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Sep 19th, 2017
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  1. Anywho. Looks like solo time!
  2. Wizzz A. (GM): dismemberment table fixed. And yeah, looks like
  3. Charles P.: Those two things go hand in hand.
  4. Wizzz A. (GM): Well, you don't HAVE to go solo if you fear loss of life and limb. Ni'len/Brandon will probably show up eventually. I'm here because of the bump, not because of any particular grand scheduling plan
  5. Free now, but I'll be free all night too.
  6. Charles P.: No, I'm gonna roll with it. PC death has never scared me off before.
  7. These nifty non-com bonuses make char death fairly unlikely to boot!
  8. Turpin Hedgehopper has three objectives for solo time!
  9. Turpin Hedgehopper: 1. Steal that box the Minotaur was pointing his gun at.
  10. 2.Scry on Damon a bunch to plan out the best route of attack
  11. 3. Have a word with the smokeless fire lady.
  12. Wizzz A. (GM): A ticket to ride the merchant ship to castle gondalo is 10GP, unless you'd care to walk
  13. Turpin Hedgehopper: -10 GP!
  14. Wizzz A. (GM): A few days later, you pay the fee and float in comfort across the dunes to castle gondalo. You probably brought your own jelly too for the trip to the ruined old castle, yeha?
  15. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hmmm. I kinda want to take my bird... But tigers.
  16. Yeah, jelly. The bird is for when others don't have jellies.
  17. Wizzz A. (GM): Aight. What time of day will you set out to the ruined castle?
  18. Turpin Hedgehopper: I will be travelling completely unarmed! Not even Skimshredder or a bola.
  19. Wizzz A. (GM): Well, the bola is in Parts Unknown
  20. Turpin Hedgehopper: I have a normal bola. I can't wait for a chance to use it.
  21. Wizzz A. (GM): gotcha
  22. Turpin Hedgehopper: How far from the hole was that Minotaur standing?
  23. Wizzz A. (GM): looks o be about 50 feet
  24. + some if you include the verticality
  25. Turpin Hedgehopper: I wish to arrive at night, hopefully I can snag the box without him noticing me.
  26. Darkvision is 60ft yeah?
  27. Wizzz A. (GM): 30 feet for halflings
  28. Turpin Hedgehopper: !
  29. It's different for different races?!
  30. Wizzz A. (GM): I actually have been looking for where it even says halflings get any at all, but that's how it's been played so far.
  31. Turpin Hedgehopper: Brb, pulling up the handbook.
  32. OMG!
  33. No darkvision for halflings! Which makes total sense now that you mention it.
  34. Wizzz A. (GM): So the 30' darkvision was just something I threw to 'em
  35. I wanted to encourage scouting for sneaky people after all
  36. but having a lightsource when faced with all these pitch-black darkvision cavedwellers made it pretty rough
  37. Turpin Hedgehopper: Right? Nobody uses lights!
  38. Wizzz A. (GM): Humans need light, monster don't. Something something the light of law and riikhus no doubt, if you ask Phil
  39. Turpin Hedgehopper: Regardless, given the distance that mino-guard is standing from his box, I won't be able to snag it so easily.
  40. Would a lightsource near him ruin his dakvision?
  41. Wizzz A. (GM): Yup, that's how darkvision works. You either can see the same as the lightsource, or if there's no light, you get your darkvision
  42. so something small and bright like a candle would 'blind' him
  43. if it was next to him, anyway
  44. Turpin Hedgehopper did not bring candles, and is wondering if he could put a wick on an oil flask.
  45. Wizzz A. (GM): they tend to have wicks by default, for ease of lighting and throwing
  46. The market accommodates you adventurers to some exten!
  47. t
  48. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hmm.1. What's the visible range on an oil splat? 2. How "embedded," did that box look?
  49. Wizzz A. (GM): Oil splats are as torches, but you could soak something small and burn that rather than a whole flask. Not so much embedded as just hid in the rubble.
  50. Turpin Hedgehopper: Kk. Here's the plan gang!
  51. Wizzz A. (GM): crickets
  52. Turpin Hedgehopper: Step one: Sneak in via the cattle entrance
  53. Step two: Light a something on fire and fling it at the mino-guard, from the westmost side of the structure located south of the entrance hole.
  54. Step three, run around the eastmost side, up the hill, snag the box, and get out lickety split!
  55. Wizzz A. (GM): Righto. As it is night, there are no cattle and cowboy bullmen (hehe) outside grazing.
  56. Turpin Hedgehopper: I'll prolly light up some wood. Less than torch bright but enough to cover a 30ft range.
  57. Wizzz A. (GM): The tunnel is unguarded, and the area, though musty and animal smelling and probably with cow patties, is devoid of any wandering bullmen.
  58. The one that you actually see on guard at 47 looks to be yawning. There appears to be another one at 46, mirroring the one at 47's movements, though they can't see each other due to the crumbled tower 45 in the way.
  59. Turpin Hedgehopper: !
  60. Turpin Hedgehopper suddenly remembers the convienently shared tavern tales and checks to see if one glows.
  61. Wizzz A. (GM): Glowing might not be the right word, but it looks brighter in the darkness, with less contrast than the other one.
  62. Turpin Hedgehopper decides not to worry about the magic copy one.
  63. Turpin Hedgehopper oils and lights a stick, then quickly hurls it toward the beastman! 17
  64. Turpin Hedgehopper: Not at mind you
  65. Near.
  66. Wizzz A. (GM): The minotaur bellows at the flame, but cannot see you! It glares at your general vicinity, then stomps at the burning stick, trying to extinguish the fire.
  67. Turpin Hedgehopper runs around the structure and makes for the box!
  68. Wizzz A. (GM): Once the stick is extinguished, the bullman hops down from its walkway and heads S, looking left and right into the little turns and corners.
  69. Turpin Hedgehopper: To late! Haha!
  70. Wizzz A. (GM): You can retrieve the box. It's thin, silvery, rectangular, about 6x6x3 inches
  71. Turpin Hedgehopper exits with his loot!
  72. Wizzz A. (GM): A flawless extraction
  73. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hopefully an explosive to rival those "internal relics."
  74. Wizzz A. (GM): Hollen can probably confirm if it's an internal relic or not, since she's seen plenty
  75. Turpin Hedgehopper heads west to the cave entrance, after placing his loot in a pack on his jelly.
  76. Wizzz A. (GM): No problem
  77. Turpin Hedgehopper heads to the throne room
  78. Wizzz A. (GM): How convenient, she's already there.
  79. Looking through the broken window of 32, you see the throne room is illuminated!
  80. A woman with dusky skin and long red hair adorned in bangles and bangles of gold lounges on the throne. The place is lit by many floating candles. She is contemplating an array of floating objects in the air before her- some coins, a minotaur horn, some chalices, a bright fish. The pit and the platforms are empty.
  81. Turpin Hedgehopper: Man. You cannot imagine how badly I want to deathray her right now.
  82. Turpin Hedgehopper knocks politely on the windowsill
  83. Woman: Enter, you are late, but it matters not. Time is the concern of your people, and amusement the concern of mine. Tell me, what item do you think would look good in a pig pile in that pit?
  84. Turpin Hedgehopper: What does the fish look like?
  85. Wizzz A. (GM): pointy, triangular, silver and white and blue stripesl, moistened by liquid.
  86. Turpin Hedgehopper clambers through the window, and stands bedore the throne, "That fish sure looks neat!"
  87. Turpin Hedgehopper: Before*
  88. Woman: Alone, sure. But imagine a school of them. Would the novelty remain? And then, what would well complement them?
  89. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Some fried potatoes! Crisped bread too! Heh heh."
  90. Woman: Well then. *She snaps her fingers three times- your foodstuffs appear, then they and the fish disappear, appearance and disappearance marked by snaps.
  91. One platform's glass dome is now filled with water and the fish, the other has fried potatoes and crisped bread.
  92. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Wow!"
  93. *wooooooow!
  94. The pit now appears to be full of floating wish, mirroring each other's movements, and floating carbs
  95. Woman: The foods added a touch of surrealness. Yes, I think this should do for now.
  96. Wizzz A. (GM): *fish not wish!
  97. Turpin Hedgehopper: "It's unexpected, to be sure."
  98. Turpin Hedgehopper stares at the pit silently...
  99. Turpin Hedgehopper: "I'm Turpin! Nice to meet you!"
  100. "I'm an adventurer!"
  101. Woman: Freda. Nice to meet you. I am a widow.
  102. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Oh, sorry."
  103. Woman: Don't be, it's rather a dull thing to be.
  104. Sorry, that is. Being a widow doesn't imply much at all.
  105. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Well, dull is something I do hate."
  106. Freda: See, we get along perfectly. I'm glad Clephais didn't scare you off.
  107. Turpin Hedgehopper: "No one scares Turpin Hedgehopper! I'm a knight, you know."
  108. Freda: A knight AND an adventurer. Your liege keeps you on a loose leash, then.
  109. Turpin Hedgehopper: "She thinks I'm dead. That's why I adventure about. I'm looking for her."
  110. Freda: Do you think she ended up down here?
  111. Turpin Hedgehopper: "No, I haven't the foggiest where she is."
  112. "But we're both immortal, so I'll find her eventually."
  113. Freda: Immortal? Color me surprised. How'd you happen upon such a feat?
  114. Turpin Hedgehopper: "I found a neat potion. Now I'm becoming an alchemist, and I'll have to figure out how to reproduce it."
  115. Freda: An adventurer alchemist knight. That IS new.
  116. Turpin Hedgehopper: "I'm a baker too!"
  117. "Want some bread?"
  118. Freda: Oh no. I'm the host, so any offering of food will be done by me. Would YOU like some bread?
  119. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Sure. Those fish and chips are making me hungery."
  120. "So how did your husand die? If you don't mind me asking."
  121. Turpin Hedgehopper 's stomach growls as he looks at the pit.
  122. Freda: She clicks her fingers, and a loaf of bread appears on a plate before you. It is already sliced, though still steaming fresh. To be fair, I'm not sure he's dead. But he vanished, oh, 7 decades or so ago, and I haven't found him. And unlike you, I'm VERY good at finding missing people.
  123. Turpin Hedgehopper digs in!
  124. Freda: That's good enough to style oneself a widow. My complaints of his inexcused absence will outweigh his complaints of the inappropriate moniker.
  125. The bread is excellent.
  126. Charles P.: better than Pops?
  127. Wizzz A. (GM): Yes, though you probably won't admit it even to yourself
  128. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Wow, this is great. I bet you could give Pop a run for his money!"
  129. Freda: It's not my work. It's from a restaurant I visited once. But I don't think they compete for the same customers as Pops.
  130. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Good thing too, my Pop would put em right out of buisness! Me too, when I become a master. I hope..."
  131. Freda: Oh? Perhaps I should sample your Pops' baked goods.
  132. Mercian, I suppose?
  133. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah!"
  134. Freda: On the to-do list then.
  135. Turpin Hedgehopper relates his home villages name, and the name of his fathers buisness.
  136. She nods and taps her temple.
  137. Turpin Hedgehopper: "So, uh, are you a diety or something? I've been meeting all kind of cool new species since I started adventuring."
  138. Freda: Oh, have you been talking to the bullmen? No no, they're quite mistaken. I'm just a guest of your deities.
  139. Uninvited, but welcome so long as I play by their rules.
  140. Turpin Hedgehopper: "I've met Were tigers, were wolves, were rats, bull people, horse people, Gondalon people, jelly people, one devine servitor, but I didn't talk to that one personally, and giant goats."
  141. "And now you! A Non-Diety person!"
  142. Freda: Yes, it's quite exciting. That's precisely why I came here, rather than Mercia.
  143. If you stay immortal, try not to discover things too quickly. The thrill wears off.
  144. Turpin Hedgehopper: "So you've got the wanderlust? My Pop said it wears off after a while and I'll be ready to settle down as a baker."
  145. Wanderlust too*
  146. Freda: He may be right. But if he lived long enough, his bakerlust might wear off too.
  147. The search for novelty starts small. Sesame seeds added to a bun, then who knows where you end up going from there.
  148. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Naw, not my Pops. He never gets bored of anything."
  149. "Why, grandpa told me that my family hasn't added one new thing to the menu since his grandpa!"
  150. "Why, I once saw my pops sitting outside smoking a tabacless pipe every day for a month!"
  151. Turpin Hedgehopper relates tale after tale of how his pops is 100% satisfied with all aspects of life.
  152. Turpin Hedgehopper eventually trails off into staring thoughtfully into space.
  153. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Tell me about your husband! Was he exciting?"
  154. She snorts awake
  155. Freda: Hmm?
  156. Oh, yes. He was anything I needed him to be, in a single package. Very convenient AND exciting.
  157. Most unlike this pops..
  158. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Having everything you need doesn't sound exciting. It sorta sounds like my Pops."
  159. "He's got everything he wants... but not me! I'm gonna find some even more neat stuff before I settle down!"
  160. Freda: I admit, the excitement WAS wearing off. But he was certainly more exciting than any attempted replacements, so I miss him regardless..
  161. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Was he a Non-Diety like you?"
  162. *nin-diety person
  163. Non*
  164. Freda: Indeed he was. A rare meeting indeed, and one to capitalize upon, despite our differences.
  165. She clicks her fingers and dismisses the horna dn coins floating before her.
  166. Turpin Hedgehopper: "So the only people you answer too are gods? That must be neat."
  167. To*
  168. Freda: I suppose so... I've gotten used to it, but they have a lot of peculiar notions of how the world should be, and it's very limiting.
  169. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah, did you know they even fight with each other about the rules!"
  170. Freda: Well, not so much these days. They have you little people do the fighting for them, mostly. I suppose I can relate to having toys to play with, but the scale they work on is so large. It's a wonder they even care at all about the individual. Or, perhaps they don't.
  171. Novelty, you will find, is a quality of individual distinction, rather than demographic average.
  172. Turpin Hedgehopper: "So what's up with that horse person you keep in a bottle? He wouldn't tell me what his job was."
  173. Freda: Ohoho, what a silly boy he is. I keep him and all my friends for their company- he has no "job," only an amusingly aimless sense of importance. Still. You should think twice before playing with my things, for several reasons.
  174. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Well, we were poking around because we wanted to steal some of those fire immune magic suits. We needed them to bring a fire elemental to this giant that puts [insert word I don't remember but Terpin does because 14 int] into weapons."
  175. "I picked that bottle up and poof horse person!"
  176. Freda: Oh, I don't mean all the odd things out there. I just mean the things here, in my private quarters. The wine bottles, and my favorite houses. Though, you wouldn't know about those.
  177. The candles pulse with gouts of flame at the mention of the houses, then return to normal.
  178. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Y'know, he said you were made out of fire, but you look pretty normal to me."
  179. "Well, not normal, but, skin.
  180. Wizzz A. (GM): She seems pleased at your amended words.
  181. Freda: Yes, this skin was chosen for its lack of equivalence in your world.
  182. I could look like fire, if you'd prefer.
  183. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Naw, I'm fine with the way you look."
  184. Freda: Glad to hear my work is appreciated.
  185. Turpin Hedgehopper: "You really seem nice. I expected you to be mean."
  186. Freda: Did Clephais tell you I was mean?
  187. Turpin Hedgehopper: "No. But a being of fire sure sounds severe, and the only other Royalty I've met are all a little... Off."
  188. Freda: Oh, not at all. Fire is an element of love. The trouble is, its love kills beings like you. But, you seemed to like your Princess? How was she Off?
  189. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Well, she had been imprisioned by an evil wizard when I met her. So I don't blame her for it, but she didn't seem to be, all there, you know what I mean?
  190. "Sort of, blank."
  191. Freda: Traumatized, sealing away her true self, ah, how terrible it must be to be fragile. Surely she'll improve now you've rescued her... but alas, you've lost her. You really should find her aga
  192. Wizzz A. (GM): in
  193. Turpin Hedgehopper: "The rest were all ghosts. Except King Gondalo, he's pretty normal."
  194. Freda: Ghostly royalty? Who were they? I once knew ghostly royalty, but they slipped away.
  195. Turpin Hedgehopper: "One princess, but, er, I got scared and killed her. And two others, they scared me too, but I try not to kill people anymore."
  196. "Who were the ghost people you knew?"
  197. Freda: A good practice, dead people are rarely exciting. As for myself, I knew the ghosts of the Vth Gondalon high lord, and his lady love. It was they who had the castle, before the lavaflows and I came to the castle. Most fled, but they died in the fire. Fortunately, they stuck around after they died. Oh what games I played with them. That was about when my husband vanished, too... ahh, they were truly a silver lining to that cloud.
  198. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah? What games? I like games? Why did they leave?"
  199. I like games.*
  200. Turpin Hedgehopper is clearly quite interested
  201. Freda: I put on plays, and had them possess beasts to put on different roles. So many things I had them do... they became quite skilled at acting, despite their protests to the contrary. I can only imagine they ended up in the netherworld eventually, and some god gobbled them up and locked them away in an afterlife.
  202. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Oh, you like plays? Why not go out and have real adventures?"
  203. Freda: A play is more nuanced than reality. The motives of the characters, contrasted with the motives of the actors! That level of subtlety is hard to find occurring naturally. For example, your pops- imagine if YOU were YOU, but had to act like your pops. The internal tension would be amazing!
  204. You can probably imagine what fun was to be had by having them play roles outside their comfort zone, or inside, or sideways...
  205. Ah, I've gotten all nostalgic for those two overwrought sillies. So serious, they were!
  206. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Nah, playing pretend doesn't sound like too much fun, I'm all about real life adventures right now!"
  207. Turpin Hedgehopper relates the story of TL and the M'Sheahians.
  208. Turpin Hedgehopper: "... and they're starting up a whole new Bos Lamg now! Isn't that neat?"
  209. "They call in Bungamite or something..."
  210. Freda: That's a tale, I suppose- it would be better if you knew the actors internal conflicts more thoroughly. This Hollen- where'd she come from? How'd she end up so staunchly M'sheshan? It's the height of heresy in Mercia, I'm aware.... you should ask her sometime how it all ended up this way.
  211. Freda has summoned some wine up for your long stories, if you care to wet your whistle
  212. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Hmm. I never thought about that. When I do something it's because I want to, I never think about why, I want to. I guess I also don't worry about why other people do things."
  213. Turpin Hedgehopper partakes!
  214. Wizzz A. (GM): Great wine!
  215. Freda: If you're content with What for now, I suppose there's no great reason to seek Why...
  216. Turpin Hedgehopper tells the tale of Damon Kars, and the bounty offered if he is brought low.
  217. Freda: That one sounds like an all too obvious why for the what, but maybe there's an interesting why behind his lust for power and control. I doubt it though- that particular motivation consumes many and leaves nothing left, and in the rare case they ascend the mountain of their goal, they look around and find they can grasp anything they please, yet that nothing pleases them.
  218. Which makes for a pithy statement, but a poor 3rd act.
  219. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah, his play won't end with that if I have anything to say about it. That's why I stole that box from the Minotaurs, I figure it blows up like the other metal things. It'll come in handy for my next adventure."
  220. Freda: Those metal things ARE quite volatile- the minotaurs love them even though they've died playing with the stuff quite often. It makes me wonder what the oldest Gondalons were up to.
  221. A war, one would guess based on the violence.
  222. But one they lost, despite it all, judging by current Gondalon affairs.
  223. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Can't you ask them? I hear magic people can do stuff like that."
  224. Freda: Turning back time is rather stringently disallowed by one particular deity, though their precise name escapes me. And the 1st Gondalons are surely long passed into the afterlives by now- another gate I am barred from opening.
  225. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Which reminds me! Isn't there some kind of monster in the wall behind you? I heard about it in a tavern tale."
  226. Freda: Some heads of werebeasts. They might have died by now.
  227. Wizzz A. (GM): (heyo brandon)
  228. Brandon k.: hello
  229. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hi!
  230. Brandon k.: how long you guys going today?
  231. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Well, it's been fun chatting, but I gotta go take down Damon Kars. I'll come back and tell you about it if it's exciting!"
  232. Wizzz A. (GM): (prolly for 4-5 hours yet)
  233. Freda: Yes, do stop in again.
  234. Turpin Hedgehopper excuses himself
  235. Turpin Hedgehopper heads back to Gondalo
  236. Wizzz A. (GM): You spent most the night telling stories to Freda, so you'll arrive at dawnish
  237. Turpin Hedgehopper goes to tell Ratti all about his adventure!
  238. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Turns out those two really are the V Gondalons!"
  239. (Who knew, eh?)
  240. Ratti: According to some mysterious creature! My boy, though I'm sure the allure of gondalon relics is, well, alluring, I can't in good faith tell you to ever return to that spot- your face is known to shapeshifters! The south and southeast of the desert contain forgotten gondalon fortresses aplenty that, while perhaps barbarian-haunted, are doubtless more suitable for reckless adventuring. People like my apprentice have died in that ruined castle, you know!
  241. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah, I've gotten pretty much all I need from there anyway. Thanks for the advice Ratti!"
  242. Ratti: I'm relieved to find a Mercian who listens to sense!
  243. Turpin Hedgehopper heads home.
  244. Wizzz A. (GM): One mercantile float-boat ride back
  245. Turpin Hedgehopper spends several days spy/scry-ing on Damon. Looking to map out his routines.
  246. Wizzz A. (GM): You sometimes fail to locate him entirely, but when you do find him, he is invariably camped out in what looks like a workshop with strange metal odds and ends, well lit by the light of his attending lightspears.
  247. From the looks of the featherbed and hanging haunches of meat, you guess he's had plenty of time to settle in to wherever this is, but it does seem more like a camp than home.
  248. Occasionally lightspears with bottles of wine or rations or firewood show up while Damon is tinkering with the metal bits or reading a scroll.
  249. Turpin Hedgehopper: Can I read his scrolls? Do I recognize the wines?
  250. Bc if I could track them to their origin...
  251. Wizzz A. (GM): The wines are just imports from Mercia, bought from any manner of seller in town. You rarely get a good look of the scrolls but they could have anatomy charts and a lot of really really tiny letters
  252. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hmm. Does the two sword guy ever show up? Does Damon ever expend spells?
  253. Wizzz A. (GM): You've only ever seen him cast one spell, which solves the mystery of why you can't find him a lot of the time. He mumbled some words and went invisible.
  254. The two sword guy shows up only rarely, but always looking like he just got off a shift of working in a butcher's shop.
  255. Turpin Hedgehopper: I would like to scry his bed when I can't find him!
  256. Wizzz A. (GM): It's a featherbed.
  257. Duron Fullmane: brb
  258. Wizzz A. (GM): Sometimes with empty wine bottles left on it
  259. Turpin Hedgehopper: Is there a Damon shaped indention on it ever?
  260. Wizzz A. (GM): Nope, unless you count the time when a visible damon returned and flopped onto it.
  261. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh, so he's not invisible when he sleeps?
  262. Wizzz A. (GM): Right
  263. Turpin Hedgehopper: When does he sleep?
  264. Wizzz A. (GM): Late night
  265. Turpin Hedgehopper: Also, I'd like to scry two swords guy when he leaves one day, and hopefully figure out where Damon is.
  266. Duron Fullmane: b
  267. Wizzz A. (GM): Two Swords guy takes 5 lightspears with him and leaves the room, goes through some other rooms (including a big swampy cavern) and climbs up a well into depth 1 of the forsaken mine and patrols
  268. Turpin Hedgehopper: Will I be able to find my way there? How many lightspears stay with Damon?
  269. Does that swamp resemble the place where the undead mage and Ralph are?
  270. Wizzz A. (GM): Yeah, though you never saw Ralph and the undead mage there. You think this is the same well you jumped down.
  271. Hard to say, but when you see damon, you think maybe a dozen lightspears
  272. Duron Fullmane: what a weird well
  273. Wizzz A. (GM): *there at the same time as damon, that is
  274. *as damon's crew, that is
  275. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hmm. No spirits bothering Two Sword Guy when he uses the well?
  276. Wizzz A. (GM): Not that you saw
  277. Just climbs out through a sidepassage in the wells walls, then up the rope
  278. You never see the bottom of said well
  279. Turpin Hedgehopper: When Damon cannot be found and Two Swords isn't around either, are any lightspears in the room?
  280. Or posted outside.
  281. Wizzz A. (GM): Yup
  282. You don't think they go with him when he's invisible
  283. Turpin Hedgehopper: The Sacking of the Kar may be a little tougher than anticipated.
  284. What do you think Duron?
  285. Duron Fullmane: i think he has magic that we cant defend against, unless we got a one shot kill or some type of stun we'll get rekt real quick
  286. Turpin Hedgehopper: Is the wine bringer the same guy? Or different ones?
  287. Wizzz A. (GM): Different, looks like everyone gets a turn on suplly delivering duty
  288. assuming 3 days have been spent
  289. Turpin Hedgehopper is stalking his prey...
  290. Turpin Hedgehopper: Well, Hollen has the syringes from that one construct...
  291. I would like to test one out! On a goat or something.
  292. Wizzz A. (GM): KOAT
  293. Or, KO'd Goat
  294. Turpin Hedgehopper: Time to recover?
  295. Wizzz A. (GM): 6 hours!
  296. Turpin Hedgehopper: So the one hit is a go. All we need to do is get to him while he's asleep.
  297. Duron Fullmane: or somehow get it in his wine
  298. Turpin Hedgehopper: Those dozen guards make that a little difficult.
  299. Hmm. Wine poison.
  300. Duron Fullmane: or get it in the food of the guards some how
  301. Wizzz A. (GM): As an alchemist, Turpin would know that it may not work if ingested
  302. Better check that first
  303. Turpin Hedgehopper is knowledgable!
  304. Turpin Hedgehopper: Is Damon watched over when he's asleep?
  305. Wizzz A. (GM): The room has lightspears, ya
  306. Turpin Hedgehopper: Wow, this guy...
  307. Duron Fullmane: i wounder if people try to assassinate him alot...
  308. Turpin Hedgehopper: What is the lightspear ratio? Do some of them post outside?
  309. Wizzz A. (GM): You can always find packs of them roving the dungeon and countryside, but you never find one keeping watch outside the room.
  310. Turpin Hedgehopper: Do appraoching people have to knock? Or does he magically know they're outside?
  311. Wizzz A. (GM): Lets add another day of scrying, since you'll have to located someone specific and wait for them to return
  312. They do knock
  313. Turpin Hedgehopper is getting a migrain from staring at the tiny bright ball so long
  314. Duron Fullmane: I'm waiting for that one day he looks over like he's looking right at you and gives an evil grin
  315. Turpin Hedgehopper: !
  316. How big is his workshop?
  317. Wizzz A. (GM): pretty big actually
  318. 50x50 or thereabout
  319. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Deur can probably hit a lot of those guys with sleep..."
  320. "Ok! If we sleep bomb the place, then dash in and stick Damon with a KOAT syringe, we should be able to put a stop to him. In fact. If we can get a knife to his throat we can probably do ot with no bloodshed. We'll simply bring him out of the dungion and turn him over to the Mercians.
  321. Do his lightspears sleep in shifts?
  322. Wizzz A. (GM): Yeah, they don't all go to sleep with damon
  323. Turpin Hedgehopper: When he cast his spell were there hand motions?
  324. Duron Fullmane: how many people watch over him?
  325. Turpin Hedgehopper: ^
  326. Wizzz A. (GM): Yes Turpin. Looks to be in the 6-8 range are awake
  327. At night time, anyway.
  328. Turpin Hedgehopper: All we need are six-eight failed saves!
  329. Do they all stand convienently bunched together?
  330. Duron Fullmane: do you think Turpin can scry enough of the place to make a basic map of it, just so i have a better understanding of the layout?
  331. Wizzz A. (GM): CLose enough for sleep yeah
  332. Turpin Hedgehopper: Also, is that door locked?
  333. Wizzz A. (GM): sure duron, one sec
  334. Turpin Hedgehopper: Bc basics.
  335. Wizzz A. (GM): 1= entrance to the side of the well
  336. Duron Fullmane: i just want to know how much space is between the entrance and his room is
  337. Turpin Hedgehopper: Wait. Close enough for sleep? Or sleeps? Will it take two castings to hit them all, basically.
  338. Wizzz A. (GM): Probably, yeah
  339. The door is locked
  340. the one here
  341. Duron Fullmane: you may need to bring another mage with us
  342. Wizzz A. (GM): Before 9, which is a smaller, abandoned room that is pretty much ignored by the lightspears- all their stuff is in 8
  343. including damon
  344. Duron Fullmane: where is the entrance well?
  345. Wizzz A. (GM): Same well as crabby's nightmare realm was
  346. Duron Fullmane: i mean where on this map would we pop into if we entered the well
  347. Wizzz A. (GM): oho
  348. Turpin Hedgehopper: Ok. So we can e-sleepicate his boys, KOAT him, and make off like bandits. The Preator will shower us with favor, and all his jewelry will no doubt be awesome.
  349. Wizzz A. (GM): room
  350. 1
  351. Duron Fullmane: ok
  352. Wizzz A. (GM): And hey, NI'len is here!
  353. Duron Fullmane: hello
  354. Turpin Hedgehopper: I just hope he doesn't do the thing all badguys do and escape.
  355. Hi Ni'len!
  356. We have a plan to kIdnap Damon!
  357. Duron Fullmane: we may need more than just 2 sleep spells
  358. Turpin Hedgehopper: Naw. 8 guys? Yash took out six in one hit! Two shots of sleep should do it.
  359. How is the door locked?
  360. Wizzz A. (GM): It's a stone slidy up door (that blends into the outer wall quite well)
  361. The lock is some internal central mechanism that can be engaged or disengaged without a key from the inside
  362. You've never seen em use a key, just knock and get someone inside to open it
  363. Turpin Hedgehopper: Is there any space foe Townlockes Storm to get inside?
  364. For*
  365. Wizzz A. (GM): Through the lock maybe, but that thing is NOT quiet
  366. Turpin Hedgehopper: Yeah, opening the room seems to be the main problem. Is my wand quiet?
  367. Duron Fullmane: what if we had a silence spell on it
  368. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh ho! Bonus no spells for Damon!
  369. Wizzz A. (GM): then it would be silent!
  370. Turpin Hedgehopper: So, silence and sleep to the room, then the Storm opens it for us and we go in like shock troopers and Koat/stunray Damon?
  371. Duron Fullmane: so who has the silence spell?
  372. Turpin Hedgehopper: Silence would effect the whole room for several rounds right?
  373. Wizzz A. (GM): I think it's 15' radius
  374. So most of it
  375. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hmm. Hopefully Damon won't catch on to the 'most' thing if he wakes up.
  376. Wizzz A. (GM): Might need 2 castings- one to silence the opening door, and one to silence 8
  377. Turpin Hedgehopper: "What will your spell list be Townlocke?"
  378. And does anybody have any other prep ideas before we Sack the Kar?
  379. Duron Fullmane: do we have anymore of the unreliable rods?
  380. Turpin Hedgehopper: We still have all seven.
  381. Wait six.
  382. Wizzz A. (GM): And 3 are known to have failed
  383. Duron Fullmane: could be helpful in a pinch
  384. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Do we want to risk rainters?
  385. Turpin Hedgehopper: These KOAT syringes seem like orlur best bet.
  386. Wizzz A. (GM): Well, they need Duer for sleep at the minimum
  387. Ni'Len (Townlocke): makes plans for tricking blady to come with
  388. Turpin Hedgehopper: Four man team should do it. We won't be able to transport all his lightspear buddies no matter what. What do Y'all want to do with them?
  389. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Do we have any reason to believe them charmed?
  390. Turpin Hedgehopper: Well, Kars spellbook would be plenty of incentive for Baldy.
  391. He does keep his book on him, right?
  392. Wizzz A. (GM): Damon? Yeha
  393. Also Ni'len, Hollen is the expert on Kars, charming, etc- Turpin and Duron haven't encountered that bit, only heard of it
  394. Turpin Hedgehopper: But we don't need Baldy. One sleep can hit all the guards. They shouldn't survive two shots. And as long as we neutralize Damon, the rest can be handled with stun rays and various magics. Just pick a good spell list!
  395. I send a message to Duer! "Return, an impressive spell book has come to light! A bounty as well, and we require your assistance!"
  396. Wizzz A. (GM): Duer shows up!
  397. Duer: Ratti's getting nowhere with the intricacies of scrolls, a break won't hurt!
  398. Turpin Hedgehopper: Duers dissapearer spell would be excellent for delivering the KOAT syringe. But what if someone makes that first save!
  399. Ni'Len (Townlocke): koat?
  400. Turpin Hedgehopper: Ko'd goat poison.
  401. Wizzz A. (GM): Syringes recovered from the thing in the gondalon ruins
  402. Ni'Len (Townlocke): ko goat?
  403. Wizzz A. (GM): contains knockout drug
  404. Ni'Len (Townlocke): which thing?
  405. Turpin Hedgehopper: Knockout druggs! Woop!
  406. Wizzz A. (GM): the thing that snapped yashar's neck when he grappled it
  407. Turpin Hedgehopper: ...
  408. Wizzz A. (GM): was the source of those high explosive internal relics
  409. Ni'Len (Townlocke): how'd...we get that?
  410. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh, I recovered a box that I think is another exsplosive.
  411. Wizzz A. (GM): When you killed it the first time, 's ancient history
  412. Ni'Len (Townlocke): like forever ago?
  413. Like... Yashar forever ago?
  414. eh w/e
  415. doesn't matter how i guess.
  416. Turpin Hedgehopper: I forgot to ask the ifrit about ifrit salt!
  417. Ni'Len (Townlocke): SO long as it still works
  419. Turpin Hedgehopper: Let's go! I gotta session end soon.
  420. Yeah, for like three hours before you guys showed up. At least I think she was an ifrit.
  421. Wizzz A. (GM): enter via bandit entrance, head to well room is uneventful!
  422. Turpin Hedgehopper: I wish to do some scrying to make sure we don't visit at the same time as Two swords. And also when Damon is asleep.
  423. Wizzz A. (GM): Yup, it's night- no damon, no two sword guy
  424. err, no awake damon
  425. Turpin Hedgehopper: Whew...
  426. Wizzz A. (GM): he's sleeping
  427. Duron Fullmane: good start so far
  428. Turpin Hedgehopper: sneaky sneaky sneak
  429. Lady Hollen D'marlend: sneak sneak snek
  430. Mother Yg: Snek, eh? eh?
  431. Wizzz A. (GM): jk,- down the well?
  432. Duron Fullmane: nice...
  433. Turpin Hedgehopper: Ok Round one sleep and silence. Round two, another sleep and silence, round three, we send in the storm(alredy summoned) and open the door. Round four, everybody should have a stun ray and syring, so we play race to the wizard. Round five... ??? Round six:PROFIT!
  434. doen the well!
  435. Down...
  436. Wizzz A. (GM): You can't sleep 'em through the door!
  437. Turpin Hedgehopper: What!
  438. Duron Fullmane will not take his armor
  439. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh noooo!
  440. Wizzz A. (GM): That only worked with the goblin village because their huts were basically just cover
  441. Duron Fullmane: wait does the firs suits make noise?
  442. Turpin Hedgehopper: Foot of stone and all that?
  443. Duron Fullmane: fire*
  444. Wizzz A. (GM): Nah
  445. firesuits are like clothing
  446. Duron Fullmane: then nvm
  447. Wizzz A. (GM): Partially down the well, there's a hole that leads to room 1
  448. Room 1 is not very exciting, but S through a hall, there can be seen a large bronze vault door with three seperate keyholes
  449. Turpin Hedgehopper: Ok revised plan:Round one, silence and the storm. Round. Two:Silence and sleep Round Three:Hold Person Damon and another sleep if necessary, also, race to the wizard and stun ray anybody that didn't want to go to sleep.
  450. Wizzz A. (GM): Does Hollen get 3 level 2 spells?
  451. Turpin Hedgehopper: Better!
  452. Wizzz A. (GM): If not, the 3rd level slot would have to be used for an extralevel 2
  453. Turpin Hedgehopper: Isn't Hollen lvl 7 now? She's swimmin in spells.
  454. Wizzz A. (GM): 2- Mouldering clothing hangs from racks and is piled in splintery cabinets. You've seen lightspears passing through here via scrying and they paid no heed to the rubbish
  455. also there was a hallway heading W
  456. beyond a portcullis before 2
  457. A door in this hallway on the way to the swamp area
  458. Turpin Hedgehopper: She could probably take down damon by herself, and most of this plan is her strong arming obstacles for us.
  459. Wizzz A. (GM): Can see a lot more of the swamp now that you're here yourself.
  460. Some low plank bridges across the water are slimy with algae, but to get to the door you're after, you just need to stick near the dry(ish) edge of the cavern
  461. Alright- unless there's any final words, the plan's a going!
  462. Turpin Hedgehopper: !
  463. ~!
  464. !!*
  465. Duron Fullmane: ir go time
  466. its*
  467. Charles P.: The spelling is real
  468. Duron Fullmane: yea
  469. its the nervs
  470. Wizzz A. (GM): The poltergeists of the black storm emerge into a zone of silence and unlock the door after 2 rounds of hollen praying!
  471. Turpin Hedgehopper is looking inside the room.
  472. Duron Fullmane is getting ready for a fight if things go south
  473. Turpin Hedgehopper: *when
  474. Wizzz A. (GM): Table with stuff on it, a broken doll and some other stuff that should probably be done at a less hectic time as it seem irrelevant to your plan currently.. Whole place is bright as day, which doesn't surprise you.
  475. Hollen and Duer need to either advance through the silence to cast, or back up into the scummy swamp
  476. Turpin Hedgehopper: What!?
  477. Duron Fullmane will walk with the magic casters to defend them if need be
  478. Turpin Hedgehopper motions the two back
  479. Turpin Hedgehopper: Darn unexpected stuff is giving me a panic attack!
  480. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Or should we go forward?
  481. Wizzz A. (GM): Your call
  482. you're the one casting
  483. Ni'Len (Townlocke): It doesn't seem dangerous...
  484. is the silence on some one or the place?
  485. Wizzz A. (GM): The place
  486. Back here, the sound of chanting and casting would be blocked by the current silence zone
  487. advancing, they could hear you casting and maybe wake up
  488. Lady Hollen D'marlend: Fair
  489. Wizzz A. (GM): the question is if you trust the murky waist deep water
  490. Hollen should ride on somebodies shoulders actually
  491. or she'd be underwater
  492. Lady Hollen D'marlend: The rest should advance.
  493. Duron Fullmane will offer a ride
  494. Wizzz A. (GM): Duron and Hollen in the water, Duer and Turpin advancing?\
  495. Turpin Hedgehopper: Sure.
  496. Turpin Hedgehopper dashes foreward, syringe and stun ray at the ready!
  497. Turpin Hedgehopper: I would like to stick Damon if possible.
  498. Wizzz A. (GM): The silence lands first, hopefully obscuring the noise of Duer's gabbling from the sleeping Damon!
  499. 5 Awake lightspears
  500. 51 save v sleep
  501. Turpin Hedgehopper: Noooo!
  502. Wizzz A. (GM): One bandit sees you advancing! 9
  503. Lady Hollen D'marlend sleep.
  504. Wizzz A. (GM): He promptly flees south- looks like this guy wasn't charmed and wasn't fond of Damon... or maybe he was fleeing THIS 22 9 Damage to Turpin (assuming a hit)- something appeared out of thin air and tried to chomp you!
  505. Duron Fullmane: -uh oh
  506. Turpin Hedgehopper: Arrgh!
  507. Wizzz A. (GM): Hollen you're still back with Duron for now
  508. It got you from behind- no sound to tell what it might be!
  509. Turpin Hedgehopper: I would like to stick Damon and use him as a meatsheild.
  510. Perhaps if I pull him over me I can avoid the certain death.
  511. Wizzz A. (GM): Heedless of the beast behind you, you advance towards Damon and stick him! He wakes up, clasps his hand to the pinprick.. 9
  512. Then his eyes roll up into his head!
  513. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Can we see?
  514. Turpin Hedgehopper pulls Damon over himself like a sundering sheild?
  515. Duron Fullmane charges through the door to help
  516. Duron Fullmane: i guess with hollen on his shoulders too
  517. Wizzz A. (GM): Hmm, okay, you grab the KO'd damon and roll him over you, reversing your angle to see what's coming after you but mostly to get it between you and it- you see a six-legged lizard with flashing eyes, and a beam coming from hollen as she's borne forward by Duron's charge!
  518. save vs petrification Turpin
  519. 13 lizard save
  520. Turpin Hedgehopper:
  521. Paralysis or Turn to Stone
  522. Turpin Hedgehopper Saving Throw
  523. Success: N(0)/Y(1))
  524. 1
  525. Duron Fullmane: nice
  526. Lady Hollen D'marlend: ~!
  527. (You go son!)
  528. Wizzz A. (GM): The lizard resisted the stun ray!
  529. Lady Hollen D'marlend: not stun
  530. kill
  531. Wizzz A. (GM): Oho, then
  532. 24
  533. Duron Fullmane: can i attack with hollen on his shoulders? and i guess while im asking does she ever get down
  534. Wizzz A. (GM): A hole is speared through the lizard
  535. Duron Fullmane: nice
  536. Wizzz A. (GM): You could Duron
  537. Duron Fullmane: is it still alive?
  538. Wizzz A. (GM): And I was gonna say you're too slow
  539. but hey
  540. gondalon relic suit, not plate
  541. It's still moving- you think you better give it a whack, yeah
  542. Duron Fullmane:
  543. Duron Fullmane attacks with shiny clapper
  544. Attack
  545. hits AC 13
  546. Damage
  547. 6
  548. Turpin Hedgehopper: Duer! 21 1
  549. Wizzz A. (GM): Ouch, even with the flanking bonus... you slam it's tail,m but nothing happens
  550. pfff
  551. then duer comes and steals the spotlight with his pickaxe critical
  552. -1 lizard, +1 Damon
  553. Lady Hollen D'marlend: NO
  554. WE DO NOT WANT +1 Damon
  555. Wizzz A. (GM): too late
  556. Lady Hollen D'marlend: ONE IS ENOUGH
  557. Wizzz A. (GM): he's added to your inventory
  558. Duron Fullmane: lol
  559. Wizzz A. (GM): Oh I see lol
  560. Lady Hollen D'marlend: He is probs cursed too
  561. good luck getting him outta there
  562. Wizzz A. (GM): well, the lone awake bandit is shivering in a corner
  563. Lady Hollen D'marlend: damn auto-equpting...
  564. Duron Fullmane: brb
  565. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "SIr...For what do you live?"
  566. Wizzz A. (GM): She's in the silence field still!
  567. Turpin Hedgehopper: Guys. Do we want to try breathing the lizard?
  568. Turpin Hedgehopper ties everybody up and puts a sack on the lizards head.
  569. Lady Hollen D'marlend: I will
  570. Duron Fullmane: b
  571. Lady Hollen D'marlend: whic corner?
  572. Wizzz A. (GM): Bottom SE
  573. Turpin Hedgehopper: And does the giant need his animals to be alive?
  574. Wizzz A. (GM): He does turpin
  575. Everyone but the corner bandi tied up
  576. He might stab you if you try that
  577. Or he might just babble crazily
  578. as he is doing to silence-free Hollen
  579. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "SIr...For what do you live?"
  580. Lightspear Bandit: He knows, he knows!
  581. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Well, lets all wrestle him down!"
  582. Lightspear Bandit: The monsters! They were, they were!
  583. Duron Fullmane: can i nock someone out with the shiny clapper?
  584. Wizzz A. (GM): yup
  585. Duron Fullmane: knock*
  586. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "We can collect the rest..
  587. "This one...."
  588. Duron Fullmane "do you want me to try and knock him out?"
  589. Turpin Hedgehopper: We can't carry a dozen men right?
  590. Wizzz A. (GM): Right
  591. it'll be enough of a pain getting Damon up the well
  592. Also the basilisk is rebreathed, but it also ain't coming up the well with you, and it can't talk.
  593. WHoever it is they must be pretty desperate for a body like this
  594. Lady Hollen D'marlend: It lives for the good of Mshesh...It is all TL cares about.
  595. Turpin Hedgehopper has rope and a harness topside!
  596. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Do we want to leave through the front?
  597. Turpin Hedgehopper loots the place!
  598. Duron Fullmane stands around keeping guard
  599. Wizzz A. (GM): Looted- broken doll, lots of papers on anatomy written in a miniscule and eerily perfect hand
  600. Also Damon's jewelry
  601. and spellbook
  602. his pouch o gems too
  603. Lady Hollen D'marlend: I wish to claim the spell book for town.
  604. Willing to share its secrets buuut...
  605. Duer: No way!
  606. That's the whole reason I came here!
  607. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "You were to be more use the baldy."
  608. Turpin Hedgehopper: "I suggest we leave these guys here. But take their weapons and leave the basilisk to guard them. With the door locked. We can return and escort them up in a chain gang once we have Damon on the floatboat."
  609. Lady Hollen D'marlend: than*
  610. Duer: Back me up Turpin, you're the one who mentioned the spellbook to me.
  611. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "A good plan... "
  612. The basilisk nods
  613. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yeah, Duer gets the spellbook. He's gonna be our party wizard from now on."
  614. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "If you wish to help establish a guild of knowledge in the village...."
  615. Duer: Sure.
  616. Now gimme! This could be even bigger than the elf princesses spellbook!
  617. Turpin Hedgehopper passes the book.
  618. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "Do you think you could copy that?"
  619. Turpin Hedgehopper: At immense cost.
  620. Wizzz A. (GM): Back to the well?
  621. Turpin Hedgehopper: We depart!
  622. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "I am willing to help pay my friend."
  623. hahahah
  624. Duer: Minor dungeon wquake, nothing to be alarmed aboiut
  625. Turpin Hedgehopper: What!?
  626. Wizzz A. (GM): ( I shifted the map by accident)
  627. Lady Hollen D'marlend: mhm
  628. Duron Fullmane: lol
  629. Wizzz A. (GM): At the well! As you climb, a watery female figure swells up from the unknown bottom! A snail and a fish swim inside the torso, and the liquid eyes regard you, a worried expression on the liquid face.
  630. Trickles: Oh? Where are you taking my friend?
  631. Is he hurt?
  632. Lady Hollen D'marlend: 2
  633. Duron Fullmane: who's holding him?
  634. Wizzz A. (GM): Probably you or hollen
  635. Lady Hollen D'marlend: hollen...
  636. She is strong like bear
  637. Duron Fullmane: sure
  638. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Yes, we're taking him. He is a bandit and there is a bounty on his head."
  639. Ni'Len (Townlocke): wtf
  640. Trickles: Whaaat! No!
  641. Turpin Hedgehopper: Honesty is the best policy?
  642. Duron Fullmane tries to stop whatever she is about to do
  643. Trickles: He told me the praetor and church are mean!
  644. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "We are taking him to nicer people than they."
  645. Trickles: I've never met them, but he's nice! You're wrong! Don't take him!
  646. Crabby Voice: Liars.
  647. Turpin Hedgehopper: "They are mean. But so is he. He uses people."
  648. Crabby Voice: Drown 'em trickles, they don't understand a deal.
  649. Ni'Len (Townlocke): I dislike you Turpin.
  650. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Hey! None of that!"
  651. Duron Fullmane will try and stop the water thing from passing him
  652. Ni'Len (Townlocke): What is the means we climb the well?
  653. Wizzz A. (GM): A rope
  654. Duron Fullmane is at the bottom
  655. Wizzz A. (GM): And your legs against the side, it's not too wide
  656. Lady Hollen D'marlend:
  657. Shadows
  658. Lady Hollen D'marlend
  659. level 0
  660. Wizzz A. (GM): SHadows?
  661. Turpin Hedgehopper: "We're just passing through on our own buisness. Leave us be."
  662. Lady Hollen D'marlend: M'sheshian darkness.
  663. Wizzz A. (GM): Aha!
  664. Turpin Hedgehopper: So. The whole place goes black?
  665. Wizzz A. (GM): It sure does!
  666. Turpin Hedgehopper will try to find Damon and slit his throat. Even cut his head off if possible.
  667. Lady Hollen D'marlend climbs.
  668. Lady Hollen D'marlend but also doesn't care if Damon dies.
  669. Duron Fullmane will try and block the water thing in the dark!
  670. Wizzz A. (GM): You slap at something wet, but aren't really sure if you're blocking it or not
  671. 2 deadmon
  672. Turpin, you clamber all over hollen but damon is hanging on a rope. She may askwtf you're doing
  673. Duron Fullmane: also does my shiny clapper affect the darkness at all?
  674. Wizzz A. (GM): Nope
  675. Duron Fullmane: ok
  676. Turpin Hedgehopper: "Gonna find Damon."
  677. Duron Fullmane not sure he's doing anything he starts climbing up
  678. Wizzz A. (GM): It's not a continual light spell to counter out darkness, just direly radioactive. Save vs leukemia!
  679. jk
  680. Duron Fullmane: im dead so whatever
  681. Wizzz A. (GM): The voice of crabby exhorts trickles to do something, but nothing occurs
  682. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "Shh my child..."
  683. Wizzz A. (GM): You leave the well
  684. Oh no Duron, liquid is trickling on you from above!
  685. Did trickles get past you?
  686. Hmm, it's all warm though
  687. Duron Fullmane: is it still dark?
  688. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh dear.
  689. Wizzz A. (GM): Duron is the last out and the last to find the dead damon
  690. Duron Fullmane is hoping no one just pissed themself
  691. Wizzz A. (GM): bled all over the poor guy
  692. Duron Fullmane sighs in relief for some reason
  693. Ni'Len (Townlocke): Did we need him alive?
  694. Wizzz A. (GM): Nope, you just needed to stop the siphoning of crops
  695. Lady Hollen D'marlend breathes the fucker.
  696. Turpin Hedgehopper: Killing is wrong, too.
  697. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "Yes son...Very wrong..."
  698. Jabon: Hey. You must be the new high priestess I've heard so much about.
  699. Wizzz A. (GM): 15 int 11 wis 10 cha
  700. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "I do what I can child."
  701. Turpin Hedgehopper: Wizard!
  702. Jabon: I was an elf wizard, so, I got first dibs.
  703. Duron Fullmane bows to him in greeting
  704. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "Duer...?"
  705. Jabon: Similar to my old body and all that. M'shesh is considerate like that! Going heretic in the dungeon was the best decision I ever made. TOo bad it happened because of the WORST decision I ever made.
  706. Duer: Hmm?
  707. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "I seem to have found a friend for you."
  708. "I wish to hear more of this. But I have some other concerns to attend... We have some people"
  709. Duer: Oho, well Jolly good, jolly good... He's already poring through the spellboook
  710. Wizzz A. (GM): Loots!
  711. (Oh, I assumed you were leaving the dungeon asap
  712. (no encounters unless you're off to do other weird stuff
  713. Turpin Hedgehopper: "We may as well just kill them and raise them. I doubt those two demons will let us take them if they don't want to go."
  714. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "Please share, Duer... Maybe Jabon can discern some of the more interesting elven."
  715. Turpin Hedgehopper: "They'll be shared by the guild. Jabon will have to pay the entry fee like everybody else."
  716. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "We will not be killing them.......nor heading through that well again I assume."
  717. Duer: Of course, and the Gondalons speak excellent elvish. Well, nothing else, really.
  718. Wizzz A. (GM): 650
  719. Turpin Hedgehopper also speaks elf!
  720. Turpin Hedgehopper: "They'll starve. The basilisk will probably go mad from lack of food."
  721. Wizzz A. (GM): 7200 gold worth of jewelry from damon! And the 6000 gold reward fromt he praetor!
  722. Turpin Hedgehopper: No macig jewelry?
  723. Wizzz A. (GM): Magic ring of Invisibility! Amulet of ESP!
  724. Lady Hollen D'marlend: ....ESP?
  725. Wizzz A. (GM): Gem of giant growth and gem of remove curse!
  726. Telepathy
  727. Lady Hollen D'marlend: it was more stating my interest...
  728. TL wants that.
  729. Wizzz A. (GM): Gems can be sold for 500 each or used as 1 use items
  730. Turpin Hedgehopper: Oh la la.
  731. Duron Fullmane: can i get the gem of giant growth
  732. Lady Hollen D'marlend: You two can sort that out
  733. I think it might be the better option.
  734. Charles P.: Hmm. So. I'll take the invis ring. Since you guys already picked.
  735. Duron Fullmane: works for me
  736. Lady Hollen D'marlend: I am up for negoting..
  737. Turpin Hedgehopper: And the remove curse can go in the community pile.
  738. Lady Hollen D'marlend: TL needs to know what everyone is thinking though..
  739. fair
  740. Turpin Hedgehopper: Cuz nobody cares about it.
  741. Wizzz A. (GM): Also damon had an astounding trove of spells
  742. Lady Hollen D'marlend: We will care when we get a curse
  743. Graaaannnnnd
  744. Duron Fullmane: Duron wants to become a better bodyguard like Dnorr
  745. Wizzz A. (GM): because he looted several astounding troves of spells before you guys could get to them
  746. Duron Fullmane: damn
  747. Lady Hollen D'marlend: he could cast 5th?
  748. Wizzz A. (GM): You'll never know
  749. RIP bossfight
  750. Lady Hollen D'marlend: Possibly lvl 9
  751. Wizzz A. (GM): oh
  752. and I can reveal the time tower saved you all from a TPK
  753. Turpin Hedgehopper: Omg. I wanna be a wizard again. I'll just have to live vicariously theough duer...
  754. Wizzz A. (GM): with his unasked for honessty
  755. Long long ago, you were in Damon's 'throne room' and he asked you where you got your spears
  756. The prevailing notion was to lie to him about it for somereason, then Tower blurted it out
  757. as Damon was reading your minds the whole time
  758. he knew about the deception, and planned to murder you all if you attempted to deceive him
  759. Duron Fullmane: lol
  760. talk about lucky
  761. Turpin Hedgehopper: Welp.
  762. Wizzz A. (GM): The temple of Damon Kars, being a functionalish structure already suffused with glowing light, is donated by the praetor to the church of Riikhus
  763. Lady Hollen D'marlend: Damnit...
  764. Turpin Hedgehopper: Hey! That was gonna be my bakery!
  765. Duron Fullmane: i was wondering what was going to happen with it all
  766. Turpin Hedgehopper: Two Swords is still out there...
  767. Duron Fullmane: yup
  768. Wizzz A. (GM): btw I figure this is a good session end, but if you had any questions, in town stuff, etc etc
  769. I'm not sleeping for a while yet
  770. xp is
  771. Turpin Hedgehopper: Yep. What gold do I get?
  772. Wizzz A. (GM): 411.42857142857144 xp
  773. +100 exploration XP
  774. Duron Fullmane: what can i do with gem of giant growth? if i cant figure it out I'll just take a page from onki and eat the thing, also was wondering about gold
  775. Turpin Hedgehopper: 3771.4285714285716 gp
  776. Wizzz A. (GM): It's essentially a potion Duron
  777. But one you crush to activate
  778. rather than drink
  779. Duron Fullmane: how long does it last?
  780. Wizzz A. (GM): You could probably find some way of fusing it to you, but eating it would not be enough
  781. I think 2 hours
  782. Lady Hollen D'marlend: what level i shabon?
  783. Wizzz A. (GM): Makes you 15 feet tall
  784. Duron Fullmane: I'll look into the fusion option
  785. Turpin Hedgehopper: Good for one boss fight.
  786. Wizzz A. (GM): Well, there's one entity you know of capable of fusing magical items and people
  787. Turpin Hedgehopper: Also, what happened with the spear?
  788. Wizzz A. (GM): Not done yet
  789. Duron Fullmane: to the giant!
  790. Lady Hollen D'marlend: .... i think Wiz meant the demon
  791. Wizzz A. (GM): yeah
  792. Duron Fullmane: oh
  793. Turpin Hedgehopper: Lol she prolly hates us right now.
  794. Lady Hollen D'marlend: GEE
  795. Duron Fullmane: damn
  796. Lady Hollen D'marlend: I WONDER WHY
  797. Duron Fullmane: well i'll hold onto it
  798. Lady Hollen D'marlend: XD
  799. Wizzz A. (GM): Psh, don't worry about the demon hating you
  800. worry about trickles hating you
  801. Turpin Hedgehopper: We can time skip right? I'm dying of curiosity!
  802. Wizzz A. (GM): oh sure
  803. Duron Fullmane: 4 HP!!!!
  804. Turpin Hedgehopper: Yeah, it sucks that I'm actually the villain 95% of the time.
  805. One timeskip later
  806. Wizzz A. (GM): The airship arrives at the volcano, cuz ain't no other way you're carrying it
  807. The spear is about as long as the airship, and glows like a coal
  808. Duron Fullmane will ask about infusing the gem into some equipment or weapon
  809. Lady Hollen D'marlend: does the giant know the properties of the spear?
  810. we also got the guys out the fron right and the lizard?
  811. Giant: I call it Horizon Cremator. I wouldn't call it my finest work, but it is indubitably the largest.
  812. Wizzz A. (GM): Nah- If you return you'll find the lightspears missing and something killed the undead basilisk.
  813. And a few of the lightspears, hhonestly
  814. Turpin Hedgehopper: !
  815. Lady Hollen D'marlend: ....rebreathing them all.
  816. Wizzz A. (GM): No good
  817. Lady Hollen D'marlend: ....
  818. Wizzz A. (GM): killed as in 'shredded and ate'
  819. Lady Hollen D'marlend: Anyone got salt pork?
  820. Wizzz A. (GM): Or buried the scraps of flesh somewhere secret, but y'know, lets go with 'ate' as the simplest explanation
  821. Turpin Hedgehopper: Wow. That door became useless exactly five seconds after Damon left.
  822. Wizzz A. (GM): Assembly of skeletons from the fragments will have to be another adventure!
  823. Duron Fullmane: is the giant able to do anything with the gem of giants growth?
  824. Wizzz A. (GM): There is another portcullis in the room
  825. so exploration could continue- also no Duron
  826. Duron Fullmane: damn
  827. Giant: There's no essence in this thing.
  828. Turpin Hedgehopper: Back to Horizon Cremator!
  829. Giant: Jus' magic.
  830. Duron Fullmane "worth a shot"
  831. Wizzz A. (GM): Horizon Cremator burns constantly, dealing extra fire damage. When its name is spoken, it glows enough to illuminate a huge area with light equivalent to shadowy edges of torchlight.
  832. Giant: It also van be thrown, once.
  833. Wizzz A. (GM): *can
  834. He chuckles nastily
  835. Giant: Aim at at something far away if it comes to that.
  836. Lady Hollen D'marlend: "How far do yuo think?"
  837. Giant: I haven't tested it myself, but if it works as I hope... the name should give you a hint.
  838. A fine essence granted, oh yes.
  839. He laughs again.
  840. Turpin Hedgehopper: Awesome.
  841. Duron Fullmane: alright GG GN, thanks Wizzz
  842. Turpin Hedgehopper: K gn guys.
  843. Lady Hollen D'marlend: GG
  844. Wizzz A. (GM): n
  845. Charles P.: The same person took down the demon, got the dragon reward, and now Karz. Hollens gotta. Be a huge deal by now, right?
  846. Wizzz A. (GM): Yup
  847. Famous eccentric noblewoman adventurer
  848. She keeps herself apart from society due to the whole M'shesh thing so nobody really knows her, they just know OF her/.
  849. Charles P.: Is Turpin a big deal yet?
  850. Wizzz A. (GM): Hmm... possibly less so as an adventurer, more so as a a rich child genius
  851. And less to the general public
  852. He has more connections to various individuals than 'the people'
  853. Charles P.: I can angle this. Work my way into the Preators court...
  854. Wizzz A. (GM): After all, a lot of his interactions ahve been with dungeon and wilderness inhabitants
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