
How do i generate traffic?

May 6th, 2019
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  1. How do i generate traffic?
  2. My friend owns a jewellery site and he needs good rating on the site with good traffic though it is just a start up. Can you people guide me that how should we proceed. Your feedback will be appreciated.....:)
  4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  16. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. Make sure the website is optimized for Search Engines by ensuring proper titles, descriptions etc. for each page. Also the content should be unique, relevant and should have proper targeted keyword(s). Once you have sorted the on-page stuff, it's time to build backlinks. This is a more time consuming and long process. You can get good articles on off-page optimization on site like seomoz or you can do a google search. Just make sure to stay away from spammy methods.
  20. It is depends on Keywords , You have to target proper keywords for your web page.
  23. bookmarking will generates more traffic...
  26. You can do that by two ways.
  27. - By doing SMO for your website.
  28. - If your website's targeted keyword are on page 1 on Google SERP.
  31. Thank you all for the help...
  32. What is backlinks?
  33. what is obl?
  34. alt text and robot.txt?
  35. does Google count image??
  38. Your looking to drive traffic???? It's on jewelry? I would try Pinterest marketing. Use dynamic photos to promote the jewelry line.
  41. There are different way of generate traffic. Such as Organic visitor, Referral visitor.
  42. If visitor comes from different search engine it will be consider as organic visitor.
  43. Or If visitor comes from different source like social Site (twitter, Facebook,pinterest) and Classified site Craigslist, Ebayclassified then It will be consider as Referral visitor.
  44. Visitor from classified site will make direct sell...also
  45. If you want to get get visitor all type of visitor you need to work simultaneously for both.
  46. I have a both solution to get visitor and Make more direct sale.....
  47. Feel free to contact with me At my
  50. If you want to get more traffic then you should do off page optimization (directory submission, article, forum posting...) But now a days google updates are comming within every 15 days. So you should concentrate on Social media optimization. SMO is the best way to get traffic of a websites.
  53. Hi oojacutesharma, I noticed no one got back to you with a clear definition of what some of these terms were,
  54. Backlinks are the most effective way for your website to get ranked. Backlinks are links such as 'TraffiXtreme' (that are usually highlighted in blue) - this is a keyword that has a url attached to it normally (I can't do this yet as I'm new to this forum), the one here is my own keyword to TRAFFIXTREME . EU to get this site ranked for my unique traffic generation software (this is another keyword I'm trying to get ranked for). I would link my URL (domain name) to the word in the hopes that when Google crawl links like these, my website will be able to get found on the First page of Google for the keyword 'Unlimited Unique Traffic Tool' or 'Traffixtreme'.
  55. If you're friend had a site about Jewellery, then they would be looking to target keyword's specific to the Jewellery sector. My advice would be to target keywords that are very low in competition but have high search volumes (find these stats through the Google Keyword tool). It is also possible to get ranked for ANY keyword online but it can take time and money, an asset that not many online marketers have at their disposal. You could also try 'higherankings . com' and download the ebook their that helped me narrow down exactly what it takes to achieve first page rankings and has already worked for a few of my own product websites.
  56. OBL stands for Out Bound Links, these are the amount of links coming out of a website that point to hundreds, thousands, if not millions of other websites, from sites such as Ezine articles which is specifically for SEO rankings purposes and has thousands of Out Bound Links (OBL)
  57. My advice is to find sites with Low OBL as these earn more authority and ranking factors in Google as it makes the link you create on Low OBL sites, stant-out and look more unique, meaning your site is fed with more trust and authority.
  58. Alt text is the descriptions you can apply to your images on your website. Putting your keywords in your 'alt' text will also have a positive effect on your website rankings and can even rank your image page 1 in Google images for your keyword.
  59. Finally, robots.txt are files you place into the root directories of pages of your site that you don't want Google or other search engines to crawl & index, such as your memebers pages, or a thank you page after your customer has made a purchase.
  60. I hope this information help & good luck to your friends online Jewellery store. I wish them every success.
  63. Social bookmarking websites are very friendly, and traffic will come in a couple of days. :)
  66. First of all, your friend should develop content, if you put fresh content regularly on your site then it would help in getting traffic from search engine.
  70. Hi,
  71. My friend owns a jewellery site and he needs good rating on the site with good traffic though it is just a start up. Can you people guide me that how should we proceed. Your feedback will be appreciated.....:)
  72. Click to expand...
  73. Spend a few hundred on Google Ads and Facebook Ads
  76. Hi PoojaSharma,
  77. Am surely saying as per my experience do Forums, Blogs, Classifieds and Web 2.0 blogs they will definitely bring more & more traffic to your website along with good quality backlinks to your website.......
  80. If you want to generate traffic, So in this era lots of services such as forums posting, social book marking submission, guest blogging, video submission, document submission, blog creation and submission, image sharing, etc.
  83. The most way of generating traffic is by submitting press releases, there free press release which you can start with and also articles submited to other websites brings traffic.
  86. I found this site and it is sending me floods of traffic and I didn't have to pay anything, I'm going to use it whenever I build new sites to continue bringing in fresh leads. Check it out here.
  89. There is a lot in this. The IM field is quite large, it is just how you do it. Let me look at your website. Post your url.
  92. Thank you all for putting thing in a simple way which is easier to understand.. Thank you so much Traffixtreme you explained my queries in a beautiful way......:)
  93. What is the difference between Cache and Indexing?????
  94. [h=2][/h]
  97. regarding twitter, post regularly in twitter and should have some followers.
  98. you can post new products, unique products etc to attract visitor.
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