
TW:WH2 Tips

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. How to Direct vortex spells
  2. Select spell
  3. Move it to where you want i to cast it
  4. Hold left click where you want it to start
  5. Drag in the direction you want it to be launched
  6. Release left click
  7. The indicator shows no indication of direction, but the spell should be launched in the direction you dragged. After a while it will veer off due to the randomness though.
  9. Vampire Counts
  10. Vlad has focus on survivability and army buffs. Manfred has focus on casting.
  11. Don't build recruitment buildings. Dedicate your cities to economy.
  12. swarm tactics work, drowning your enemies in bodies until they get exhausted is pretty basic though, vamp counts can rock pretty much any style besides artillery and range supremacy for obvious reasons, but there still completely capable of fielding heavy cav / monster /flyer armies, if anything the best advice counts players can know is how too make raise dead markers appear which i think requires around a 1500 unit causality on both sides with each being a full stack at least, the more dead the bigger the pool and better access you'll have to end tier units earlier.
  13. what diff? the skele spam strat is a lot worse now since AI xp gains on higher difficulties + the empire rework gave them some ridiculous techs to make your already mediocre skellies even worse against their inf, even dawi are easier to rout these days
  14. it only works if you have a lord/heros high enough for wind of death/other high tier magic
  15. i like to have one elite army while the others are skele spams
  16. it takes game knowledge though, so watch what he does, the AI acts strange when you are in a mass blob of skeles
  18. Norsca
  19. Don't confederate early, try to get AI norscans to join wars so they don't fight each other
  20. The less factions you encounter the better, so they don't assault you from multiple sides
  21. Try to raid and sack one area, don't let yourself get surrounded or overextend
  22. Keep in mind that confederating will give you a huge great power diplomacy debuff and make it easy for AI to gang up on you
  23. Let the Norscan AI build up settlements before confederating
  24. AI order factions are hyper aggressive, so don't try to wage war too much
  25. Try to bait AI into resettling ruins, so you can get fast devotion
  26. Basic marauders are one of the most cost efficient basic infantry units and with techs and skills, they can take on high tier units until you can recruit better units
  27. Horsemen are also another very overlooked unit that is very good
  28. Build up a big treasury by sacking
  29. Keep in mind that you still get supply lines penalty
  30. Once you reach a level 3 devotion, you are locked with the tiers you have, so if you want the other bonuses, plan ahead
  31. Archaon only shows up once you get tier 3 devotion and beat the challenger army
  32. Take capitals and build recruitment bases in them
  33. Don't bother defending Norscan settlements or wasting slots on garrisons, play aggressive and raze and sack
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