obsidian netherrack glowstone end stone ice
  494. dirt grass block mycelium sand gravel soul sand clay snow block
  496. coal ore iron ore gold ore redstone ore diamond ore lapis lazuli ore emerald ore
  497. nether quartz ore coal block iron block gold block redstone block diamond block
  498. lapis lazuli block emerald block
  500. cobblestone mossy cobblestone stone bricks mossy stone bricks cracked stone bricks
  501. chiseled stone bricks bricks nether brick block sandstone smooth sandstone
  502. chiseled sandstone quartz block pillar quartz chiseled quartz hardened clay glass
  504. white stained clay orange stained clay magenta stained clay light blue stained clay
  505. yellow stained clay lime stained clay pink stained clay gray stained clay
  506. light gray stained clay cyan stained clay purple stained clay blue stained clay
  507. brown stained clay green stained clay red stained clay black stained clay
  509. white wool orange wool magenta wool light blue wool
  510. yellow wool lime wool pink wool gray wool
  511. light gray wool cyan wool purple wool blue wool
  512. brown wool green wool red wool black wool
  514. white carpet orange carpet magenta carpet light blue carpet
  515. yellow carpet lime carpet pink carpet gray carpet
  516. light gray carpet cyan carpet purple carpet blue carpet
  517. brown carpet green carpet red carpet black carpet
  519. oak log spruce log birch log jungle log
  520. oak planks spruce planks birch planks jungle planks
  521. oak leaves spruce leaves birch leaves jungle leaves
  522. oak leaves hd spruce leaves hd birch leaves hd jungle leaves hd
  524. oak wood stairs spruce wood stairs birch wood stairs jungle wood stairs
  525. cobblestone stairs stone brick stairs sandstone stairs brick stairs netherbrick stairs
  526. quartz stairs pumpkin jack o' lantern melon block cactus sponge
  528. oak wood slab spruce wood slab birch wood slab jungle wood slab
  529. cobblestone slab stone brick slab sandstone slab brick slab netherbrick slab quartz slab
  530. stone slab cobblestone wall mossy cobblestone wall fence netherbrick fence fence gate
  532. bookshelf crafting table furnace dispenser dropper piston sticky piston
  533. note block jukebox redstone lamp tnt hay bale stone pressure plate
  534. wooden pressure plate weighted pressure plate (light) weighted pressure plate (heavy)
  536. chest trapped chest ender chest enchantment table end portal frame
  537. anvil slightly damaged anvil very damaged anvil trapdoor snow daylight detector
  538. stone button wooden button enderdragon egg command block spawner
  540. doubleslab smooth stone doubleslab smooth sandstone doubleslab farmland wet farmland
  541. furnace back lit redstone lamp error block cake block eaten cake block
  542. nether portal block flipped nether portal block
  543. flipped pumpkin flipped jack o' lantern uncarved pumpkin
  545. left oak log left spruce log left birch log left jungle log
  546. right oak log right spruce log right birch log right jungle log
  547. full bark oak log full bark spruce log full bark birch log full bark jungle log
  548. left pillar quartz right pillar quartz left hay bale right hay bale
  550. mushroom pore mushroom stem mushroom full stem
  551. brown mushroom left brown mushroom center brown mushroom right brown mushroom full block
  552. red mushroom left red mushroom center red mushroom right red mushroom full block
  553. locked chest glowing obsidian nether reactor stonecutter
  558. glowing nether star glowing bottle o' enchanting glowing golden apple glowing enchanted book
  559. glowing written book celestial magic powder arcane magic powder
  560. aetheric magic powder sagittan magic powder tenacious magic powder lithe magic powder
  561. unearthly magic powder divine magic powder
  565. large north arrow large northeast arrow large east arrow large southeast arrow
  566. large south arrow large southwest arrow large west arrow large northwest arrow
  569. large symbol cycloid emblem aa large symbol snub diamond twist aa large symbol diamond twist aa
  570. large symbol astroid fractal aa large symbol tight astroid twist aa large symbol astroid twist aa
  571. large symbol cycloid emblem large symbol snub diamond twist
  572. large symbol diamond twist large symbol astroid fractal large symbol tight astroid twist
  573. large symbol astroid twist
  575. large symbol astroid lace aa large symbol astroid lace thin aa large symbol astroid lace split aa
  576. large symbol astroid lace small split aa large symbol ashndar aa large symbol quest aa
  577. large symbol astroid lace large symbol astroid lace thin large symbol astroid lace split
  578. large symbol astroid lace small split large symbol ashndar large symbol quest
  580. large symbol x tight aa large symbol x tight even-odd aa large symbol adventure aa large symbol x even-odd aa
  582. large symbol x tight large symbol x tight even-odd large symbol adventure large symbol x even-odd
  585. large symbol corner pair aa large symbol corner diamond aa large symbol inverted corner diamond aa
  586. large symbol overlay rune aa large symbol minigame aa
  587. large symbol corner pair large symbol corner diamond large symbol inverted corner diamond
  588. large symbol overlay rune large symbol minigame
  590. large quest icon large ashndar icon large adventure icon large minigame icon
  594. large white quest icon large white ashndar icon large white adventure icon
  595. large white minigame icon
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