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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # 20190822 | tatze
  4. # ------------------------------------------
  5. global_path=~/Videos/_reduced/
  6. local_path='reduced/'
  7. # ------------------------------------------
  9. # create directory if it's non-existent
  10. function dir {
  11. if [ ! -d "$1" ]
  12. then
  13. printf "${bold}creating folder $1 ${normal}\n"
  14. mkdir -p -- "$1"
  15. if [ ! -d "$1" ]
  16. then
  17. printf "${bold}creating folder $1 FAILED, aborting script.${normal}\n"
  18. exit 1
  19. fi
  20. fi
  21. }
  23. # terminal output: bold or normal?
  24. bold=$(tput bold)
  25. normal=$(tput sgr0)
  27. # your choice ...
  28. printf "\n${bold}Where shall the reduced images be created? ${normal}
  29. 1. locally ($local_path) ${bold}[default]${normal}
  30. 2. globaly ($global_path)\n${bold}
  31. [?] : ${normal}"
  32. read RP
  34. case $RP in
  35. 2)
  36. printf "using $global_path ${normal}\n\n"
  37. path=$global_path
  38. pth=$(basename $PWD)/
  39. path+=$pth
  40. ;;
  41. *)
  42. printf "using $local_path ${normal}\n\n"
  43. path=$local_path
  44. ;;
  45. esac
  47. dir "$path"
  49. find . -iregex '.*\.mp4$' -not -iregex '.*_reduced\.mp4$' -not -path "$path/*" -print0 | sort -z |
  50. while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
  51. # path for reduced files
  52. rd=$path${file%/*}
  53. dir "$rd"
  54. # get basename
  55. bn=${file##*/}
  56. # create filename for reduced version
  57. bn="${bn%.*}_reduced.${bn##*.}"
  58. # create filename for temp version
  59. tmp="${bn%.*}_temp.mp4"
  60. # check if reduced file already exists
  61. if [ ! -f "$rd/$bn" ]
  62. # nope, go on
  63. then
  64. printf "compressing video $file ... "
  65. # prepending < /dev/null to prevent characters bleeding to ffmpeg
  66. # using temporary file to avoid faulty files when escaping the loop (next run the script will re-do $file then)
  67. < /dev/null ffmpeg -y -i "$file" \
  68. -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium -c:a aac -b:a 128k \
  69. -movflags +faststart -vf scale=-2:720,format=yuv420p \
  70. -v 0 \
  71. "$rd/$tmp"
  72. printf "done.\ncopying metadata ..."
  73. # copy metadata to the reduced version
  74. < /dev/null ffmpeg -i "$file" \
  75. -i "$rd/$tmp" -map 1 -map_metadata 0 \
  76. -v 0 \
  77. -c copy "$rd/temp_for_metadata".mp4
  78. # move the reduced file to its final version
  79. mv "$rd/temp_for_metadata.mp4" "$rd/$bn"
  80. # remove the temporary file
  81. rm "$rd/$tmp"
  82. # preserve modified timestamp
  83. touch -r "$file" "$rd/$bn"
  84. printf "done.\nhere it is: $rd/$bn\n\n"
  85. # file exists, skip it
  86. else
  87. printf "$rd/$bn already exists, skipping.\n"
  88. fi
  89. done
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