
[F4M] Given Life

Aug 26th, 2017
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  1. Ah, the brave paladin has come to slay the evil witch
  3. Come hither champion; vaunted hero of justice, test your mettle against she who has bested those of your ilk time and again
  5. Why cast away your arms? What manner of trickery is this? Have you come to terms with that which is inevitable? Do you seek mercy of me? A plea for your life?
  7. No? You've come to speak? And what perchance would an individual of your penchant have to parlay of with someone of my infamy?
  9. You've come seeking my hand in marriage? Surely you jest. What a ludicrous proposition!
  11. For I am Sybil, the scourge of a thousand armies, slayer of Archduke Ferdinand and the most powerful sorceress to have graced Gaia!
  13. My words are naught but bluster?! What do you mean by "my very nature is known to you?!?" If it is so, then run hero! flee before you become another of many!
  15. What is this you've brandished? The cursed amulet of the dark wizard Sariel, my father!? It- it cannot be and yet it must... you! You must be him... but I - I bore witness to your demise with my very eyes... you traded your life for my own... long ago when we were but children...
  17. Yes, yes! I recall it even now! you were but a slave boy my father brought home. He recognized great magical talent in you and a resistance to that which afflicts me. You were my first friend, my only friend.
  19. Not a fortnight had passed until we were upon that day... that accursed day... when we were set upon by that monstrous manticore! You lured it to the edge of that cliff then sidestepped it when it lunged at you, but you'd lost your footing and went tumbling down along with it.
  21. Yet here you stand, flesh and blood, bearing my father's insignia. A token holding his blood, and therefore spirit. Only of its kind, a keepsake given to you as a brand of ownership and in recognition of your talent, your place as his apprentice.
  23. Ah, so that was what took place, the paladin order found you, healed you and sensing your great talent for magic, trained you to become a member of their order.
  25. Alas, dear Paladin, a past we may share, but a future we cannot. For you see, my affliction; that which ails me, my affinity for death magic has only grown with age.
  27. As a child, mere touch wilted flowers and small animals of prey; now its strength manifold. I'd only unleashed it once upon the archduke and his armies... they learned of my powers and sought to have them, they got what they came for.
  29. You and my father were the only ones I could ever touch, my own mother died giving birth to me... the thought that I may have had a hand in it... many a night, sleep still eludes me... While I've learned to reign them in to an extent. I fear that whatever resistance you may have had to them, would at the moment, be sorely lacking.
  31. No... it seems that my solitude had been ordained since birth. These shackles of destiny have left me bereft of hope. I am no fair maiden, nor damsel in distress awaiting a gallant hero to sweep her away on his shining steed... while I lament the fate that has beset me... I have come to terms with it. I've learned to accept that which afflicts me, that which I cannot change, I've obtained the strength to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  33. Yet you come, yet you ask, yet you inquire and of my malady you know, such begs the question once again, why are you here? Why have you come to seek that which is here no longer, I am no more that frightened little girl than you are that mischievous little boy. Do not peddle hope to me, for it does not come cheap, it comes with all the resolve I'd mustered. What little peace I've wrested from the cruel hands of fate.
  35. "You've not forgotten about me for even a day, you've not been resting on your laurels and you seek to undo that which afflicts me?" My dear hero, such commendable words, yet words are all they remain.
  37. That... that is insanity! does your mind comprehend the folly your mouth speaks!? You wish to merge your soul with mine? Do you understand that the chances of success are minisicule and that if we were to fail both our souls would be destroyed and all the magic I've been repressing will run wild? Do you understand the sheer catastrophe such an event would unleash? How much havoc it would wreak upon the realm?
  39. You've been attuning your spirit to mine through the amulet, I can tell that with ease, but that alone will not suffice, but you must know that much yourself at the very least... I see... I had not considered such a solution... you wish to use the amulet not as a catalyst for the ritual but as a conduit to imbue your seed? Such that I may bear a child of two natures, thereby cleansing that which ails me...
  41. Yet you still risk much, even through this there is no guarantee...why? Why go so far for what should be nothing more than a stranger... Speak you need not, for your eyes, they deeply betray your intentions, a saccharine word they form; love.
  43. Who would have thought that I of all people would find a path towards domestic bliss? a door I'd thought shut long ago. Who would have thought that flowers would once again bloom in the garden of my heart? That which had shriveled and withered away has begun to beat once more. This cascade of my soul, it paints my visage a pitiful color. Such an unsightly witch I am. Crying afore the valiant hero after I'd professed to a fastidious nature. Yet I find myself indisposed... Hungering for this, this weakness, this tenderness, for you... Yet as terrifying a plunge as it may seem I cannot deny it, I cannot deny you.
  45. If you'll have me, hero, I'll be yours. Come what may, sickness or health, life or death. My heart, my soul, all that which you behold, is yours.
  47. Come hither and let us see it done, our souls joined together as one, my love.
  49. I remain chaste, for I have never touched a man nor been touched by one, what? neither have you? I find difficulty with words... I've cursed the fates for my affliction, but it would seem that I must thank them to be loved so deeply, so purely, and so truly... I'd wished you to lead, but it would seem that
  51. <kissing>
  52. The joining of our lips, such a sweet bitter taste
  53. <kissing>
  54. Such a tender feeling on my lips
  55. <kissing>
  56. A stolen kiss, and a delicate touch
  57. <kissing>
  58. Your touch
  59. <kissing>
  60. my darling
  61. <kissing>
  62. my love
  63. <kissing>
  64. my honey
  65. <kissing>
  66. my heart
  67. <kissing>
  68. my sweet
  69. <kissing>
  70. my all
  71. <cease>
  72. Oh, oh you're embracing me so tightly, now, when did I say to pull away hmm?
  73. This warmth, this feeling, such is foreign to me... I had no idea being held in the arms of the man I love would feel this incredible
  74. Ah, caressing my cheek with your palm, and running your fingers through my ebony hair
  75. This, this must be what true serenity is
  76. <kiss>
  77. That gaze in your eyes, that hunger, it pierces me, I ache for it, for you
  78. <kiss>
  79. The musk of your smell sets me at ease
  80. <hesitation>
  81. W-would you like to caress me?
  82. <slight moan>
  83. ah, your fingers, they brush against the tips
  84. <slight moan>
  85. yeah, just like that, play with my chest while I stroke your hair
  86. <slight moan>
  87. Ah, your mouth on my nipples, your breath against them is so cold
  88. <slight moan>
  89. Ah sucking on my nipples like that
  90. <slight moan>
  91. You silly man, I am not with child yet, there's no milk to be had
  92. <slight moan>
  93. Yet you persist, not that I mind
  94. <moan>
  95. Ah my wet hot slit is ready for you to bury your impressive meat rod
  96. <moan>
  97. oh god, I was told my first time would be painful, but not exhilarating
  98. <moan>
  99. Oh oh god, this is, this is, more than I can handle
  100. <moan>
  101. thrust into me
  102. <moan>
  103. deeper
  104. <moan>
  105. harder
  106. <moan>
  107. stronger
  108. <moan>
  109. faster
  110. <moan>
  111. give it to me
  112. <moan>
  113. I want it
  114. <moan>
  115. give me your child
  116. <moan>
  117. give me your seed
  118. <moan>
  119. spill it deep within me
  120. <moan>
  121. I need to feel you inside me
  122. <moan>
  123. I need you to fill me up
  124. <loud moan>
  125. I am, I am at your mercy
  126. <loud moan>
  127. Please make me cum
  128. <improv to orgasm>
  129. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god
  130. I feel so full, so fulfilled and satisfied I feel whole and complete like I'd never felt before
  131. being with you my love is the most precious thing I have right now
  133. I know that the ritual has succeeded, soon you shall be a father, and I a mother
  135. Such warmth, it is beyond the physical, the joys of motherhood, of being your betrothed
  136. all my worries, all my fears, all my insecurities, the ones that I thought were real
  137. were to put to rest
  139. I've been born a new, as long as a beat in my heart remains and we shall be together, one and the same
  141. <kiss>
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