

Aug 20th, 2015
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  1. Character Templates
  3. Name: Darrian Seiker
  4. Gender: Male
  5. Age: 20
  6. Race: Tuffle
  7. Power Level:
  8. Specialties (Optional)
  9. What area does your character specialize in? Stamina
  10. What area does your character suffer in? Ki Defense
  11. Trait(s):
  12. [b]Technological Superiority
  13. Android Tuffle[/b]
  14. Date of Birth: December 5th
  15. Birth Place: Frieza Planet 275
  16. Current Home: Nomad
  17. Alignment: [-100] Neutral
  18. Faction:
  19. History:[spoiler]
  20. Childhood
  21. Darrian was the final product of the Tuffle's leading scientist, Lucian's, Legacy, his bloodline project; meaning his family line had been manipulated by Lucian in order to create a perfect human who could stand against the Saiyans and be the heir to Lucian's Legacy. When he found the perfect genetic line-up he desired, Lucian quickly set upon implanting a line of cybernetics in the child that would steadily grow and adapt with the child. Darrian was born into the Bodhran Clan Seiker, but his family was murdered by Saiyan raiders when he was just a little boy. Fortunately for the Tuffle, the infant was found by one of the warlords of a nearby revolutionary tribe; and was adopted into the man's family. Darrian became especialy close to his adoptive brother Vuel, but the Saiyans, trying to eradicate all of Lucian's plans against them, followed him even there. They sent a Tuffle native of the planet who had become a turncoat, Valla Nox, to infiltrate the tribe.
  22. When Vuel had to go through an initiation ritual to become the new warlord after his father's death, Valla poisoned the paint with which ritual tatoos were placed on his body. Vuel collapsed while trying to climb a cliff wall, but was saved by Darrian. As tradition required the rite be faced alone, Vuel failed. Valla manipulated Vuel even further, making the boy believe Darrian was trying to take his birthright. In a whorl of violent bitterness, Vuel quickly built up a small army of the most-combat ready men from his original tribe. Vuel led this army against his former tribe, eventually leading to the death of his own father. However, at the time of Vuel's war, Darrian was not with the tribe anymore: he had gone to train under another ally of Lucian's, Neville; the leader of the Tuffle-aligned city of . Here he befriended the scientists Robert and Melody. During their journey a soldier named Keilic fell in love with Melody, and Darrian was forced to oppose him in a shamanistic ritual to win the right to marry Melody himself. Nothing would have made Melody happier though, for Melody was in love with Darrian. She never told him this and Darrian never considered her anything more than a close friend as a result. He only agreed to the ritual to help her avoid marrying Keilic.
  24. Cid and the Legacy
  25. After discovering what Vuel had done, and also finding out that Vuel had mysteriously disappeared, Darrian, Robert and Melody joined the crew of Captain Cid. Cid was part of the Bloodline Project herself and was captain of the Skyship, Wyvern's Dread, a flying ship that was also part of the Legacy. As part of the Wyvern's Dread crew Darrian helped Cid track down various Legacy items. She didn't know their full importance, but she did know that they could help defeat the Lord of the Wastes who had killed her parents. Unbeknownst to them at the time, the Lord was another name for Neba, the ruler of the nearby Saiyans. During this time Darrian fell in love with the ship's navigator, Valentina. The feeling was mutual and for a while they were happy together. When the ancestral home of crew member Morlan was assaulted, the Wyvern's Dread crew went to help. It turned out the attackers were Saiyans looking for Bloodline subjects, who wanted Darrian most of all. During this battle Robert was killed, which was too much for Darrian. He had enough of people dying because of him. He, Melody and Morlan quit Wyvern's Dread. Darrian became a soldier for the Bodhran army, rejoining Clan Seiker. Here he uncovered the corruption of commander Alaric.
  27. Rath and Storm
  28. One day, Tahngarth visited him. The minotaur was Cid's right hand and had come to inform Darrian about the captain's abduction. Darrian didn't want to rejoin the crew, but couldn't let his old friend down either. On board, Darrian discovered that it was none other than Valla who had apparently betrayed his masters and had supplied Cid with information about the Legacy. Darrian suspected Valla had a hand in Cid's abduction, but she had been abducted to the planet of Rath, and Valla was the only native of that planet he knew. Thus he tracked the man down and saved him from Maraxus of Keld, a mercenary Valla's former masters had sent after him. Valla joined the crew and revealed why he had helped the Saiyans: they kept his daughter Takara prisoner. Wyvern's Dread then picked up some other new members: the wizard Ertai, former crewmember Morlan, and also Melody, since Darrian insisted she would come along. Another suprise came when Darrian discovered another part of the Legacy that Cid had managed to retrieve in his absence: his old guardian Atlas. Still frozen in the statuelike state Vuel had left him in all those years ago after a truly horrific experience, Darrian managed to reanimate him with the instinctive knowledge of artifice he had as heir to the Legacy.
  29. After arriving on Rath, the evincar Matato sent his flying ship Kraken's Fury to intercept Wyvern's Dread. In the ensuing battle Darrian was knocked overboard and fell into the Skyshroud Forest. There he discovered the prophetess Oracle en-Vec who told him he was the Korvecdal, the person who would lead the Kor, Vec and Dal tribes, as well as the Skyshroud tuffles, against Matato and all who dwell in the Stronghold, Rath's seat of power. He was brought to the home of the tuffle lord Regis, who had taken Melody and Valentina prisoner for intruding his woods. Darrian explained the situation and the two were released. They were reunited with the rest of the crew, although Atlas and Tahngarth had been captured by Matato's forces, and the planetary travel powers of the ship were broken. While Ertai worked to open a nearby portal, the others launched an attack on Matato's Stronghold to free their friends. As the Rathi tribes attacked the Stronghold, Wyvern's Dread journeyed to the Stronghold's center via the Furnace of Rath and the Death Pits of Rath. When they finally arrived, the crew managed to free Tahngarth and Atlas, but also had to fight the fallen angel Selenia, Morlan's love, who was now under Matato's thrall. Morlan killed her, but this triggered a curse on him and turned him into a vampire. Darrian sent the others to take him back to the ship, while he had Valla lead him to the Dream Halls where Matato resided.
  30. In the Dream Halls, Darrian suddenly had flashbacks to his youth and the actions of Vuel, and realized the truth: Matato was Vuel! After his war against his father Vuel had been told by Valla that Neba had chosen him to be the new evincar of Rath. Vuel had been transported to Frieza Planet 629 and completed into a more powerful, shapeshifting form. Angered by his brother's betrayal, Darrian attacked, but had to fight a mind-controlled Cid and Takara. Takara blinded her father, but with the help of a returned Tahngarth, Darrian managed to subdue the two women without permanently harming them. Matato then tried to take over Tahngarth, but Darrian stabbed his brother. After he died, Darrian discovered that Matato had used a scapegoat, and that he had just killed another shapeshifter, like the ones they had previously encountered in the Stronghold.
  32. Mercadia
  33. Darrian, Tahngarth, Valla, Cid, Valentina and Takara escaped the Stronghold and the Wyvern's Dread made it through the portal. Unfortunatly, Ertai couldn't make it back to the ship in time and Morlan had gone insane, leaving the ship. Melody had followed him, which had lead to her death by his hands. After going trough the portal the Wyvern's Dread crew crashed on the planet of Mercadia, where they held a sober memorial for their fallen friends.
  34. After Wyvern's Dread crashed, most of its crew members left, only to have their ship, with the healer Orim and all their wounded still aboard, snatched away by a giant wave conjured up by the Cho-Arrim, who believed Wyvern's Dread was a sign that their god Ramos had returned. The rest of the crew was then captured by soldiers from Mercadia City. Darrian made a deal with the Magistrate, promising to train his forces and lead them against the Cho-Arrim rebels, and in exchange the crew could reclaim their skyship. Darrian discovered halfway through his attack that Orim had learned much about the Cho-Arrim during her stay among them, and that they were actually decent people while the Mercadians were the villains. Darrian turned against his forces, but Wyvern's Dread and its crew were captured.
  35. Darrian and his friends then made another deal with the Magistrate: they could go free if Orim and Valentina would retrieve the Power Matrix from the Saprazzan merfolk. Instead, Orim and Valentina made a pact with Saprazzo against the Mercadians, and rescued the others out of jail. In exchange for helping the people of Mercadia rebelling against the Magistrate and his forces, the crew got to use the Power Matrix to upgrade Wyvern's Dread's engine so they could leave the planet. As Darrian led several people of his group to retrieve the Bones of Ramos, missing items from the Power Matrix, Takara betrayed them and stole the items. She teleported back to Mercadia City where she captured Naroon, Valentina, and Atlas, and reveals her true identity: Matato. Darrian managed to free his friends and recapture Wyvern's Dread, although Matato escaped back to Rath. The Magistrate was deposed by the rebelling people of Mercadia and Wyvern's Dread teleported back to Dominaria.
  37. The Invasion
  38. But the crew did not get much time to rest, for shortly after they arrived home, the Saiyan Invasion began. Hordes of Saiyan soldiers entered Dominaria, pouring through portals blacker than night. The crew warned the people of Benalia, but the officials thought they were troublemakers and threw them in jail. They escaped and fought the invaders, but could only save a few from the onslaught. To make matters worse, Valentina had since been infected with a Saiyan plague from when she was injured by a piece of Rathi metal, but now it became truly malignant. Advised by the mysterious blind seer whom they met in the prison, they traveled to Llanowar where they won the battle and were reunited with Regis, who had escaped the Saiyans in Rath along with a Vec woman named Liin Sivi and came to warn the people of Llanowar. Darrian and Regis tried to use the Dream Caves to cure Valentina, but to no avail. The blind seer sent Wyvern's Dread to Koilos, where the decisive battle of the first stage of the Invasion would be fought, but shortly after their arrival, Valentina died.
  39. The leading general of the Invasion, Vyn Tavoc, manipulated Darrian's grief over Valentina to gain control over his mind, and only with the aid of his friends and Atlas breaking his oath of pacifism could he get free of her hold. Freed of Vyn, Darrian led Wyvern's Dread through the next stage of the Invasion, scoring some small victories, but his grief made him fatalistic. After the Rathi Overlay took effect, Wyvern's Dread once again had to fight Kraken's Fury and although the battle was won, Darrian and Naroon were captured by a new minion of the Saiyans: Ertai, the sage Darrian had to leave behind on Rath.
  40. In the Stronghold, Darrian discovered that another former friend, Morlan, had become the new evincar and took control of the invasion after Vyn failed to bring Darrian to Neba. Morlan then transported Darrian to Frieza Planet 629, where he pledged his loyalty to Neba, who promised he could bring Valentina back from the dead. Neba had Darrian fight another former defender of Dominaria he had corrupted: Lucian. Robbed of his powers he had acquired over the years, Lucian could not best the skill of Darrian and was decapitated. Darrian got his reward, but finally realized that Neba couldn't truly recreate Valentina, only a replica of her. Darrian stabbed the replica, but Neba had placed his consciousness in her, thinking it the last place where Darrian would strike. In a knee-jerk reaction Neba flung Darrian out of Frieza Planet 629.
  42. Aftermath
  43. With the head of his father and mentor in his arms, Darrian was left alone on a small, one-man ship that was practically nothing more than an planetary shuttle that had nearly nothing on. Darrian drifted around the galaxy, obtaining rough scans on a few of the planets before deciding on which one he wanted to land on; as he knew that once he landed this shuttle, he would not be able to get off that planet without assistance.
  44. [/spoiler]
  46. Visual Appearance
  47. Image: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
  48. Image Description: Darrian's white jetted-back hair is quickly contrasted by the signature pair of green sunglasses that he keeps in them.
  49. Clothing and Armor: Cloaked in easily identifiable red, belted jacket, Darrian's outfit is fairly simple with a form-fitting black shirt accompanied by his solid blue pants; held up by trifecta of belts.
  51. Mentality
  52. Personality: Darrian, since his most recent ordeal, has lost his once friendly demeanor and adopted a new found mentality of being cold and calculating; willing to use whatever and whoever in his way accomplish his tasks.
  53. Likes: Earning money; Succeeding his missions
  54. Dislikes: Wasteful killing; Being cheated out
  55. Fears: Reliving his past; Growing close to people
  56. Dreams: Finally being relieved of his life.
  57. Beliefs: Darrian believes in a survival of fittest outlook in life; where one should use any and all means at their disposal to survive.
  59. Weapon(s)
  60. Name: Eyetooth
  61. Image Description: [img][/img]
  62. Special Abilities:
  63. [b]Soul Stalker: [/b]Part of the Legacy left from his father, the Eyetooth is a gun specifically made for Darrian. The cybernetics that his father had installed within him allow the Tuffle link up with his gun in order to naturally charge the pistol with his ki. Each bullet fired from the pistol and each blow stuck while Darrian is linked up with the gun tacks on an additional one percent of his maximum ki onto the attack.
  65. Techniques (03/10)
  66. Name: Triple Clutch (Mastery Level: 10/100)
  67. What it does: By using his ki in conjunction with the cybernetic implants that run through his body, Darrian is able to upgrade his reflexes as well as his ability to strike his opponent, should he end up in close-quarters combat.
  68. [spoiler]When within close, namely within the effective range of his pistol, Darrian's damage is increased by one perfect for every level of mastery he has in Triple Clutch.[/spoiler]
  69. Power level to use it: None
  71. Name: Zero In
  72. What it does: A special ammunition that Darrian developed that would allow him an edge over his opponent. When one of these bullets successfully strikes an opponent, it releases a chemical that causes the nerves in the struck area to become incredibly sensitive; thus increasing the sense of pain they feel when struck in that spot (increases damage to that spot by 5%). This chemical also dyes the afflicted area on a spectrum visible to those who have cybernetically-enhanced eyesight.
  73. Power level to use it: 1,500 (maximum 2 per fight)
  75. Name: Stylish! (Mastery Level: 10/100)
  76. What it does: Darrian's main means of defense lies in his agility and his lithe figure. Stylish! provides Darrian with an additional dodge for every level of mastery he has of it. The only side benefit that the stance provides is that, since it is more of a reactionary defense mechanism rather than a true fighting-style; Darrian is able to use the stance in conjunction with whatever fighting stance he is using at the time.
  77. Power level to use it: None.
  79. Transformation
  81. Name: Unlocked Potential
  82. Visual Appearance: [img][/img]
  83. Image Description: Darrian's features sharpen on his angular face as the visible effects of his cybernetics become more apparent.
  84. Aura: Dark Red
  86. Android Tuffle
  87. Visual Appearance: [img][/img]
  88. Image Description: In line with the upgrade to his cybernetics in order to become more android-like, Darrian shed his usual cloak for a more eye-catching black with gold trim jacket that resembles that of a military leader.
  89. Aura: None
  91. Inventory: What items are in your possession?
  92. Credits: 0
  94. Completed Training Sessions:
  95. Gravity Training
  96. [spoiler]Spoiler[/spoiler]
  97. Simulation Room
  98. [spoiler]Spoiler[/spoiler]
  99. Pendulum Room
  100. [spoiler]Spoiler[/spoiler]
  101. Hyberbolic Time Chamber
  102. [spoiler]Spoiler[/spoiler]
  104. Personal Relationships
  107. Faction/Group Relationships
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