
Queen's Blood [AnonxLyra][Satyr]

Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. >Day Anniversary in Equestria.
  2. >Right now, you and Lyra are at the restaurant you had your first date at.
  3. >Tonight is one of the few nights of the year where Lyra’s friend Bon-Bon will babysit Hope for her.
  4. >Next week is Hope’s birthday too.
  5. “It’s great just to have the two of us.”
  6. >”Yeah, I want to tell you something.”
  7. “What is it?”
  8. >”I’m—ANONYMOUS!”
  9. >What?!
  10. >You just heard Luna’s voice out of your wife.
  11. >That means it’s a dream again.
  12. “Luna!?”
  13. >All of a sudden the restaurant turns into nothingness and all you can see are stars all around you.
  14. >Looks like it’s going to be another talk with her.
  15. >”Yes its Luna, we need to talk, Man of Fire and Forge.”
  16. “What is it another deal?”
  17. >“What else would it be.”
  18. “Why would I want to make another one? The last deal I made with you and your sister, I lost Lyra and my left hand.”
  19. >It still hurts every time you think of it.
  20. >The damn bugs took your wife and when you gave chase, one of them went for the hand you didn’t have anything in.
  21. >You ended up smashing it against a wall until it would let go.
  22. >When it did, you already knew your hand was beyond repair.
  23. >She looked at you with a scold.
  24. >”That last deal saved everyone in Canter lot and you know it, including your daughter.”
  25. >”Look at the bright side too, the three of us worked together to make you a new one.”
  26. >They didn’t have the magic to help your old one, so you ended up creating a new hand.
  27. >The sisters used their magic to give it life and would function like your old one.
  28. >If you are going to listen to her, you might as well do it in an environment you enjoyed, your building.
  29. >Get in the old wooden chair you always sit in and just listen.
  30. >You scoff at her.
  31. “I might as well humor you, what is it this time?”
  32. >”We need the blood of Chrysalis, The Changeling Queen.”
  33. >This is interesting already; kill the Queen who took your wife.
  34. “Why, need to kill because your sister? Last time you wanted me to kill someone, it was just some trickster who made Celly look bad. Besides, the hive is hundreds of miles away. Why should I lose time that I can spend with my daughter to murder her?”
  35. >”We just need a sample of her blood. I also knew you were going to say that, so I have something I know you want.”
  36. >She pulls out a stone, one that is turquoise, with almost a minty look.
  37. “What’s with the rock?”
  38. >”Your wife’s soul is in Tartarus, it isn’t as punishment, it’s just where all the dead go. This rock is the key to her freedom. You get the sample, and Celestia and I will personally take you to Tartarus to get Lyra back. Besides, doesn’t Hope need a mother?”
  39. >She’s right; it has been much harder on you to take care of her.
  40. >She barely gets to see you because of work.
  41. >You drop her off at school. Hope usually goes to Bonnie’s and waits for you to pick her up.
  42. >Once and a while she will visit you at work, but it’s rarely.
  43. >It was hell on your schedule when Cheerilee needed to have one of those parent teacher meetings with you, just to say she’s worried that don’t see her enough.
  44. >The only time you really got the day to spend time with her is her birthday.
  45. “Deal, I better not be alone for this.”
  47. >”Great, you will have a few familiar faces in your group.”
  48. >Awesome, just awesome. They better not be those guards that didn’t do anything to help you save your wife.
  49. >If you’re lucky, it’ll be Candyass and Shining armor. They seem fairly strong and know how to fight the bug, at least better than you.
  50. >”Also, you will need to sign another contract. The mission will begin in a few days. Be prepared for both.”
  51. >Oh yeah, the contracts. This must be national security if they are pulling out those.
  52. >The princesses take shit like this seriously.
  53. >It’s an oath of blood. Lord knows what happened to the last being who decided to go against it.
  54. >Whatever they were, it probably didn’t end well for them to put it nicely.
  55. >”Bye Anonymous, both my sister and I will see you soon.”
  56. >After she said that, all you can see is light.
  57. >You wake up.
  58. >Shit, what time is it?
  59. >Check the clock, it’s only six thirty.
  60. >Good, you still have time to get Hope to school.
  61. >It was her sixth birthday last week. One of the few times you get two can have family time.
  62. >You get up and put your work clothes and necklace on.
  63. >Your work clothes are just a white shirt that’s been enchanted to not burn, jeans with the same enchantment, and steel toed boots. The apron you use is still at the shop.
  64. >The necklace has a locket with two pictures, one of you and Lyra during your honeymoon, the other is her holding Hope when she was just a baby.
  65. >Now to get your hand on.
  66. >It isn’t that difficult to do. You designed it to where it will just slide and stay in.
  67. >The few lights for it started to glow a bright orange. It’s on.
  68. >That’s better. Just have to stretch it a bit so it will connect to your nerves.
  69. >Check the clock, it’s seven. You still have an hour and an half to get Hope to school.
  70. >Now that you are ready for the day, it’s time to wake your daughter up.
  71. >Just remember, don’t wake her with your left hand if you have to go into her room.
  72. >She’s never been comfortable with the prosthetic.
  73. >You walk to her room and knock on the door.
  74. “Hope, you awake?”
  75. >
  76. >No response.
  77. >Time to open the door and turn the lights on.
  78. >”ugh”
  79. “Wake up kiddo, you gotta get ready for school.”
  80. >”Can I go to school later?”
  81. “Nope, come on. We gotta get you dressed and something to eat.”
  82. >She finally wakes up and she’s still wearing her pajamas and night cap
  83. >You get out a shirt, blue jacket and some black pants.
  84. >She puts them on and looks like it matches.
  85. >Now to fix her hair.
  86. >You still have no idea what to do.
  87. >Might as well do what you have been doing for the past four years, get two oversized hair clips, red and blue, and make pigtails.
  88. >No one said you been have been doing it wrong, so it’s been her style for a long while.
  89. “Brush your teeth and I’ll get something ready for you to eat.”
  90. >She’s still a bit groggy, but she responds with, “Okay dad.”
  91. >Okay, what can you make for her quick?
  92. >Ah, oatmeal with cinnamon and sugar will do.
  93. >It’ll only take about five minutes.
  94. >You’re almost done making them and she’s finally comes down. She looks like she’s ready for the day.
  95. >Pour her and yourself a bowl of oatmeal.
  96. >You and Hope sit down and eat.
  97. >Neither of you talked while you were eating the entire time.
  98. >It’s been like this ever since she started school.
  99. >Neither her nor Cheerilee said she’s having trouble, but you still worry a bit.
  100. >You both finish eating and you are walking her to school.
  101. >She's holding your right hand.
  102. "Ready for a day of school Hope."
  103. >"Sure."
  104. "Come on, say it like you mean it."
  105. >"Yeah, I'm ready."
  106. "You made any friends yet?"
  107. >"A few, I didn't know there were going to be any others like me."
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