
Telekinesis Part 15

Dec 14th, 2013
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  1. >You are lead to a barren room.
  2. >It's one of many in the castle, but this one is close to where you sleep.
  3. >It's not much more than a broom closet, really.
  4. >In fact it probably is a broom closet.
  5. >But you've never let such petty things as common sense get in your way.
  6. >You dismiss the pony you asked to find you a spare room, and get to work.
  7. >You open a window and start pulling in some space.
  8. >Once you feel you have enough, you start pushing the space into the closet.
  9. >Much better!
  10. >The room is now about the size of a dining room.
  11. >Still barren though.
  12. >You start walking backwards through the halls until you stumble upon an actual dining room.
  13. >You steal all the furniture you can carry, and drag it back to the room.
  14. >Once it's in the room, you decide that it still isn't good enough.
  15. >You stand a while in thought before putting a table in the middle of the room and giving it a spin.
  16. >It spins in place, and you get an idea.
  17. >You grab a chair and throw it, curving the throw sharply.
  18. >It starts orbiting the table in the center of the room.
  19. >Perfect!
  20. >You toss a few more chairs into orbit around the table, and hop onto one as it goes past.
  21. >As you swing past your pile of furniture a few more times, you nick some of the smaller tables.
  22. >You throw the smaller tables into orbit around the chairs.
  23. >This room is really coming together now!
  24. >You fall off your chair and start wriggling along the floor towards the center table.
  25. >You lift it into the air, and place it firmly there.
  26. >It keeps spinning.
  27. >Then, you hop onto a passing chair and stomp on it a few times.
  28. >That side of it's orbit lowers, and the other side rises.
  29. >You wait for the perfect moment before leaping from one chair to the other.
  30. >You swing under that chair and punch it's underside, raising that side of it's orbit.
  31. >Anon Yttri Mous, Space Scientist.
  32. >You leap between the remaining chairs, and a few well placed smacks puts them on slightly imperfect orbits.
  33. >You leap off the final chair and combat roll.
  34. >Now all the room needs is a fresh coat of paint.
  35. >Maybe a few windows.
  36. >Nevermind the fact that this room is directly adjacent to nothing but other rooms, you'll figure it out eventually.
  37. >You leap out a window, and start hopping backwards through Canterlot.
  38. >Apparently it's the dead of night, as evidenced by the fact that you can't see anything.
  39. >You keep hopping until you find some sort of store that looks like it sells paint.
  40. >Canterlot stores are much worse than Ponyville stores.
  41. >They don't even look like what they're selling.
  42. >Nevertheless, you open the door and enter the store.
  43. >The light's are off, which is a problem.
  44. >They should really cater to people trying to buy paint in the middle of the night.
  45. >To rectify their obvious oversight, you grab a hold of some air and shake it until it bursts into flames.
  46. >You toss it into orbit above your head.
  47. >With the shop thus lit it's easy to find some pails of paint in the color you want.
  48. >A nice sort of green.
  49. >You moonwalk out of the store, making sure to shut the door on your way out.
  50. >You extinguish your headlamp and start skiing back to the castle.
  51. >You crash through an open window and end up tumbling back to the room.
  52. >Fortunately your paint didn't spill on the way here.
  53. >You pick yourself up and walk into the room.
  54. >All the tables and chairs and such are still orbiting and spinning and all those good things.
  55. >You put your pails of paint on the floor carefully, then kick them.
  56. >The paint spills out all over the floor, and you leap in.
  57. >After rolling around a bit, you start crawling all over the room like a gecko.
  58. >Eventually the room is covered in a uniform coat of green paint.
  59. >It's still wet though.
  60. >Nothing a bit of heat can't sort out.
  61. >Now, what's a good source of heat?
  62. >Fission!
  63. >You bound out of the room, still dripping with green paint, and find one of the night guards.
  64. >You tackle him, and wrest his spear from his grasp before sidejumping away at top speed while cackling like a madman.
  65. >He gives chase, but is incapable of catching you.
  66. >You make it back to the room, and shut the door behind you.
  67. >Should keep him out.
  68. >Now, to split an atom.
  69. >You start twirling the spear around before suddenly slamming it down.
  70. >The tip splits a single atom of oxygen in the air, and the room erupts into flames.
  71. >When the flames die down The spear is a melted pile of metal, the furniture is completely unharmed, and the paint is perfectly dried.
  72. >You peel your second skin of green paint off, before realizing you can't get the paint out of your clothes.
  73. >Ahh well. Guess green's just what you're wearing from now on.
  74. >At least your skin isn't green.
  75. >You Swing open the door, and find a whole bunch of night guards waiting for you outside it.
  76. "Hello!"
  77. >They seem to be taken off guard.
  78. >"Uh. Hello?"
  79. "I suppose you'll be wanting this?"
  80. >You toss them the semi-solid piece of what once was a spear.
  81. >They all recoil at the same time.
  82. >"What did you do to it!?"
  83. "Science!"
  84. >You slam the door in their faces, and wait for them to leave.
  85. >You open the door again, and they're still there.
  86. "What do you want?"
  87. >"He can hardly guard without a weapon, now can he?"
  88. "Can't he fend off ne'er-do-wells with his razor sharp wit?"
  89. >They stop for a moment, in thought.
  90. >"I don't think we've ever tried that. This'll save us a fortune in equipment costs."
  91. >And with that, they leave.
  92. >You begin to tiptoe backwards through the castle, ending up in the kitchen.
  93. >Well, a kitchen. You aren't sure if there's more than one.
  94. >You rifle through the cupboards and find some tea, some sugar, a teapot and several cups with matching saucers.
  95. >You balance them all on your fingertip from smallest to largest, with the saucers on their edges at the bottom, and the teapot at the top.
  96. >Then, you take them to your green tea room.
  97. >They all go on the middle table, and you go back to the kitchen.
  98. >It is time to make breakfast for Celestia!
  99. >There's no real reason to do this, it just seems like a nice thing to do.
  100. >Hmmm.
  101. >You get some stuff out of the inexplicable fridge.
  102. >Some eggs.
  103. >Some cream.
  104. >Yeah, that looks about right.
  105. >You crack some eggs into a jug, then pour some cream in.
  106. >Then you punch the resulting mixture until it looks nice.
  107. >You turn on a stove and place a frying pan on it.
  108. >A splash of cooking oil, then you pour your terrible scrambled eggs mixture into it.
  109. >You punch it until it becomes scrambled eggs.
  110. >You are the best chef. You should get a fancy hat to show as much.
  111. >You grab a handful of scrambled eggs and drop it on a plate.
  112. >Good job. 10/10. Best breakfast ever.
  113. >You take the breakfast to Celestia's room, and open the door silently.
  114. >As you stand over her, her alarm clock goes off.
  115. "Good morning, Celestia!"
  116. >She groggily awakens, and turns off her alarm.
  117. >You hold the scrambled eggs down beside her.
  118. >She accepts them and starts to eat.
  119. >No fork or anything, so it's a bit messy, but whatever.
  120. >You drag her out of bed, and she doesn't resist.
  121. >She doesn't seem to care. It's probably too early to bother.
  122. >You drag her out the window, and into the courtyard, where you drop her.
  123. "Now raise the sun."
  124. >She staggers to her feet, and her horn lights up.
  125. >The sun pops up from behind the horizon, and Celestia lies back down on the ground.
  126. >Good enough.
  127. >You drag Celestia back to her bed, then just as she gets under the covers, you fall unconscious.
  128. >You wake up some time later.
  129. >Celestia has gotten up on her own by now, and you've been put on her bed.
  130. >You slide off the bed and end up in a pile on the floor.
  131. >You get up and start wandering the castle.
  132. >You find Celestia drinking tea on a balcony.
  133. "Hello!"
  134. >She looks towards you.
  135. >"Hello, Anonymous. I didn't get to thank you for that breakfast, did I?"
  136. "No, you didn't, but that's fine!"
  137. >She goes back to her tea.
  138. "This is kind of a dull place to be drinking tea, isn't it?"
  139. >"I suppose it could do with some more excitement, I suppose."
  140. >You tear your side of the balcony door off, and galumph back to the green room.
  141. >You slap the balcony's door on a far wall, and enter it.
  142. "Please, do come in."
  143. >Celestia gets up, and enters the room.
  144. >She smiles broadly when she sees the chaos ensuing.
  145. >She flies up to one of the chairs, and you leap onto one.
  146. >You hop from chair to chair until you get to the one closest to the spinning table in the middle.
  147. >You get the tea supplies, and hop back to an outer chair.
  148. >Now you need water.
  149. "Be back in a moment."
  150. >You stop being in the tea room
  151. >And start being in the kitchen.
  152. >You grab a kettle, and fill it with water.
  153. >Then you stop being in the kitchen
  154. >And start being in the tea room again.
  155. >You bounce onto a chair, then put the kettle firmly in the air beside you.
  156. >You form your hands into fists, then spark one off the other.
  157. >A reasonable sized flame is formed, and you push air into it to make it bigger.
  158. >You grab the flame and put it under the kettle, then close your eyes.
  159. "Close your eyes too, Celestia."
  160. >A few seconds later, the kettle starts boiling.
  161. >"How did you make it boil so fast?"
  162. "Well, if a watched kettle never boils, fewer entities looking at it must make it boil faster."
  163. >"I guess that makes some amount of sense."
  164. >You pour some tea into the teapot, then some boiling water.
  165. >You give it a bit, then pour some tea into a cup.
  166. >Some sugar, some milk, done.
  167. >You wait until an opportune time, then toss the cup of tea.
  168. >It arcs around the room, before being caught in Celestia's telekinesis.
  169. >She sips it daintily, and you pour yourself a cup of tea.
  170. >Luna enters from the balcony.
  171. >"Sister! The door to the balcony wasn't there, but-"
  172. >She looks around.
  173. >"What is this?"
  174. "It's a tea room. We can drink tea here."
  175. >"And why is the balcony here?"
  176. "Because it's more convenient for it to be there. Would you like some tea?"
  177. >You pour a cup of tea, with sugar, milk and all that, and throw it in an arc around the room.
  178. >It ends up orbiting Luna's head.
  179. "Please, take a seat."
  180. >She flies to a chair, and sits in it.
  181. >Kind of inefficient, she should've just waited for the next time it swung past.
  182. >But whatever, it's done now.
  183. >She removes the cup from orbit around her head with her telekinesis, and starts to drink it.
  184. >You drink your own tea, and upon draining your cup, ask a question.
  185. "So, how do you like your tea?"
  186. >Celestia speaks first.
  187. >"Black, with lemon squeezed in."
  188. >Then Luna.
  189. >"Very milky, and very sweet."
  190. >Makes sense.
  191. >You don't have any lemons handy, and have no idea where to find any.
  192. >Ah well.
  193. >Celestia sets her cup down.
  194. >"Could you pass the tea, Anon?"
  195. >You toss the tea making supplies around the room, getting gravity assists from other chairs and tables, before the tea stuff ends up orbiting Celestia.
  196. >"Thank you."
  197. >After pouring her own tea, she tries to return everything, but it gets stuck in orbit around the center table.
  198. >As it passes by you, you reach out and catch the stuff.
  199. >Disaster averted.
  200. >You all sit in the tea room in a companionable silence.
  201. >After some time, Luna pipes up.
  202. >"So, how did you get all this furniture to move in such a strange way?"
  203. "Not telekinesis, that's for certain."
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